单词 | 机变 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 机变 —flexibleless common: pragmatic • adaptable • improvisation Examples:随机应变—change according to the situation (idiom); pragmatic
如果在查询延迟中发生 状态改变(从缓冲区满变为空,或者从 联 机变 为 脱 机 ) , 系统将发送新打印机状态并结束查询 延迟。 printronix.com | If a transition (from buffer full to empty or online to offline) occurs during a poll delay, the new printer state will be sent at the end of the poll delay. printronix.cn |
委员会建议采取能将危机变成变革机 遇 并能降低对业已改 善的两性平等关系的威胁的干预措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends interventions that [...] treat crises as opportunities for change and reduce [...]the threats to improved gender equality. daccess-ods.un.org |
特殊的摄影机变形镜 头在摄影时用于挤压影像。 motion.kodak.com | Special anamorphic camera lenses are used to squeeze the image during capture. motion.kodak.com |
福伊特为这座现代化的抽水蓄能电站提供两台额定功率为 380 MW 的可变速水泵水轮机、两台额定功率为 440 MVA 的异步电动发电机、变频器 、控制系统以及水工钢结构组件。 voith.com | Voith has delivered two variable-speed pump turbines, each with 380 MW rated power, two asynchronous motor generators, each offering 440 MVA in rated power, the frequency converter and the control systems, as well as the hydromechanical equipment for the modern pumped storage power plant, Frades II. voith.com |
mVoice 可以将您的手机变成一个微型录音机,随时可供录音 — 在您驾车或走在大街上时尤其有用。 jabra.cn | With mVoice, you can turn your phone into a mini-recorder, always ready for dictation - especially helpful when you're driving or walking down the street. jabra.com |
生活的各个方面都受到了严重的影响, 贫困、饥饿、疾病和不稳定达到了令人震惊的程度, [...] 特别是占人口将近 56%的难民和儿童,致使人道主义 危机变成了一场灾难。 daccess-ods.un.org | All aspects of life were severely impacted, with poverty, hunger, disease and instability rising to alarming levels, particularly among the refugee population and children — [...] who constitute nearly 56 per cent of the population — exacerbating the [...] humanitarian crisis to catastrophic proportions. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为几乎所有汽车制造商的工程合作伙伴和供应商,我们开发并生产面向未来的发 动 机 、 变 速 箱和底盘的零部件并和客户一起开发系统解决方案。 schaeffler.cn | As an engineering partner and supplier for almost all automobile manufacturers, we develop and manufacture forward-looking products and system solutions for engineers, transmissions, and chassis. schaeffler.cn |
以美国为例,其能效标准涉及电冰箱、雪柜、家用空调、中央空调和热泵、 炉子和锅炉、热水器、直燃型取暖器、洗衣机、干衣机、洗碗机、炉灶和烤炉、 [...] 泳池加热器、荧光灯镇流器、电视、荧光灯、白炽灯、 电 机 、 变 压 器 、高强度气 体放电灯(HID)等众多电器和设备。 switch-china-sme.eu | For example, in the US, there are energy-efficiency standards for many electrical appliances and equipments such as refrigerators, household air-conditioners, central air-conditioning and heating pumps, stoves and boilers, water heaters, direct-fired heaters, washing machines, drying machines, dishwashers, cooking ranges and ovens, swimming pool heaters, [...] ballast of fluorescent lamps, TV sets, fluorescent lamps, electric motors, [...] transformers and Human Interface Devices (HID). switch-china-sme.eu |
此外,使用路博润 5088配制的产品具有出色的氧化寿命,有助于延长油品使用寿命,它还与风力发 电 机变 速 箱 中的密封件相兼容。 cn.lubrizol.com | In addition, products formulated with Lubrizol 5088 have excellent oxidation life which helps extend the life of the fluid, and are compatible with seals found in wind turbine gear boxes. lubrizol.com |
国际民航组织的航空安全方案着重防止非法干扰民用航空的行为,包括把飞 机变成毁 灭性武器以及用炸弹或武器摧毁民航机的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Aviation Security Programme of ICAO focuses on preventing acts of unlawful interference with civil aviation, including acts in which an aircraft becomes a weapon of destruction, as well as acts in which a civil aircraft is destroyed by a bomb or weapon. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们后来选择的发动机、变速箱 、立体框架、车身、悬挂、刹车及电子装置均符合上述要求。 lamborghini.com | The choices for engine, transmission, space frame and body, suspensions, brakes and electronics are then all in line with such an objective. lamborghini.com |
第三,我们必须防止保护主义再度抬头,我 [...] 们还必须完成多哈回合,因为,如果我们重蹈 1930 年代破坏就业并把一次金融危机变为 大 萧条的保护 主义的覆辙,历史将会谴责我们。 daccess-ods.un.org | Thirdly, we must prevent a further outbreak of protectionism and we must conclude Doha, as history will condemn us if [...] we repeat the job-destroying protectionism of the [...] 1930s that transformed a financial crisis into a fullblown [...]depression. daccess-ods.un.org |
安装位置旁不能有热源或产生强磁场的设备(如 电 机 , 变 压 器 等)。 buehler-beijing.com | No heat sources or appliances which produce strong magnetic fields (e.g. electro motors, transformers) should be put in the proximity of installation place. buehler-beijing.com |
到 2005 年,Top Runner 项 目已经覆盖了 18 种产品,包括客运车、空调、荧光灯、电视机、录像机、复印 机、计算机、磁盘驱动器、货运车、电冰箱、暖气、燃气灶、燃气热水器、燃油 热水器、便洁宝、自动售卖机、变压 器 等。 switch-china-sme.eu | By 2005, the Top Runner Project had covered 18 kinds of products, including passenger vehicles, air-conditioners, fluorescent lamps, TV sets, VCRs, copy machines, computers, disk drives, freight vehicles, refrigerators, central heating equipment, gas stoves, gas water heaters, fuel water heaters, toilets, vending machines and transformers etc. switch-china-sme.eu |
因此,我们的产品涵盖应用于齿轮油、发 电 机 、 变 压 器油、变流器、液 压回路和电力电子冷却的各种解决方案。 nissens.com | As a result, our product offer covers solutions applied in the cooling of gear oil, generators, transformer oil, converters, hydraulic circuits and power electronics. nissens.com |
康维明绝缘产品的领域有:电动机,交流发电机,发 电 机 , 变 压 器 (干式,树脂型,油型)和电子电路。 coveme.com | The fields where Coveme products are used for flexible electrical insulation are: electric motors, alternators, generators, transformers (dry, cast resin or oil) and electronic circuits. coveme.com |
您可以在线管理您的业务来电;即时预定会议室和董事会议室;发送、存储、共享电子文件;通过 WebEx 召开网络会议;将您的计算机变成 VoIP 电话;预定多语言服务等等。 servcorp.com.cn | With this powerful system you can have total call management online, book boardrooms and meeting rooms instantly, store, share and distribute your electronic files, host a web conference via WebEx, convert your computer into a VoIP phone, reserve multilingual administrative assistance and much more. servcorp.co.jp |
若要使⽤⾃动调整变焦,请保持变焦 杆在 z(望远)位置直⾄照相机变焦 ⾄最⼤倍率,然后短暂释放变焦杆并 再次将其转动⾄ z。 ricoh.com | To use auto resize zoom, hold the zoom lever at z (Telephoto) until the camera is zoomed all the way in, then briefly release the zoom lever and turn it to z again. ricoh.com |
完成合成、环保型多用途拖拉机变速 器 油,适用于农用机械和土方机械中的 变速箱、轮轴、液压系统、缓凝剂等。 panolin.com | Fully synthetic environmentally compatible UTTO for combined use in gearboxes, axles, hydraulic systems and retarders in agricultural and earth-moving machinery. panolin.se |
国际社会未能把危机变成一 个新的“布雷顿森林 体系的契机”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community failed to [...] turn the crisis into a new “Bretton [...]Woods moment”. daccess-ods.un.org |
希腊总理帕潘德里欧以社会党国际主席身份 [...] 访问北京时与中国国家主席胡锦涛会面 (2009年5月) 在贺信中,欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐(President [...] Barroso)强调欧洲正面临巨大挑战,强调每个人都应到展示出勇气与合作的态度, 为全体欧洲人建立一个安全的未来,是欧洲可以退出金融 危 机 , 变 得 更 强大 。 grpressbeijing.com | PM George Papandreou with Chinese President Hu Jintao during his visit in Beijing (May 2009) as President of the Socialist International In his congratulatory letter, European Commission President Barroso underlined the challenges with which Europe is faced, stressing that everybody should display [...] courage, cooperate and build a secure future for all Europeans so that Europe can [...] exit the economic crisis much stronger. grpressbeijing.com |
您的防毒程序有时会检查正在传入的影像,从而使计 算 机变 得 缓 慢。 graphics.kodak.com | Sometimes your anti-virus program [...] checks the images as they come across, [...]thus slowing the PC down. graphics.kodak.com |
点阵打印机变成了 “乐器”,而当代办公室典型的电脑网络系统则是演奏乐器的“交响乐团”。 shanghaibiennale.org | Dot matrix printers are turned into musical [...] ‘instruments’, while a computer network system, typical of a contemporary office, [...]becomes the ‘orchestra’ used to play them. shanghaibiennale.org |
本文帮助解决在用户登录运行Microsoft Windows的计算机后计算机变得不 响应的问题。 support.dell.com | This article helps to resolve issues with a computer running Microsoft Windows becoming nonresponsive after the user has logged in. support.dell.com |
它们可通过配方实现中等水平的耐油度,这使得它们适用于发 动 机 、 变 速 箱基座以及汽车排气管挂架的配方。 exxonmobilchemical.com | They can be formulated to have an intermediate level of oil resistance, making them suitable for engine and transmission mounts and automotive exhaust hanger formulations. exxonmobilchemical.com |
其原因尚不清楚,可 能是随机变动所致。 daccess-ods.un.org | The cause of this is unclear, and may be due to random fluctuations. daccess-ods.un.org |
市场上有许多入门级的安卓手机,他们不告诉你更新ROM软件是一个复杂的过程,需要繁琐的电脑软件和安装驱动程序,存在潜在的高风险,可能把 手 机变 成 砖 头。 xtreamermobile.com | Many entry level Android phones are offered in the market. What they don't tell you is that updating them with a new ROM is a process that requires a difficult PC software and driver installation with potential high risk of bricking the device. xtreamermobile.com |
我 们 为 所 有 需 要 对 齿 轮 机 油 、发 电 机 、变 压 器 油 、变 流 器 、 液压回路和电子设备进行冷却的陆地和海上风力发电机应 用提供合适的冷却解决方案。 nissens.com | We offer cooling solutions for any on- and off-shore wind turbine application requiring cooling of gear oil, generators, transformer oil, converters, hydraulic circuits and power electronics. nissens.com |
一场主题为“农用拖拉机动力传动系统的排放、性能和生产率:对发 动 机 、 变 速 器 和车桥的挑战”的研讨会将来自全球各大领先公司的专家汇聚一堂,其中包括来自约翰迪尔、博世、AVL、铁姆肯公司和Wellman Products Group集团的卡莱尔制动器及摩擦事业部的专家。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Farm Tractor Powertrain Emissions, Performance and Productivity: Challenges for Engines, Transmissions and Axles brought together a wide range of experts from leading global companies including John Deere, Bosch, AVL, Timken and Wellman Products Group’s Carlisle Brake & Friction division. drivelinenews.com |