

单词 朱镕基

See also:

surname Zhu


External sources (not reviewed)

254 另外一次是德国总理格拉尔德·施罗德于 1999 年 5 月 13 日,以德国、北约和北 约秘书长哈维尔·索拉纳的名义,向唐家璇外交部长 朱镕基 总 理 道歉。
254 A further apology was addressed on 13 May 1999 by German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder on behalf of Germany, NATO and NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana to Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan and Premier Zhu Rongji.255 (5) As with regard to other forms of reparation, the rules of the responsible international organization will determine which organ or agent is competent to give satisfaction on behalf of the organization.
由于之前对成为两个相互扶 持国家的概念的承诺——谈判基本 原 则— 朱巴 将被要求做出更多以缓和经济打击。
Given previous commitment to the
concept of two mutually viable
[...] states – a basic principle of the negotiations – Juba would be asked for [...]
more so as to soften the blow.
利用离子镀中最常用的热蒸发空心阴极离子镀 (HCD法)和活性反应离子镀(ARE法)可在材料表 镕 覆 一 层金属合金、化合物等硬质耐磨镀层。
The most common use of ion plating of hot evaporation hollow cathode ion plating (HCD law) and the active response ion plating (ARE method) can be in material surface covered in a metal alloy melt, compound, hard wear-resisting coating.
我還記得,前國務院總朱鎔基更 慷 慨激昂地表示,中央政府會不惜一切,甚至動用國家儲備,亦要捍衞港元 [...]
I still recall that
[...] former Premier ZHU Rongji had even indicated [...]
in an impassioned speech that the Central Government would
stop at nothing and even draw down national reserves to uphold the stability of Hong Kong Dollar.
(a) 设施和基础设施(9 476 400 美元),主要是由于朱巴的“联合国之家”
建设计划所需经费减少,维修服务费用降低,发电机更换和住宿设备所需经费减 少,以及安保和安全装备更换方面的所需费用减少,但下列方面的所需经费增加
[...] 对此有所抵消:主要是安保服务外包以及设施的改建和翻修,包括道路和桥梁的 修缮、机场、直升机停机坪的维修以及位于联苏特派团当前地点 朱 巴 后 勤 基地 的扩建
(a) Facilities and infrastructure ($9,476,400), due mainly to reduced requirements in the construction programme of the United Nations House in Juba, lower maintenance services costs, lower requirements for the replacement of generators and for accommodation equipment and lower requirements in connection with the replacement of security and safety equipment, offset by additional requirements primarily for the outsourcing of security services and for the alteration and renovation of facilities, including repair of
roads and bridges, airfield and helipad maintenance and
[...] extension of the Juba logistics base at the current UNMIS [...]
主席,其實,我並非要求特首好像我們前國家總 朱 鎔基 般, 說要預先購買棺材來跟它“砌”過,我並非要他預先購買棺材,我們無 [...]
President, honestly speaking, I am not asking the Chief
Executive to follow the example of our
[...] former Premier ZHU Rongji, who said that [...]
he had purchased a coffin before he started the "battle".
此外,特派团还将扩大朱巴的后勤 基 地 , 以便通过肯 尼亚和乌干达运送物资。
Furthermore, the Mission will
[...] also expand the Juba logistics base to support the [...]
delivery of supplies through Kenya and Uganda.
他 認 為 ,由案 發
[...] 至政府提出檢控所 費 時 間 , 又 適朱 鎔 基總理最 近 訪 港,或 會 令 人 [...]
懷疑是次提出檢控是否對政 治 活躍分 子 的 政 治 打壓。
He expressed the view that the time which the Government had taken in prosecuting
the case and the timing of the recent
[...] visit of Premier ZHU Rongji to Hong Kong [...]
might have contributed to speculation that
the prosecution was an act of political suppression against political activists.
我 曾經朱 鎔 基 總 理 和中國人民 銀 行行長戴 相 龍 先生交談 , [...]
討論香港小 型 銀 行 所 遭 受 的 種種限制的 不 公 平之處。
I have talked with Premier ZHU Rongji and the Governor [...]
of the People's Bank of China, Mr DAI Xianglong, to discuss the unfairness
of the limitations on smaller Hong Kong banks.
奥贝德后勤基地将继续 作为军需转运中心,但是将随朱巴 后 勤 基 地 重 要性日增而缩小规模,并继续对 喀土穆和北部阿卜耶伊、卡杜格莉、达马津各区的补给和再补给发挥重要作用。
The El Obeid logistics base will continue as a military transit hub, but will downsize in proportion to the growth in
[...] importance of the Juba logistics base, and remain critical [...]
for supply and
re-supply to Khartoum and the northern sectors Abyei, Kadugli and Ed Damazin.
朱 鎔 基 總 理 希望小 市民明年能 獲 加薪, 我們也希望能夠 [...]
Premier ZHU Rongji has earlier [...]
expressed his hope that the salary of ordinary citizens can be increased next year.
劉慧卿議員問:副主席先生,鑑於總督政制改革建議在㆗英兩國之間引起的外 交紛爭日趨激烈,而有關爭議更隨 ㆗國副總朱鎔基先生 於本月十六日在倫敦公開 質問究竟㆗國政府還要不要遵守聯合聲明而呈白熱化,政府會否要求英國政府全面及 坦誠㆞披露自從總督於十月七日發表施政報告以來㆗英兩國互相就有關事宜所交換的 訊息,使香港㆟不致覺得在這個討論他們前途的談判㆗被蒙在鼓裏?
MISS EMILY LAU asked (in Cantonese): In view of the escalating diplomatic row between Britain and China over the Governor's proposed political reforms, culminating in the Chinese Vice Premier's query on 16 November 1992 on the need to adhere to the Joint Declaration, will the Administration request the British Government to give a full and frank disclosure of the relevant exchanges between the British and Chinese Governments since the Governor's policy address on 7 October 1992 so that Hong Kong people will no longer be kept in the dark on negotiations which affect their future?
在 Tomping 地址,已完成的建筑项目包括工作人员生活宿舍、财 产处置场,以及从尼罗河到该地点共 3.2 公里的供水管道,而正在施工的建筑项 目包括预计将于 2012 年 6 月竣工的后基地,以及朱巴机 场停机坪。
At the Tomping site, completed construction projects included staff living accommodations, the property-disposal yard and a water pipeline, totalling 3.2 km in length, from the Nile River to the site, while
construction was in progress
[...] at the logistics base, which is expected to be completed by June 2012, and for the Juba airport apron.
過去24個月的總結排名顯示,九個政治人物曾經上榜四次 朱 鎔 基 排 名 第一,平均得75.4分,溫家寶及胡錦濤名列第二及第三位,平均分分別為74.6及71.8分,江澤民、馬英九及連戰則分別佔第四至第六位,得64.9、63.3及52.7分,至於第七至第九位的排名,依次為李登輝、呂秀蓮及陳水扁,分別得32.2、31.6及30.7分。
The overall rankings in the past 24 months showed that nine
political figures have been on the list for four
[...] times. They are Zhu Rongji in the top [...]
rank achieving an average rating of 75.4
marks, Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao who ranked 2nd and 3rd, attaining 74.6 and 71.8 marks correspondingly, Jiang Zemin, Ma Ying-jeou and Lien Chan who ranked 4th to 6th with respective scores of 64.9, 63.3 and 52.7 marks, while Lee Teng-hui, Lu Hsiu-lien and Chen Shui-bian at the 7th to 9th ranks, attaining 32.2, 31.6 and 30.7 marks correspondingly.
過去18個月的總結排名顯示,八個政治人物曾經上榜四次,溫家寶排名第一,平均得77.5分 朱 鎔 基 、 胡 錦濤及吳儀名列第二至第四位,平均分分別為75.3、74.6及71.6分,馬英九、江澤民、李登輝及陳水扁則分別佔第五及第八位,得64.5、62.1、37.6及21.1分,呂秀蓮上榜三次,得31.9分,排名第九。
The overall rankings in the past 18 months showed that eight political figures have been on the list for four times.
9月底的調查顯示,在十位香港市民最熟悉的內地及台灣政治人物之中,以支持度排名,溫家寶名列首位,得79.7分;其次 朱 鎔 基 、 胡錦濤、吳儀及馬英九,名列第二至五位,分別得75.0、74.9、69.7及64.5分;江澤民、連戰及李鵬分別得58.9、51.3及45.4分,列第六至八位。
Survey conducted in late-September revealed that, among the ten most well-known political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan, in terms of popularity rating, Wen Jiabao topped the list, attaining 79.7 marks.
朱巴后勤基地预 计将在 2010/11 年度全面投入使用,一旦建成,将有 更多采购的物品经由蒙巴萨/恩德培运抵。
As the Juba logistics base is expected to be [...]
fully operational in 2010/11, more acquisitions will be routed through Mombasa/Entebbe once it has been completed.
来自尼泊尔的上述第一个记录等基 于 宫本 9592300(钼朱蕉)。
The above
[...] first record from Nepal is based on Miyamoto et al. 9592300 [...]
(MO, TI).
以色列当局最近遵循以色列法院 2007 年的裁定,对靠基尔贝特朱巴拉村 的一段隔离墙进行改线。
The Israeli
[...] authorities also recently began re-routing a section [...]
of the Wall next to Khirbet Jubara village, following an
Israeli court decision from 2007.
深入分析顯示,50歲或以上人士對溫家寶 朱 鎔 基 和 胡 錦濤的評分明顯較高,對李登輝和陳水扁的評分就明顯較低,或許反映了上一代的民族情結。
Further analysis shows that those of age 50
or above give relatively higher ratings to
[...] Wen Jiabao, Zhu Rongji and Hu Jintao, [...]
and lower ratings to Lee Teng-hui and Chen
Shui-bian, probably reflecting the patriotic complex of the older generation.
那邊廂,已經卸任國務院總理朱鎔 基 仍 然 深受市民愛戴,評分保持高企;而國家主席胡錦濤及總理溫家寶的評分亦超過70分,似乎未被本地政改爭拗波及。
On the other front,
[...] ex-Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji has remained [...]
to be Hong Kong people's favourite, while President Hu Jintao
and Premier Wen Jiabao have also attained ratings above 70 marks.
(c) 朱偉基先生在其意見書[ 立法會 CB(2)1390/11-12(05) [...]
號文件] 第 25段就選舉權及被選舉權所提出 的意見,值得留意。
(c) Mr CHU Wai-kei's view on the [...]
right to vote and the right to stand for election contained in paragraph 25 of his submission
[LC Paper No. CB(2)1390/11-12(05)] was noteworthy.
李卓人議員、 陳婉嫻議員、 陳鑑林議員、 梁耀忠議員、 劉千石議員、 劉江華 議員、
[...] 蔡素玉議員、 譚耀宗議員、 鄧兆棠議員、 馮基議員、 朱幼麟議員、 吳亮星議員、 楊耀忠議員及 [...]
劉漢銓議員反 對。
Mr LEE Cheuk-yan, Miss CHAN Yuen-han, Mr CHAN Kam-lam, Mr LEUNG Yiu-chung, Mr LAU Chin-shek, Mr LAU Kong-wah, Miss CHOY So-yuk, Mr
TAM Yiu-chung, Dr TANG Siu-tong, Mr
[...] Frederick FUNG, Mr David CHU, Mr NG Leung-sing, Mr [...]
YEUNG Yiu-chung and Mr Ambrose LAU voted against the amendment.
(b) 第 2 区:中朱巴州和朱巴州(基斯马 尤):该区兵力主要由换盔的肯尼 亚国防军组成(军警人员 [...]
4 700 名)
(b) Sector 2:
[...] Middle and Lower Juba regions (Kismaayo): the troops [...]
in this sector will consist mainly of the rehatted Kenyan
Defence Force (uniformed personnel strength: 4,700)
代表团成员组成情况如下: 阿格申·梅赫迪耶夫大使(阿塞拜疆) 田林参赞(中国) 内斯托·奥索里奥大使(哥伦比亚) 热拉尔·阿罗大使(法国) 格特·罗森塔尔大使(危地马拉) 彼得·维蒂希大使(德国)
[...] 穆罕默德·卢利什基大使(摩洛哥) 拉扎·巴希尔·塔拉尔大使(巴基斯坦) 若奥·卡布拉尔大使(葡萄牙) 尼基塔·朱可夫大使(俄罗斯联邦) 巴索·桑库大使(南非) 科乔·梅南大使(多哥) 马克·莱尔·格兰特大使(联合王国) [...]
Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev (Azerbaijan) Counsellor Lin Tian (China) Ambassador Néstor Osorio (Colombia) Ambassador Gérard Araud (France) Ambassador Peter Wittig (Germany) Ambassador Gert Rosenthal (Guatemala) Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri (India) Ambassador Mohammed Loulichki (Morocco)
Ambassador Raza Bashir
[...] Tarar (Pakistan) Ambassador João Cabral (Portugal) Ambassador Nikita Zhukov (Russian Federation) [...]
Ambassador Baso
Sangqu (South Africa) Ambassador Kodjo Menan (Togo) Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom) Ambassador Susan Rice (United States)
我認為那些對我這次訪問進行宣傳式的例 行批評,實在與㆗國副總朱鎔基提 出 的明智準確評論迥然不同。
I thought that there was a marked difference between some of the rather routine propaganda attacks on my visit
and the sensible and accurate remarks made
[...] by Vice Premier ZHU Rongji who said I [...]
had been lobbying on MFN in Washington in
Hong Kong's interest, a remark which is accurate and precise.
我們支 持 原 議 案 , 但就各修正 案而言 ,一如剛才馮志堅議員對 陳婉嫻議員和 李卓人議員的修 正 案所表達的 意見, 自 由 黨 亦有同感 , 尤 其 是 李卓人議員提出 共 同分享 經 濟 轉 型 成 果 的 此 類分化 勞 資 雙 方的建 議,自 由 黨 是 不 會 支 持 的 ; 反 而 , 由於鄭家富議員的修 正 案基於 朱幼麟議員的原 議 案 再 加 引 申,建 議 是模稜 兩 可 的,我們覺 得 無 理 由不支 持 該修正 案。
In particular, Mr LEE Cheuk-yan has put forward in his amendment the proposal to enable both the employers and the employees to share the fruits of economic restructuring, the Liberal Party believes this proposal will serve to polarize the employers and the employees and should therefore not be supported.
至於十大的相對排名朱鎔基與溫 家寶互換位置,分別排名第一及第二,胡錦濤繼續排名第三,習近平再次上榜排名第四,而馬英九和江澤民分別下跌一位排名第五及第六,李克強新上榜排名第七,連戰和李登輝則分別下跌兩位排名第八及第九,陳水扁則繼續排第十位。
As for the
[...] relative rankings, Zhu Rongji and Wen Jiabao [...]
have swapped positions to rank 1st and 2nd, while Hu Jintao continues to rank 3rd.
9月中的調查顯示,在十位香港市民最熟悉的內地及台灣政治人物之中,以支持度排名,溫家寶 朱 鎔 基 及 胡 錦濤是最熟悉的政治人物,分別得76.5、76.2及74.3分;其次是曾於本月初訪問香港的曾慶紅,名列第四位,得67.4分;江澤民、馬英九及連戰則分別佔第五至第七位,得65.6、65.4及56.8分;至於第八至第十位的排名,分別是陳水扁、呂秀蓮及李登輝,得38.9、38.3及37.7分。
Survey conducted in mid-September revealed that, among the ten most well-known political figures in Mainland China and Taiwan, in terms of popularity rating, Wen Jiabao, Zhu Rongji and Hu Jintao were the most popular political figures, attaining 76.5, 76.2 and 74.3 marks respectively.




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