

单词 本质上

See also:


innate character
intrinsic quality

质上 adv

in essence adv

External sources (not reviewed)

本质上,可 持续性包含教育和文化 的多样性,教科文组织的中期战略草案在强调普 [...]
遍性、多样性和尊严的核心重要性时承认这一 点。
In its essence, sustainability [...]
embraces education and diversity of cultures as recognized in UNESCO’s emphasis in the Draft
Medium-Term Strategy upon the central importance of universality, diversity and dignity.
刑事诽谤法本质上是严 苛的,且对言论 自由权有过度的寒蝉效应。
[...] defamation laws are inherently harsh and have [...]
a disproportionate chilling effect on the right to freedom of expression.
其结果是,本质上是用无 辜者的鲜血浇灭的。
The result was that the fire was essentially quelled with [...]
the blood of the innocent.
本质上提供 初级保健的其他服务,如家庭专业护理、助产服务、健康推 广工作和预防疾病、单位和学校保健而言,没有同等发展的网络可以覆盖整个国 [...]
In the case of other services which in essence provide primary level [...]
care, such as nursing care at home, midwife’s service,
health promotion and prevention, health care at work and school, there is no equally developed network which would cover the whole country and provide equal and good accessibility.
因此,具有苦涩讽刺意义的 是:促成这些进步成为可能的妇女与女孩往往遭受到一种 本质上 基 于 性别的剥 削。
It is therefore a bitter irony that the women and girls who made such advances possible are often subjected to a form of exploitation that is gender-based at its heart.
提议的修订分四类:(a) 已得到委员会核可的对 2001 年《示
范公约》的实质性修改;(b) 委员会尚未核可的实质性修改;(c) 反映《经合组
[...] 织示范公约》参考部分更新内容的修改, 本质上 来 说 这些修改是实质性的,因 为这种修改会对按《联合国示范公约》订立的条约的解释和适用产生影响;(d) [...]
纯 粹文字上的修改。
There were four types of revisions proposed: (a) substantive changes to the 2001 Model Convention that had already been approved by the Committee; (b) substantive changes not yet approved by the Committee; (c) changes reflecting updates of
referenced parts of the OECD Model
[...] Convention, which were substantive in nature as [...]
they could have an impact on the interpretation
and application of treaties that would follow the United Nations Model Convention; and (d) purely editorial changes.
[...] 而强调通过增加巡逻和车辆检查哨而采取更加灵活机动的态势,淡化部队的存在 —本质上从明 显可见的控制改变为远距有效的威慑,从而减少不稳定性,确保 [...]
The operational focus of the Mission’s security sector component will be the continued shift from an emphasis by the Mission force on the domination of towns, routes and strategic infrastructure using guards, bunkered positions and static checkpoints, to a more fluid and flexible posture, using increased patrolling and vehicle
checkpoints, leading to a more subtle presence by
[...] the force — in essence, a move from visible [...]
domination to a form of credible deterrence
exerted from a distance, thus reducing instability and ensuring security coverage for all the major strategic locations of the Mission.
如果资源价 格暂时下跌,对资源稀缺的关切可能会减弱, 本质上 的 重 大问题——例如对所 有各类资源需求日增、不可持续地大量使用有限资源和可再生资源以及对可持续 资源使用体制投资不足(尽管正在增多)——会使资源稀缺以及对资源可持续性 的关切很快会再度成为政策议程的优先事项。
Concerns about scarcity may recede at times if prices fall temporarily, but the underlying fundamentals — of rising demand for resources of all kinds, unsustainable use levels of both finite and renewable resources and inadequate (albeit growing) investment in systems for sustainable resource use — make it likely that scarcity and concerns over resource sustainability will once again move up the policy agenda before long.
工发组织再次申明本质上支持其技术合作 方案,任何超过核心单位预算和机构费用的费用将通过工发组织的经常预算列支。
UNIDO has again
[...] confirmed that it constitutionally supports its [...]
technical cooperation programme, and any costs beyond the
core unit costs and agency fees would be subsidized through UNIDO’s regular budget.
本质 上而言 ,《禁产条约》的目标不是及时发现转作他用,而是及时发现大量裂变材 [...]
In essence, the objective of [...]
an FMCT is not the timely detection of diversion, but the timely detection of the production
of significant quantities of fissile material, as well as the verification of the correctness and completeness of state declarations under an FMCT.
黑杰克是一个字符的内蹂躏和叙事的体现 本质上 是 采取双方:善恶。
Black Jack is the embodiment of a character with an inner torn and
[...] narrative, is inherently take sides: good [...]
and evil.
我们之所以将这一范畴与 A - F 领域中的产品和活动区分开,是为了找出那 本质上 不 属于 文化范畴却能够用于生产文化产品和服务,而且使这些文化产品得以存在的必要要素。
The reason for distinguishing this category from the products and activities included in the domains A to F is to be able to
identify elements
[...] that are not essentially cultural but that can be used for the production or execution [...]
of a cultural good
or activity and that are necessary for the existence of these cultural products.
一些评论家认为世界贸易组织 本质上 来 说 是一个自由贸易组织,而全球知识产权标 [...]
Some commentators have taken the view
[...] that the WTO is essentially a free trade [...]
organisation and the global enforcement of
IP standards, among nations at very different levels of social and economic development, should not fall within its terms of reference.
这种将指标数据互相隔离的做法 本质上 违 背 了协同利用整 套指标的目的。
This practice of compartmentalization of indicator data essentially defeats the purpose of having an indicator set working in concert.
另外有 两名代表称,他们不能支持该决定草案的原因是, 本质上 说 ,该草案与氢氟 碳化合物有关,因此不属于《蒙特利尔议定书》的范畴。
Two other representatives said that they could not support the draft decision because in substance it related to HFCs, which were not within the scope of the Montreal Protocol.
虽然秘书处认为自卫措施,包括其性质、内容和适用范围, 本质上 是 国 际 法主要规则的问题,但秘书处承认,自卫也可以是一种解除不法性的情况,因此 应纳入条款草案案文。
While the Secretariat considers that the measure of self-defence — its nature, content and scope of application — is essentially a question of the primary rules of international law, it concedes that it could also operate as a circumstance precluding wrongfulness and should thus be included in the text of the draft articles.
考虑用于中央空调生产线的替代技术,即 HFC-410A 和 HFC-407C 之间的比对显 示,HFC-407C 在气候影响方面具有实质性优势;据认为, 本质上 具 有气候中立性,并 将能够适度提高能源效率。
A comparison between the alternatives considered for the central AC line, HFC-410A and HFC-407C, shows that HFC-407C would have substantial advantages in terms of climate impact; it is considered essentially climate neutral, and will lead to a moderate increase in energy efficiency.
本质上并不 脆弱,而是由于他们的社 会经济情况变得脆弱。
Individuals were not inherently vulnerable, but [...]
were made vulnerable owing to their socio-economic circumstances.
重点是正在自力更生的发展中国家,因为与发达国家的边缘――中心关系 被认本质上是反 发展的,使他们在商品贸易中专业化,因贸易条件不断恶化而 遭受损失。
The focus was on developing countries becoming self-reliant as the periphery-centre relationship with developed countries was considered intrinsically antidevelopment, relegating them to specializing in commodities trade which suffered from declining terms of trade.
这些标准的一个缺点 是,它们很难本质上改变 人们的出行模式,因此不能“整体”解决交通运输问 题。
A disadvantage of standards is that, by definition, they scarcely alter mobility patterns and therefore offer no “integral” solution to transport problems.
委员会的作用本质上看不是多边税务合作作用,虽然其工作方案与基金组 织和世界银行的工作方案存在重叠是毫无疑问的,不过,经常提出的问题是联合 国与经合组织的工作是否可能重复。
While there is no question with regard to overlap of the work programme of the Committee with those of IMF and the World Bank, the role of which is not essentially one of multilateral tax cooperation, the question is often raised about possible duplication between the work done at the United Nations and OECD.
重申必须遵照《宪章》和国际法,确保尊重各国的主权、领土完整和政治独 立以及不干涉本质上属于 任何国家国内管辖范围的事务等原则
Reaffirming the importance of ensuring respect for the principles of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political
independence of States and non-intervention in
[...] matters that are essentially within the domestic [...]
jurisdiction of any State, in accordance
with the Charter and international law
尽管有时从掘土能力上看,钻石开采规模很大,但是科特迪 瓦所有的钻石开本质上都是 手工操作,使用的仅为基本设备。
All diamond mining in Côte d’Ivoire, although sometimes large in terms of earth-moving capacity,
[...] is artisanal in nature and uses only basic [...]
亚历山大(相对于安提阿)成为学说城堡的这一点,西里尔,虽然被视为正统的, 本质上 提 供 相同的是燃料的火点燃了他的继任者,Dioscorus和欧迪奇,谁否认身体基督作为机构男子。
Alexandria (as opposed to Antioch) became the citadel of this doctrine, and Cyril, although deemed orthodox, furnished fuel for the fire kindled by his successor, Dioscorus, and Eutyches, who denied that Christ's body was the same in essence as the bodies of men.
多年的经验表明,在实践中本质上 , 执行支助股为常设委员会和非正式 联络小组提供的支助至关重要。
Experience over the years demonstrates the
[...] practical and substantive importance of [...]
ISU support to the Standing Committees and the informal contact groups.
73 另外,有证据表明新型药品的反向工 本质上 在 生 物制药学领域要比在 传统处理的化学领域更加困难。
Moreover, if the necessary investment is only triggered by the availability of a compulsory licence, there will inevitably be long delays before the drug actually reaches the intended patients.73In addition, there is some evidence that reverse engineering of new medicines is intrinsically more difficult in biopharmaceuticals than in traditional process chemistry.
本质上是一种富有挑衅性的不公和侵 犯,以色列违反了各种相关规则和国际决议,对巴勒 [...]
斯坦人民犯下种种战争罪行:杀害妇女和儿童,侵犯 宗教圣地,实行集体惩罚,关闭边界过境点,拘留成 千上万的平民和经过民主选举产生的巴勒斯坦官员, 实施种族主义扩张占领,同时在被占领阿拉伯领土特
别是耶路撒冷建立像恶性肿瘤一样的经过公开申报 和不申报的定居点,威胁耶城的生存及其伊斯兰和基 督教特性。
It is by its nature a provocative, [...]
unjust offence whereby Israel has violated all relevant rules and international resolutions
and committed every kind of war crime against the Palestinian people: killing women and children; violating the sanctity of places of worship; inflicting collective punishment; closing border crossings; detaining tens of thousands of civilians and democratically elected Palestinian officials; and pursuing a racist, expansionist occupation accompanied by cancerous, declared and undeclared settlements in the occupied Arab territories, especially Jerusalem, in a manner that targets the very existence of that city and its Islamic and Christian character.
同时,这一进程本质上必然是不断演变的,其范围是有限的,在执行中也 缺乏自主性,正是因为这些因素,有必要设计创新的短期和中期解决方案,以应 [...]
In the meantime, the necessarily evolving nature of the process, [...]
its limited scope, and lack of automaticity in its implementation
make it necessary to devise new short- and medium-term solutions to respond to operational needs.
个人小规模采矿活动的地理位置分散,流动性大,因此 本质上 难以 控制,除此以外,许多正式化方案的失败还归因于下列几个缺点:对从事个人小 规模采矿活动的人口及其动态不够了解;没有可信和可行的其他生计,特别是在 捐助者提供资金的项目中,尽管这些项目设法鼓励以其他生计代替这种采矿活 动;没有足够的经济奖励办法使矿工变成正式,因为相关的行政手续需要金钱和 [...] [...]
非金钱方面的巨大牺牲,而且申请执照获得批准的可能性很低;而且法律准许进 行小规模采矿的地区与矿床的地理分布情况毫无联系。
In addition to the geographic dispersion and mobility of the artisanal and small-scale mining activities, which make them inherently difficult to [...]
control, failure of many
formalization programmes has been attributed to the following shortcomings: insufficient knowledge of the populations involved in artisanal and small-scale mining and their dynamics; absence of credible and viable alternative livelihoods, especially in many donor-funded projects that have sought to promote alternative livelihoods to such mining; insufficient economic incentives for miners to formalize, given high monetary and non-monetary costs of the administrative processes involved, and the low probability of getting licence requests accepted; and the disconnect between legally permitted areas for small-scale extraction and the geographic distribution of mineral deposits.
这项方案,本质上讲, 不仅有助于提高母亲个人的品质,而且还支持了 她们子女的全面发展,而这反过来又让母亲对他们子女的需求变得更加敏感,并 [...]
It essentially contributes to mothers’ [...]
not only in improving their own characters but also in supporting their children’s
multidimensional development, which in return makes mothers become more sensitive concerning their children’s needs and develops the relation between them.




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