

单词 本笃会

See also:

serious (illness)

External sources (not reviewed)

This book is an
[...] illustrated calendar of Benedictine saints, marking [...]
the annual feast of each with an illustration and a brief introduction.
本笃会修士 通常被认为是手稿抄写员,但他们也怀抱着极大热情学习了新的印刷技术。
Although Benedictine monks usually [...]
are thought of as copyists of manuscripts, they enthusiastically embraced the new technology of printing.
它由德国印刷商Conrad Sweynheym和Arnold
[...] Pannartz制作,他们于1465年在罗马附近的萨伯卡 本笃会 修 道 院建立了一个印刷厂。
It was produced by the German typographers Conrad
Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, who established a printing press
[...] in 1465 at the Benedictine abbey of Subiaco, [...]
near Rome.
韦兹本笃会修道院建于公元9世纪,建成不久后便安置了圣女玛丽亚·马德莱娜(St Mary [...]
Shortly after its foundation in the
[...] 9th century, the Benedictine abbey of Vézelay [...]
acquired the relics of St Mary Magdalene
and since then it has been an important place of pilgrimage.
其占地六英亩的花园于十九世纪后半期建成,现在由 本笃 修 会 修 道 士照管。
This six-acre garden was first constructed in the latter half of the 19th century
[...] and is now cared for by Benedictine nuns.
本笃会修道 院的生活遵从圣本笃制定的规则,而不是他的生平故事,从《对话录》及其衍生作品(例如此处展示之漂亮的图文并茂版本)中仍然可以看 本笃会 修 道 院和手稿装饰的精美程度。
Although Benedictine monastic life is
[...] based on the Rule of Benedict rather than on his life’s story, the Dialogues and their derivatives, such as this handsome illustrated version, have provided a rich iconography for the adornment of Benedictine monasteries and manuscripts.
书卷的背面有圣徒索引,作者 本笃会 修 道 院院长和重要的神学作家卡尔·斯坦格尔(Karl [...]
Stengel,1581-1663 年),他大部分时间生活在巴伐利亚州的奥格斯堡。
The author, Karl Stengel
[...] (1581–1663), was a Benedictine abbot and major [...]
theological writer who lived much of his life in Augsburg, Bavaria.
此副本在 19 世纪末或 20 世纪初被明尼苏达州圣约翰修道院收藏,可能是曾在罗马的希腊学院担任教授 本笃会 神 父 普拉兹都斯•温格尔特 (Placidus Wingerter OSB) 带来的。
This copy came to Saint John's Abbey, Minnesota, in the late 19th or early 20th century, probably through Father Placidus Wingerter OSB, who was a professor at the Greek College in Rome.
相册中收录了很多重要宗教场所的照片,例如天主大教堂、亚美尼亚大教堂、多米尼加教堂 本笃会 教 堂 ;还收录了很多建于 16–19 世纪的利沃夫街道的特写和风景照。
Illustrations show both details and scenes of L’viv’s streets, built in the 16th–19th centuries.
五月二十四日:教廷发表教本笃十 六世《致中国天主 会 》 的 信函(2007年5月27日)的《纲要》。
24 May: The Holy See issued a Compendium of the Letter of Pope Benedict XVI to the Church in China (27 May 2007).
本着这种真诚和诚意,才能正确会 教 宗 本笃十 六世最近发出的呼吁。
It is in that context of truth and sincerity that the
[...] recent appeal of Pope Benedict XVI can be seen in [...]
我们马耳他骑士团还感到鼓舞的是,教 本笃十 六 世 5 月份在梵蒂冈召开了全球艾滋病毒/艾滋病专 家专题讨会。
We at the Order of Malta were
[...] also encouraged by the symposium of HIV/AIDS global experts convened by Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican in May.
如果取得成就,无论 其性别、会出身 、种族背景、身体有缺陷 笃 信 何 种宗教,都应予以奖励和推 广。
Achievement should be rewarded and promoted, irrespective of gender, social origin, ethnic background, physical impairment or religion.
七月一日:为纪念「全球司铎的主保」 - 圣若翰维雅纳 - 逝世一百五十周年,教本笃十六 世宣布普世 会 庆 祝 「司铎年」(19/6/2009-19/6/2010)。
1 July: To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the death of St. John Mary Vianney, the Cure d'Ars, ¡§Patron Saint of All Priests¡¨, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed a ¡§Year for Priests¡¨ (19/6/2009-19/6/2010).
在阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·阿勒沙特国 王陛下发言之前,教本笃十六世宗座 2008 年 4 月 18 日在会堂这里发言时也谈到了宗教间对话问题, 他将这一对话称作思想和人生的对话(A/62/PV.95) 他指出,必须将这一对话看作是一种手段,使社会各 阶层能够通过这种手段将观点进行比较,并就价值观 和具体目标方面的真情达成共识。
That dialogue, he pointed out, must be acknowledged as the means by which the various components of society can compare their points of view and reach a consensus on the truth with regard to values and specific goals.
特克森红衣主教(罗马教廷)(以英语发言):我 极 为荣幸地转达教本笃十六 世宗座向共同主席和这 几天在这里会的国 家元首和政府首脑的热情问候, 各位在此携手建设一个消除极端贫困厄运的世界,确 [...]
保世界各国的所有儿童、妇女和男子都享有过上自由 和有尊严生活的必要条件。
(Holy See): I have the great honour to convey
[...] the cordial greetings of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to the Co-Chairs and to the Heads of [...]
State and Government
assembled here during these days to work together towards a world free of the plague of extreme poverty and to ensure that all children, women and men in every country of the world enjoy the conditions necessary to live their lives in freedom and dignity.
这个版本的本笃生平 介绍是根据《对话录》的第二部而作;一般认为《对话录》是圣大格列高利(Saint [...]
Gregory the Great,590-604 年任教皇)的作品。
This version of the life of Benedict, the patriarch of [...]
Western monasticism, is based on Book II of the Dialogues traditionally
ascribed to Saint Gregory the Great (pope 590–604).
这个坐落于夜谷(Côte de Nuit) 的神秘葡萄产区曾在12世纪由西笃教 会 的 僧 侣们开垦。
The mythical Côte de Nuit cru was produced by the monks of the Abbey of Citeaux in the XIIth century.
格林纳达坚笃信人 类价值的高尚,造物主赋予每个人以平等和不可 剥夺的权利、理智和良知;在人的每一项 会 和 政 治活动中,权利和义务都是相 互关联的;权利使人自由,义务则使自由高尚。
(i) That Grenada firmly believes in the dignity of human values and that all men are endowed by the Creator with equal and inalienable rights, reason, and conscience, that rights and duties are correlatives in every social and political activity of man, and that while rights exalt individual freedom, duties express the dignity of that freedom.
以色列会某些阶层仍然存在未成年结婚的情况,包 括过笃信东 正教的犹太人,来自格鲁吉亚的犹太人和阿拉伯人。
The phenomenon of underage marriage still takes place in certain segments of Israeli society, including those of the UltraOrthodox Jews, Jews originating from Georgia and Arabs.
我们得到的通俗语言编辑的例子作为教皇哥尼流信,用Mercati在这里和那里,为第三个世纪,或在 本笃 在 沃 尔夫林的或DOM蒙娜丽莎的版本为第六届,规则。
We get examples of the vulgar tongue here and there in the letters of Pope Cornelius as
edited by Mercati, for the third century, or in
[...] the Rule of St. Benedict in Wölfflin's or [...]
Dom Mona's editions, for the sixth.
仪式结束后,格拉济阿诺·达席尔 会 见 了 教皇弗朗西斯,并赞扬了他的前任教 本笃 十 六世对抗击饥饿所给予的支持,特别是敦促打击商品市场上的粮价投机行为,以阻止粮食价格波动。
Following the ceremony, Graziano da Silva greeted Pope Francis and lauded his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, for his [...]
support in the fight against
hunger and, in particular, for having tried to discourage food price volatility by urging action against food price speculation on commodity markets.
伟大本笃自己 一组的形式,为(除了从DOM卡尔梅特,一个圣经学者和DOM Ceillier,谁属于圣-瓦纳众)所有的ST [...]
- Maur聚集,中,其中有学问的人在巴黎起草到修道院的圣-圣日耳曼的DES -德培。
The great Benedictines form a group by [...]
themselves, for (apart from Dom Calmet, a Biblical scholar, and Dom Ceillier, who
belonged to the Congregation of St-Vannes) all were of the Congregation of St-Maur, the learned men of which were drafted into the Abbey of St-Germain-des-Prés at Paris.
露洁-棕榄公司 200 多年以来一贯秉承诚信和诚实的理 念开展业务,同时通过以尊重本的 领 导之道,将我们 的价值观贯彻到行动当中,从而展现出我们 笃 信 不移 的价值观和原则的承诺。
olgate-Palmolive Company has for over 200 years consistently demonstrated a commitment to our deeply held values and principles by conducting business with integrity and honesty, while putting our values into action by leading with respect.
大会第六十六届会议欢迎 2011 年 9 月 24 日在纽约举行的关于非洲之角危机 人道主义救援问题部长级小型峰会、2011 年 8 月 25 日非洲联盟在亚的斯亚贝巴 举行的非洲之角问题认捐会议,表示赞赏联合国难民事务高级专员办事处在
[...] 年公约六十周年期间所展示的领导能力,赞扬该办事处不断努力,在国际社会支 持下,援助非洲各庇护国,并敦促国际 会本 着 国际团结和分担重负的精神,继 续慷慨资助办事处的难民方案,同时考虑到非洲对有关方案的需求大增(第 [...]
66/135 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly welcomed the ministerial minisummit on the humanitarian response to the Horn of Africa crisis, held in New York on 24 September 2011, the African Union pledging conference for the Horn of Africa, held in Addis Ababa on 25 August 2011, expressed its appreciation, in the year which marked the sixtieth anniversary of the 1951 Convention, for the leadership shown by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and commended the Office for its on-going efforts, with the support of the international
community, to assist African
[...] countries of asylum, and urged the international community, in the spirit [...]
of international solidarity
and burden-sharing, to continue to fund generously the refugee programmes of the Office, taking into account the substantially increased needs of programmes in Africa (resolution 66/135).
如果不可能提交关于这些项目的完整提议,委会本预期 最起码将在拟议方案预算中列出所需资源的指示性估计数,以便向会 员国提供尽可能最全面的信息。
If a full submission of those items was not possible, the Committee would have expected that indicative estimates of the resource requirements, at a minimum, would have been reflected in the proposed programme budget in order to provide Member States with the most comprehensive information possible at the time.
不过,在它与大会的关系上,1995 年任期的执行局 有时会被非执行局会员国强烈批评,因为它趋于成为微型 会本 身 ,而且趋于认为它向大会 提交的建议——确实总要经过冗长和详尽的讨论,至少在名义上是代表整个教科文组织成员 进行的——不得被触动(因为围绕其通过有微妙的妥协)而只能被“盖上橡皮图章”,这种 态度有时在会本身的 届会期间引发了相当激烈的批评。
In its relations with the General Conference, however, the Executive Board in its post-1995 composition has sometimes been
strongly criticized by
[...] States non-Members of the Board for a tendency to act as if it were a mini-General Conference of itself, and to consider that the recommendations it transmits to the Conference – indeed often after lengthy and exhaustive discussions that are at least nominally conducted on behalf of the entire UNESCO membership – should not be touched (because of the delicate compromise surrounding their adoption) and just be “rubber-stamped”, an attitude that has aroused at times quite severe comments during the sessions of the General Conference itself.
会本届会议期间召开的跨学科会议结论一样,代表们普遍同意,下一个《计划与预算》的主要关注 点应是非洲和性别平等这两个全球优先事项,以及最不发达国家(LDC)、最边缘化群体、世界上面临最严酷 挑战的地区,尤其是非洲和小岛屿发展中国家(SIDS)。
In consonance with the conclusions of the interdisciplinary meeting held during the present session of the [...]
General Conference,
there was a general agreement that the main focus of the forthcoming Programme and Budget should be on Africa and gender equality as global priorities and on the least developed countries (LDCs), the most marginalized groups, the regions of the world experiencing the greatest challenges, in particular Africa and small island developing States (SIDS).




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