

单词 本章

See also:

surname Zhang
movement (of symphony)

External sources (not reviewed)

本章指出 和强调的事项,审计委员会感到关切的是,加沙存在 的业务条件对某些内部控制的妥善运作带来更大风险。
In the light of the matters detected and
[...] highlighted in this chapter, the Board is concerned [...]
that the operational conditions
that exist in Gaza place a heightened risk on the proper functioning of certain internal controls.
因此,尽本章笼统 提 到国家需求,其实已经查明的需求主要是发展中国家的需求,尤其是最不发达国 家和小岛屿发展中国家的需求。
Thus, while the present chapter refers generally to [...]
the needs of States, the needs that have been identified are primarily
those of developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States.
(f)  在該條例本章程細則下一段之規限下,董事或候任或擬任董事不會因其職 位而失去與本公司訂約之資格(不論就其出任任何受薪職位或職務之任期或作為賣 方、買方或以任何其他方式),亦毋須避免任何該等合約或董事以任何方式擁有利益 之任何其他合約或安排,任何據此訂約或擁有利益之董事亦毋須就出任該職位或因 而產生之受信關係向本公司或股東交代其自任何該等合約或安排所獲取之任何酬 金、溢利或其他利益。
(f) Subject to the Ordinance and to the next paragraph of this Article, no Director or proposed or intending Director shall be disqualified by this office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company of the members for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established.
虽然执行局和大会之间关系方面最重要的话题无疑是编制计划和战略文件,但是,与 大会临时议程(由执行局编制)相关的其他问题和本报告所载项目(C/4 和 C/5 号文件除 外)本章广泛管理的角度看似乎也有必要进行分析。
Although the most important topic in the relations between the Executive Board and the General Conference is doubtless the preparation of the programmatic and strategic documents, other issues related to the provisional agenda of the General Conference (prepared by the Executive Board) and items contained therein (other than the C/4 and C/5 documents) also seem in need of analysis from the broad governance point of view of the present chapter.
43 在就追討任何到期催繳股款而提出的訴訟或其他法律程序的審訊或聆訊時, 只需證明:根本章程細 則被控股東的姓名已在登記冊內登記為欠繳股款股 份的持有人或其中一位持有人;批准催繳股款的決議已妥為記入會議記錄; 及有關催繳股款通知已妥為寄發予被控股東﹔而毋須證明作出該催繳的董事 的委任或任何其他事項,且上述事項的證明即為有關債務的確證。
43 At the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for
the recovery of any
[...] money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the member sued is entered in the register as the holder, or one of the holders, [...]
of the shares
in respect of which such debt accrued; that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book; and that notice of such call was duly given to the member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, and the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
(d) 以本章程预 期的任何其他方式送达的通知,应在相关发送、传送或刊发的 [...]
时间视为送达,而在证明送达时,本公司的秘书或其他人员或董事会指定 的其他人签署作出,关于送达、发送、传送或刊发的事实和时间等的书面 证明,应为最终证明。
(d) A notice served in any other manner
[...] contemplated by these Articles, [...]
shall be deemed to have been served at the time
of the relevant despatch, transmission or publication; and in proving such service a certificate in writing signed by the secretary or other officer of the Company or other person appointed by the Board as to the fact and time of such service, delivery, despatch, transmission or publication shall be conclusive evidence thereof.
本章中, 小組委員會會研究政府就發展及營運西九 文化區而建議設立的架構,是否有助於實現西九文化區的願 [...]
In this chapter, the Subcommittee examines [...]
whether the Government's proposed institutional framework for developing and
operating WKCD is conducive to realizing the vision for WKCD and consistent with the abovementioned principles.
[...] 項條文適用))而產生之債項及負債及所進行之交易負全責,及「「生」因執行 本章 則 」 及/或追討「會員」欠下「「生」之任何款 項而由此合理產生之所有成本、支出、收費及費用(包括但不限於以完全彌償基準計算之法律費用)。
Each Cardmember shall assume full responsibility for all debts and liabilities incurred and transactions effected by the use of his/her Card and/or in connection with his/her membership with the Club (whether or not authorised or whether such use is by a third
party unless Clause 18(b)
[...] applies) and for all costs, expenses, charges and fees in respect thereof (including, [...]
without limitation,
legal fees on a full indemnity basis) reasonably incurred by Hang Seng in enforcing these Terms and/or recovering any sum owed by the Cardmember to Hang Seng.
(c) 儘本章程細 則有所規定,但本公司須在實際可行情況下盡快及定期將任 [...]
何股東名冊分冊上進行之一切股份轉讓事宜記錄於股東名冊總冊上,且在 各方面須一直根據公司法存置股東名冊總冊及所有股東名冊分冊。
(c) Notwithstanding anything contained in [...]
these Articles, the Company shall as soon as practicable and on a regular basis
record in the principal Register all removals of Shares effected on any branch Register and shall at all times maintain the principal Register and all branch Registers in all respects in accordance with the Companies Law.
164 董事會可不時並於任何時間,藉授權書委任任何經其直接或間接提名的公
[...] 而委任的目的,所授予的權力、權限及酌情決定權(以不超過根 本章 程 細 則 歸於董事或可由董事行使者為限),以及委任的期限和規限的條件,均須按董 [...]
方便與任何此等受權人進行交易的人,以及可授權任何此等受權人將歸於他 的所有或任何權力、權限及酌情決定權轉授他人。
164 The Board may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not
exceeding those vested in or exercisable by
[...] the Board under these Articles) and [...]
for such period and subject to such conditions
as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
(k) 本公司可基本章程細 則出現抵觸情況而透過普通決議案追認任何未 正式授權的交易,惟於該交易中擁有重大利害關係的董事連同其任何 聯繫人概不得就其擁有利益關係的本公司任何股份的有關普通決議案 投票。
(k) The Company may by ordinary resolution ratify any transaction not duly authorised by reason of a contravention of these Articles provided that no Director who is materially interested in such transaction, together with any of his associates, shall vote upon such Ordinary Resolution in respect of any shares in the Company in which they are interested.
在 本 公 司 於 聯 交 所 網 站 刊 載 廣 告 或 根 據 上 市 規 則 以 本 公 司本 章程細 則 所 規 定 電 子 方 式 發 出 通 告 的 電 子 通 訊 方 式 或 在 報 章 刊 載 廣 告 方 式 發 出 至 少 十 四 (14) 日 通 告 後 , 可 根 據 第 15 (c) 條 暫 停 辦 理 轉 讓 登 記 手 續 。
The registration of transfers may, on the Company giving at least 14 days’ notice by advertisement published on the Exchange’s website, or, subject to the Listing Rules, by electronic communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by electronic means as herein provided or by advertisement published in the newspapers, be suspended subject to the requirements in Article 15(c).
(D) 本公司在董事會建議下亦可通過特別決議案就本公司任何 一項特定股息議決,儘本章程細 則(A)段的條款規定,指 定配發入賬列為繳足的股份作為派發全部股息,而不給予股 東選擇收取現金股息以代替配股的權利。
(D) The Company may upon the recommendation of the Board by special resolution resolve in respect of any one particular dividend of the Company that notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (A) of this Article a dividend may be satisfied wholly in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up without offering any right to shareholders to elect to receive such dividend in cash in lieu of such allotment.
在 報 章 上 刊 載 廣 告 或
[...] 根 據 上 市 規 則 以 本 公 司本 章程細 則 所 規 定 電 子 方 式 發 出 [...]
通 告 的 電 子 通 訊 方 式 發 出 十 四 (14) 日 通 告 後 , 可 於 董 事 會 不 時 決 定 的 時 間 及 期 限 內 暫 停 辦 理 轉 讓 登
記 手 續 甚 至 停 止 辦 理 股 份 過 戶 登 記 , 惟 任 何 年度內 暫 停 辦 理 轉 讓 登 記 甚 至 停 止 辦 理 股 份 過 戶 登 記 的 期 間 不 得 超 過 三 十 (30) 日 , 或 股 東 以 普 通 決 議 案 決 定 的 更 長 期 限 , 但 此 期 限 在 任 何 年度內 不 得 超 過 六 十 (60) 日 。
The registration of transfers may, on 14 days’ notice being given by advertisement
[...] published in the newspapers, or, subject to the [...]
Listing Rules, by electronic
communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by electronic means as herein provided, be suspended and the register closed at such times for such periods as the Board may from time to time determine, provided always that such registration shall not be suspended or the register closed for more than 30 days in any year (or such longer period as the members may by ordinary resolution determine provided that such period shall not be extended beyond 60 days in any year).
本章各条 款之效力,以保护权利和自由为目的,但这一保护需受这一条款中所载 限制的制约,限制旨在确保任何个人享有的权利和自由不影响他人的权利和自由 [...]
and the provisions of this Chapter shall have effect for [...]
the purpose of affording protection to those rights and freedoms
subject to such limitations of that protection as are contained in those provisions, being limitations designed to ensure that the enjoyment of those rights and freedoms by any individual does not prejudice the rights and freedoms of others or the public interest.
(c)  一名替任董事應(除非不在香港,在此情況下,倘若彼已通知秘書表示有意 於任何期間(包括該日)離開香港,且並無撤回有關通知,則彼應被視為於任何日
子不在香港)有權接收董事會會議通告,並有權作為董事出席委任彼為代表之董事 並無親身出席之任何會議及於會上表決,並在一般情況下在上述會議上履行其委任
[...] 人作為董事之一切職能;而就於該會議上之程序而 本章 程 細 則之條文將適用,猶 如該替任董事(而非其委任人)為董事。
(c) An alternate Director shall (except when absent from Hong Kong, for which purpose he shall be deemed absent from Hong Kong on any day if he has given to the Secretary notice of his intention to be absent from Hong Kong for any period including such day and has not revoked such notice) be entitled to receive notices of meeting of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all the
functions of his appointor as a
[...] Director, and for the purposes of the proceedings [...]
at such meeting the provisions of these
Articles shall apply as if he (instead of his appointor) were a Director.
(c) 根本章程細 則第(d)段,有關股份之所有股息及其他分派均以港元(就以 港元計值之股份而言)及任何其他貨幣(就以任何其他貨幣計值之股份而 言)提列及支付,惟就以港元計值之股份而言,倘股東可選擇以董事會選 定之任何其他貨幣收取任何分派,董事會可決定按其可能釐定之匯率兌換 有關分派。
(c) Subject to paragraph (d) of this Article all Dividends and other distributions in respect of Shares shall be stated and discharged, in the case of Shares denominated in Hong Kong dollars, in Hong Kong dollars, and in the case of Shares denominated in any other currency, in such other currency, provided that, in the case of Shares denominated in Hong Kong dollars, the Board may determine in the case of any distribution that Shareholders may elect to receive the same in any other currency selected by the Board, converted at such rate of exchange as the Board may determine.
有关安装传真调制解调器的说明,请 参本章较早部分标题为 “安装可选的传真调制解调器”小节。
For instructions on installing the fax modem, see the section entitled, “Installing the optional
[...] fax modem” earlier in this chapter.
在冈比亚,每一个人,无论其种 族、肤色、性别、语言、宗教、政治或其他见解、民族血统或社会根底、财产情
[...] 况、出身或其他身份如何,在尊重他人的权利和自由和公共利益的前提下,都有 权享本章所载 的基本人权和个人自由。
Every person in The Gambia, whatever his or her race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, shall be entitled to the fundamental human
rights and freedoms of the individual
[...] contained in this Chapter, but subject to respect [...]
for the rights and freedoms of others and for the public interest.
以不記名 投票方式議決這些具爭議性的事項是最公平的做法。如徵 得擁有樓宇的公用地方管制權的業主,或業主立案法團的
[...] 批准或同意,則樓宇的管理機構可進行問卷調查,收集每 個單位用戶的意見,然後按大多數的意見,並依 本章的 規定,處本章所提述的事項。
If approval or consent has been obtained from the owners having the control of the common parts of the building or the owners’ corporation, the building management organisation may conduct a questionnaire survey to collect the views of the occupiers
of each flat and act according to the majority view relating
[...] to matters covered by and in accordance with this chapter.
(4) 除本章程細 則有任何相反的規定,股東在根 本章 程 細 則召開的股 東大會上可以通過普通決議案在某一董事任期屆滿之前罷免該董事,不 本章程 細 則中或本公司與該董事之間的協議如何規定(但不得影響該董事根據所述協議 向本公司提出的任何損害索償),惟為了罷免董事而召開的該等大會的通知應當 包含一份關於罷免該董事的意向聲明,並且將通知在大會召開之前前十四(14)天 送達該董事,同時在該大會上該董事應有權就罷免動議發言。
(4) Subject to any provision to the
[...] contrary in these Bye-laws the Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Bye-laws, by ordinary resolution remove a Director at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in [...]
these Bye-laws or in
any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement) provided that the notice of any such meeting convened for the purpose of removing a Director shall contain a statement of the intention so to do and be served on such Director fourteen (14) days before the meeting and at such meeting such Director shall be entitled to be heard on the motion for his removal.
一俟教科文组织和德意志联邦共和国达成东道国协议和第 IX 条中所述协议,并在基金 会依法解散之后本章程立即生效。
The present Statutes will enter into force once the Host Country Agreement and the Agreement mentioned in Article IX have been concluded by UNESCO and the Federal Republic of Germany, and after the Foundation has been dissolved legally.
董事會可隨時為著他們認為適當之目的以授權書或其他文件委任任何人士或團體作為本 公司代理人,授與他們適當權力、權限及處理權(不超過按 本章 程 授 與董事會或其可行使之權 力、權限及處理權),任期及條件均按董事會認為適當之規定確定,而任何這種授權書或其他文 件可包含董事會認為適當之有關規定,藉以保護及方便與任何這種代理人往來之人士,亦可授 權任何這種代理人將授與他之權力、權限及處理權授與他人。
The Directors may from time to time and at any time by power of attorney or other instrument appoint any person or body of persons to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Directors under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as they may think fit, and any such power of attorney or other instrument may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Directors may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
本章还将 探讨通过提高 和更有效地利用现有的协调和合作结构,以 [...]
及更好地利用各联合国机构、区域政府间机 构和其他区域行为者之间的互补性,提高联 合国和非联合国区域组织之间合作的一致 性和协同增效的可能性。
This chapter will also explore [...]
opportunities for greater coherence and synergy in cooperation between UN and non-UN regional
organizations by enhanced and more effective use of existing structures for coordination and cooperation, and through better utilization of complementarities among UN agencies, regional intergovernmental bodies and other regional actors.
(2) (a) 根本章程細 則第(1)段條文配發的股份與當其時已發行的同類別股份(如有) 在所有方面享有同等權益,惟僅參與於有關股息派付或宣派之前或同一時間派付、作 出、宣派或公告的有關股息或任何其他分派、紅利或權利除外,除非當董事會公告其 擬就有關股息應本章程細 則第(2)段(a)或(b)分段的規定時,或當董事公告有關分派、 紅利或權利時,董事會訂明根本章 程 細則第(1)段條文將予配發的股份有權參與該分 派、紅利或權利。
(2) (a) The shares allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank pari passu in all respects with shares of the same class (if any) then in issue, save only as regards participation in the relevant dividend or in any other distributions, bonuses or rights paid, made, declared or announced prior to or contemporaneously with the payment or declaration of the relevant dividend unless, contemporaneously with the announcement by the Board of Directors of their proposal to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of paragraph (2) of this Article in relation to the relevant dividend or contemporaneously with their announcement of the distribution, bonus or rights in question, the Board of Directors shall specify that the shares to be allotted pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall rank for participation in such distribution, bonus or rights.
本章不妨碍根据第 49 条第 1 款至第 3 款有权援引一国际组织的责任的任何 [...]
国家或另一国际组织对该国际组织采取合法措施,以确保停止该违反义务行为, 并使受害国或受害组织或被违反的义务的受益人获得赔偿。
This Chapter does not prejudice [...]
the right of any State or international organization, entitled under article 49, paragraphs
1 to 3, to invoke the responsibility of another international organization, to take lawful measures against that organization to ensure cessation of the breach and reparation in the interest of the injured State or organization or of the beneficiaries of the obligation breached.
儘管董事會有任何空缺,繼續留任的各董事或單獨繼續留任的一位董事 仍可行事,但如果及只要董事人數減低至少於根據或依 本章 程 細 則釐定的最少人 數,則繼續留任的各董事或一位董事,儘管董事人數少於根據或依 本章 程 細 則釐定 的法定人數或只有一位董事,可就填補董事會空缺而行事,或召開本公司股東大會, 但不得就任何其他目的行事。
The continuing Directors or a sole continuing Director may act notwithstanding any vacancy in the Board but, if and so long as the number of Directors is reduced below the minimum number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles, the continuing Directors or Director, notwithstanding that the number of Directors is below the number fixed by or in accordance with these Articles as the quorum or that there is only one continuing Director, may act for the purpose of filling vacancies in the Board or of summoning general meetings of the Company but not for any other purpose.
(b)董事可於任期內兼任本公司的任何其他職位或有酬職務(核數師除外),其 任期及條款由董事會決定,並可因此收取董事會所釐定的額外酬金(以薪 金、佣金、分紅或其他方式支付),作為根 本章 程 細 則任何其他條文所規 定任何酬金以外的額外報酬。
(b) A Director may hold any other office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditors) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine, and may be paid such extra remuneration therefor (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profit or otherwise) as the Board may determine, and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Articles.
本章程的规定送交或以邮寄方式寄往任何成员的登记地址的任何通知或文 件,尽管该成员当时已经去世,及不论本公司是否已收到关于其去世的通知,仍 [...]
应被视为已正式送达(关于任何登记股份,不论是单独或与其他人联名持有)给 该成员,直至有其他人取代他登记为该股份的持有人或联名持有人为止,而该送
达就任何目的而言,应被视为将该通知或文件给其遗嘱执行人或遗产管理人及所 有与他对于该股份有共同利益的人(如有)的足够送达。
Any notice or document delivered or sent by post [...]
to the registered address of any Member in pursuance of these Articles
shall, notwithstanding that such Member be then deceased and whether or not the Company has notice of his decease, be deemed to have been duly served (in respect of any registered shares, whether held solely or jointly with other persons) on such Members until some other person be registered in his stead as the holder or joint holder thereof and such service shall for all purposes of these presents be deemed a sufficient service of such notice or document on his executors or administrators and all persons (if any) jointly interested with him in any such share.




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