

单词 本着

External sources (not reviewed)

它们呼吁政本着阿富 汗的国际人权义务撤销这些 法律。
They called on the
[...] Government to repeal these laws in accordance with Afghanistan’s [...]
international human rights obligations.
本着这种精神,政府将 继续努力使人民实现所有人权。
In this spirit, the Government would continue to strive for the realization of all human rights by its people.
本着共同 承担责任和相互问责的精神,通过重振和加强全球伙伴关系向这些 [...]
These efforts need to be given [...]
concrete and substantial international support in a spirit of shared responsibility and mutual
accountability through renewed and strengthened global partnership.
本校本着公平 、誠實和遠見這三個原則,繼續固有引以爲榮的優良傳統 :力爭上游,追求卓越,成績優異,果實累累。
Through equity, integrity and vision, Alamo continues to demonstrate its proud tradition of solid results, high achievement and academic excellence.
大会第六十六届会议欢迎 2011 年 9 月 24 日在纽约举行的关于非洲之角危机 人道主义救援问题部长级小型峰会、2011 年 8 月 25 日非洲联盟在亚的斯亚贝巴 举行的非洲之角问题认捐会议,表示赞赏联合国难民事务高级专员办事处在
1951 年公约六十周年期间所展示的领导能力,赞扬该办事处不断努力,在国际社会支
[...] 持下,援助非洲各庇护国,并敦促国际社 本着 国 际团结和分担重负的精神,继 续慷慨资助办事处的难民方案,同时考虑到非洲对有关方案的需求大增(第 [...]
66/135 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly welcomed the ministerial minisummit on the humanitarian response to the Horn of Africa crisis, held in New York on 24 September 2011, the African Union pledging conference for the Horn of Africa, held in Addis Ababa on 25 August 2011, expressed its appreciation, in the year which marked the sixtieth anniversary of the 1951 Convention, for the leadership shown by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and commended the Office for its on-going efforts, with the support of the international community, to assist African countries
of asylum, and urged the international
[...] community, in the spirit of international [...]
solidarity and burden-sharing, to continue
to fund generously the refugee programmes of the Office, taking into account the substantially increased needs of programmes in Africa (resolution 66/135).
这个新的职能 范围要求委员会一方面要更好地定义它与其合作伙伴共同开展的专题辩论,以提高效率和促 进公民社会新成员参与它的工作;另一方面 本着 开 放的精神去推动新《指示》的落实,尤 其是在世界上那些公民社会仍处于隔绝或脆弱状况的地方的落实。
The new terms of reference include, on the one hand, improvement in the Committee’s thematic debates with its partners in order to increase efficiency and the participation of new civil society stakeholders in the Committee’s work and, on the other hand, the implementation of the new Directives in a spirit of openness, in particular, in those parts of the world where civil society remains isolated or fragile.
本着这一 思路,发言者强调必须将提高农业部门生产力作为重中之重,但 [...]
为了行之有效,还要同时作出配套努力,包括提供必要的有形和通信基础设施; 加强农业部门对技术改良的吸纳能力,特别是为高产及新颖和创新农作物提供必 要支持;重振农业推广服务,确保包容性接入和可持续能力;以及改善特别是妇
In this vein, speakers stressed [...]
that increasing productivity in the agriculture sector had to be a top priority, but that,
for it to be effective, complementary efforts needed to be simultaneously implemented. These included providing necessary physical and communications infrastructure; strengthening absorptive capacity of the farming sector for technological improvement, especially in providing the necessary support for both higher yields and new and innovative crops; reviving agricultural extension services to assure inclusive access and sustainability; and improving financial access and legal tenure rights, especially for women.
最后,关于与国家委员会签署协定的情况,他指出,儿基会正 本着 合 作 精神与 国家委员会一道努力,预计将取得进展。
Finally on the status of the agreement with the National Committees, he said UNICEF was working with the Committees in a spirit of cooperation, and progress was expected.
会后,安理会成员向新闻界发表谈话,特别重申, 本着 包 容 与和解的精神, 透明和及时地落实海湾合作委员会倡议及实施机制;敦促也门所有当事方拒绝暴 [...]
力,施行克制以免挑衅,与军事委员会合作,全面落实实施机制和第 2014(2011) 号决议;再次强调须对所有侵犯人权和实施暴行的责任方追究责任。
Following the
[...] meeting the members of the Council issued [...]
a statement to the press in which the Council, inter alia, reiterated
that the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative and implementation mechanism must be fulfilled in a transparent and timely manner, and in a spirit of inclusion and reconciliation; urged all the parties in Yemen to reject violence, refrain from provocations, and cooperate with the Military Affairs Committee to fully implement the implementation mechanism and resolution 2014 (2011); and reiterated that all those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, including acts of violence, must be held accountable.
项目简介: 一个类似ruby on rails的java web快速开发脚手架,本着不重 复发明轮子的原则,框架只是将零散的struts(struts2)+spring+hibernate各个组件组装好在一起,并对struts及struts2进行改造,提供零配置编程,并内置一个强大的代码生成器及模板文件,可以生成java的hibernat model,dao,manager,struts+struts2 action类,可以生成jsp的增删改查及列表页面。
Project Information: Ruby on rails a similar rapid development of java web scaffolding , in line with the principle of not reinventing the wheel , but the fragmented frame struts (struts2) spring hibernate components assembled together , and the struts and struts2 transformation , providing zero configuration program , and built a powerful code generator and template files , you can generate the java hibernat model, dao, manager, struts struts2 action class , you can generate the CRUD and jsp list page .
为使改革之路取得成功,需要长期体现灵活性、实行注重成果的管理,以 本着 “作 为整体开展工作”的精神来进行各项工作。
Flexibility, result orientation, and the spirit of “working as one” will go a long way to smooth the path of this transformation.
(2) 尽管细则条文载有任何规定,如适用法律准许,在本公司已或股份过
[...] 细则第(1)段(a)至(e)分段载列的文件及与股份登记有关的任何其他文件,惟本细则 只适用本着善意 及在本公司及其股份过户登记处未有获明确通知该文件的保存与 [...]
(2) Notwithstanding any provision contained in these Articles, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of documents set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (1) of this Article and any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the
Company or by the share registrar on its
[...] behalf provided always that this Article shall [...]
apply only to the destruction of a document
in good faith and without express notice to the Company and its share registrar that the preservation of such document was relevant to a claim.
今天我的請辭,其實是兌現爭取民主普選的承 諾,也本着昔日 參選的勇氣和承擔,將自己的議席放下,讓你們有 機會以手中的一票,表達你們心中的真正意願。
Arming myself with the courage and commitment I had then to stand for election, I forego my seat in order to give you the opportunity to express your true wish with your votes.
因此,我们在联合国主导本着耐心 和真正妥协 的精神共同作出的共识决定具有永恒合法性,像专门 讨论裁军问题的大会第一届特别会议(第一届裁军特 别联大)的最后成果(第 S/10/2 号决议)这样具有里程 碑意义的文件就属这种情况。
That is why consensual decisions, forged together with patience and a spirit of genuine compromise under the aegis of the United Nations, enjoy timeless legitimacy, as is true of such landmark documents such as the Final Outcome (resolution S/10/2) of the first special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament (SSOD-I).
安全理事会吁请叙利亚政府和反对 本着 诚 意 与特使合作,以便和平 解决叙利亚危机,立即全面执行特使的六点初步建议。
The Security Council calls upon the Syrian government and opposition to work in good faith with the Envoy towards a peaceful settlement of the Syrian crisis and to implement fully and immediately his initial six-point proposal.
因此,阿根廷代表本着开放 的精神,与委员 会积极对话,他保证将接受委员会的所有建议,并 将其作为对未来行动的宝贵指导。
It was therefore in a spirit of openness that his delegation embraced the dialogue with the Committee, and he gave every assurance that its recommendations would be accepted as a valuable guide for future actions.
比利时认为,执行委员会对于《蒙 特利尔议定书》缔约方认真解决如何完成任务负有责任,鉴此,执行委员会和缔约方应像 本次会议上所表现的,继本着第 X IX/6 号决定第 11 段的精神共同努力,考虑是否对于 首先淘汰 HCFC-141b 以及行业计划是否首先考虑对气候影响小的替代办法给予了足够的 重视。
Belgium believed that the Executive Committee had a duty towards the Parties to the Montreal Protocol to seriously address how to live up to their mandate, and in that light both the Executive Committee and the Parties should continue to work together in the spirit of paragraph 11 of decision XIX/6, as had been done throughout the present meeting, to consider whether enough priority had been given to phasing out HCFC-141b first and whether the sector plans had given priority to alternatives that had a low impact on the climate.
缔约国应确保任何应 对政策本着向前 看,并以促进民族平等和缔约国凝聚力为要旨。
The State party should ensure that any policy responses are forward-looking and promote ethnic equality and cohesion in the State party.
认识到需要为发展融资采取富有创意的改进办法,以应对当前全球经济情 况、贫穷和实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标所带来的挑战,并强 调指出,这些新办法既不应替代也不应影响包括官方发展援助在内的传统来源的 发展筹资水平,而且此种办法本着 伙 伴 、合作与团结精神加以制定,同时应考 虑到共同利益和每个国家本国的优先事项
Recognizing that innovative and enhanced approaches to financing for development are needed to address the challenges posed by the current global economic situation, poverty and the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and stressing that these new approaches should neither be a substitute for nor negatively affect the
level of
[...] traditional sources of development financing, including official development assistance, and that they need to be developed in a spirit of partnership, [...]
cooperation and solidarity,
bearing in mind the common interests and national priorities of each country
在提请注意一些建议之后,他说,特别委员会期 望能本着编制 报告时的精神考虑其报告,这种精 神就是不带任何敌意地查明事实,并采取行动,减 轻人民的苦难,推动确保相关领土安全和实现持久 和平的整个进程。
After drawing attention to a number of recommendations, he said that the Special Committee expected its report to be taken into account in the spirit in which it had been prepared — which was to ascertain the facts without rancour and take action to ease the suffering of the people, and facilitate the overall process of ensuring security and bringing about sustainable peace in the territories concerned.
1 月 14 日,安全理事会通过一项主席声明(S/PRST/2011/1),其中除其他外,
[...] 重申支持和平进程,呼吁尼泊尔看守政府和所有政党加倍努力,继 本着 协 商 一 致的精神共同开展工作,履行他们在《全面和平协议》和其他协议中作出的承诺, [...]
On 14 January, the Security Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2011/1) in which it, inter alia, reaffirmed its support for the peace process and called on the caretaker Government of Nepal and all political
parties to redouble their efforts, to
[...] continue to work together in the spirit of consensus [...]
to fulfil the commitments that they
had made in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and other agreements, and to resolve expeditiously the outstanding issues of the peace process.
董事会可按其认为合适的条款及条件以及限制,以及在附加于或摒除 有关人士本身权力下,向董事总经理、联席董事总经理、副董事总经理、执行董事 或任何董事委托及赋予其可行使的任何权力,并可不时撤回或更改所有或任何该等 权力,本着善意 办事及没有被通知撤回或更改的人士则不会受此影响。
The Board may entrust to and confer upon a managing director, joint managing director, deputy managing director, an executive director or any Director any of the powers exercisable by it upon such terms and conditions and with such restrictions as it thinks fit, and either collaterally with, or to the exclusion of, its own powers, and may from time to time revoke or vary all or any of such powers but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.
然 而,我们必须确本着我确信今天激励我们的辩论的 精神,作出这一调整,也就是说,首先要对变革持开 放态度,同时不放弃某些已证明有用的基本原则;其 次,我们要坚持有效的多边主义做法,按照《宪章》 的文字和精神,使所有人均衡地参与实现和平的工 作;以及最后,我们要致力于加强和保护这个维持和 平的宝贵工具。
However, we must see that that adaptation is done in the spirit that, I am sure, is inspiring our debate today, that is to say, first, by being open to change but without renouncing certain fundamental principles that have demonstrated their usefulness; secondly, by committing ourselves to the practice of effective multilateralism, which, in keeping with the letter and spirit of the Charter, involves the balanced participation of all in working for peace; and finally, by committing ourselves to strengthening and protecting this valuable instrument of peacekeeping.
为了确定一国或一国际组织对一条约提出的单方面声明是保留还是解释性声 明,应当参照所针对的条约,根据其用语的普通含义 本着 善 意解释该声明,以 期从中找出声明方的意图。
In both cases, the declarant seeks to interpret the treaty, but in the first case it does not make its interpretation a condition for participation in the treaty, whereas in the second case its interpretation cannot be dissociated from the expression of its consent to be bound.
(a) 本着「大 巿場、小政府」的原則,政府鼓勵私人參與 及盡量善用公共資源,在可行的情況下,適當運用公 私營合作的模式,包括過去較多採用的「建造、營運 及移交」的模式。
(a) Under the “big market, small government” principle, the Government should encourage private participation and optimise the use of public resources, and, where feasible, adopt appropriate modes of public-private-partnership (PPP) which include the BOT mode usually adopted in the past.
本着这种 想法,安全理事会在第 1976(2011) 号决议中请秘书长就依循适用的人权法,在国际人员 的参与和其它国际支持下设立索马里特别法庭,包括 一个索马里境外反海盗特别法庭,以审理索马里和该 区域的海盗嫌犯的模式提交报告。
It was with this in mind that the Security Council requested the Secretary-General, in its resolution 1976 (2011), to report on the modalities for the establishment of specialized Somali courts to try suspected pirates, both in Somalia and in the region, including an extraterritorial Somali specialized anti-piracy court consistent with applicable human rights law and with the participation of international personnel and other international support.
上述任 何委任或权力转授均可按董事会认为合适的条款及条件规限而作出,董事会并可罢免 如上所述委任的任何人士以及可撤回或更改该等权力转授, 本着 善 意办事及没有被 通知撤回或更改的人士则不会受此影响。
Any such appointment or delegation may be made upon such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board may think fit, and the Board may remove any person appointed as aforesaid, and may revoke or vary such delegation, but no person dealing in good faith and without notice of any such revocation or variation shall be affected thereby.
本着妥协 精神向前推进,并在会外对这一棘手问题进行几次讨论之后,新西兰代 表团提议,食典委要求食品添加剂联合专家委员会优先对中国提交给食品中兽药残留委 [...]
员会第十八届会议的新数据进行审查(食品添加剂联合专家委员会没有正式对数据进行 过审查),着重研究这些数据对目前保留在步骤
8 的莱克多巴胺最高残留限量的含义。
The Delegation of New Zealand, as a way forward in a spirit of compromise [...]
and following a number of out-of-session discussions
on this difficult item, proposed that the Commission request JECFA, as a matter of priority, to undertake a review of new data submitted to the 18th Session of the Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods by China (data that had not been formally reviewed by JECFA), focusing on the implications of these data for the MRLs for ractopamine currently held at Step 8.
本着 重强 调它优先注重有关残疾人的议题,具体而言,该国已共同提出了一项关 [...]
于新的亚洲及太平洋残疾人十年的决议草案(文件 E/ESCAP/68/L.11)——该 决议草案现已提交经社会,同时该国还对制订这一新十年的战略行动框架做 出了贡献。
The delegation of Japan informed the Commission [...]
of its willingness to share its experiences at the forthcoming regional
review of the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing.33 It highlighted the priority it placed on disability-related issues, as evidenced by both its co-sponsoring a draft resolution on a new Asian and Pacific decade of persons with disabilities which was before the Commission (E/ESCAP/68/L.11), and by contributing to the development of the strategic action framework for the new decade.
安全理事会审议了秘书长关于西撒哈拉局势的报告(S/2010/175)后,于2010 年 4 月 30 日一致通过第
[...] 治意愿,在有利于对话的氛围中作出努力,以进入更深入和实质性的谈判阶段, 并继续在秘书长主持本着诚意 无条件地进行谈判,以期达成公正、持久和彼此 都可接受的政治解决办法,其中将规定西撒哈拉人民在符合《联合国宪章》原则 [...]
After consideration of the report of the Secretary-General on the situation concerning Western Sahara (S/2010/175), on 30 April 2010, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 1920 (2010), by which it called upon the parties, inter alia, to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere propitious for dialogue in order to enter into a more
intensive and
[...] substantive phase of negotiations and to continue negotiations under the auspices of the SecretaryGeneral [...]
without preconditions
and in good faith, with a view to achieving a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, which would provide for the selfdetermination of the people of Western Sahara in the context of arrangements consistent with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, and noted the role and responsibilities of the parties in that respect.




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