

单词 本我


我本人 pron

myself pron

External sources (not reviewed)

所以,他若再次提出這項建議時, 本 ㆖ 我 可 以㆒ 口答應給予支持,不須再就此作辯論。
If he makes that proposal again, I can generally promise to lend him my support right away, so there is no need for further discussion on the issue.
我们越能精简我们的 IT 流程和降低开销本,我们就可以提供给我们的零售客户更好的价值。
The more we can streamline our IT processes and lower our overhead costs, the better value we can offer to our retail customers.
在同安理会的密切协商中, 人道协调厅完成了一个修改并更新的 本 , 我 相 信 它 将在这次辩论结束的时候得到安理会的通过。
In close consultation with the Council, OCHA has produced a revised and updated version, which I trust will be adopted by the Council at the end of this debate.
他讲道的行为,这已回落在两个完全不同的 本 , 我 们 的 手稿,可能是众所周知的,我们只在其中,他们被带到了由两个不同的tachygraphers形式。
His sermons on Acts, which have come down to us in two quite distinct texts in the manuscripts, are probably known to us only in the forms in which they were taken down by two different tachygraphers.
通过降低能源本,我们能 够使高性能计算(HPC)的资源提供给更多的研究人员和他们的合作者,同时推进科学和计算应用,使之成为可能。
By reducing
[...] energy costs, we are able to make high performance [...]
computing (HPC) resources available to more researchers and
their collaborators, advancing both science and the computing applications that make it possible.
[...] 识产权保护制度给社会增加的成本,特别是给穷人增加的 本 , 我 们 在 确定现有知识产权 制度的证据和价值时必须考虑到这些成本。
Moreover, since we are not just interested in the dynamic effect of IPRs in promoting innovation, but also the costs that IP
protection imposes on society,
[...] particularly on poor people, we need to take account [...]
of these costs in considering the evidence
and the value of any given IP system.
賺取本 我們繼續於集團內嚴格控制資金使用,注重將資本分配至回報最具吸引力且回收期最短的增長機遇。
We continue to promote disciplined use of our capital resources [...]
across the Group, and focus on allocating capital to the
growth opportunities that offer the most attractive returns with the shortest payback periods.
对此新本,我们要求教师尤其注意 第 5A 课:2012 全球停战,这将帮助年青人确定他们 [...]
为支持 2012 年和平日要参与的事件或活动。
For this new edition, we’re asking teachers [...]
to look particularly at Lesson 5A: Global Truce 2012, which helps young people
to identify an event or activity that they can undertake in support of the Global Truce on Peace Day 2012.
为解决这些问题并永久消减一度高居 不下的维护和支持本,我们向 德意志证交所推荐实施瘦客 户机。
To solve these problems and to permanently
cut the maintenance and support costs,
[...] which were quite high, we recommended that [...]
the Deutsche Börse implement thin clients.
此,本我们采 取措施度过当前的金融危机,以便实施本税收年度的全国财政预算,实现全国经济和社会计 [...]
To that end it has taken the [...]
necessary steps to overcome the financial crisis in order to implement the national budget
for the current tax year, with a view to meeting the aims of the National Economic and Social Plan, including that of striking an international balance to support multilateralism and promote a multipolar world.
但是斯托克城上次就是在主場戰勝了布萊 本 , 我 想 這 場也不會有什么變化。
But Stoke destroyed Blackburn the last time they met at the Britannia and I doubt anything will change in their next meeting.
事实上,如果我们要严肃对待“以人 本 ” ,我 们就 应当在国际经济、贸易和金融体系制度的改革中 凝聚努力,以便增加最贫穷国家的声音和代表权,以 便建立一个更加支持这些国家发展前景的世界体系。
In fact, if we want to be serious about putting humans first, we should muster [...]
our efforts in the reform of the international
economic, trade and financial systems and regimes so as to increase the voice and representation of countries most in need, in order to design a world system more supportive of their development prospects.
由 於推行持續節省成本的方案令集團節省約 2 億美 元,加上嚴控成本、縮減重組架構及其他相關本,我們得 以抵銷通脹壓力、工會協定的增薪幅 度、按交易量計算的交易稅,以及在墨西哥涉及 反洗錢事宜的罰款,故支出水平與 2011 年大致相 若。
Costs were broadly in line with 2011, as a result of sustainable cost savings initiatives which saved some US$200m, cost control and lower restructuring and other related costs which offset inflationary pressures, union-agreed salary increases, volume-driven transactional taxes and a fine relating to anti-money laundering in Mexico.
我们专业的EPAT团队可以提供多样化的服务,并不断地评 估各种项目,包括:发展气体在电子行业的应用技术,如研 究无助焊剂焊接和了解不同气氛成份的效用,并将这些技术 带给我们的客户;提供工艺技术支持,包括解决问题,优化 工艺和降低生产本;我们还 和客户合作开展与行业密切相 关的研发活动,如无铅焊接、试验生产和成本模型分析等。
This multitalented EPAT team offers diverse capabilities and is constantly evaluating programs, including: developing gas and process technology such as fluxless soldering research and understanding the effects of atmosphere composition, and then bringing these developments commercially to our customers; providing process technical support to customers, including problem resolution, process optimization, and cost reduction programs; conducting industry-relevant R&D activities with joint development projects with customers, such as lead-free soldering, production trials, and cost of ownership models.
PeerApp 公司首席执行官兼主席Robert Mayer说:“由于 P2P与HTTP流媒体信息的增加引起了网络拥堵,并极大增加了客户的网络 本 , 我 们 发现全球服务供应商对我们的产品存在大量需求。
We're seeing tremendous demand for our products from service providers around the world, as growing volumes of peer-to-peer and HTTP streaming traffic cause congestion and dramatically increase their network costs," said Robert Mayer, PeerApp's CEO and chairman.
我 们 高 效 的 绝 缘 保 温 产 品 和 建 材 可 节
[...] 约 能 源 并 降 低 生 产本; 我 们 的 产 品 有 助 于 建 造 [...]
更 有 效 的 风 力 涡 轮 机; 我 们 研 发 的 颜 料 和 涂 料 增 加 了 太 阳
反 射 特 性; 我 们 的 染 化 产 品 有 助 于 在 纺 织 生 产 过 程 中 节 约 用 水; 我 们 致 力 于 利 用 更 轻 的 节 能 复 合 材 料 代 替 金 属,并用植物材料代替传统燃料。
Our products help build more efficient [...]
wind turbines, add solar reflective properties to paints and coatings and help conserve
water in textile production. Our chemistries replace metals with lighter, energy-efficient composite materials and traditional fossil fuels with plant-based materials.
在配置文件中一块与社会卫报“,海伦·布朗宁,进入土壤协会主任说,她希望看到有机农业成为主流的原因:”我自己的一贯立场是,如果你把一切都要考虑进去,如果你的隐性 本我 们 的 粮食生产系统,然后有机事实上,最便宜的损害,我们的农业系统此刻只是不占一点思考,有办法的有机食品更容易。
In a profile piece with the Society Guardian, Helen Browning, the incoming Soil Association director says why she wants to see organic farming go mainstream: "My own position has always been that if you take everything into account, if you include the hidden costs of our food production system then organic is actually cheaper.
我本人亦 承诺履行我们的全球道德计划。
I am personally
[...] committed to our global ethics [...]
本周末意甲将迎来排名第三的国际米兰主场迎战位居第二的那不勒斯的比赛, 本场比赛可能我本周末 的首选(当然除了曼彻斯特德比之外)。
Third faces second in the Serie A this weekend when Inter Milan host Napoli, and this is probably one of my picks of the weekend (apart from the Manchester derby of course…)
雖然政府仍然傾本土衛星營運商 我 們 相 信他們將會意識到開放市場的好處,因而最終會 容許外資營運商在沒有限制下進入這些市場。
Even though governments still have a
[...] preference for local satellite operators, we believe that they [...]
will recognise the benefits
of an open market and hence will eventually allow foreign operators to enter these markets without restrictions.
2006年的时候,卡拉·扎卡格尼尼 我本 人 一起策划了那一届的圣保罗双年展,展览被取消便成了我们到上海来的核心原因。
Carla Zaccagnini and myself worked together in that edition of the Bienal de São Paulo, much before the segment was abolished, in 2006, and it is thus with a grain of salt that we come to Shanghai.
我本来应 该提前介绍这一内容,因为在事件抛出我们上面所看到的异常之前,我们需要将付款服务运行在工作流运行时中,并对其进行配置。
I did jump ahead just a bit, because before the event even throws the exception we saw above, we need to have our payment service running and configured with the workflow runtime.
所 以我本人認 為,邱局長,你一定要明白一點,如果政府的政策仍然是以地 產炒賣為主,再加上賭場式的經濟,即金融以資本炒作為首要的話,那麼我 們再說這些,也是多餘的了。
Therefore, Secretary Edward YAU, you must understand that if the Government's policies continue to be focused on property speculation or make capital speculation as its prime financial concern, coupled with the casino-style economy, then it is unnecessary for us to make any more comments on this topic.
我本人非 常喜欢贝纳沃先生所阐述的 “全球定位”的概念,对此概念,你们都已注意到或更确切地说都已有所了解。
I personally very much liked the concept of “glo-location” developed by Mr Benavot, of which you are all now aware.
我/我們/本號〕 現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外, 我/我 們/本號〕 並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就我 / 我 們 / 本號〕 或該人應否提交投標表 格作出任何安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通;並承諾,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,我/我們/本號〕 不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納 的 租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其 他 人 士 就我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或 該 人 應否競投作出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other [...]
person should bid or otherwise collude with any other
person in any manner whatsoever.
这项认证不仅强化了我们在这一领域的工艺流程、供应链和最终产品的完整性;而且 也我本人具 有特殊意义,因为它涉及到我们相对较小一部分业务中的产品类别。
The certification not only reinforces the integrity of our processes, supply chains and final products also in this sector, but it also has a special meaning to me because it is related to a category that represents a relatively small part of our business.
我本來是 平面設計師,有一間網絡開發公司,名為onestudio;我也是Racks M.D.B.桌球會/酒吧的創始人之一,四年前剛開業時,可說是全港只此一家。
Originally a graphic designer, I had a web development company called onestudio and I am also the co-founder of Racks M.D.B. a pool hall and bar, which was pretty much the first of its kind when we opened it four years ago.
翻译工作需要如此长的时间,特别是 我 辩 护 上诉人的情况下,对 本 应作 出更多解释,然本报告 限于篇幅而不能做此解释,但可以说的是,正在作出努 力,以更有效地与会议和语文支助事务科主管不断联系,以评估进展情况并确定 [...]
是否需要对具体的翻译要求分轻重缓急,并重新探讨会议和语文支助事务科的内 部要求,即判决书翻译的审校工作必须整体一起完成,而不是分卷完成(这样做
The inordinate length of translation
times, especially in
[...] cases of selfrepresented appellants, calls for greater explanation than suitable for a report of this size, [...]
but it can be said that
efforts are under way to more effectively liaise with the supervisors in the Conference and Language Services Section on a continual basis in order to assess progress and determine the need for requesting prioritization of specific translations, and to readdress the internal requirement of the Conference and Language Services Section that the revision process for translation of a judgement must be accomplished as a whole, rather than volume by volume (which would allow for gradual release of translated portions).
今年是生 物多样性年,而且关于此问题的高级别会议即将举
[...] 行,我们必须牢记维护我们所生活的环境的重要性我本人将致力于在生物多样性、气候变化和水资源的 [...]
During this year devoted to biodiversity and on the eve of the high-level meeting on that issue, we must bear in
mind the importance of preserving the
[...] environment in which we live. I personally [...]
commit myself to developing innovative,
ethical solutions in the areas of biodiversity, climate change and the sustainable management of water resources.
我的同事我本人期 待着就国际实况 调查和责任追究机制如何在保护人权和所有个人方面发挥关键作用以及维护国 际和平与安全问题交换意见。
My colleagues and I are looking forward to the exchange of views about how international fact-finding and accountability mechanisms can play a crucial role in the protection of human rights of all individuals as well as the maintenance of international peace and security.




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