

单词 本性

本性 ()

natural instincts
inherent quality



man at birth is fundamentally good in nature


Can the leopard change his spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)
It is hard change one's essential nature (idiom). You can't change who you are.


it is easier change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character [idiom.]
Can the leopard change his spots?
you can't change who you are

External sources (not reviewed)

联合王国认识到,协调这两项具有 本性 重 要 意义的目标 是其所面临的重大挑战之一。
The United Kingdom acknowledged that reconciling the demands of these two fundamentally important objectives is one of its greatest challenges.
(b) 屬本性質的 一般存貨項目,列為資本物 料。
(b) General stock items
[...] of a capital nature will be classified [...]
as capital stores.
本集團的資金完全能夠滿足本性開 支 計劃和日常運營等所需資金。
The Group has sufficient financial resources to meet the demand for capital expenditure and daily working capital requirements.
委员会认识到,减少灾害风险工作对 于取得可持续的社会-经济发展具有 本性 重 要 意义,为此强调确实 需要设定各种适宜战略、计划和方案,特别是在以下诸方面的战略、 计划和方案:把减少灾害风险工作列为发展政策的主要事项之一、建 立和增强国家综合减少灾害风险机制、以及开展《兵库行动框架》中 所列述的各项关键活动。
Recognizing that disaster risk reduction was fundamental for sustainable socio-economic development, the Committee stressed the importance of putting in place suitable strategies, plans and programmes, especially with regard to mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development policies, creating and strengthening national integrated disaster risk reduction mechanisms, and implementing key activities as described in the Hyogo Framework for Action.
本性開支 包括購入物業、機器及設備以及投資物 業之開支,當中包括業務合併而增添之資產。
Capital expenditure comprises additions to property, plant and equipment and investment properties, including additions resulting from business combination.
各位部长强调人道主义援助属于民政活动的 本性 质 , 重申在利用军事能 力和资产支助人道主义援助活动的局势中,利用这些能力和资产必须得到受灾 [...]
国同意,必须符合国家法律和国际法,包括国际人道主义法,并且充分尊重大 会第46/182号决议规定的各项原则。
The Ministers
[...] emphasized the fundamentally civilian character of humanitarian [...]
assistance, and reaffirmed the need, in situations
where military capacity and assets are used to support the implementation of humanitarian assistance, for their use to be undertaken with the consent of the affected State and in conformity with national law, international law, including humanitarian law, and in full respect of the principles set for in General Assembly Resolution 46/182.
法律規定,可動用資產是指某人的 本性 質 資 源的價值, 扣除該人唯一或主要住宅的任何權益的價值,以及該人就其人身 傷害索償所涉及的傷害而獲發用以支付其日後醫療需要的保險賠 款。
In accordance with the statutory
requirements, a
[...] person's disposable capital is the value of his/her resource of a capital nature, disregarding [...]
a number of items including
the value of any interest in the only or main dwelling, and insurance money received in respect of the injuries to which the person's personal injury claim relates, to cover his/her future medical needs.
这些原因包括生命权的本 性质; 死亡以及在某些情况下致残的不可逆转性;发生事实和判断失误的可能性; 无辜旁观者被杀或受伤的可能性;对警察和国家的合法性的影响;当暴力造成生 [...]
These include the
[...] fundamental nature of the right to life; the irreversible nature of death, [...]
and in some cases, disability;
the potential of errors of fact and judgement; the possibility that innocent bystanders may be killed or wounded; the effect on the legitimacy of the police and the State; and the trauma suffered by everyone involved — which could include the police officers concerned — when a life is ended through violence.
当消防喷头聚合物密封件的长期性能遭到质疑时,Bell 先生领导各方对材料本性能和 故障特点达成共识,并与行业、政府和监管机构密切合作,成功地解决了这一棘手的情形。
When the long-term performance of polymer sprinkler seals came into question, Mr. Bell assumed leadership for developing an understanding of the fundamental performance and failure characteristics of the materials, and worked closely with Industry, Government and Regulatory Authorities to bring about successful resolution of the situation that might otherwise have become extremely contentious.
专家 们特别强调了要明确对如下问题的认识的重要性:(i) 物质的文化遗产和非物质的文化遗产 之间的互动关系;(ii) 生活是形成非物质文化遗本性之源 ; (iii) 两者交叉部位的界定; (iv)对保护措施需要的紧迫性;(v) 为确保达成最广泛的协商一致需要在谈判中采取高度灵活 性的态度;(vi) 在地方、国家和国际层面对非物质文化遗产采取全方位保护措施的重要性。
The experts particularly stressed the need to give recognition to (i) the interaction between the tangible and the intangible cultural heritage; (ii) the live, evolving nature of the intangible cultural heritage; (iii) its cross-border dimension; (iv) the urgent need for protective measures; (v) the need for great flexibility in the negotiation process in order to secure the broadest possible consensus; and (vi) the importance of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage at the local, national and international levels.
需要采取步骤本性地改 变发展和经济增 长的范例,让这些要素走上正轨,争取建立一个对气候问题敏感、尊重人权和社 会正义并注意生态极限的制度。
These steps are needed to radically change the paradigm of development and economic growth, putting these factors on track towards a system which is climate-sensitive, respectful of human rights and social justice, and mindful of ecological limits.
关于改善委员会工作方法的问题,有关第 1373(2001)号决议执行情况的初步评估具有 本性 的重 大意义;它们作为与各国进行定期对话的基本文 件,也是监测各国反恐努力的客观、不加歧视和有系 统的基础。
In terms of improving the Committee’s working methods, the Preliminary Implementation Assessments regarding resolution 1373 (2001) continue to be of fundamental importance; they serve as basic documents for regular dialogue with States and as an objective, non-discriminatory and systemic foundation for monitoring the counter-terrorism efforts of States.
[...] 免要经受严峻考验,但缅甸政治精英们就 本性变 革 的必要性已达成广泛共识,这意味着局势逆转的 [...]
风险较小;同时心怀不满的民众没有结成有组织的 团体,因而也无力阻挠改革进程。
Any such program of major political change must inevitably face serious tests, but the
broad consensus among the political elite
[...] on the need for fundamental change means [...]
that the risk of a reversal appears low;
there is no coherent group of disaffected individuals with the power to undo the process.
需要处理一系列本性问题,包括资本市场的剧烈波动问题和有害于金 融稳定的资本市场创新内容。
A number of questions about underlying issues needed to be addressed, including the great volatility of capital markets and aspects of capital market innovations that were harmful to financial stability.
有鉴于此,教科文组织正在酝酿一些 本性 的 调 整,包括重新思考非集中化政策,使 计划的制定更加协调,采用共同的工作计划,以及按照《巴黎宣言》与联合国机构和双边捐 助者步调一致。
This is why UNESCO is anticipating some fundamental adjustments, including a rethink of its decentralization policy, the move towards better alignment of programming, common work programmes, and harmonization with United Nations agencies and bilateral donors, in line with the Paris Declaration.
尽管他们尚未声称对此举正式负责——这恰好 说明那些卷入者本性—— 众所周知,责任人正是目 前的军队领导人,具体来说是以武装部队参谋长 [...]
Antonio Indjai 中将为首的军队领导人。
Although they have not claimed official
responsibility for this action — a perfect
[...] illustration of the nature of those involved [...]
— as is well known to all, the current
military leadership are the perpetrators, headed specifically by the Chief of Staff of the armed forces, Lieutenant General Antonio Indjai.
委员会收到的案文在继续退化,特别是在对欧 洲联盟来说本性的问题上,如言论自由,民间社会 的作用和特别报告员的独立性。
The text before the Committee had continued to deteriorate, especially with regard to such essential issues for the European Union as freedom of expression, the role of civil society and the independence of the Special Rapporteur.
[...] 且儿童因可预防、可治疗的疾病死亡,那么人 本性 就 要 求我们都予以关注,并 将之视为共同的挑战问题。
In the view of one State respondent, it should be understood that, as long as there is extreme
poverty and children die of preventable,
[...] curable diseases, human nature requires [...]
that we all care, and regard this as a common challenge.
自 2007 年起,罗马尼亚在发展合作领域扮演的角色发生了 本性 改 变 ,由 官方发展援助(ODA)的受惠国转变为捐赠国。
Since 2007, Romania’s role in development cooperation has radically changed, shifting from beneficiary country to donor of official development assistance (ODA).
2006 年意见;2011 年订正]法国认为,该准则草案的措辞应更加敏锐地体
[...] 现条约或附加议定书中关于评价保留允许性的机构权限条款的 本性 质 ,使国家 和国际组织能够阐明它们赋予条约适用情况监督机构在评价保留“允许性”方面 [...]
Observation 2006; revision 2011] France considers that this draft guideline should establish more clearly the fundamental nature of the clauses in a treaty or additional
protocol that confer on bodies the competence to
[...] assess the permissibility of reservations, [...]
thereby allowing States and international
organizations to spell out the competence that they grant to a treaty monitoring body regarding assessment of the “permissibility” of reservations.
本 性開支 包括購入固定資產之費用,當中包括因收購附屬公 司而增添之資產。
Capital expenditure comprises additions to fixed assets, including additions resulting from acquisitions through purchases of subsidiaries.
於建議宣派任何股息前,董事會可自本公司溢利調撥金額由其決定之款項作為 儲備,可按董事會酌情應用作支付本公司遭索償之金額、負債、或然負債,或用作 償還本性貸款 、補足股息或其他可運用本公司溢利之用途,在有關款項應用作該 等用途前,可按董事會酌情用於本公司業務或投資董事會可能不時認為適當之投資 [...] [...]
The Board may, before recommending any dividend, set aside out of the profits of the Company such sums as it thinks fit as a reserve or reserves which shall, at the discretion of the Board, be applicable for meeting claims on or liabilities of the Company or
contingencies or for
[...] paying off any loan capital or for equalising dividends or for any other purpose to which the [...]
profits of the Company
may be properly applied, and pending such application may, at the like discretion, either be employed in the business of the Company or be invested in such investments (other than shares of the Company) as the Board may from time to time think fit, and so that it shall not be necessary to keep any investments constituting the reserve or reserves separate or distinct from any other investments of the Company.
在那里,我不仅重拾了对于书法和绘画的热情,还找回了对自己拥有灵长类拇指的自豪,在人类内心深处所激荡着的那股剧烈而带有破 性 的 本性 面 前 ,我找回了那份谦逊与平复。
A couple of weeks ago I went back to Korea, where I recovered not only my love for calligraphy and drawing, but also the pride for my opposable thumbs and my humbleness in the face of the fierce and destructive nature that stirs within us.
土 著人民欢迎采矿业作出一切真诚努力,以减少碳足迹和提高安全标准,尊重人权 和提高矿山周围环境标准,但感到严重关切的是,采矿技术和采矿作业仍不适当、 不可持续,也没有如实反映以开采地球非可再生资源为基础的采矿 本性 质。
While indigenous peoples welcome any and all genuine efforts of the mining industry to reduce its carbon footprint and raise the standards of safety, respect for human rights and the raising of environmental standards around mines, there is also a serious concern that mining techniques and operations remain inappropriate, unsustainable and misrepresent the fundamental nature of mining, which is founded on the extraction of a non-renewable resource from the earth.
此外,Alderon和河北钢铁集团有限公司应该按照约束卡米有限合伙公司的协议条款规定下的各自利益为首次出资额和项目债务融资未涵盖的卡米项目开发用的 本性 支 出 进行出资。
In addition, Alderon and HBIS will be required to contribute to capital expenditures for the development of the Kami Project not covered by initial capital contributions and project debt financing, in
accordance with their respective interests subject to the terms of the agreement
[...] governing the Kami Limited Partnership.
强化渔业管理能力在发展中国家是 本性 的 任务,以推进可持续渔业,减少 和减缓IUU捕鱼的影响。特别重要的是,在支持全面和有效实施现有和新的全球文 书方面的能力发展(例如2009年港口国措施协定 [插文6 ])和其他渔业行动(例如 全球渔船、冷冻运输船和补给船记录),作为打击IUU捕鱼的工具。
Capacity development is especially important to support the full and effective implementation of existing and new global instruments (e.g. the 2009 Port State Measures Agreement [Box 6]) and other fisheries initiatives as tools to combat IUU fishing.
委员会建议缔约国采取适当措施,杜绝色情业对移民女童的 剥削,并建议缔约国加紧努力,收集有关对儿童的性剥削和性虐待情况严重程度 的数据,而这一数据对于准备作出适当的应对行动来杜绝这一现象具有 本性的 意义。
The Committee recommends that the State party take adequate measures to combat the exploitation of migrant girls in prostitution and that it intensify its efforts to collect data on the extent of sexual exploitation and abuse of children, which is essential for the preparation of adequate responses to combat these phenomena.
喀土本性未改 ,驱逐了人道主义团体,加深了达尔富尔大批境内流离失所者的 [...]
苦难,但是,2011 年 1 月,分离问题全民投票经过长久计划后举行了,同年 2011 年 7 月南苏丹分离了。
True to its nature, Khartoum expelled [...]
humanitarian groups, deepening hardship for the huge population of internally displaced
persons in Darfur, but, in January 2011, the long planned secession referendum occurred and in July of 2011 South Sudan seceded.
该项审查提出了有关本性变化 的建议,其中 包括:(a) 计算费用回收时不再区分固定间接费用和可变间接费用,以便计算费 [...]
用回收时可考虑所有的间接费用;(b) 发展实效活动及其相关费用由核心资源和 非核心资源直接提供资金,以便回收的费用可支付按比例分摊的管理费用和可比
特殊目的费用(UNW/2012/13,第 2 和 11 段)。
The review
[...] recommended a number of fundamental changes, [...]
including (a) that the distinction between fixed and variable indirect
costs no longer be used in calculating cost-recovery so that all indirect costs would be considered in calculating cost recovery; and (b) that development effectiveness activities and associated costs be directly funded from core and non-core resources, so that recovered costs would pay their proportional share of management and comparable special purpose costs (UNW/2012/13, paras. 2 and 11).
鉴于战略目标三的交性,本计划 将充分考虑对其他计划所起到的计划、协调和支持作用,加强与这些计划的配合,确保 [...]
Given the cross-cutting nature of Strategic Goal [...]
III, the Program will fully take into account its planning, coordinating
and support role to other Programs and enhance synergies with them to ensure coherence in the design and implementation of national IP strategies and country plans.




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