单词 | 本影 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 本影 —umbraExamples:影印本—a photocopy 影印本 n—photocopy n 电影剧本—screenplay
吳靄儀議員要求政府當局檢討應否將非法入境者 長時間監禁、此種監禁措施可否達到預期的懲教效果,以及此種監禁 措施的成本影響。 legco.gov.hk | Hon Margaret NG asked the Administration to review whether illegal immigrants should be imprisoned for a long period [...] of time, whether such imprisonment could achieve the desired penal [...] effect and the cost implications of such imprisonment. legco.gov.hk |
這主要是由於較高的平均債務水平,其次是由於較高的長期、固定利率資金組合的遞增 成 本影 響。 glencore.com | The increase was primarily due to higher [...] average debt levels and, to a lesser extent, the [...] incremental cost impact of a higher long [...]term, fixed rate funding mix. glencore.com |
优质的组件对我们的成本影响相 对轻微,但对客户 满意度和推荐度则影响极大。 glenraven.com | Premium components have a relatively minor impact on cost, but a huge impact on satisfaction and referrals. glenraven.com |
虽然 教科文组织无需为第 2 类机构/中心直接提供资金,但成本影 响 依 然存在。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While UNESCO is not required to provide direct funding to category 2 institutes/centres, there [...] are nevertheless costs implications. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本章 将讨论基本影像处理概念以帮助您充分利用这些功能。 graphics.kodak.com | Basic image processing concepts are reviewed in this chapter to help you take advantage of these features. graphics.kodak.com |
这些 气候变化对安全根本影响的性质应当向我们表明,这 个问题需要联合国所有主要机关的关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | The nature of those [...] fundamental security implications of climate change [...]should indicate to us that the issue requires the [...]attention of all principal organs of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
本影片內 容所發表的意見,本行保留權利可予隨時修改影片內所載資料而毋須另行通知。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | The Bank reserves the right to revise the video content anytime without prior notice. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
4.56 在這方面,小組委員會曾要求政府當局重新審視會否 考慮就某些設施(例如M+)採用先行擬訂詳細的設計,然後以另 [...] 一份合約就建造工程招標的做法,以及重新審視有關的 成 本影 響。 legco.gov.hk | 4.56 In this respect, the Subcommittee has requested the Administration to re-examine whether it would consider the alternative procurement approach of drawing up the detailed design first and then [...] tender out the construction works under a separate contract for certain facilities such as [...] M+, and the cost implications. legco.gov.hk |
(f) 一個組織認為,擬議的工程( 包括臨時填海工程及 附屬工程) 會對維港造成根本影響。 devb.gov.hk | (f) An organization was of the view that [...] the proposed works including temporary reclamation and ancillary works [...] would fundamentally affect the Victoria Harbour. devb.gov.hk |
估值師採用市場法,選用可資比較公司之企業價值(「EV」)相對除利息、稅 [...] 項、折舊和攤銷前盈利(「EBITDA」)倍數(「EV/EBITDA」)為適用倍數,此乃由 [...] 於(i)EBITDA不受稅率差異、資本結構及所投資 資 本影 響 ;及(ii)EV/EBITDA已 證實為用作將製造公司定價之可靠比率,因此EBITDA為代表可於公司之間作比 [...]較 [...]之 盈 利 能 力 之 會 計計量。 cre8ir.com | By adopting the market approach, the Valuer has selected the enterprise value (‘‘EV’’) to earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (‘‘EBITDA’’) multiple (‘‘EV/EBITDA’’) of the comparables as the appropriate multiple as EBITDA is an accounting metric that represents earning power that [...] can be compared across companies since [...] (i) EBITDA is not affected by the differences [...]in tax rates, capital structure and [...]capital invested; and (ii) EV/ EBITDA has been proven to be a reliable ratio for pricing manufacturing companies. cre8ir.com |
例如,请记下下面黑白影像中的“噪音”以及两个 版 本影 像 上 的标记。 graphics.kodak.com | For example, note the “noise” in the b/w image below as well as the flag [...] marks on both versions of the image. graphics.kodak.com |
正是由于这个原因,这一组织一直 支持《公约》并开展了许多活动,向各成员国宣传这一文书的 根 本影 响 。 代表团指出,文化多样 性对于人类的延续和团结是必不可少的,就像生物多样性对于地球生命的延续是必不可少的那 样。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Portugal said that cultural diversity was as indispensable to the survival and harmony of humanity as biodiversity was for the sustainability of life on Earth. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因此,计算不符合标准的成本影响, 从质量和安全角度来看,不仅有关生 产者、加工商、质量控制机构和消费者的利益,还与政策、捐赠者、公共卫生机 [...] 构和开发机构有关。 fao.org | Proper assessment of the extent of assistance [...] needed is key in decision-making. [...] Therefore, costing the impact of substandard [...]products, from both a quality and safety [...]perspective, is of interest not only to producers, processors, quality control authorities and consumers, but also to governments, donors, public health authorities and development agencies. fao.org |
全天然无添加,酒精含量13.8%,是一支可以直接饮用的化妆水!多位著名 日 本影 星 藤原纪香、生田智子和服部真湖等,都非常爱用这款纯米酒护肤水。 cosme-de.com | Many famous Japanese stars love this pure rice sake so much! cosme-de.com |
运输成本影响到贸易、生产和竞争力,尤其是在国际供应链中生产的产 品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Transport costs affect trade, production [...] and competitiveness, especially for goods produced in international supply chains. daccess-ods.un.org |
Humphrey 先生曾探討在一個類似中區填海第三期 工程的項目中,如果出現合約受挫失效、被結束 [...] 和被放棄的不同情況下,可能(對僱主)造成的 成本影響。 devb.gov.hk | Mr Humphrey has dealt with the likely costs (to the [...] Employer) that might arise on a project like CRIII in the event of frustration, [...] termination or abandonment, [...]and suspension. devb.gov.hk |
本文件第 8 段中还提到向企业直接支付增支经营 成 本影 响 到那些不考虑其他因素, 通过选择最昂贵技术设法使现金支付最大化的企业对技术的选择。 multilateralfund.org | Also, in paragraph 8 of the document, it is mentioned that the direct [...] payment of incremental operating costs (IOC) [...] to enterprises influenced the technology [...]choice of enterprises that sought to maximize [...]the cash payment by selecting the most expensive technology, without taking other factors into account. multilateralfund.org |
100%點對點的16:9畫面,能忠實重現原 本影 像 , 畫面不失真、不變形。 benq.com.tw | The big beautiful screen on the M2700HD features a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio with Full HD 1080p resolution. benq.co.ke |
按照固定價格機制計算,澳洲政府現行碳稅提案對五礦資源有限公司之成 本影響估計約為每年 18 百萬澳元。 mmg.com | The cost impact for Minmetals Resources Limited associated with the Australian Government’s current carbon tax proposal is estimated to be approximately A$18 million per annum during the initial three years under a fixed price regime. mmg.com |
巴西的理解是,“国际地球母亲日”为我们提供 了一个机会,可借此提请人们从可持续发展及其对人 类福祉的根本影响的 角度重视环境问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Brazil understands International Mother Earth Day as an opportunity to call attention to the environment in the context of sustainable development and its fundamental bearing on the well-being of humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了帮助各国评价核能对可持续发展可能作出的贡献,需要对以下各项的净 成本影响进行深入评估。 daccess-ods.un.org | To help countries to evaluate the potential [...] contribution of nuclear energy to sustainable development, an in-depth assessment [...] of the net cost impact of the following [...]is needed daccess-ods.un.org |
全世界多数粮食都是妇女种植、收割、贮藏和 烹煮,而且往往是在极端困难的条件下……向这些妇女提供种植更多粮食的工 [...] 具和培训以及将粮食放到市场销售的机会,将对她们的生活产生 根 本影 响 ,并 给很多国家的经济带来增长。 daccess-ods.un.org | Giving these women the tools and the training to grow more food and the opportunity to get that [...] food to a market where it can be sold [...] will have a transformative impact on their lives [...]and it will grow the economies of so many countries.a daccess-ods.un.org |
於 2008 年 2 月 [...] 7 日在南極附近發生的日環食中,月球的 偽 本影 曾 短暫由東向西移,後轉向北移動並轉回正常方向。 david.samsiu.hk | In the annular eclipse on 2008/02/07 near [...] the South Pole, the shadow actually travels [...]from east to west for some time before [...]it eventually goes north and returns to the normal west-to-east movement. david.samsiu.hk |
同时考虑到成本影响, 与投资委员会协商,请联合国内外投资专家给予充分 协助,切实有效地进行和管理这种分散投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board had suggested that continued diversification should be done [...] judiciously and incrementally, taking [...] into account cost implications, and in regular [...]consultation with the Investments Committee, [...]and had also requested sufficient in-house expertise and outside investment support to effectively implement and manage such a portfolio. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过对比可 [...] 以深入了解各类替代品带来的环境惠益,短期和长期 成 本影 响 , 体制机构在泡 沫塑料公司转换过程中的作用,过渡转换和最终转换的产品在市场中的可接受 [...] 程度,两组公司的安全情况和竞争性,以及低消费量国家和中小企业的特殊情 况。 multilateralfund.org | A comparison could look into the environmental [...] benefits, the short-term versus the [...] longer-term cost implications of the various alternatives, [...]the role of systems houses [...]in the conversion of foam companies, the market acceptance of the products with interim versus the final conversion, the safety situation and the competitiveness of the two groups of companies, and the particular situation of LVC countries and of small and medium-sized enterprises. multilateralfund.org |
一些小组织,如果有高级管理层的坚定承诺和对工作人员的全 面早期培训,就能受益于全组织范围的同时实施,而从 成 本影 响 和 有机会吸取经 验教训的角度而言,分阶段的做法对于业务多样和有实地机构的组织来说更实 用。 daccess-ods.un.org | While small organizations with strong senior management commitment and comprehensive early training of staff might benefit from simultaneous organization-wide implementation, a phased approach would be more useful to organizations with diverse operations and a field presence, both in terms of cost implication and the opportunity to build on experience. daccess-ods.un.org |
於實施固定價格機制的首三年,本公司就引入澳洲碳定價相關的總 成 本影 響 估 計約為每年 18 百萬澳元。 mmg.com | The total cost impact to the Company associated with the introduction of an Australian carbon price is estimated to be approximately A$18 million per annum during the initial three years under a fixed price regime. mmg.com |
對於本影片所 載資料的準確度或可靠性,香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司("本行")並無作出保證或承擔任何責任。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (the "Bank") neither endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of, and under no circumstances will the Bank be liable for any loss or damage caused by reliance on, any opinion, advice or statement made in this video. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
無論您是希望擁有基本影印機,或是整套具多功能的文件管理組合,AficioTM [...] MP2550B的系統均能按您的指示而調整,令您可以獲得心目中理想的文件管理工具,以達成目標。 ricoh.com.hk | Whether you need a [...] basic walk-up copier or a full suite [...]of multifunctional capabilities, these systems can be customised [...]at your command. You obtain exactly the tools you require to reach your goals. ricoh.com.hk |
按照国别划分,在被盗版的国外影片中,美国影片依然是最主要的盗版片源,其次是近几年 崛起的韩国影片,另外港台影片和日 本影 片 也 是重要的被盗对象。 uschina.org | By nationality of origin, American-made movies account [...] for the largest share of the pirate market, followed by [...] Korean-produced films that have gained [...]popularity in recent years. uschina.org |