单词 | 本店 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 本店 noun —shop n
場內擺設陳列方式,盡以紐約本店為 藍 本 , 傘子和自行車掛在半空,令顧客有獨一無二的體驗。 think-silly.com | The pop up store is set up with the New York [...] HQ in mind, with umbrellas and bikes hanging from the ceiling, making it a rather quirky sight. think-silly.com |
本店为大 家准备了咖啡、Noritake茶等饮料以及各类甜点,午餐时间还提供咖喱、比萨等主食。 noritake.co.jp | The Square Café serves drinks including coffee and Noritake tea, assorted desserts, and meals including curry and pizza during lunch time. noritake.co.jp |
10 Perfect Nails專營指甲美容, 全方位呵護你的手與腳, [...] 提供各款美甲和腳部護理服務, 其中以凝膠式指甲為本店特色。 ilovelkf.hk | Complete your experience at 10 Perfect Nails with gel nails (a specialty here), nail [...] varnishes, foot rub, soak or scrub. ilovelkf.hk |
从 Bayfront 地铁站即可轻松到达本店,百 分之百能满足您对韩国美食的渴望。 zh.marinabaysands.com | Easily accessible from Bayfront MRT station, there's no excuse not to satisfy your Korean food cravings! marinabaysands.com |
買家必讀┏本店支付方式推薦使用支付寶支付,也可以通過匯款,匯款的GGMM可以通過聯繫電話告之銀行帳號,匯款後發消息到18923484368,並把要購買的商品名,收貨地址電話 名字以及淘寶暱稱發到這個號碼上,我們確認後會為您盡快發貨,深圳市區的顧客希望當面交易的,請提前一天告之掌櫃 本店一般情況只採用快遞不採用平郵,在顧客沒有指定快遞的情況下,默認快遞為申通快遞(www.sto.cn)如果申通到不了的地區請及時通知我們轉其他快遞或EMS。 tw.evershooting.com | ) Recommend the ┓ buyers must read ┏ Our payment using Alipay, through [...] remittances, remittances GGMM [...] Tel divisions of the bank account, remittances message to 18923484368, and want to buy the trade name, shipping address phone the name of the Taobao nickname to this number to be shipped as soon as possible after we confirm your the Shenzhen urban customers face-to-face transactions, one day in advance to announce Dispensers Our general only by courier post, in case the customer does not specify the courier, the default courier STO (www.sto.cn), Shentong areas not please notify us to turn the other courier or EMS. 17:00 daily [...]payment will be issued [...]on the day, 5:00 2 days after issuing the courier company responsible for querying the event of delay the date of receipt Shop, but do not bear the responsibility for delays, the shop can only help you with the courier company complaints reflect Do not express dissatisfaction and our service mix, Thank you for your understanding! evershooting.com |
發行代碼錯誤表示不為本公司發行之卡片或店家代碼錯誤表示不 為 本店 家 所 使用。 gauss.com.tw | Shop ID error means this card was made for other company instead of this shop. gauss.com.tw |
YAYOI位于只园下河原一带,这附近有许多名胜古迹,从日本3大祭典只园祭的八坂神社南楼门往南步行约2分钟 , 本店 就 设 在下河原通沿岸,邻近有绿意盎然的清水寺、高台寺、知恩院,春天樱花盛开、秋天赏枫,体验京都四季的万种风情,本建筑就伫立在充满情趣的街道景观。 yayoi-ojako.co.jp | There are many places of historic interest and scenic beauty in the area of Gion [...] Shimogawara where Yayoi is [...] located and the shop is on the Shimogawara street, two-minute walk toward [...]south from Nanro-mon of [...]Yasaka Shrine that is famous for Gion Festival, one of the three major festivals in Japan. yayoi-ojako.co.jp |
持續領導日本袋子業界的人氣品牌Head Porter,在品牌芸芸的系列中,以分支Black Beauty最為聞名,是東京都Head Porter本店的頭號熱賣作品。 think-silly.com | The much loved Japanese label Head Porter is known for its Black Beauty division. think-silly.com |
对流行时尚敏感经常追求新鲜事物的顾客 , 本店 提 供 各项花椒小干白鱼YAYOI独家的限定商品,以及款待用的日常商品或表达心意的礼品等各项商品。 yayoi-ojako.co.jp | For fashion-conscious customers and those who always [...] seek for new things, various kinds of products are available ranging [...]from Yayoi’s unique exclusive products of Chirimen Sansho and daily products to souvenirs that convey feelings with hospitality. yayoi-ojako.co.jp |
西餐「Kiraku」的炸牛、燉牛肉和炸肉餅相當美味的西餐廳「芬味亭」及以AL PONTE和壽喜燒有名的「人形町今半 本店 」。 att-japan.net | Those on empty tanks have a multitude of choices: Western inspired Kiraku has beef katsu (cutlets fried in breadcrumbs); Homi-tei has delicious beef stew and croquettes; there's Al Ponte Italian Restaurant; and then there's Imahan Ningyo-cho, famous for its sukiyaki. att-japan.net |
本店道地 的壽司吧中,以每日自東京築地 (Tsukiji) 市場空運鮮美的魚材來招待賓客。 hk.marinabaysands.com | Treat yourself to the freshest fish air-flown in daily from Tsukiji market in Tokyo within our authentic Sushi bar. marinabaysands.com |
寶格麗 Il Café 咖啡館首次進駐大阪地區,位於奢華時尚、創意無窮的阪急百貨梅 田 本店 二 樓 百貨店,讓顧客以獨一無二的方式享受生活。 bulgarihotels.com | First in the Osaka area, Bulgari Il Café is situated on the luxury floor of Hankyu department store in Umeda, an innovative department store that offers its guests a distinctive approach to lifestyle. bulgarihotels.com |
當中不少賓客迫不及待參觀我們的全新太古廣場專賣店,而我們亦期待您的光臨, 於 本店 了 解 更多IWC萬國錶飛行員腕錶的歷史。 iwc.com | Our new Pacific Place boutique is raring to go [...] and we look forward to welcoming you to [...] explore our new boutique and learn more [...]of the history of IWC Pilot’s Watches,” [...]said Benoit de Clerck, Managing Director North-East Asia. iwc.com |
本店亦有 提供各种医疗,保健,美容的资询服务。 sogo.com.hk | Meanwhile we also supply nutriment and Vitamins. We are pleased to offer opinion in different areas such as medical, health care and beauty. sogo.com.hk |
一個也就6-9元的產品,假設你不是很懂,也不要中差評啊,因為這個是DIY產品,運費也比這個貴 , 本店 鋪 不 提供技術,希望購買的朋友注意哦,我們不 [...] 接受中差評和退貨,換貨。 tw.imendit.com | Product also 6-9, assuming you do not really understand, and do not in bad, [...] because this is a DIY product, freight than the [...] expensive, the shop does not provide [...]technical, hope to buy friends attention [...]Oh, we do not accept bad return, replacement. imendit.com |
本店汇集了适用于各种场合的餐具。 noritake.co.jp | Offering a wide range of tableware suitable for many different occasions. noritake.co.jp |
發展到2012年初,尚禮坊已經是香港同類花禮店規模最大之一,根據數 個 本店 長 年 合作品牌包括 1.法國最大香檳供應商/ [...] 2.朱古力專門店/3.酒店Boutique(月餅,食品等)/4.著名香港曲奇餅專門店/5.國際服飾品牌cafe供應商等 非官方營銷經理個別分享, [...] 尚禮坊在高峰節日已經 是上列品牌 各自在全港最大花果禮店類別客戶,對於我們數年重點進取發展的各項禮籃系列是一大優勢,我們以上千數量訂購,把全港最好的質量和價格帶給更多客戶。 givegift.com.hk | In early [...] 2012, Give Gift Boutique is already amongst [...]the industry's largest in scale in Hong Kong. According to many brands [...]we work with for many years including 1. largest Champagne direct distributor / 2. chocolate specialty store / 3. hotel boutique (mooncake and other gourmets) / 4. famous HK cookies store / 5. international clothing brand cafe and others' sales managers non-official sharing, Hong Kong GGB is already THE largest fresh-gift-shop client of these companies at holiday seasons. givegift.com.hk |
餐厅具代表性的菜肴是博多煮肉锅、盐烤牛尾等,在其他餐厅品尝不到 的 本店 的 独 创料理。 yokanavi.com | Many traditional Japanese eateries close early in the evening, but we stay open until 3 A.M. for all those who wish they could get the fresh flavors of Japanese cuisine late into the night. yokanavi.com |
經過數年努力, 本店在香港業界和市場都有建立了口碑,客戶一直給我們的正面的回饋,數據顯示我們近12個月訂購的客戶當中有近42%為訂多於一次的長期企業或個人客戶,對於生客為多和流動性極大的送禮行業是一個傲視同群的指標。 givegift.com.hk | Latest statistics shows a stunning 42% of our orders in the previous 12 months were placed by return/long term clients accounts, a figure very difficult to achieve, and we are most proud of in a new-clients dominant and extremely high clients-mobility industry particularly in Hong Kong. givegift.com.hk |
RUNSA的POS终端提供营业员考勤、赠品耗品处理、滞销分析、交班作业、产品查询、店长变价汇总、图表分析、同期对比分析、销售预测向导、基本存货量控制等 基 本店 铺 管 理功能。 runsa.cn | RUNSA POS terminals supply the basic functions of the shops management like salesperson attendance, waste disposal gifts, poor analysis, shift operations, product inquiries, manager collection of the price change, chart analysis, comparative analysis of the same period, sales forecasting guide, basic inventory control etc. runsa.cn |
葉**3:不錯¥19.9評價:5分fengqing06:很潤的感覺~~~也很自然~~! ! 是正品 ··喜歡喜歡! ! ! ~嘻嘻哈哈哈86:是正品,和在實體店買的一樣,價格比那便宜,很好用運費說明 : 本店 所 有 商品不支持貨到付款,包郵產品默認發圓通、申通、中通快遞,其它 快遞不發,如果快遞不能到達的話(或如收貨地址為新疆、西藏、內蒙古等偏遠地),請聯繫客服補7元差價即可發EMS。 tw.taobaowig.com | Laughing and joking and Kazakhstan 86: genuine, and buy in the store, the price is cheaper than that, good with shipping instructions: We all goods not support cash on delivery, 包邮 default hair tact, Shen Tong, Express, other express hair, if the courier can not reach (or, if delivery address is in remote Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia), please contact customer service to make up 7 yuan price difference can be sent EMS. taobaowig.com |
味噌渍豆腐及烟熏酱油等只有在本店 才 可 以品尝到的特色料理也种类丰富,曾身为游客的店主在世界各国学到的料理也同时深受居住福冈的外国友人的欢迎。 yokanavi.com | Regular customers also stop by after work to enjoy the wine, Italian dining, and homey atmosphere that make us unique. yokanavi.com |
此外,如果源頭有問題的話,寵物 店本 身 也是一個擴散疾病的地方,會導致 [...] 更多動物受到感染。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, if there are problems with the [...] sources, the pet shops themselves would [...]be a place for spreading diseases and spreading [...]infections to even more animals. legco.gov.hk |
(六) 全面公開投訴個案涉及的單位,包括有關 商 店 、 本 地 旅 行社、 內地旅行社及導遊名單。 legco.gov.hk | (f) fully disclosing the parties involved in [...] complaint cases, [...] including the names of shops, the local and [...]mainland travel agents, as well as the tour guides concerned. legco.gov.hk |
該命令亦規定,商店須在 供應地點顯眼位置 展示 210 毫米 x 297 毫米的告示,讓顧客知道使用“鑽石”一 詞的定義,同時讓他們知道供應商在完成交易時有責任向顧客 發出載列製品詳情的發票或收據,並保存 副 本。 legco.gov.hk | The Order will [...] also require traders to display prominently a notice measuring 210 mm x 297 mm at the point of supply to inform customers of the definition “diamond” and the supplier’s duty to produce an invoice or receipt when a transaction is concluded, to retain a copy of the invoice or receipt, as well as the details to be included in the invoice or receipt. legco.gov.hk |
(18) 經營作為書商、書籍製造商、釘裝商、印刷商、出版社以及各類報章、雜誌、 書籍、期刊、門票、場刊、簡介、宣傳單張及其他刊物、機器、凸版印刷機 東主、雕刻師、製模工、設計員、繪圖員、報販、報章代理、新聞從業員、 文學代理、文具店店主與 版畫、圖畫、照片及繪圖生產商及交易商、製圖員、 廣告代理及承辦商、藝術家、雕塑家、設計師、裝飾師、插畫師、攝影師、 錄像師、各類攝影及錄像用品及器材交易商、菲林沖曬公司、電影製作人、 監製及發行商、宣傳代理、佈置專業人員之所有或任何業務,以及任何其他 本公司 可能視為可以基於上述項目經營之業務。 equitynet.com.hk | (18) To carry on all or any of the business of book-sellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all description, machine, letterpress, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, news agents, press agents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, cartographers, advertising agents and contractors, artists, sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers, videographers and dealers in photographic and videography supplies and equipment of all kinds, film-processors, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with any of the foregoing. equitynet.com.hk |