单词 | 本季 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 本季 noun —this season nExamples:本赛季 n—this season n See also:季—surname Ji • fourth or youngest amongst brothers • the last month of a season
1.2 沒有董事、監事、高級管理人員對 本季 度 報 告內容的真實性、準確性和完整性無法 保證或存在異議。 zte.com.cn | 1.2 There are no Directors, Supervisors and senior management who do not warrant or who dispute the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this quarterly report. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
上季刊物介绍过玛泽在泰国的发展, 本季 我 们选择巴西作为「游牧」的主题。 chi.mazars.cn | After introducing you to Mazars development in Thailand in our previous issue, we have chosen to devote this new issue of Nomad to Brazil. mazars.cn |
於本季度内 ,Glencore贖回餘下的400百萬美元8%永久債券及償還600百萬歐元的到期歐元債券。 glencore.com | During the quarter, Glencore redeemed [...] the remaining $ 400 million of the 8% perpetual bonds and repaid the maturing Euro 600 million Eurobond. glencore.com |
剔除汇率带来的影响,本季度的基本订单增长了17%,但仍有较多的积压存货,这为接下来几个季度里过程管理业绩的提升,创造了有利的条件。 emerson.com | Underlying orders, which exclude [...] currency translation, grew 17 [...] percent in the quarter, resulting in backlog remaining at a high level, and [...]supporting a favorable [...]outlook in Process Management for the next several quarters. emerson.com |
1.5 本公司董事長侯為貴先生、財務總監韋在勝先生和會計機構負責人石春茂先生聲 明:保證本季度報 告中財務報告真實、完整。 zte.com.cn | 1.5 Mr. Hou Weigui, Chairman of the Company, Mr. Wei Zaisheng, Chief Financial Officer of the Company and Mr. Shi Chunmao, Head of Finance Division of the Company, hereby [...] declare that they warrant the truthfulness and completeness of the financial [...] report contained in this quarterly report. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
Sepon 的電解銅產量於季度及年初至今均創下紀錄 , 本季 度 再 次按比例超過額定產能。 mmg.com | Sepon achieved quarterly and year-to-date copper cathode production records with the operation again exceeding pro-rata nameplate capacity in the quarter. mmg.com |
我們亦看見歐洲地區於本季度錄得健康的銷售增長。 cre8ir.com | We also saw a healthy increase [...] in our Europe sales this quarter. cre8ir.com |
本季內資 產負債表的其他重大變動,包括交易 用途資產及負債上升(主要在歐洲),原因是 要增加債務及股權證券的持倉,以應付客戶需 [...] 求上升。 hsbc.com.tw | Other significant balance [...] sheet movements in the quarter include a rise in [...]trading assets and liabilities, notably in Europe, [...]as inventories of debt and equity securities rose to meet higher client demand. hsbc.com.tw |
在本季中, 四大新興市場中僅印度的出口新訂單錄得增長。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Of the largest emerging markets, only India recorded growth of new export orders in the first quarter. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
肖烽 公司负责人王昌顺、主管会计工作负责人樊澄及会计机构负责人(会计主管人员)肖烽声明: 保证本季度报 告中财务报告的真实、完整。 airchina.com.cn | Wang Changshun (legal representative of the Company), Fan Cheng (person in charge of accounting function), and Xiao Feng (person in charge of accounting department (accounting [...] superintendent)) hereby jointly declare that the financial [...] statements set out in this quarterly report is true [...]and complete. airchina.com.cn |
尽管本季节的 飓风无一例外地 对所有加勒比国家产生了影响,但海地的损失规模 [...] 尤其突出,该问题又因缺乏重建资源而雪上加霜。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the season’s hurricanes had [...] impacted all Caribbean States indiscriminately, the scale of the damage in Haiti, coupled [...]with a lack of resources for reconstruction, had been particularly acute. daccess-ods.un.org |
每一季,公司提撥總銷售額分數的1%,分給收入前 30名者;每位所分得的數額取決於他或她在前一季 的名次(例如:他們在財富尊尚25大的排名)、他或 她本季的實 際收入、以及他或她的佣金額分數與前 一年對應季相比較的絕對增長量。 usana.com | The amount an individual earns depends upon his or her position (i.e. their rank in [...] the Fortune 25) in the [...] previous quarter, his or her actual earnings for the existing quarter, and the absolute growth in Commissionable Volume Points he or she achieves over the [...]corresponding quarter of the prior year. usana.com |
过程管理业务本季度的 销售额增长 24%,这主要由于全球能源投资及与上一财年供应链中断造成的疲软相比较从而促成的强劲增长。 emerson.com | Process Management sales increased 24 percent, as robust growth resulted from global energy investment and favorable comparisons from the supply chain disruption in the prior year. emerson.com |
相較 2007 年第 [...] 4 季的 DRAM 占總銷售額的 23.6%,本季降至 12.1%,整體的邏輯收入季成長爲 [...]6.5%,年成長爲 25.6%。 cre8ir.com | As DRAM as a portion of our total revenue fell to 12.1% compared to [...] 23.6% in the fourth quarter of 2007, our overall logic revenue [...] gained 6.5% quarter-over-quarter and 25.6% year-over-year. cre8ir.com |
这意义重大,因为一些专家们在数个月前曾预测 , 本季 度 经 济将萎缩,而不是增长。 embassyusa.cn | That’s significant because several months ago some experts were predicting that the economy [...] would shrink this quarter, not grow. eng.embassyusa.cn |
这本季刊最 近重新推出了全新的设计,并聚焦于奢侈品、时尚和生活方式。 ba-repsasia.com | The quarterly publication recently [...] re-launched with a new design and a new focus on luxury, fashion, and lifestyle. ba-repsasia.com |
此外,其他独家产品,如奥玛仕的兰博基尼钢笔和圆珠笔以及华硕的 VX7 兰博基尼笔记本电脑,在本季推出 了全新的橙色款,让人不禁想起金橘色的 [...] Aventador LP 700-4。 lamborghini.com | In addition, other exclusive products, such as the Automobili Lamborghini fountain and ballpoint pens by Omas and the [...] Laptop VX7 Automobili Lamborghini Asus, take on a new orange color reminiscent of the [...] Aventador LP 700-4 in Arancio Atlas. lamborghini.com |
若計入此計劃的貢獻,本季度整 體利潤率為31.6%,與上年度相若。 aia.com | Including this scheme, the [...] overall margin for the quarter was broadly unchanged [...]from the previous year at 31.6 per cent. aia.com |
管理層認為目前的資本資源包括於 本季 度 結束後考慮可用的信用貸款及其管理現金流量及 營運資金水平的能力,將使本公司可履行其目前及未來責任,並為發展其資本計劃以及至 [...] 少未來 12 個月的其他業務需求提供資金。 sunshineoilsands.com | Management believes its capital resources, [...] which considers the available Facility [...] negotiated after quarter end, and its ability [...]to manage cash flow and working capital [...]levels will allow the Corporation to meet its current and future obligations and to fund the development of its capital program and the other needs of the business for at least the next 12 months. sunshineoilsands.com |
本季度取得的 战绩包括在喀布尔及其周围地区发现武器储藏处,以及在赫尔曼德省的 [...] MOSHTARAK 行动期间开展的行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Successes over the quarter include weapon [...] cache finds in and around Kabul and operations during operation Moshtarak in Helmand. daccess-ods.un.org |
本季服饰 的路线是为女士们 提供甜美热辣的日间休闲服和应对炎热夏 [...] 季或潮湿夜间的服饰。 enviefashion.com | This season’s line offers the [...] ladies a wide array of sweet and spicy daytime casual, and on the flipside, hot and steamy night-time apparel. enviefashion.com |
本季刊列 載有關飲食業的消費變動的最新資料。 censtatd.gov.hk | This quarterly publication presents [...] up-to-date information on the movement of consumer spending in the restaurants sector. censtatd.gov.hk |
本季最精 彩的部分在於兩種特殊的布料、 它是與兩家專業紗廠EMANA 及 NUREL共同研發的。 interfiliere.com | The highlights of this season are two different [...] cosmetics fabrics, studied in cooperation with two spinning leaders: EMANA AND NUREL. interfiliere.com |
行政管理開支減少 [...] 主要是由於2011年第二季度就透過銀行信貸的借貸所產生的諮詢費人民幣600萬元,而20 12 年本 季度概無產生該等開支。 equitynet.com.hk | The decrease was mainly due to RMB6 million of consulting fees incurred in relation [...] to borrowings via bank credit in the second quarter of 2011, while no such expense [...] was incurred in this quarter of 2012. equitynet.com.hk |
很不幸的是,今天发生的还不是ST公 司 本季 度 为 度过难关采取的唯一措施,因为下周CEO [...] Carlo Bozotti 还将宣布全球范围内的重组公司计划,很可能目前的产业模式将会被打破。 xkzd.net | Unfortunately, what has happened today [...] is not the only measure taken by the [...] ST Company for the quarter to tide over their [...]difficulties, most likely next week [...]CEO Carlo Bozotti will be announced worldwide restructuring the company plans to current industry model will be broken. xkzd.net |
在2012年中国纯艺术拍卖TOP100中,共有24件入 围 本季 度 中国艺术品拍 卖TOP100,其中早期油画大师作品占有12席。 imgpublic.artprice.com | A total of [...] twenty-four pieces in the quarter entered the 2012 [...]Chinese Fine Art auction Top 100, of which twelve were early oil painting masterpieces. imgpublic.artprice.com |
恢复正常天气条件的预期,本季水稻 种植面积初步预计将恢复 2%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Largely based [...] on expectations of a return to more [...]normal climatic conditions, the area sown to paddy is preliminarily anticipated [...]to recover by 2 per cent over the season. daccess-ods.un.org |
倫敦金屬交易所發佈正式通知確認,「Sepon」品牌電解銅獲列為 A 級銅品牌,合資格向獲倫敦金屬交易所 認可之倉庫交割,此乃 Sepon 於本季度內取得之重要里程碑。 mmg.com | An important milestone for Sepon was achieved during the quarter with the LME issuing a formal notice confirming that ’Sepon’ brand copper cathode has been listed as Copper – Grade A brand, eligible for good delivery to LME-approved warehouses. mmg.com |