单词 | 本子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 本子noun—booknnotebooknless common: editionn Examples:基本粒子—elementary particle (particle physics) 日本原子能研究所—Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute 日本鬼子—Japanese devil (common term of abuse in wartime China and in subsequent writing)
例如,您可以对一个只用了一部分的笔记本存档,然 后把没用过的部分作为第二个本子来用。 livescribe.com | For example, you could archive a notebook that is partially completed, and then use the remaining pages as a second notebook. livescribe.com |
周内秒计数所对应的 秒时刻是指本子帧同步头的第一个脉冲上升沿所对应的时刻。 olinkstar.com | The SOW count occurs at the leading edge of preamble first bit of the subframe. olinkstar.com |
电脑学习软件/程序不属于本子类,该项与其它教育软件将在下一子类《智能玩具与教育软件》中讨论。 cpsc.gov | Computer learning software/programs are not [...] includedin thissubcategory;these and other [...]educational software are discussed in [...]the next subcategory, Smart Toys & Educational Software. cpsc.gov |
本子类所讨论玩具, 其最合适对象为懂爬行或刚学走的小孩,故不在此讨论表象型推拉玩具。 cpsc.gov | Since toys inthis subcategoryare most appropriate [...] for the child who is crawling or just beginning to walk, representational [...]push and pull toys are not discussed here. cpsc.gov |
每天,我坐在教室里把黑板上出现的每一个词都抄到本子上。 embassyusa.cn | Every day, I would sit in the classroom and copy whatever was on the blackboard into my notebook. eng.embassyusa.cn |
在科托努监狱,初始体检以可接受的方式记录在一个本子上。 daccess-ods.un.org | At Cotonou Prison, the initial medical examination was recorded in a book in an acceptable manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们觉 得 这项决 议 案不能体现法律援 助(“ 法 援 " )的宗旨 , 反 而 凸 显 了当局按本子办事,但 忽 视 社 会 实际情况的 僵 化行政 作 风 。 legco.gov.hk | We consider that this resolution is unable to manifest the aim of legal aid, rather, it highlights the authorities' rigid way of doing things, that every administrative task is conducted in strict accordance with the book without giving consideration to the realistic conditions of society. legco.gov.hk |
一旦您将一本笔记本存档了,就再也不要在它上面写任何东西了。除非它上面有还没用过的页而且 您要把他们看作是一个新本子的一部分来用。 livescribe.com | Once you have archived a notebook, do not go back to its physical [...] notebook and start writing on it again, unless you have unused pages and want to treat [...] them as a part of anew notebook. livescribe.com |
针对书写、漫游和阅读三种不同设定,Moleskine发表了三个全新系列,包括袋子、走珠笔、铅笔、老花眼镜、储存盒、阅读架,以及可以透过USB充电的阅读灯,各自均可跟品牌现有的笔记本子,结合成完整妥善的文化生活流动工具。 think-silly.com | Moleskine has launched three brand new series based on writing, traveling and reading, including items such as bag, ball pen, pencil, eye glasses, storage box, reading shelf and USB charged reading light — all compatible with existing Moleskine items. think-silly.com |
随后,他们收集捐款,并在一本子上记下捐款人的名字、地址及数额。 ycis-bj.com | They then collected donations and recorded each donation in a book, noting the name, address and amount of the donor. ycis-bj.com |
低价可以参考兰卡威的地图小本子(Brochure)或是租车行的本子里。 4tern.com | You can refer it in travel brochures that you [...] took at the airport,or thebooklet in front of the car rental booth. 4tern.com |
Art For Baby》艺术本子将於展览期间一并於店内发售,收益全数拨捐艺术慈善组织OUTSET Contemporary Art Fund。 think-silly.com | Art for Baby’ art book will be available for sale during the exhibition, all profits will be donated to OUTSET Contemporary Art Fund. think-silly.com |
考虑到《建议》的重要性,委员会强调需要以印本和电子本形式提供《建 议》。 daccess-ods.un.org | In view of the importance of the recommendations, the Commission emphasized the need to have them [...] available in both printed and electronicform. daccess-ods.un.org |
本子系统拥有优良的线性、屏蔽性能、动态范围和输出功率,完美符合手持设备生产商、移动电话运营商、电信公司以及全球 [...] FEMTOCELL 基站和蜂窝中继器设备生产商的要求。 china.skyworksinc.com | The subsystems provide excellent [...] linearity, blocker performance, dynamic range, and output power required by handset manufactures, [...]cellular operators, carriers, and equipment manufacturers of global femtocell base stations and cellular repeaters. skyworksinc.com |
ATEN日本子公司近期制作10则VanCrystTM系列产品应用案例,内容包含将矩阵式影音切换方案、多媒体播映整合方案、HDMI矩阵切换器、视讯讯号延长等方案应用於10种不同的产业,欢迎至ATEN Partner Center下载档案。 aten.com | ATEN Japan has recently created 10 case studiesfor the VanCryst product series. Various VanCryst solutions such as the Media Distribution Solution, Media Matrix Solution, HDMI Matrix Switch, and Video Extenders are applied in 10 different industries. aten.com |
第十次调 查通过在纽约的所有常驻联合国代表进行分发,制成印本、电子本,也可通过因 特网下载。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Tenth Inquiry was distributed among all permanent [...] representatives to the United Nations in New York and was made available [...] in printed form,electronically andvia the Internet. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外32个孩子本该在这所学校上学,但因为没有空间容纳他们,只好去另一个村庄的学校上学,这使他们在途中可能遇到定居者的暴力行为。 unicef.org | Because there is no space for the [...] 32 additionalchildren that should be [...]attending this school, they commute to another village’s [...]school, and this puts them at risk of settler violence along the way. unicef.org |
教科文组织针 [...] 对最不发达国家需要所开展的工作总体情况都被编入了一本新的小册子,本届执行局会议就 可看到该本小册子,也可上网查阅(http://www.unesco.org/ldc)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Overall, UNESCO’s efforts in response to the needs of LDCs have been presented in a new brochure [...] which is being made [...] available to the Executive Board at its present session and which can also be accessed [...]on the web (http://www.unesco.org/ldc). unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们有幸采访到了美智子本人,让她 来谈谈她的时尚。 enviefashion.com | We have been able to [...] talk with Michiko directlyabout her [...]thoughts regarding her fashion. enviefashion.com |
《废止奴隶制补充公约》禁止以下任何一项制度或习俗:女子父母、监护 [...] 人、家属和任何其他人或团体受金钱或实物之报酬,将女子许配或出嫁,而女子 本人无权拒绝;女子之丈夫,其夫之家属或部族,有权取得代价或在其他情形下 [...]将女子转让给他人;女子于丈夫亡故后可为他人所继承。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Supplementary Slavery Convention prohibits any institution or practice whereby a woman, without the right to refuse, is promised or given in marriage [...] on payment of a consideration in money or [...] in kind to her parents, guardian, family [...]or any other person or group; the husband [...]of a woman, his family or his clan, has the right to transfer her to another person for value received or otherwise; or a woman on the death of her husband is liable to be inherited by another person. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果碟子本身是清洁的话,再进行试 验,也只会得出日常在空气中或任何地方也能种出的细菌。 legco.gov.hk | If the plates are clean and tests are conductedof them, the bacteriawhich can be obtained are those which will be cultivated from the air or any other places in our daily life. legco.gov.hk |
除了圣本笃和他的意大利弟子(本笃本人在3 月 21 日,他的妹妹斯科拉丝蒂卡 [Scholastica] 2 月 10 日,莫尔 [Maur] 1 月 15 日,普拉西德 [Placid ] 10 月 5 日)外,还有众多因为在德国土地上的生活和工作而获得尊敬的修道院圣人,因此它很明显来自德国。 wdl.org | Its German provenance is clear from the fact that it includes, in addition to Saint Benedict andhis Italian disciples(Benedict himself on March 21, his sister Scholastica on February 10, Maur on January 15, and Placid on October 5), numerous monastic saints revered for their life and work in the German lands. wdl.org |
请发言名单上的、愿在全体会议厅散发发言稿的代表团和与会者尽快至迟于指 定发言时段 2 小时前提供发言稿电子本,通过电子邮件发至 PaperSmart@un.org, 供上传至节纸型服务门户。 daccess-ods.un.org | Delegations and participants on the list of speakers who wish to circulate their statements in the Plenary Hall are requested to provide an electronic copy of their statements by e-mailing them to PaperSmart@un.org foruploading to the ISPS portal as soon as available and at least two hours in advance of their designated speaking slot. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有近期出版物均以硬 拷贝和电子本同时提供。 daccess-ods.un.org | All recent publications are available [...] both in hard copyandelectronically. daccess-ods.un.org |
水果及蔬菜(包括菇和真菌、根和块根或茎、豆和豆荚,及蘆荟)、 海藻,及果仁和种子 本分類包括水果及蔬菜(包括菇和真菌、根和块根或茎、豆和豆荚,及蘆荟), [...] 海藻,及果仁和种子。 cfs.gov.hk | Thiscategory includes fruit, and vegetables [...] (including mushrooms and fungi, roots and tubers, pulses and legumes, and aloe [...]vera), seaweeds, and nuts and seeds. cfs.gov.hk |
彼 为 本 公 司 主 席 丁 午 寿 先 生 的妻子、 本公司董 事 总经理丁天立先生的母亲及本公司非执行董事丁炜章先生的婶母。 kader.com | She is the wife of Mr. Kenneth Ting Woo-shou, the Chairman of the Company, mother of Mr. Ivan Ting Tien-li, the Managing Director of the Company, and auntie of Mr. Bernie Ting Wai-cheung, the Non-executive Director of the Company. kader.com |
本 行 只 会 以 距 离 当 时 市 场 按 盘 价 最 多 20 个 价 位 为 客 户 处 理 「 市 价 盘 」 指 示 , 故 此 , 就 此例子,本行只会 以 HK$4.80 或 较 高 的 价 位 处 理 该 沽 出 指 示 。 bank.hangseng.com | Under the condition that the Bank will match the market order up to a maximum of 20 spreads from the prevailing nominal price, the Bank will only execute the order when the price is HK$4.80 or above in thisexample. bank.hangseng.com |
关於狮子狗和鸽子,狮子狗跟鸽子本来就俱有吉祥的意义,宫廷用饰以狮子狗和鸽子的烟壶来赏赐众官是合乎情理的,因而全球的收藏系列中有不少狮子狗和鸽子的烟壶,而北京、台北故宫所藏的却并不多。 e-yaji.com | Where the subject is confined to Pekinese dogs and doves, the bottles may have been distributed as imperial gifts to officials based upon the symbolic meaning of the combination, quite apart from their appeal as imperial pets. e-yaji.com |
因此,如果是用索尼CCD,基本上不会有问题,但要非常注意静电,在制造过程中,CCD [...] 要从防静电袋中拆开,先黏滤光片,再拿去焊接,好象很少厂有做镜电防护的,还有,焊接温度不能过高,时间不能过长,这在CCD规格书内都有说到, 还有在焊CCD之前,板子本身电源有没问题,不要一上电就打死了。 glofine.com.cn | Therefore, if using Sony CCD, basically not a problem, but to be very careful of static electricity in the manufacturing process, the CCD from the antistatic bag apart, sticky filter first, and then take welding, seemed to be very less plant a mirror electrical protection, as well as the soldering temperature is not too high, not too long time, [...] the CCD specifications have said, before [...] welding CCD, the board itself, power [...]is no problem, not a Power-on and killed. glofine.com.cn |
由于市政当局没有提供交通 工具,孩子的父母不得不负担这种经济支出――购买一辆可以载小孩上学的车, [...] 把车改装成适合残疾儿童使用的样子,每天载孩子上学,这导致孩子的父亲缺工 和收入损失,孩子本人也没有获得社会福利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due to this municipality’s failure to provide transportation, the parents endured financial expenses – buying a car suitable to bring the child to school, adjusting the car to the disability, and driving her to school which resulted [...] in absence of the father from his/her workplace and loss of income, as well as [...] loss ofsocialbenefits on his/her part. daccess-ods.un.org |