单词 | 本国人 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 本国人 noun—native n本国人 —natives of one's own countrySee also:本国 n—national n 本国—one's own country 国人 pl—nationals pl 国人—fellow countrymen • compatriots (literary)
它鼓励该国尽一 切努力,解决人权和人道主义问题,以便改进 其 本国人 民 的 福祉。 daccess-ods.un.org | It encouraged the country to do its utmost to address human rights and humanitarian concerns with a view to improving the well-being of its people. daccess-ods.un.org |
建议建立该中心的依据是《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(1972 年)的各项原则, 特别是缔约国应努力“促进建立或发展有关保护、保存和展出文化和自然遗产的国家或地区 培训中心,并鼓励这方面的科学研究”(第 5 条),应与本公约指定的三个咨询机构 [国际 文物保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)、国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)和世界保护自然 联盟(IUCN)]合作(第 13 [...] 条),切实利用可由世界遗产委员会“向培训文化和自然遗产 的鉴定、保护、保存、展出和恢复方面的各级工作人员和专家的国家或地区中心提供(的) 国际援助”(第 23 [...] 条)以及缔约国“应……努力增强 本国人 民 对 本公约第 1 和 2 条中确定 的文化和自然遗产的鉴赏和尊重”(第 [...]27 条)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The proposed institute is rooted in the principles of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, including efforts by States Parties “to foster the establishment or development of national or regional centres for training in the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage and to encourage scientific research in this field” (Article 5), cooperation with the three Advisory Bodies so designated under the Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN) (Article 13), effective utilization of international assistance, which may be provided by the World Heritage Committee “to national or regional centres for the training of staff and specialists in the field of identification, protection, conservation, presentation and rehabilitation of the cultural and natural heritage” [...] (Article 23) and State Party efforts to [...] “strengthen appreciation and respect by [...]their peoples of the cultural and natural [...]heritage defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention” (Article 27). unesdoc.unesco.org |
今年发生的事件给我们所有人都提出了挑战—— 对欧洲而言,这个挑战是:要表明它能够改革其援助 和贸易战略,体现出真正的进步性;对非洲联盟而言, 这个挑战是:它必须以上个世纪赢得解放过程中所带 有的相同勇气,迎接本世纪的机遇;对以色列人和巴 勒斯坦人而言,这个挑战是:他们必须采取大胆步骤, 来到谈判桌前,谋求实现持久和平;对伊朗和叙利亚 而言,这个挑战是:它们必须给予 本国人 民 以 其所应 有的自由;对联合国而言,这也是一个挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | So the events of this year present a challenge to all of us — a challenge to Europe to show it can reform its aid and trade strategy to be truly progressive; a challenge to the African Union, to meet the opportunities of this century with the same courage that won liberation in the last; a challenge to the Israelis and Palestinians, to take the bold steps to come to the table and make lasting peace; a challenge to Iran and to Syria, to give their peoples the freedoms they deserve; and a challenge to the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们重申应酌情在国际合作支助下,制定、利用和改善国家卫 生信息系统和研究能力,以根据分类数据衡 量 本国人 口 的健康情况,发现卫 生不公平情况,衡量各项政策对卫生公平产生的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | We reaffirm the need to develop, make use of, and improve national health information systems and research capacity with, as appropriate, the support of international cooperation, in order to measure the health of national populations, with disaggregated data, so that health inequities can be detected and the impact of policies on health equity measured. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 立即终止所有对本国人民,特别是对和平示威者、妇女、儿童和老人 的攻击;确保停止所有违反《公约》的行为;停止普遍、严重、持续的侵犯其管 辖下全体人员人权的行为,尤其是有些地区一贯拒绝提供食物、水和医疗等人类 生活基本需求的行为 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Put an [...] immediate end to all attacks against its population, especially peaceful demonstrators, women, children and the elderly; [...]ensure that all acts [...]in violation of the Convention are brought to a halt; and cease widespread, gross and continued human rights violations of all persons under its jurisdiction, especially the systematic denial, in some areas, of the basic requirements of human life, such as food, water and medical care daccess-ods.un.org |
各国人民在增强教育领域的统一性方面已取得实质进展,其中一个进展就是 他们签署了《承认大学学历协议》;该《协议》将使在美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟/人 民贸易协定其他国家学习大学课程的年轻人能够按照相互合作方案的安排回到 原籍国执业,帮助改变本国人民的 生活条件, 使 本国人 民 过上有尊严的生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of the substantive progress made towards greater unity among their peoples in the area of education, they signed the Agreement on Recognition of University Qualifications, which will allow young people taking university courses in other ALBA-TCP countries, as part of mutual cooperation programmes, to return to their countries of origin to practise their professions and so help to transform and dignify the living conditions of their peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
年来的最高值。这在三十多个国家引起了骚乱, 还导致了政府垮台及出口禁令和限制,各国政府也力求 将 本国人 民 的 粮食安全需 求放在第一位。 daccess-ods.un.org | This led to riots across three dozen countries, political fallouts, and export bans and restrictions as countries’ governments sought to prioritize the food security needs of their own populations. daccess-ods.un.org |
哥斯达黎加有着长期民主传统,其对 本国人 民 人权的尊重得到普世公认, 哥斯达黎加指出,普遍定期审议进程使之得以从外部的角度审视该国的现实。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a country with a long-standing democracy and recognized respect for the human rights of its people, Costa Rica stated that the universal periodic review process allowed it to undertake an assessment of its reality with an external perception. daccess-ods.un.org |
文莱达鲁萨兰国代表团指出,关照 本国人 民 的 福利是苏丹陛下政府的一项 简单而基本的政策,这项政策包括提供和平的环境、一流的卫生制度、顶级的教 育制度、适足的住房、照顾生活贫困者、处理贫穷问题、确保粮食安全、为人民 提供就业。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation stated that looking after the welfare of his people is a simple and fundamental policy of His Majesty’s government, including provision of a peaceful environment, a first-class health system, a top class educational system, adequate housing, providing for people in need, addressing poverty, ensuring food security, and jobs for the people. daccess-ods.un.org |
发展中国家也可以通过促进非专利品进入市场参与竞争限 制 本国人 口 在专利制度下的消费 成本。 iprcommission.org | Developing countries can also limit the costs of the patent system for their population by facilitating generic entry and generic competition. iprcommission.org |
这些 都是政策制定者们需要明确的基本问题,从而来设计本国的知识产权法律和政策,以满足 本国人民以及未来有效谈判的需要。 cgfwatch.org | These are essential questions that policy makers need to address in order to design IP laws and policies that best meet the needs of their people and negotiate effectively in future agreements. cgfwatch.org |
会员国指派到理事会的代表最好为人与生物圈计划所涉领域的专家并从在执 行 本国人 与生 物圈计划活动方面发挥重要作用的人士中选出。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The persons appointed by Member States as their representatives on the Council shall preferably be experts in the field covered by the MAB Programme and chosen from among those persons playing a major part in the implementation of the activities related to the MAB Programme in the said Member States. unesdoc.unesco.org |
吉尔吉斯斯坦希望,对保护民族多样性和推 广 本国人 民 文 化遗产方面做出 的努力将促进吉尔吉斯斯坦在成为真正的民主法治国家的道路上获得进一步的发 展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Kyrgyzstan hopes that the efforts made to preserve the nation’s ethnic diversity and promote its cultural heritage will contribute to Kyrgyzstan’s further development as a genuinely democratic State based on the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
理想的情况是,国际法官、检察官和/或工作人员的目标应该是传授他们的知识 和专长,以便长远而言,他们的职位可被淘汰并 由 本国人 取 代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ideally, the international judges, prosecutors and/or staff should aim to impart their knowledge and expertise so that in the longer term, their positions could be phased out and taken by nationals. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,设立一个新闻干事员额并由 本国人 担 任 ,将有助于新闻 科开展有关媒体关系、广播和视频制作以及印刷出版,包括联黎部队杂志(主要 以阿拉伯文出版,在当地发行)的活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, the establishment of a post of Public Information Officer with a national incumbent would be beneficial to the Section’s activities on media relations, radio and video production, as well as printed publications, including the UNIFIL magazine that is published primarily in the Arabic language for local dissemination. daccess-ods.un.org |
建设性 的意见和建议将帮助文莱进一步加强其增进和保 护 本国人 民 人 权的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The constructive comments and recommendations would help Brunei Darussalam further in its efforts to promote and protect the human rights of its people. daccess-ods.un.org |
个最不发达国家位于治理指数的危重地带,而大多 数其他最不发达国家也已位于危险地带,这表明最不发达国家急需支持,以巩固 公共机构、公共服务,给本国人民带来发展效益,并避免政府失灵。 daccess-ods.un.org | These reports also point out that 16 LDCs are in the critical zone in governance index while most other LDCs are in the danger zone, suggesting that the LDCs are in critical need of support in consolidating public institutions, public services and delivering development dividends to their people and avoiding State failure. daccess-ods.un.org |
强调各国负有尽最大努力满足本国人 口 , 尤其是弱势群体和家庭的基本 食品需要的首要责任,例如加强防止母婴营养不良的计划,为此应提高本地的产 [...] 量,另外国际社会也应当通过协调对策,根据请求提供国际合作,支持国家和区 域的努力,为增加粮食生产提供必要的援助,特别是通过农业发展援助、技术转 [...] 让、恢复粮食生产援助和粮食援助,应特别注重性别敏感因素 daccess-ods.un.org | Stresses that States have a primary obligation [...] to make their best efforts to meet the vital food needs of their own populations, [...]especially of vulnerable groups and households, such as by enhancing programmes to combat mother-child malnutrition, and to increase local production for this purpose, while the international community should provide, through a coordinated response and upon request, international cooperation in support for national and regional efforts by providing the necessary assistance for increasing food production, particularly through agricultural development assistance, the transfer of technology, food crop rehabilitation assistance and food aid, with a special focus on the gender-sensitive dimension daccess-ods.un.org |
预算用于部署 240 名军事观察员、19 315 名军事特遣队人员、3 772 名联合 国警官、2 660 名建制警察部队人员、1 555 名国际工作人员、3 365 名本国工作 人员(本国专业 干事和本国一般事务人员)、38 名一般临时人员项下供资的人员 (24 名国际人员职位和 14 名本国人员职位)、620 名联合国志愿人员和 6 名政府 提供的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proposed budget provides for the [...] deployment of 240 military observers, 19,315 military contingent personnel, 3,772 United Nations police officers, 2,660 personnel of formed police units, 1,555 international staff, 3,365 national staff (National Professional Officers and national General Service), 38 positions [...]funded under general [...]temporary assistance (24 international and 14 national positions), 620 United Nations Volunteers and 6 government-provided personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,该代表团强调,新西兰参与普遍定期审议,加强了与广大人权团体 的联系,深化了对新西兰本国人权状 况的理解,从中受益良多。 daccess-ods.un.org | To conclude, the delegation stressed that New Zealand had learned from its involvement in the universal periodic review, with a reinforcement of [...] contacts with the wide human rights constituency and a greater understanding of [...] New Zealand’s own human rights situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,非洲经委会举办讲习班之后, 10 个国家(安哥拉、布隆迪、利比里亚、马拉维和苏丹于 2008 年;乍得、吉布提、 几内亚比绍、肯尼亚和马里于 2009 年)在其本国人口普 查的不同阶段采用了委员 会编制的关于普查规划和统计以及普查数据处理的手册。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, as a result of ECA workshops, 10 countries (Angola, Burundi, Liberia, Malawi and the Sudan in 2008; Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya and Mali in 2009) utilized the manuals (on census planning and enumeration; and census data processing) developed by the Commission in various stages of their population censuses. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了提高本国人民的 生产能力,成 员国正在开展更好的教育和技能开发,特别是促进 [...] 科学、技术和企业家精神。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to enhance the productive capacity of their [...] people, member States were providing [...]improved education and skills development, [...]and promoting science, technology and entrepreneurship in particular. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家利用其中一 些资金,对本国人民采取保护性行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State used some of that money to undertake protective actions for its population. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府强调,尽管发生了所有这些有破坏性的恐怖 罪行,叙利亚将继续打击恐怖主义,捍卫安全和稳定,以保 护 本国人 民 和 主权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic stresses that, despite all of those devastating terrorist [...] crimes, it will continue to combat terrorism and uphold security and stability [...] in defence of its people and sovereignty. daccess-ods.un.org |
应该要求所有主 要维持和平行动和外地特别政治任务每年进行外部评价,以便对经济产生尽可能 支持本国人才的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | An annual external evaluation should be required of all major peacekeeping operations and field-based special political missions to develop an economic footprint that is as supportive as possible of national capacities. daccess-ods.un.org |
古 巴 建议沙特阿拉伯:(a)继续奉 行 增强本国人民享 有 经 济 、社 会、文化 权 利 的各项措 施 和 方案; (b)关于一些促 进各宗教和文明 之间对话值 得 赞 赏 的行动计划,沙特应继续努力增进 世界所需的各民族 之间的和平 与 容忍; (c)鉴 于沙特的经济增长率,继续以慷慨的方式与各发展中国家合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Cuba recommended that Saudi Arabia: (a) continue with measures and programmes aimed at increasing its people’s enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights; (b) with respect to its commendable initiatives to promote dialogue between religious and civilizations, continue its efforts to promote the peace and tolerance of all people that the world needed; (c) given its economic growth, continue to cooperate in a generous way with developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据其关于缔 约国报告的第4(1973) 号建议和《报告指导原则》 (CERD/C/2007/1)第8 段,它请 缔约国在有关人员匿名和自愿的族裔自我认同的基础上汇 编 本国人 口 组 成统计资 料。 daccess-ods.un.org | In line with its general recommendation No. 4 (1973) on reporting by States parties and paragraph 8 of the reporting guidelines (CERD/C/2007/1), it invites the State party to compile statistical data on the demographic composition of its population based on anonymous and voluntary ethnic self-identification by those concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
与个人和集体责任的概念并行的还有各国 对 本国人 民 的 内部义务及对其他人 群的外部义务的概念,因此有必要评估一国单独的内部行动和政策对其境外人群 [...] 所产生的影响,同时也有必要保持国内和国际政策的一致性。 daccess-ods.un.org | In tandem with the concepts of individual and collective [...] responsibility came the notions of the [...] internal obligation of States towards their own [...]populations and of the external obligation [...]towards other populations, and hence the need to assess the external impact of a State’s individual internal actions and policies on populations outside its territory, coupled with the need for national and international policy coherence. daccess-ods.un.org |
正如奥巴马总统今天所说的那样,当一个领导人 继续掌权的唯一办法是动用大规模暴力来对 付 本国 人民的 时候,他就失去了统治的合法性,就需要做对 他的国家来说是正确的事情,也就是立即下台。 daccess-ods.un.org | As President Obama said today, when a leader’s only means of staying in power is to use mass violence against its own people, he has lost the legitimacy to rule and needs to do what is right for his country, by leaving now. daccess-ods.un.org |