

单词 本台

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] Clarke表示:“山光社80年来一直致力于服务 本 、 台 湾 和 韩国的电信及铁路市场。
Gary Clarke, Hy9's President and CEO, said, "Sankosha has been serving the telecom and railway
[...] markets in Japan, Taiwan and Korea for over [...]
80 years.
Kester 的全球总部位于伊利诺斯州芝加哥市的艾塔斯卡郊外,在墨西哥、新加坡、德国、 本 、 台 湾 和 马来西亚均设有制造工厂。
Kester global headquarters operates from a facility located in the Chicago suburb
of Itasca, Illinois with additional manufacturing facilities in Mexico, Singapore,
[...] Germany, Japan, Taiwan, and Malaysia.
本,台湾和 韩国仍然在半导体行业占据主导地位,而中国在技术成熟度上仍然不足以向该行业供应有些部件。
Japan, Taiwan and Korea are still [...]
dominant in the semiconductor sector as China is not yet technically mature enough to
supply some components for this industry.
兵馬俑活現山景城,不知道他是有特別任務還是純粹觀光 本台 攝 影 師發現他的蹤跡後,即時拿出攝錄機追拍他。
The Terracotta Warrior from China was walking along the street in downtown Mountain View. KTSF cameraman was chasing after him to get a good shot.
在十大参观者来源国中,来自中国的参观者人数最多,接着顺序为印度, 本 , 台 湾 地区,泰国,韩国,印度尼西亚,巴基斯坦,香港地区和土耳其。
China heads the top ten for trade-fair visitor attendance, followed
[...] by India, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, [...]
Indonesia, Pakistan, Hong Kong and Turkey.
尽管作为副产品产生的四氯化碳的 比例相对较高,但在西欧、本、台 湾 和 美国查明的主要制造商均将 其进行焚化,以进行氯回收。
While the percentage of CTC by-production is relatively high, the
main producers identified to be in Western
[...] Europe, Japan, Taiwan and the United [...]
States incinerate it for chlorine recovery.
本 集 團 將 一 如 既 往,以 環 保 為 導 向,不 斷 投 入 及 持 續 研 發 可 滿 足 市 場 需 要 之 高 品 質 產 品,並 將 密 切 留 意 市 場 於 未 來 的 發 展 方 向,提 前 研 究 與 開 發 符 合 行 業 未 來 發 展 需 求 的 產 品,此 外,本 集 團 除 與 日 本No-Tape技 術 合 作 及
擁 有 自 己 的 研 發 團 隊 外,亦 與 數 位 行 業 內 的 資 深 技
[...] 術 專 家(包 括 來 自 於本、台 灣、香 港 等 國 家 與 地 區)簽 [...]
訂 技 術 合 作 協 議,希 望 透 過 上 述 措 施,鞏 固 本 集
團 在 研 發 方 面 的 實 力,以 維 持 在 行 業 內 技 術 領 先 的 地 位。
The Group will continuously develop premium products to meet the market needs on the environmentfriendly basis, and closely observe the development trend in the future for research and development of products preemptively targeted at the future development needs in the industry In addition to the technology cooperation between the Group and the No-Tape Japanese as well as its own research and development team, the Group also entered into technology cooperation agreements with several sophisticated technology experts in the industry
(including those from countries and
[...] regions such as Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong) Hopefully, [...]
such measures will enhance the
research and development capability of the Group so as to maintain the leading position of its technologies in the industry
如图所⽰使⽤随附的 USB 连接线连本台摄像 机与电脑,以传输⽂件 至电脑。
As shown in the illustration, use the USB cable provided to connect the Digital Video Camera to a PC for file transmission.
[...] 业株式会社是一家总部设在东京的专业制药公司,它计划使用Medidata Rave 在本、台湾 和韩国进行子宫颈癌治疗的Ⅲ期试验。
Taiho Pharmaceutical, a specialty pharmaceutical company headquartered in
Tokyo, plans to use Medidata Rave to conduct a Phase III trial for cervical cancer
[...] therapy in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea.
[...] Kim表示,越來越多資料顯示,公司在先進封裝及測試技術方面的各項投資,加上開發 本 、 台 灣 以 及中國大陸的策略步驟,令公司在業內表現出人意表,業務漸入佳境。
We are seeing increasing evidence that our investments in advanced package and test
technology, together with our strategic
[...] entry into Japan, Taiwan and China, have [...]
positioned Amkor to outperform the industry
as it finally moves into the upcycle," said James Kim, Amkor's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
而由本台手术 的肿瘤位置处于两根血管之间,粒子植入的位置比较特殊,这对手术医生的技术要求就更高了。
To this patient, his tumor is in the middle of two blood vessels that the particles should be implanted carefully, so the demands of operation doctor are higher.
场记要确认相邻镜头之间的场景细节必须一 致,她同时监督每天拍摄的剧本页数或场景数量,估计镜头 放映时长,标注出实际拍摄与剧本间的差异---比如:演员表 演时的台词与本台词的不同。
The Script Supervisor also keeps track of the number of pages and scenes covered in a day, the number of setups, the estimated screen time, and notes how the filmed scenes deviated from the script—for example, how the dialog spoken by the actor differed from the written one.
该解决方案提供了整合式桌面体验,与其他低 本台 式 PC 相比显著节省了费用。
The solution provides an integrated desktop experience that offers substantial cost savings compared to other low-cost desktop PC offerings.
此外,就本集團於印 度、本、台灣及截至二零一二年止的越南*(其本地公認會計準則基準並不適宜作為計量經修訂法定基準保險資產 [...]
In addition, for the Group's operations
[...] in India, Japan, Taiwan and until 2012 Vietnam*, [...]
where the local GAAP basis would
not be appropriate as the start point for deriving MSB insurance asset and liabilities, the measurement has been determined substantially by reference to US GAAP requirements.
因此,主流供应商转向中国,生产6英寸的晶圆,但是12英寸的晶圆生产仍在 本 , 台 湾 和 韩国。
It is producing six-inch fabs but the 12-inch fab
[...] lines remain in Japan, Taiwan and Korea.
因此本台机子 上生成的授权号无法在其他电脑上运行,从而保证了您的软件产品的防拷能力。
Because of this, the license key will not work on any other machine, thereby giving your product copy protection.
事实上,曹市长是第二度应邀前来观摩展会,2009年,他不仅遍访代表性参展商展位,而且专程抽空接待来自美国、 本 、 台 湾 的 国际知名大厂商,详细向他们介绍广州电子游戏机产业的发展环境,并鼓励其多与广州厂商进行交流与合作。
During the 2009 event, he not only visited all representative exhibit stands, but also made time for
receiving famous international companies from
[...] the US, Japan and Taiwan as well as introducing [...]
the Guangzhou e-game industry development environment.
2.如果您離開了三藩市灣區 (也就本台的電視廣播覆蓋范圍), 您將沒有辦法使用Syncbak 來收本台節目.
If you travel outside of the area covered by KTSF (the San Francisco/Bay Area) you will not be able to see KTSF’s programming.
梁建楓在演奏生涯上非常活躍,其演奏足跡包括義大利、比利時、俄國、香港、中國、 本 、 台 灣 、 韓國、亞洲其他國家及美國多個城市,並定期與亞洲多個交響樂團合作演出協奏曲。
Leung enjoys a world-class reputation, as demonstrated by his frequent
performances in Italy, Belgium, Russia,
[...] Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea, other Asian [...]
cities and many American cities, as
well as regular concerto performances with orchestras.
由本港歷史最悠久的遊艇展覽主辦機構,匡湖遊艇會所舉辦的第十八屆『香港國際遊艇展2012』,從世界各地,包括意大利、英國、法國、美國、德國、瑞典、荷蘭、澳洲、土耳其、 本 、 台 灣 及 中國,挑選最嶄新設計,最尖端科技及建構最新穎的船隻參展,當中有遊艇、帆船、快艇、水上電單車及獨木舟等。
The three-day Show, organised by Club Marina Cove, will have makers and dealers staging exhibits from around the world,
including Italy, France, Britain, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Turkey, the
[...] U.S., Australia, Japan, Taiwan and China.
在零件加工方面,大同数控公司配备了先进的加工设备, 本 、 台 湾 进 口数控车床、CNC柔性加工中心、数控钣金设备、光学对刀仪、三坐标测量仪、超声波探伤仪、激光切割机、热处理车间、无污染喷漆控制室等先进设备一应俱全。
In component processing, Cosmos is equipped with advanced
machining equipment, CNC machines
[...] imported from Japan and Taiwan, CNC flexible machining [...]
centers, CNC sheet-metal processing
equipment, optical cutting tool adjuster, trilinear coordinates measuring instrument, ultrasonic fault detector, laser cutting machine, heat treatment workshop, pollution-free spray-painting control room, etc. Advanced processing equipment and superior technology are the essential guarantee for high product quality.
韩国与中国、本、台湾、 越南等国家,联合召开电子贸易民间与政府联合会议及加强电子贸易能力(capacity [...]
It has worked
[...] with China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and [...]
Vietnam to form a public-private cooperation council for e-Trade
and hold meetings to build e-Trade capacity.
本、台湾地区和韩国在1971、1975和1977年时,人均收入分别提升为美国的65.6%,54.2%和 50.2%,到2030年时中国的人均收入有可能达到美国的50%,中国的总体经济规模按购买力平价计算可能达到美国的两倍,按市场汇率计算的经济规模有可能至少和美国相当(Lin 2011b)。
It is likely that China’s per capita income could increase to the level of 50 percent that of the U.S. in PPP terms in 2030, the total economic size of China on a PPP basis could be two times of that of the U.S., and at least the same size as the U.S. measured by the market exchange rate by 2030 (Lin 2011b).
在用计算设 备共计 561 台,其中国际文职人员 161 台,本国工作人员 213 台,承包人 20 台, 专用培训室 20 台。
A total of 561 computing devices were in use, including 161 for international civilian staff, 213 for national staff, 20 for contractors and 20 for a dedicated training room.
信息技术助理(服台)(本国工作人员)将为办事处的所有工作人员提供服 务台支助。
The Information Technology Assistant (Help Desk) (National staff) will provide help desk support to all Office personnel.
而且,由于教科文组织仍 未台本应在 2006 年后出台的必须披露财务事项和利益冲突的计划(在一个完全独立的伦 理部门或向一个独立的外部机构),因此教科文组织工会认为,我们正在走向一个更加缺少 问责和透明度的未来。
And since UNESCO still has no obligatory financial and conflict of interest disclosure programme, which should have been in place since 2006 (either in a totally independent ethics function or with an independent external body), STU considers that we are heading for an even less accountable and transparent future.
12315 platform renovation of Beijing [...]
Municipal Administration for Industry and Commerce is to expand application system
scopes based on existing platform to achieve data sharing, information release and real-time information inquiry among different systems.
周先生估计,随着本港人民币同业拆息逐渐形成,以及内地就人民币投资的政策(如FDI、RQFII等) 陆续台,本港离 岸人民币市场的投资渠道将会百花齐放,换句话说亦为「点心债」带来竞争。
Mr Chow anticipates a flourishing offshore RMB market in Hong Kong, as benefited from the gradual development of the CNH HIBOR, and the announcement of the rules governing RMB investment in the Mainland (e.g. FDI, RQFII, etc.).
更何況從財政角度而言,如果由港台 轉型,大可利用現時台本身的 基礎設施,以減少因成立全新的公營廣播機 [...]
Moreover, from the
[...] financial point of view, should RTHK undergo transformation, [...]
its existing infrastructure can be utilized,
so as to avoid the huge expenditure expected to be incurred in establishing an entirely new public broadcaster, as well as to make more efficient use of resources.
針對該節目的主要投訴事項包括:節目歪曲事實,誤導 大眾;內容偏頗,只有一面倒反對政府增發免費電視節目服務 牌照的言論;節目沒有提供適當機會予其他人回應;亞視濫用 大氣電波促進電台本身的 利益,公器私用;節目名稱與內容 不符;以及亞視強迫員工出席集會。
The main allegations against the programme included: it distorted the facts and misled the public; its contents were biased as there were only one-sided views against the issuance of additional free television programme service licences by the Government; it did not provide suitable opportunities for others to respond; ATV abused the spectrum to promote its interests, making use of the public resources for its private purpose; the programme title was not related to the contents of the programme; and ATV forced its staff members to join the rally.




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