

单词 本分



cost analysisn




fundamental theorem of calculus

External sources (not reviewed)

这些 研究从运行和基础设施/接口角度审视
[...] T2S 影响的领域,提供了直接行动审核和总拥有本分热图’。
These provide a review of areas impacted by T2S from an operational and
infrastructure/interface standpoint, a ‘heatmap’ for immediate action review and total
[...] cost of ownership(TCO) analysis.
(ii) 倘及每当本公司须资本化任何金额的溢利或储备(包括任何股份溢价 账或实缴盈余账),并将该等款项悉数用於缴足任何普通股(不包括
[...] [...] 任何自可供分派溢利或储备(包括任何股份溢价账或实缴盈余账)拨 付的入账列作缴足及为代替全部或部份现金股息或实物分派(即有关 普通股持有人将会或可能会收到而将不会构成本分股息或分 派)的面值,紧接有关记录日期前生效的换股价须透过乘以一个分数 (分子为紧接有关发行前已发行普通股的总面值,而分母为紧随有关 [...]
(ii) If and whenever the Company shall capitalise any amount of profits or reserves (including any share premium account or contributed surplus account) and apply the same in paying up in full the nominal value of any Ordinary Shares (other than any Ordinary Shares credited as fully paid out of distributable profits or reserves (including any share premium account or contributed surplus account) and issued in lieu of the whole or any part of a cash dividend or specie distribution which the holders of
the Ordinary Shares
[...] concerned would or couldotherwise have received and which would not have constituted a Capital Distribution), the Conversion [...]
Price in force
immediately prior to the Record Date therefor shall be adjusted by a fraction of which the numerator shall be the aggregate nominal amount of the issued Ordinary Shares immediately before such issue and of which the denominator shall be the aggregate nominal amount of the issued Ordinary Shares immediately after such issue.
本分目的,将国家归为三类:已批准《伦敦修正案》并提供了基准和最新消费 数据的国家,已批准《伦敦修正案》但尚未提供充分数据进行分析的国家,和尚未批准《伦 [...]
Countrieswere grouped into three categories for the purposes ofthis analysis: [...]
those that had ratified the London Amendment
and had provided baseline and latest consumption data, those that had ratified the London Amendment but had not provided sufficient data for analysis, and those that had not ratified the London Amendment.
(e) 注销於有关决议案通过当日尚未被任何人承购或同意承购的任何股份,并
[...] 且按如此被注销股份的款额削减股本的款额,而倘属无面值的股份,则削 减其本分份的股份数目。
(e) cancel any shares which, at the date of the passing of the resolution, have not been taken, or agreed to be taken, by any person, and diminish the amount of its capital by the amount of the shares so
cancelled or, in the case of shares, without par value, diminish the number of shares
[...] into which its capital is divided.
位於马头围道45J的楼宇於二零一零年一月二十九日倒塌 後,屋宇署循三方面进行调查,以找出楼宇倒塌的肇因:第一方 面是审阅有关楼宇的维修、加建及改建纪录;第二方面是到现场
[...] 勘察、检查现场收集得来的证据,并抽取本分验;第三方 面则是从目击者及相关人士取得资料。
After the collapse of the building at 45J Ma Tau Wai Road on 29 January 2010, the Buildings Department (BD) carried out an investigation, from three aspects, with a view to establishing the cause of the collapse: first, review of the building records on repair, addition and alteration works; second, carrying out of site
inspections, examination of evidence gathered and
[...] laboratorytests on samples collected [...]
from the site; and third, study of witness
statements and interviews with the relevant parties.
(a) 董事会可不时向股东派付董事会认为就本公司溢利而言为合理之中期股
[...] 息,特别是(惟不影响上述规定之一般性效力)倘於任何时间本公司本分个 类别,董事会可就本公司股本中该等赋予持有人递延或非优先权利之股份,以及赋 [...]
事会毋须对赋予优先权股份之持有人可能因就任何具递延或非优先权利之股份派付 中期股息而蒙受之损失承担任何责任。
(a) The Board may from time to time pay to the members such interim dividends as appear to the Board to be justified by the profits of the Company, and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the
foregoing) if at any time the share capital of
[...] the Company is divided into different [...]
classes , the Board may pay such interim
dividends in respect of those shares in the capital of the Company which confer on the holders thereof deferred or non-preferential rights as well as in respect of those shares which confer on the holders thereof preferential rights with regard to dividend and provided that the Board acts bona fide the Board shall not incur any responsibility to the holders of shares conferring any preference for any damage that they may suffer by reason of the payment of an interim dividend on any shares having deferred or non-preferential rights.
[...] 因素(如知识、经验及行业惯例)所作的判断表述,而此等估计的准确性可能受多个因素影响,包括勘探钻 探结果的质量、煤炭本分及作出估计的人士所采用的程序及所具有的经验。
Reserve and resource estimates involve expressions of judgment based on various factors such as knowledge, experience and industry practice, and the accuracy of these estimates may be affected by many factors, including
quality of the results of exploration
[...] drilling and analysis of coal samples, as well [...]
as the procedures adopted by and the
experience of the person making the estimates.
(c)本分建议将在以后执行,不影响任何已部署的装甲运兵车,目前的 标准和分类对其继续适用。
(c) This classification and recommendation [...]
would be implemented in the future and would not affect any APC already deployed,
for which current rates and classifications would continue to apply.
(B) 附於股份或任何類别股份(如本分同類别的股份)的所有或任 何特别权利(除非发行条款另有规定外),在公司条例第 64 条的规限下,经已发 行股份或该類别已发行股份(如本分同類别的股份)面值不少於四分之三 的持有人书面同意,或股份持有人在股东大会上或该類别股份(如本分同 類别的股份)持有人於另外举行的股东大会上通过特别决议案批准,可予以修改 或废除。
(B) All or any of the special rights (unless otherwise provided for by the terms of issue) attached to the shares or any class of the shares (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares) may, subject to the provisions of Section 64 of
the Companies Ordinance, be varied or
[...] abrogated either with the consent in writing of the holders ofnot less than three-fourths in nominal value of the issued shares or issued shares of that class (if the capital is divided into different classesof shares) or with the sanction of a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the holders of the shares or at a separate general meeting of the holders of the shares [...]
that class (if the capital is divided into different classes of shares).
(3) 为免生疑问, 尽 管 因 第 (1)(a)款所述 的转拨指令而 产生的权 利或法律责任 在破产及清盘的法律程序中获 处理或可能获 处理, 但
[...] 如该等 法律程序是 就 任何不 是 参与 的人而进行的,本分适用於该 等法律 程序。
(3) For the avoidance of doubt, notwithstanding that rights or liabilities arising from transfer orders as mentioned in subsection (1)(a) are or may be
dealt with in bankruptcy and winding up
[...] proceedings, this Division shall notapply to [...]
such proceedings if they are in respect
of any person who is not a participant.
(C) 两名或以上人士联名持有的可换股优先股涉及的一切付款 或分派,将向名列股东名册首位的人士支付或作出,而根本分作出的任何付款或分派将解除本公司就此承担 的责任。
(C) All payments or distributions with respect to Convertible Preference Shares held jointly by two or more persons shall be paid or made to whichever of such persons is named first in the
Register and the making of any
[...] payment or distribution inaccordance with this sub-provision [...]
shall discharge the liability
of the Company in respect thereof.
联席主席介绍本分,并提请与会代表注意一份载有关于臭氧消耗物 质过渡政策措施相关信息的决定草案的会议室文件,该份会议室文件由澳大利 [...]
The Co-Chair
[...] introduced the sub-item, drawing attention [...]
to a conference room paper containing a draft decision on information
on ozone-depleting substance transition policy measures, proposed by Australia, Canada, Croatia, the European Union, New Zealand and the United States of America.
[...] Schema来定义字段,类型和设置本分提供基于Web的管理界面等。
Its main features include: efficient, flexible caching, vertical search , highlight the search results , index replication to increase availability by
providing a powerful Data Schema to define fields , types, and
[...] set thetext analysis , Web-based [...]
the management interface.
本分包括供制作面包及普通烘焙食品用的混合料(分類7.1.6)及供制作 精制烘焙食品用的混合料(分類7.2.3),因为这些乾混合料,除面粉外也含有 [...]
This category does not include mixes for ordinary [...]
bakery wares (food category 7.1.6) and mixes for fine bakery wares (food
category 7.2.3) because these dry mixes, in addition to flour, also contain other ingredients.
36.11本分结合秘书长关于发展账户供资项目执行情况的第七次进度报告阅读,目前正在按照行 [...]
政和预算问题咨询委员会提出的向大会提交一份详细说明影响和经验教训的报告这一要求 (见 A/58/7/Add.5)编写第七次进度报告。
36.11 The present fascicleshouldbe read [...]
in conjunction with the seventh progress report on the implementation of projects
financed from the Development Account, which is being prepared by the Secretary-General in accordance with a request of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (see A/58/7/Add.5) that a separate progress report be submitted to the Assembly detailing the impact and lessons learned.
秘书长指出,综合培 训处的办法以降低交付成本、改进质量和提高效率为目标。各项培训活动均通过本分以确定,这种分析会比较各种待择场地、日期和服务提供者的费用 (A/66/679,第 45 段)。
The Secretary-General states that the approach of the Integrated Training Service aims at reducing delivery costs, improving quality and increasing efficiency and, to that end, each training activity is determined through a cost analysis that compares the cost of alternative venues, dates and service providers (A/66/679, para. 45).
In this analysis, "firmvotes" [...]
is defined as likely voters who have already decided how to vote, while "stray votes" is
defined as likely voters who have not decided how they would vote, or those who would not support any candidates and might cast blank votes.
这可归结于多个因素:(a) 由于销售收益净额相对预算有所减少,货物支出成本相 应减少;(b) 宣传材料支出大幅减少;(c)
[...] 国家办事处筹款费用减少,其原因是将 这些本分新分配到国家办事处预算,将从当地的筹款收入中直接回收。
A combination of factors resulted in this decrease: (a) cost of goods expenditure is lower, consistent with the sales net proceeds decline versus budget; (b) spending on promotional materials was significantly reduced; and (c) country office fundraising expenses
were decreased, as these costs are being
[...] reallocated, on a phased basis, to the [...]
country office budgets, to be recovered directly
from fundraising income raised locally.
本分括水栖脊椎动物(鱼及水栖哺乳類动物(例如 [...]
鲸鱼))、水栖无脊椎动物(例如水母)、以及软体類(例如蚬、螺)、甲壳類(例 如小虾、蟹、龍虾)及棘皮類动物(例如海胆、海參)。
Thiscategory includes aquatic [...]
vertebrates (fish and aquatic mammals (e.g. whales)), aquatic invertebrates (e.g. jellyfish),
as well as molluscs (e.g. clams, snails), crustaceans (e.g. shrimp, crab, lobster), and echinoderms (e.g. sea urchins, sea cucumbers).
[...] 可换股债券本金额可兑换成本公司股本中每股0.10港元的新股 份,换股价为每股换股股份1.00港元,惟须视乎因应(其中包括) 新股份合并本分红股发行、供股发行,及其他或 会造成摊薄效应,影响将於任何可换股债券附带换股权获行使时 [...]
配发及发行予可换股债券持有人的换股股份的一般事件,所作的 调整而定。
Conversion Price: The principal amount of the Convertible Bonds may be converted into New Shares of HK$0.10 each in the capital of the Company at the Conversion Price of HK$1.00 per Conversion
Share, subject to
[...] adjustments for, amongst other things, consolidationsor subdivisions of New Shares, capital distributions, [...]
bonus issues, rights
issues and other usual events which may have a dilution effect on the Conversion Shares to be allotted and issued to the holder(s) of the Convertible Bonds upon the exercise of the conversion right attached to thereunder.
(1) 在清盘时就可用剩余资产的分派而附於任何类别股份的任何特殊权利、特权或限 制的规限下,(i)如本公司须予清盘且可於股东之间进行分派的可用资产多於清盘开始之时须偿
[...] 该等股东,及(ii)如本公司须予清盘且可於股东之间进行分派的可用资产不足以偿付全部缴足方式为尽可能将亏损由股东於清盘开始之时按各自持有的股份缴足股本或应予缴付 [...]
(1) Subject to any special rights, privileges or restrictions as to the distribution of available surplus assets on liquidation for the time being attached to any class or classes of shares (i) (if the Company shall be wound up and the assets available for distribution amongst the Members shall be more than sufficient to repay the whole of the capital paid up at the commencement of the winding up, the excess shall be distributed pari passu amongst such members in proportion to the amount paid up on the shares held by them respectively and (ii) if the Company shall be wound up and the assets available for distribution amongst the Members as such shall be insufficient to repay
the whole of the paid-up capital such
[...] assets shall be distributedso that, as [...]
nearly as may be, the losses shall be borne
by the Members in proportion to the capital paid up, or which ought to have been paid up, at the commencement of the winding up on the shares held by them respectively.
(iv) 就 获 适 当 行 使 股 份 选 项 的 股 份 (「 获 行 使 选 项 股 份 」) 而 言 , 有 关 股 息 ( 或 获 赋 予 选 项 权 利 的 该 部 分 股 息 ) 不 得 以 现 金 支 付 , 而 为 了 取 代 该 利 息 , 须 基 於 如 上 所 述 决 定 的 配 发 基 准 向 获 行 使 选 项 股 份 的 持 有 人 以 入 账 列 为 缴 足 方 式 配 发 有 关 类 别 股 份 , 而 就 此 而 言 , 董 事 会 应 把 其 决 定 的 任 何分 本未 分 利 润 ( 包 括 拨 入 任 何 储 备 或 其 他 特 别 账 项 作 为 进 账 的 利 润 , 但 认 购 权 储 备 除 外 ) 拨 充 资 本 及 予 以 运 用 , 该 笔 款 项 可 能 须 用 於 缴 足 该 等 向 获 行 使 选 项 股 份 的 持 有 人 按 该 基 准 配 发 及 分 派 的 有 关 类 别 股 份 的 适 当 股 数 。
(iv) the dividend (or that part of the dividend in respect of which a right of election has been accorded) shall not be payable in cash on shares in respect whereof the share election has been duly exercised (“the elected shares”) and in lieu thereof shares of the relevant class shall be allotted credited as fully paid up to the holders of the elected shares on the basis of allotment determined as aforesaid and for such purpose the Board shall capitalise and apply out of any part of theundivided profits of the Company (including profits carried and standing to the credit of any reserves or other special account other than the Subscription Rights Reserve) as the Board may determine, such sum as may be required to pay up in full the appropriate number of shares of the relevant class for allotment and distribution to and amongst the holders of the elected shares on such basis.
(2) 如本公司须予清盘(不论是自动清盘或由法院清盘),清盘人在特别决议授权及
[...] 法例规定的任何其他批准的情况下,以实物分派方式於各股东之间分本全部或任何部分 的资产,不论资产是否包括某类财产或包括前述所摊分的不同类别的财产,并可就此目的对任 [...]
何一类或多类财产设定其认为公平的价值,及可厘定如何在股东或不同类别股东之间进行该等 摊分。
(2) If the Company shall be wound up (whether the liquidation is voluntary or by the court) the liquidator may, with the authority of a special resolution and any other sanction required
by the Law, divide among the
[...] Members in specie or kind the whole orany part ofthe assets [...]
of the Company and whether or not
the assets shall consist of properties of one kind or shall consist of properties to be divided as aforesaid of different kinds, and may for such purpose set such value as he deems fair upon any one or more class or classes of property and may determine how such division shall be carried out as between the Members or different classes of Members.
董 事 经 作 出 一 切 合 理 查 询 後 确 认 , 尽 其 所 知 及 所 信 :
(1) 本 公 告 所 载 资 料 在 各 重 大 方 面 均 属 准 确 及
[...] 完 整 , 且 无 误 导(2)并 无 遗 漏 任 何 [...]
其 他事宜 以 致 当 中 所 载 任 何 声 明 有 所 误 导 ; 及
(3) 本 公 告 内 表 达 之一切 意 见 乃 经 审 慎 周 详 考 虑 方 始 作 出 , 并以公 平 合 理 之 基 准 和 假 设 为 依 据 。
The Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, confirm that, to the best of their knowledge and
belief: (1) the information contained in
[...] this announcementis accurateandcomplete in all [...]
material respects and not misleading;
(2) there are no other matters the omission of which would make any statement in this announcement misleading; and (3) all opinions expressed in this announcement have been arrived at after due and careful consideration and are founded on based and assumptions that are fair and reasonable.
该段还忽略了提及《国际刑事法院规约》第八 条第 2(b)八款,根据条款之规定,占领国将其分本民直接或间接转移到其占领地区,或将该 区域以内或以外的被占领区全部或部分人口驱逐或 强行转移行为属于战争罪。
The paragraph also omitted any reference to article 8, para. 2(b)viii, of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, under which the direct or indirect transfer by an occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupied, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside that territory, was a war crime.
[...] 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及期货条例第XV部第2及3条文须作出披露,或直接或间接拥有面值10%或以上任何类别股本 [...]
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall
to be disclosed to the Company
[...] under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of [...]
the SFO, or who was, directly or
indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
(E) 在考虑有关委任两名或以上董事担任本公司或本公司拥有权益 之任何其他公司之职务或受薪职位(包括委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之 安排时,须就每名董呈决议案,而每名有关董事均可就各项决议案投票(及 计入法定人数),惟有关任(或委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之 决议案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之职务或受薪职位)该董事连同 其任何联系人士拥有(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何类别发行股份 或该公司任何类别股份之投票权。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company
in which the Company is interested,a separateresolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) percent ormore of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
作为世界信息社会首脑会议背景文件的一还委托有关方面编写了一些涉及信息社会主要伦理和社会挑战的研究报告,报告中论述 了性别问题、信息伦理学及信息和知识的普及、信息和传播技术与残疾人;传媒和信息网络 中语言和文化的多样性、信息社会的新闻自由与言论自由,以及信息社会的教育与培训。
As partof background documents for WSIS, a number of research reports were commissioned on key ethical and societal challenges of the information society, including gender issues; infoethics and universal access to information and knowledge; ICTs and people with disabilities; linguistic and cultural diversity in media and information networks; press freedom and freedom of expression in the information society; and education in and training for the information society.
标准 化是建设知识社会的重要组成应为开发和利用公开的、共用的和非歧视性的信 息处理和存储标准提供方便。
Standardization being an essential building block of knowledge societies, the Organization will facilitate the development and use of open, interoperable, non-discriminatory standards for information handling and access.




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