

单词 本人




in person
the person himself
I (humble form used in speeches)







Japanese person or people





External sources (not reviewed)

葡萄牙的 法律保障所有移徙工人及其家庭成员的本人如获得卫生服务和教育等等, 无论他们的身份地位如何。
Portuguese law guaranteed the basichuman rights of all migrant workers and members of their families, regardless of their status, such as access to health services and education.
I congratulate each member of management and staff for their outstanding performance and their dedication to quality.
有鉴於广深港高铁涉及公帑达669亿元, 而在近期公布的港大民意调查中,却显示 59%市民自称对整个高铁项目认识'好少'或 '几少',显示大部分市民均不了解广深港高 铁的内容及对社会影响本人照《财 务委员会会议程序》第37A段,动议要求政 府搁置广深港高速铁路拨款,并以独立机 构的民调评估市民对广深港高速铁路的认 知程度,在确定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白广深港高铁的内容及对社会构成的影响 後才重新申请拨款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A ofthe FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.
关于保护本人宪法原则通过为确保尊重这些权利而制定的一般法来 实施。
Constitutional principles relating to the protection of fundamental humanrights are applied through ordinary statutes enacted for that purpose.
如在《宣言》的序言中所阐明,发生被强迫失踪的事件,即政府不同部门或 不同级别的官员,或一些代表政府行事或得到政府直接或间接支持、同意或默许 的有组织团体或个人,违反有本人愿而将其逮捕、拘留或绑架或剥夺 他们的自由,随后又拒绝透露有关人员的命运或下落,或拒绝承认剥夺了他们的 自由,结果将这些人置于法律保护之外。
As defined in the preamble of the Declaration, enforced disappearances occur when persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government or by organized groups or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of the Government, followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the protection of the law.
就业和等于工作的活动,意指在爱沙尼亚境内从事的工作, 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或在公共服务中奉派从爱沙尼亚前往国外;根据 雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼亚从事的工作;作为独资业主人爱沙尼亚开展的活动;如本人习暂 停或已经结束,则指在教育机构的白天或全日制学习;履行应征服役义务。
The employment and activity equal to work means work performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in public service; work performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity in Estonia as a sole proprietor; daytimeor full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; and performance of conscript service obligation.
因此,监狱管理部门应当提供满足这些需求的综合计划和服务,在此过程 中需要与女性囚本人相关的群体磋商。
Accordingly, prison authorities shall provide comprehensive
programmes and services that address these needs, in consultation with
[...] women prisoners themselves andthe relevant groups.
根据《联合检查组章程》第 11 条的规定,总干事将下列联合检查组 的报告连同本人论和意见转交给执行局审议:进一步采取措施,加 强联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助的报告(JIU/REP/2005/8); 联合国系统监督制度的缺陷的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/2);第二次审查 联合国系统各组织缔结的总部协定的执行情况:东道国提供总部办公房地 和其他便利的情况的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/4)和争取建立一个负责救 灾和减灾工作的联合国人道主义援助方案:从印度洋海啸灾害中得到的教 训的报告(JIU/REPORT/2006/5 和 Corr.1)。
In accordance with Article 11 of the Statute of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), the Director-General transmits the following JIU reports to the Executive Boardfor consideration, accompanied by his own comments and observations: JIU/REPORT/2005/8 Further measures to strengthen United Nations system support to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD); JIU/REPORT/2006/2 Oversight lacunae in the United Nations system; JIU/REPORT/2006/4 A second review of the implementation of Headquarters agreements concluded by United Nations system organizations: Provision of Headquarters premises and other facilities by host countries; and JIU/REPORT/2006/5 and Corr.1 Towards a United Nations humanitarian assistance programme for disaster response and reduction: Lessons learnt from the Indian Ocean tsunami disaster.
根据第 1483(2003) 号决议第 23 段,冻结和转入适用于与伊拉克前政权有关联的个人和实体的资金 或其他金融资产或经济资源,即萨达姆·侯赛因或伊拉克前政权其他高级官员及 其直系亲属,包括由他本人表他们或按他们指示行事的人直接间接拥有或 控制的实体,转移出伊拉克或获取的资金或其他金融资产或经济资源;以及伊拉 克前政府或其国家机关、公司或代理人在伊拉克境外的资金或其他金融资产或经 济资源。
According to paragraph 23 of resolution 1483 (2003), the freeze and transfer apply to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of individuals and entities associated with the former Iraqi regime, i.e. funds, other financial assets and economic resources removed fromIraq or acquired by Saddam Hussein or other senior officials of the former Iraqi regime and their immediate family members, including entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their direction; as well as to funds, other financial assets and economic resources of the previous Government of Iraq or its State bodies, corporations, or agencies, located outside Iraq.
I want to thank each member of management and staff for his and her dedication to excellence in the current tough market.
除了调解,大法官还分析法规适用如何影响社会不同成员的处境,向国家机 构和感兴趣的人员提供适用平等原则和待遇平等原则的信息,提出修正法律法规
[...] 的建议,为了确保平等原则和待遇平等原则发展个人与法人之间的合作本人他人合作宣扬这些原则。
In addition to conciliation proceedings, the Chancellor of Justice analyses how application of legislation affects the situation of different members of society, informs state agencies and interested persons about the application of the principles of equality and equal treatment, makes proposals for amending legislation, develops cooperation between individuals and legal persons in the interests of ensuring
the principles of equality and equal
[...] treatment, and himselfor herself promotes [...]
these principles in cooperation with other persons.
秘书长告知委员会,提出这一要求不是基于对方案的深入分析, 而是反映了全球金融危机后严峻时期的现实和本人确保本组织以成本效益 高的方式执行任务的承诺。
The Secretary-General informed the Committee that this request had not been made on the basis of an in-depth analysis of programmes, but rather reflected the reality of the austere times that followed the global financial crisis and also his commitment to ensure that the Organization carries out its mandates in a cost-effective manner.
本人:(i)会就使用自动增值服务及 / 或个人八达通遵守本申请条款、自动增值协议及八达通发卡条款;(ii)知悉及同意於本申请获批核後本人人资料将连系本人之八达通;(iii)已细阅、明白及同意自动增值协议条款第 33 至 40 关於个人资料(私隐)条例的通知;(iv) 同意及 授权恒生可将阁下於申请表所提供及留存於恒生其他纪录之个人资料披露予八达通卡有限公司;并同意此授权将於取消自动增值服务或八达通或 个人八达通後继续生效。
I confirm that I agree: (i)
[...] to be bound by theTerms of Application, the AAVS Agreement and the Conditions of Issue of Octopus in the use of the AAVS and/or the Personalised Octopus; (ii) acknowledge and agree that upon the approval of theAutomatic Add Value Service, mypersonal data provided inthis application [...]
will be associated
with my Octopus; (iii) agree that I have read, understood and agreed with the notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance contained in clauses 33 to 40 of the AAVS Agreement; (iv) agreed and authorised Hang Seng to disclose the Octopus Cards Limited your personal data set out on the Application form and your data which Hang Seng may have from its other records, and agreed that this authorization shall survive, and continue after, the cancellation of the AAVS or cancellation of the designated Octopus or Personalised Octopus.
13.4 董事会主席主持每次大会或如果没有主席或在任何大会上指定开会时间过後 15 分钟内主席没有出席,则出席会议幷有权投票的股东须选出一位董事担任 主席,如果没有董事出席或出席会议的董事拒绝主持会议,或如果选出的主 席拒绝主持会议,则出席会议幷有权投票的股东(不論股本人票代表 或正式授权代表)可在他们之间选出一位股东担任主席。
13.4 The Chairman shall take the chair at every general meeting, or, if there be no such Chairman or, if at any general meeting such Chairman shall not be present within 15 minutes after the time appointed for holding such meeting or is unwilling to act, the Directors present shall choose another Director as Chairman, and if no Director be present, or if all the Directors present decline to take the chair, or if the Chairman chosen shall retire from the chair, then the members present (whether in person or represented by proxy or duly authorised representative) shall choose one of their own number to be Chairman.
本人会通知跨境車辆登记車主/本人道路货物资料系统代其递交详细资料的付货人及收货人有关「收集个 人资料声明」的内容。
I undertake to inform the registered
[...] owner(s) of thecross-boundary vehicle(s) / consignor and consignee of the cargo [...]
whose particulars are
to be submitted by me through the Road Cargo System of the contents of the “Personal Information Collection Statement”.
委员会认为,申诉人未能提出充分的证据,证明他所作的任何政治行为足以引起 埃塞俄比亚当局的兴趣,他也未提出任何其他具体证据,表明埃塞俄比亚当局正 在找他,或如果返回埃塞俄比亚,本人遭受酷刑的风险。
In the Committee’s view, the complainant has failed to adduce sufficient evidence about the conduct of any political activity of such significance that would attract the interest of the Ethiopian authorities, nor has he submitted any other tangible evidence to demonstrate that the authorities in his home country are looking for him orthat he is at a personal risk of being tortured if returned to Ethiopia.
(c) 如果工作人员在离职后十二个月内重新获得联合国共同制度的任用,任 何与解雇偿金、回国补助金或积存年假折付款项有关的给付额应予调整,以确保 在新的任用结束后再次离职时支付的薪金计算月数、周数或日数,同根据以前工 作时间支付的薪金计算月数、周数或日数相加,不超本人续工作总共可领 取的薪金计算月数、周数或日数。
(c) When a staff member receives a new appointment in the United Nations common system of salaries and allowances less than twelve months after separation, the amount of any payment on account of termination indemnity, repatriation grant or commutation of accrued annual leave shall be adjusted so that the number of months, weeks or days of salary to be paid at the time of the separation after the new appointment, when added to the number of months, weeks or days paid for prior periods ofservice,does not exceed the total of months, weeks or days that would have been paid had the service been continuous.
世界新闻自由日以及世界新闻自由奖依 然是重要的措施,有助于提高全世界对于作为本人言论自由的认识,有助于倡导应用 和尊重适用于社会各阶层的法律、道德和专业标准。
This, as well as the award of World Press Freedom Prize, continues to serve as an important step in raising awareness globally to freedom of expression as a basic human right, and in advocating for the application and respect of international legal, ethical and professional standards that implicate all levels of society.
如果您能够将本函及其附件列为理事会临时议程项目 2(b)下的文件予以发 布本人胜感激。
I should be grateful if you would circulate the present letter and its annex as a document of the Council, under item 2 (b) of the provisional agenda.
(b) 一名参与者在介绍另一名参与者加入该项计划之时或之 後的任何时间收取报酬,而报酬( 不论全部或部分) 并非 按本人另一名参与者所实际销售的或透过该另一 名参与者而实际销售的货品或服务的公平市值而计算的 ( 粗体字以示强调,为後来加上) 。
(b) a participant receives a reward on, or at any time after, the introduction into the scheme by him of another participant which reward is based, whether wholly or in part, otherwise than on the fair market value of goods or services actually sold by him or by or through that other participant (emphasis added).
我谨代表尼泊尔政府感谢秘书本人尼泊 尔和平进程的支持,也感谢他向安理会提交的最新 报告(S/2009/1),其中建议根据我国的请求把联合 国尼泊尔特派团(联尼特派团)的任务限期再延长 6 个月。
On behalf of the Government of Nepal, I would like to thank the Secretary-General for his personal support for the peace process in Nepal and for his latest report to the Council (S/2009/1) recommending extension of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) by another six months, at our request.
在提供军事和安保服务时,雇员在下列情况下方可使用武力或火 器:(a) 保卫自己或公司其他雇员免遭其认为迫在眉睫的非法的死
亡或重伤威胁,属于行使自卫的基本权利;(b) 保卫按照合同受其 保护者免遭其认为迫在眉睫的非法的死亡或重伤威胁;(c)
[...] 阻止其 有合理理由认为非法绑架本人司的其他雇员或按照合同受其 [...]
保护者的企图;(d) 预防或阻止犯下可能或已经构成死亡或重伤威 胁的罪行。
In providing military and security services, employees may use force or firearms only (a) to defend him/herself or other employees of the company against what he/she believes to be an imminent unlawful threat of death or serious bodily injury, in respect of the exercise of the essential right of selfdefence; (b) to defend persons whom he/she is under a contract to protect against what he/she believes to be an imminent unlawful threat of death or serious bodily injury; (c) to resist what he/she reasonably believes to be an
attempt to unlawfully abduct him/her,
[...] other employees ofthe company oraperson [...]
whom he/she is under contract to protect;
(d) to prevent or put a stop to the commission of a serious crime that would involve or involves a grave threat to life or of serious bodily injury.
本人房委会、房屋署及房屋协会向其他政府部门、公/私营机构或有关雇主求证及核对有关资料; 并同意任何政府部门(包括但并不限於土地注册处、入境事务处、税务局)、公/私营机构或有关雇主,将其拥有关本人人资料,提供给房委会、房屋署及房屋协会作比较或核对本申请书上的资料之用。
Ihereby authorize the HA, HD and HS to approach other government departments or any public/private organizations or any employers concerned for verification and matching of data, and I expressly agree that the government departments (including but not limited to the Land Registry, Immigration Department, [...]
and Inland Revenue
Department) or public/private organizations or any employers concerned may allow the HA, HD and HS access to my personal data in their possession for the purpose of comparing and matching them with the data provided in this application form.
(b)  董事可自行或由其公司担当本公司之专业职务(核数师除外),而本人公司将有权就有关之专业服务享有倘其并非董事而应获取之酬金。
(b) A Director may act by himself or his firm in a professional capacity for the Company (otherwise than as Auditor) and he or his firm shall be entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a Director.
(D) 任何董本人商号,均可以专业身分代本公司行事,而本人商号 均可就提供专业服务而有权收取酬金,犹如彼并非董事;惟董事或其商号不 可出任本公司的核數师。
(D) Any Director may act by himself or his firm in a professional capacity for the Company and he or his firm shall be entitled to remuneration for professional services as if he were not a Director; provided that a Director or his firm shall not act as auditors to the Company.
(g) 确保每一个被指控刑事犯罪本人充分的经济能力则会向其 提供充足的时间、便利、技术和财政支助,以便其为辩护做准备,并且能够完 全秘密地本人师进行协商。
(g) To ensure that every person charged with a
criminal offence has adequate
[...] time, facilities and technical and financial support, in case heor she does not have sufficient means, to prepare his orher defence andis able to consult with his or herlawyer in full confidentiality.
本人确 表示同意上述的 有关政府部门、公/私营机构及任何拥有关本人人资料/资料的第三者,将他们拥有关本人人资料/资料,提供给香港房屋委员会/房屋署及其获授权人士,用作比较及核实本申 请书上的资料。
I also explicitly agree that the saidgovernment departments, public/private organisations oranyother third party in possession of my personal data/information may disclose my personal [...]
in their possession to HA/HD and its authorised officers to facilitate comparison and verification of such information entered in this application form.
这使调查人员得以发现和收 集关于直接行为人和“行为人背后的行为人”——即那些虽本人所处地理 位置没有参与犯罪或暂时与犯罪无关、却实际负有最大责任的高级政治、军事和 准军事领导人——的犯罪证据。
This enables investigators to identify and gather evidence against both the direct perpetrators of the crimes and the “perpetrators behind the perpetrators” — those senior political, military and paramilitary leaders who, although physically, geographically or temporally removed from the crimes, in fact bear the greatest responsibility.
本人园的核准校长同意,并特此同意及代表他/她同意,教统局、为政府学券计划 提供服务的承办商,以及其他获政府正式授权的人士,可查阅本表格所载述关本人关 校长在本表格所提供的个人资料,以作表格第 VI 部「提供/处理个人资料」第 2 段所载的用 途。
I have obtained
[...] the consent ofthe approved principal of the Kindergarten and hereby give consent on his/her behalf and my consent, to EMB and the contractors of the Government which provide services to the Government in connection with the PEVS and other persons duly authorized by the Government to access my and such principal’s personal data provided in this application [...]
for the purposes set
out in paragraph 2 of Part VI of this application form on Provision/Handling of Personal Data.




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