单词 | 末日 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 末日noun—endndoomn末日—doomsday final days last day Judgment Day (in Christian eschatology) Examples:世界末日—end of the world See also:末n—endn dustn powdern 末—tip final stage latter part opera role of old man inessential detail
虽然超人:世界末日和正义联盟:新的边境在英国与12评级已被释放,蝙蝠侠:哥谭骑士伴随着血腥暴力和伤害的“图像”的一个15证书。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | While Superman: DoomsdayandJustice [...] League: The New Frontier have been released in the United Kingdom with a 12 rating, [...]Batman: Gotham Knight is being accompanied with a 15 certificate for “images of bloody violence and injury”. seekcartoon.com |
一旦恐怖分子的末日已经明显,一部很 得力的宣传机器便开始炮制出大量指控,企图制造借 口,让这场冲突以其他方式继续下去。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once theend of the terrorists became obvious, a well-oiled propaganda [...] machine began to churn out reams of allegations to [...]set the stage to continue the conflict by other means. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种对邪恶的和诱惑罪在最后的日子的精神得到普遍观点,特别强调在Ḥasidean学校,因此之间的tannaitic和救世主的来临之前的时间世界末日图片惊人的相似:“在最后的日子假先知 [假救世主 ]和腐化将增加,羊变成狼被打开,爱被仇恨;无法无天[见匪徒 ]将占上风,导致男人的仇恨,迫害,并提供了对方;和撒旦,'世界骗子'(见箴),将执行中的神的儿子幌子创造奇迹,作为地球的统治者犯下奇闻的罪行“(”十二使徒遗训,“十六3起。 mb-soft.com | This view of the prevalence of the spirit of evil and seduction to sin in the last days [...] received special emphasis in [...] theḤasidean schools; hence the striking resemblance between the tannaitic and the apocalyptic picture of the time preceding the Messianic advent: "In the last days false prophets [...][pseudo-Messiahs] and [...]corrupters will increase and sheep be turned into wolves, love into hatred; lawlessness [see Belial] will prevail, causing men to hate, persecute, and deliver up each other; and Satan, 'the world-deceiver' (see Antichrist), will in the guise of the Son of God perform miracles, and as ruler of the earth commit unheard-of crimes" ("Didache," xvi. 3 et seq. mb-soft.com |
於期末後宣派之中期股息并未於期末日确认为负债。 kdc.com.hk | The interim dividend declared after the interim period has not been recognized as a [...] liability at the interim period end date. kdc.com.hk |
他们声称,仔细研究了Abdias(15-21)世界末日的功能(参考一天主在手,呼吁所有国家,恢复了所有以色列领土和地位的精彩程度,等候在神的国度犹太人的命令),连接一定要与其他犹太文学作品的预言Abdias [...] [乔尔,但以理,撒迦利亚9-14],因为他们认为,这属于一个日期后,从巴比伦返回。 mb-soft.com | They claim that a close study of Abdias [...] (15-21), with its apocalyptic features (reference totheday of theLord [...]as being at hand upon all nations, [...]to a restoration of all Israel, to the wonderful extent of territory and position in command which await the Jews in God's kingdom), connects necessarily the prophecy of Abdias with other works in Jewish literature [Joel, Daniel, Zechariah 9-14] which, as they think, belong to a date long after the return from Babylon. mb-soft.com |
商界和政界人士,好莱坞明星布鲁斯威利斯、 基努 ' 里里夫斯、 克莉丝蒂娜 Agillera、 raspevaût 和东西从普雷斯利曲目、末日或闸罗观众。 karaokeklub-golosa.g-sochi.ru | Businessmen and politicians, Hollywood stars Bruce Willis, Keanu Reeves, Christina Agillera, raspevaût together with the audience something from the Repertoire of Presley, Sinatra or Monroe. g-sochi.ru |
今次音乐会将分为「毁灭」及「梦幻」两部份,以世界末日以及末日後重生这沉重的主题,让人们反思生命、地球、宇宙万物以及自身的存在价值,更让乐迷知道Evade的音乐不仅出色,更意味深长。 yp.mo | Evade use their meaningful and magnificent songs to question life, the earth, the universe and the values of its living creatures along with their fans. yp.mo |
因为加州南部许多民众非常倚赖汽车往来,这项工程还因此得到「汽车末日」(Carmageddon)的绰号。 thisbigcity.net | The event [...] took on itsown moniker, Carmageddon, [...]because of the dependency that many in Southern California have with their cars. thisbigcity.net |
随着哈比族人佛罗多与山姆和咕鲁前往末日山脉,甘道夫、精灵射手雷高拉斯、矮人金雳、法拉墨也积极对抗索伦魔君,扞卫中土世界,直到最後西瑞安迪尔的陷落,亚拉冈将拾起王者之剑,重掌刚铎王位,并在帕兰诺平原展开影史上最奇幻、壮观的浴血战役。 buyoyo.com | While Frodo & Sam continue to approach Mount Doom to destroy the One Ring, unaware of the path Gollum is leading them, the former Fellowship aid Rohan & Gondor in a great battle in the Pelennor Fields, Minas Tirith and the Black Gates as Sauron wages his last war against Middle-Earth. buyoyo.com |
只有当她相信真正的基督,‘真的神',她才能在‘世界末日'时得救。 amccsm.org | Only when she believes in the true Christ, the ‘actual God', would she be [...] saved at‘theend of the world'. amccsm.org |
埋葬的时候被颠倒过来竖着入土可算得上是不寻常的要求了吧,但塞穆尔•格拉伯(1750-1815)——蒂珀雷里郡(County Tipperary)美丽的格瑞斯城堡(Castle [...] Grace)的主人就要求自己被这样竖着埋葬,如此一来他到了自己末日的那天他就直接准备出发了!那个垂直的墓地就位于克洛金(Clogheen)的南部,朝向诺克米尔邓恩山脉中甜面包山(Sugar [...]Loaf Hill)的斜坡。 discoverireland.com | To be buried upside down may be an unusual request, but Samuel Grubb (1750-1815), owner of the [...] beautiful Castle Grace in County Tipperary insisted on being buried upright [...] so that come judgement day he’d be ready to go! discoverireland.com |
施密德的«贝雷西纳或瑞士的末日»(Beresina, or the Last Days of Switzerland)制成于1999年,也是一部黑色喜剧。 swissworld.org | Schmid's Beresina, or the LastDays ofSwitzerland, which appeared in 1999, is a comedy which also did fairly well outside Switzerland. swissworld.org |
本周末,日本J联赛将会有一场有趣的碰撞,大阪钢巴将主场对阵磐田山叶。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | The JapaneseJ-League will be [...] showing us an interesting match this weekend as Gamba Osaka is set to host Jubilo Iwata. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
它困扰我很久了,所以我不得不开始做一些事情,思考生命,我们的社会,每天的新闻(流感——死亡——战争——世界末日),最近是关于海地的。 luxe-immo.com | It has been nagging me for a long time now, so I had to start doing something with it [...] - thinking about life, [...] our society, thedaily news bulletins (flu – death – war -the end ofthe world), [...]then more recently Haiti. luxe-immo.com |
请避开公共假期、周末日来这里,人潮多到爆。 4tern.com | Avoid publicholidays andweekends,longqueue! 4tern.com |
耶稣在这里特别地提到“无花果树”也许是因为先知以赛亚书中所讲的关于末日的预言。 bcbsr.com | Jesus may have named the "fig tree" specifically because of the prophecy [...] concerning the endmention in the [...]prophet Isaiah. bcbsr.com |
苏联解体解放了被奴役的 国家和受压迫的人民,放飞了成百上千万人的梦想, 结束了数十年的冷战和世界末日般的核军备竞赛,并 预示着一个国际关系新时代的到来。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am surprised that no one in the Hall has mentioned that this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union, which freed captive nations and emancipated oppressed peoples, unleashed thedreams ofmillions, put an end to decades of cold war and an apocalypticnuclear race and heralded a new era of international relations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在各市政区的资助下,设在地处战略位置的村庄 [...] 的教育中心与提供住宿的寄宿家庭网络合作,使来自邻近社区的年轻人能在非周末日定期上学和参加预防性保健讨论会,并在周末返回自己的家庭和社区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Funded by municipal districts, educational centres in strategically located villages, together with an accommodation network of host families, enable [...] young people in neighbouring communities [...] to attend school on aregular basis [...]and to take part in preventive health seminars [...]during the week, returning to their families and communities at the end of the week. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为德国E系列末日战车计划中最后一种型号,E100作为未来超级重型坦克系列的基础。 trumpeter-china.com | One of the last projects in the long line of German [...] ingenious "E-series" next generation tanks, [...]the E-100 was planned to be the basis for [...]a whole new line of super heavy armored vehicles. trumpeter-china.com |
如果国际社会不是在这个了不 起的大会所开展的政治审议的指导下采取了行动,艾 滋病毒/艾滋病挑战就会变成世界末日。 daccess-ods.un.org | The HIV/AIDS challenge would have become an apocalypse but for the actions of the international community, harnessed by the political deliberations of this great Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
在瑞士公司总部举办过会议后,爱彼推出一枚纪念阿诺的成名电影"魔鬼末日"的纪念表款。 audemarspiguet.com | Following a meeting organized at the company headquarters in [...] Switzerland, Audemars Piguet introduced a commemorative watch in honor of [...] the film“Endof Days”,in which the [...]actor starred. audemarspiguet.com |
2012年在这所谓末日的一年里,我的改变非常大,无论生活还是设计,6月份我来到杭州,炎炎夏日驱使我在狂燥中,学会找寻一份属于自己的平静与淡定,新的公司,新的工作及新的工作模式,迫使我努力学习且适应着,在这里工作使我对商业设计的价值更深入的了解。 qp3db.com | In 2012, the [...] so-called last year, I change is very big, no matter life is design,June I cameto hangzhou, [...]sorching summer [...]driving me in feverishness, learn to look for a to belong to an own peace and calm, the new company, new work and new work mode, forcing me to study hard and adapt to, work here on the value of commercial design more deep understanding. qp3db.com |
她曾参与多个在公共空间和私人画廊的联合展览,如“直至世界的末日”(九龙牛棚艺术村,2007)、“东栋动──观塘艺术工作解构”(2006) 和 “影像的聚合”(香港精艺轩画廊,2005)等;其作品为私人收藏。 artcontainer.hk | FUNG has joined a number of group [...] exhibitions held in public art spaces and galleries, including “Till The End of World” (Cattle Depot Artist Village, Kowloon, 2007), “LEAP—Local East-Kowloon Art In [...]Progress” (2006) [...]and “Collect(ive) imagery” (Art Beatus Gallery, Hong Kong, 2005). artcontainer.hk |