

单词 末代

See also:

final stage
latter part
opera role of old man
inessential detail

External sources (not reviewed)

在舞团期间曾担演多个重要角色如<罗密欧与茱丽叶>的茱丽叶、<胡桃夹子>的糖果仙子、 末代>的婉蓉及<梁祝学堂>的祝英台,凭此角色获香港舞蹈联盟2000年"杰出表现奖”,同年获香港芭蕾舞团之友”最具潜质新人奖”。
During this time, She performed many major roles like Juliet in
Romeo and Juliet, Clara in Nutcracker, Pu Yi's
[...] first wifein LastEmperor, Zhu Yin [...]
Tai in Butterfly Lovers which win the Award
of "Outstanding Performance of the Year" by Hong Kong Dance Alliance in 2000, and same year win the" Most Promising Dancer" by the Friends of Hong Kong Ballet.
我和我这一代的人清楚地记得,当我们在 1950 代末1960 初中时,我们每天早晨唱阿 尔及利亚革命的国歌,而不是背诵叙利亚国歌。
Iand my generation clearly remember that when we [...]
were at secondary school in the late 1950s and early 1960s, we used to
sing the national anthem of the Algerian revolution in the morning instead of reciting the Syrian national anthem.
In thelate 1980s and early 1990s many followers of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson of Brooklyn, New York, believed that he was the Messiah who would bring about the redemption of the world.
相反,已过度开发的种群所占比重则在上升,特别是在上世纪70 代末801974年的10%上升到1989年的26%。
In contrast, the percentage of overexploited stocks has increased, especially in the late 1970s and 1980s, from 10 percent in 1974 to 26 percent in 1989.
80代末国开始 将更多精力放在发展模式和经济结构调整上,同时 [...]
着眼于减少能源和其他资源消耗,推广清洁生产, 以及减少工业污染。
Inthe late 80s,China began [...]
paying more attention to growth patterns and economic structural adjustment with an eye to
reducing the consumption of energy and other resources, promoting cleaner production, and reducing industrial pollution.
70 代末80 失去的十年”,原因是石油危机,随后是拉丁 美洲的债务危机和华盛顿共识的形成有利于以私有化、自由化及外向型提高经济 [...]
The late 1970s and 1980s was the “lost decade” for development, [...]
owing to the oil crises, followed by the Latin American
debt crisis, and rise of the Washington Consensus favouring economic efficiency and market forces with privatization, liberalization and outward orientation, including through structural adjustment programmes.
在过去 40 年中,还没有出现过类 似的年人均国内总产值稳步增长 3%(2004-2008
[...] 年)的情况,上一次繁荣介于 1960 代末1970 油危机之间,当时该区域连续 7 [...]
A similar period of steady per capita GDP growth of over 3 per cent per year (as recorded in 2004-2008) had not
been seen for 40 years, since the
[...] boom that lasted from the end of the 1960s to the oil [...]
shock at the beginning of the 1970s,
during which the region posted comparable growth rates for seven consecutive years.
During the late1960s and early 1970’s, in response to requests by the United States, United Kingdom and, later, the Governing Body of the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA), the Security Council considered the threat posed by the increase in hijacking of commercial aircraft.
代表们指出,本区域基本上已有效应对了双重危机的影响,没有遭受类似于 上世纪九十代末经济危机所造成的严重后果。
Delegates noted that the region had, on the whole, coped with the impact of the twin crises without suffering the serious consequences caused by theAsian economic crisis of the late 1990s.
1960 代末着教科文组织引入中期计划,一个新的因素开始发挥作用,作为影响 联合国整个系统的改革的一部分。
A new factor came into play in the late 1960s with the introduction in UNESCO of mediumterm planning, as part of a reform affecting the whole United Nations system.
虽然自 1960 代末,人口的增长率 一直在下降,但从 1950 年到 1980 代末界人口增加了一倍,这意味着在过 去的半个世纪中,每新增一个 10 亿的速度之迅速,超过历史上的任何时期:最 后的两个 10 亿,每个只用了创纪录的 [...]
12 年时间。
Although the
[...] rate of population growth has been declining since the late 1960s, the doublingof the world population between 1950 [...]
and the late
1980s has meant that, over the past half century, each additional billion has been added more rapidly than at any other time in history, with the last two in a record 12 years each.
在 他 们 当 中 , 长 州 及 萨 摩 的 改 革 最 为 成 功 , 标 志 着 外 藩 大 名 在 德 川代 末兴 起 。
Among them the most observable and successful ones however should be Choshu and Satsuma which marked the rise of outer daimyo in the late Tokugawa period.
亚美尼亚当局不应当对 1980 代末些事件做出无端指控,而是最好回 想一下,其执法机构没有对 1987 年至 1989 年期间将阿塞拜疆人从亚美尼亚强行 驱逐的过程中残害几百名阿塞拜疆人以及在战争期间对阿塞拜疆人犯下其他可 怕暴行的任何人提出刑事诉讼。
Instead of groundless allegations regarding the events at the end of the 1980s, it would be appropriate if the Armenian authorities could recall that its lawenforcement bodies had not brought criminal proceedings against a single person for the brutal killing of hundreds of Azerbaijanis in the course of the forcible deportation of the Azerbaijani population from Armenia in 1987-1989, as well as for other horrible atrocities committed against the Azerbaijanis during the war.
然而,经历了20世纪80代 末 、社会和经济转型,工业的种类不再 [...]
由政府决定,政府有责任改变并减少这方面 的工作。
After the political, social and economical [...]
turnaround of the late 1980s however, this kind of industry was no longer supported
by the government who needed to change and reduce the nature of its employment.
孙振宇先生谈到了中国 400 年闭关锁国的政策和 1970 代末这些开放 政策的历史经验。
Mr. Zhenyu spoke of China’s historical experience of 400 years of closed-door policies and their liberalization since the late 1970s.
自 1990 代末 ,越来越多的组织,特别是联合国各基金和 [...]
方案采取的是称作特别业务办法的另一种办法,根据这种办法,需要在不带家属 工作地点工作的人员被派至附近较安全的地点,这个地点有医疗和教育设施及良 好的通讯联系等必要基础设施,工作人员可在这个地点建立称作行政派任地点的 家庭基地。
Since the late 1990s, an increasing [...]
number of organizations, in particular the United Nations funds and programmes, have
adopted an alternative approach known as the special operations approach (SOA) whereby staff members required to work in non-family locations have been assigned to a nearby, safer location with the necessary infrastructure in terms of medical and educational facilities and good communication links, where the staff member can establish a home base, known as the administrative place of assignment.
虽然联合国开发计划署人类发展指数显示,1990 代末独联体国家大多数人 的生活条件得到改善,但某些地区的指数仍然尤其令人担忧。
While measures such as the UNDP Human Development Index shows that living conditions for most people within the CIS have improved since the late 1990s, some regional indicators remain a cause for deep concern.
1990 代末鲜民主主义人民共和国、中国、美国和朝鲜南方举行四方会 谈,讨论朝鲜半岛建立持久和平机制问题。
The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, China, the United States and south Korea sat for the four-party talks in the late 1990s to set up a lasting peace regime on the Korean peninsula.
秘书长关于非洲冲突根源的报告强调,陷于武装 冲突的非洲国家的数量大幅减少,从 1990 代末14 个国家,减少到今天仅有的 4 个国家,这突出了非 洲国家政府和人民对和平、稳定与发展事业的坚定承 诺;尽管如此,许多非洲国家仍然无法实现其人民的 发展愿望,包括实现国际商定的发展目标,特别是千 年发展目标,非洲在这方面的进展速度,仍然落在其 他地区的后面。
In spite of what is highlighted in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflicts in Africa with regard to the significant reduction in the number of African countries engaged in armed conflicts — from 14 countries in the late 1990s to only just four countries today, which underlines the deep commitment of African Governments and peoples to the cause of peace, stability and development — many African countries are still unable to fulfil the developmental aspirations of their peoples, including the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, particularly the Millennium Development Goals, where Africa still lags behind other regions in terms of rates of progress.
1990 代末UL 即与汽车产业和公共交通事业合作,协助开发电动汽车及其充电系统的基础设施。
In the late 1990s, UL joined forces with the automotive and utility industries to help develop the infrastructure for electric vehicles and their charging systems.
小组委员会注意到,日本的准天顶卫星系统将扩充和升级成为一个基于卫 星的区域性在役全球导航卫星系统,使亚太区域各国受益,到 2020 代末成由四颗卫星组成的星座,并且今后将布局成一个由七颗卫星组成的星座,以 便能够进行可持续的定位。
The Subcommittee noted that the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System of Japan would be expanded and upgraded to an operational and regional satellite-based GNSS for the benefit of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, that a four-satellite constellation would be established by the late 2020s and that in the future, a seven-satellite constellation should be completed to enable sustainable positioning.
20 世纪 50 代末后问题解决, 学会经历了 惊人的发展,这些发展导致 [...]
CIGR 会员人数的逐渐增 多,这就必须修改并扩大其基本结构。
From the end of the 50s, once the [...]
problems of the post-war period were concluded, the sector experienced considerable and
unexpected growth which led to a gradual upturn in CIGR’s membership which made it necessary to modify and expand the underlying structure.
在七十代末 政府推出受资助的居者有其屋计划。
In thelate seventies, Government [...]
introduced the subsidized Home Ownership Scheme.
1990 代末的经济危机对公共医疗保健服务的普及和质量构成严重影 响,这是因为政府用于医疗保健服务体系的预算资金大幅减少,2003 年医疗保 健预算仅占 GDP 的 4%,而 1996 年医疗保健预算占 6.9%。
The effects of the economic crisis in the late ’90 has significantly influenced the access and quality of health services, due to the reduction of the amount of budget financing for the health care system, which in 2003 represented only 4% of GDP compared to 6.9% in 1996.
During the unrest of the late 1960s, Detroiters in an eastside neighborhood retooled that dance style into an implicitly political art form characterized by fast and aggressive footwork, hopping, stopping, slapping, and gyration, interrupted by moments of complete calm.
中国政府充分认识到外国知识与外国专业技能对发挥中国创新潜力的重要意义,自1970 代末 ,中国发展了完善发达的基础设施与技术生产线实力,吸引跨国公司前来开展研究活动,而相关优惠政策也有助于鼓励跨境合作;这其中包括税收减免和政府研发补贴、加强知识产权保护以及通过政府采购对所开发的产品予以优惠待遇。
The Chinese government recognises that foreign knowledge and expertise is critical to unlocking China’s innovation potential, and since the late 1970s, the nation has developed advanced infrastructure and technological production line capacities to attract MNC (multi-national corporations) research operations onshore.
二十世纪九十代末许多非政府组织报告给被强迫或非 自愿失踪问题工作组的失踪和秘密拘留案例越来越多。有报告称,便衣警察曾强 迫平民登上车辆,将他们带往非正式的拘留场所,例如马哈拉吉贡吉警察培训中 心。
It was reported that police officers in civilian clothes were forcing people into vehicles and taking them to unofficial places of detentions, such as the Maharajgunj Police Training Centre.129 82.




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