

单词 未遂



attempted murder

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

已记录在案的有基于性别的暴力攻击、强奸和强未 遂括武装部队成员所犯的案件。
Gender-based violence assaults, rapes and attempted rapes, including by members of the armed forces, were documented.
Acts that are aimed to promote or accomplish an offence shall, when the offence is not completed,be punished as an attempt.
虽然报案不足仍令人担忧,特别是强奸或强未遂,但这一趋势可能表明, 人们对国际行动者与社区密切协调建立的保护机制越来越信任,对综合安全分 遣队越来越信任。
While underreporting remains a concern, particularly for rapeor attempted rape cases, this trend may indicate growing trust in the protection mechanisms established by international actors, in close coordination with the communities, and in DIS.
(2) 除 了 关 乎 在 本 法 令 生 效 前 犯 的 罪 行 外 , 在 本 法 令 生 效 前 通 过 的 法 例 内 的 任 何 提 述,如 可 视 为 对 普 通未 遂提 述,则 亦 得 视 为 对 上 文 第 1 条 项 下 罪 行 的 提 述 。
(2) Except as regards offences committed before the commencement of this Act, references in any enactment passed before this Act which fall to be construed as references to the offence of attempt at common law shall be construed as references to the offence under section 1 above.
由两名欧盟驻科法治团法官和三名科索沃法官组成的科 索沃最高法院小组确认普里什蒂纳地区法院和最高法院本身以前在所谓 “Podujevë/波杜耶沃案”所做的判决,其中一人被判犯有严重谋杀罪未遂谋杀罪和非法藏有武器的刑事罪行,并因此被判处 30 年徒刑。
A panel of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, composed of two EULEX judges and three Kosovo judges, confirmed previous decisions by the Pristina District Court and the Supreme Court itself in the so-called Podujevë/Podujevo case, wherein an individual was convicted for the criminal offences of aggravated murder, attempted aggravated murder and unlawful possession of weapons, and was consequently sentenced to 30 years of imprisonment.
(4) 即 使 照 当 时 事 实 , 触 犯 有 关 的 整 个 罪 行 是 不 可 能 的 , 某 人 仍 可 视 为 犯 了
[...] 特 别 法 定 条 文 项 下 的 一未 遂
(4) A person may be guilty of an attempt under a
special statutory provision even though the facts are such that the commission of
[...] the relevant full offence is impossible.
谨转递所附格鲁吉亚外交部就 2011 年 6 月 2 未遂主义行为和俄罗斯 总理访问被占领的阿布哈兹地区一事发表的声明(见附件一和二)。
I have the honour to transmit the annexed statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia regarding the foiled act of terrorism of 2 June 2011 and the Russian Prime Minister’s visit to occupied Abkhazia (see annexes I and II).
各位部长再次对2010年9月30日发生的令人遗憾的事件深表关切,其中执 法部门的某些成员参与了厄瓜多尔未遂,并宣布其坚决反对任何旨在破 坏厄瓜多尔民主秩序的企图。
The Ministers reiterated their deep concern over the regrettable events of 30 September 2010 in which certain members of law enforcement took part in an attemptof coup d’etat in Ecuador and declare their utter rejection of any attempt to destabilize the democratic order in Ecuador.
至少 9 起此类事件未遂攻击(人体携带简易爆炸装 置),其中 4 起被挫败。
At least nine of the incidents were attempted suicide attacks, of which four were foiled.
据几名证人所述,这起仇恨犯罪未遂,当时被占领的东耶路撒冷 Ras Al-Am [...]
居民区的一名 17 岁居民 Jamal Julani 和他的四个朋友正走在西耶路撒冷 的锡安广场,突然他们发现一群年轻人在追赶自己,这些年轻人叫嚷着“阿拉伯
The hate crime — described by several
[...] witnesses as anattempted lynching — occurred [...]
as Jamal Julani, 17 years old, a resident
of the Occupied East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Ras Al-Amud, and his four friends were walking in West Jerusalem’s Zion Square, when they suddenly found themselves being chased by a group of youths shouting “Arabs, death to Arabs”.
(4) 如 在 指 控 某 人 犯 了 特 别 法 定 条 文 项 下未 遂诉 讼 程 序 中 , 在 法 律 上 有 足 够 证 据 支 持 判 定 那 人 所 作 出 的 行 为 是 入 上 文 第 3 条 第 ( 3 ) 款 的 范 围 , 则 他 的 行 为 是 否 入 该 款 的 范 围 这 问 题 属 一 关 乎 事 实 的 问 题 。
(4) Where, in proceedings against a person for an attempt under a special statutory provision, there is evidence sufficient in law to support a finding that he did an act falling within subsection (3) of section 3 above, the question whether or not his act fell within that subsection is a question of fact.
未遂减轻处罚,刑期为 既遂犯罪的四分之一至四分之三。
In case of attempt, the penalty is reduced by one-quarter to three-quarters of the penalty for the committed crime.
(b) 本 款 并 不 排 除 煽 惑 他 人 犯 煽 惑 罪 ( 根 据 本 条 或 任 何 其 他 成
文 法 则 ),或 煽 惑 他 人 犯 串 谋 罪( 根 据 第 4 8 条 或 任 何 其 他 成 文 法 则
[...] ), 或 煽 惑 他 人未 遂根 据 第 4 9 条 或 [...]
任 何 其 他 成 文 法 则 ) 等 控 罪 。
(b) this subsection does not preclude a charge of incitement to incite (under this section or any other enactment), or of incitement to conspire (under section
48 or any other enactment), or of incitement to attempt (under section 49 or any
[...] other enactment), to commit an offence.
在本报告所述期间,观察团接报的犯罪事件有 6 起杀人、1 起杀未遂5 起绑架和 15 起抢劫。
The criminal incidents reported to the Mission during the period under review included 6 homicides, 1 attempted homicide, 5 abductions and 15 robberies.
(b)未 遂供 一 个 可 以 应 用 而 又 普 遍 适 用 於 一 切 公 诉 罪 行 的 定 义 。
(b) to provide a workable definition of attempt that would apply generally to all indictable offences.
Despite last-minute integration of some armed groups into the Congolese army, insecurity
is still rife in the Kivus, while unexplained security incidents,
[...] includingan attempted coup, have [...]
occurred in the west.
由于当时正在进行调查,专家组无法详细报告调查结果,但了解到一名美国公 民 Michael Shor 参与了这未遂
Although ongoing investigations at that time prevented the Group from reporting its findings in detail, it had become aware that a United States citizen, Michael Shor, was involved in the attempted sale.
只 编 纂 串 谋 罪未 遂法 律 而 不 理 会 煽 惑 罪 , 一 定 会 产 生 古 怪 的 後 果 。
To encode the law of conspiracy and attempt and leave aside incitement would produce a decidedly odd result.
至 於 某 项 活 动 是 否
[...] 构 成 煽 惑 、 串 谋未 遂即 是 否 构 成 犯 [...]
罪 行 为 , 或 违 禁 行 为 ) , 以 及 必 须 加 以 证 明 的 伴 随 的 犯 罪 意 图 程 度 , 则 是 由 普 通 法 来 决 定 的 。
Whether the activity amounts to incitement,
[...] conspiracyor attempt (that is whether [...]
it amounts to the actus reus, or prohibited
act) and the extent of the accompanying mens rea which must be proved, is determined by the common law.
尽管克罗 地亚欣慰地看到 2008
[...] 年没有发生更多的重大安全事 件,但去年的暗未遂仍然严酷地提醒人们,处 理 2006 [...]
年危机的未决根源和东帝汶依然面临的多方 面挑战是重要的。
Although Croatia was relieved to see that there were no further significant security incidents in 2008, the assassination attempts last year still serve
as a stark reminder of the importance of
[...] addressingtheunresolved rootcauses [...]
of the 2006 crisis and the multifaceted challenges still facing Timor-Leste.
该团体的成员声称,他们的领导人是 Ibrahima Coulibaly。此人原为陆军中士,据报曾参加过 1999 年的政变和 2002 年未遂
Elements of the group have claimed that their leader is Ibrahima Coulibaly, a former army sergeant who was reportedly involved in the 1999 coup and the 2002 coup attempt.
总统和他的政党强调,尽管作出了这些让步,他仍然经常受到不公正的指 责,称他阻碍和平进程和耽误选举,国际社会过去通过了批评他的一些决议,随 随便便地忽视了以下事实,即他是在 2000 年自由和公正的选举中当选的,并且
[...] 当前的危机是在他任期快满两年时外部资助未遂造成的,后来政变发展为 叛乱。
The President and his party stressed that, despite those concessions, he was often unfairly accused of impeding the peace process and delaying the elections and, that in adopting previous resolutions that criticized him, the international community had conveniently disregarded the fact that he was elected in a free and fair election in 2000 and that the current crisis was created by an
externally sponsored coup attempt, barely two years into his term of
[...] office,which hadfailed anddeveloped into [...]
a rebellion.
此 外 , 遇 有 某 些 取 决 於 程 度 上 的 细 微 分 别 的 个 案 , 则 案 中 的 行 为 是 否 足 以 构未 遂问 题 , 就 适 宜 留 待 陪 审 团 断 定 。
Furthermore, where cases were dependant on fine differences of degree, it was appropriate for the question whether in a particular case conduct amounted to attempt to be left to the jury.
此外,监察组还检查了过渡联邦政府/非索特派团 2011 年在摩加迪沙未遂爆炸装置攻击现场找到的另外4个“保镖”接收器和1个发射器。
The Monitoring Group also inspected an additional four Bodyguard receivers and one transmitter that the Transitional Federal Government/AMISOM had recovered from the sites of attempted improvised explosive device attacks in Mogadishu in 2011.
报案国通知委员会,其管辖的有关实体已经根据第 1718(2006)号和第 1874(2009) 号决议规定的报案国义务采取了负责任的行动,并在防止违未遂和案件后 续调查中与委员会和专家小组充分合作。
The reporting State informed the Committee that relevant entities under its jurisdiction had acted responsibly in accordance with the reporting State’s obligations under the relevant provisions of resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009), and had cooperated fully with the Committee and the Panel of Experts in preventing the attempted violation and the subsequent investigation of the case.
由 准 备 行 为 开 始 , 以 至 最 後 行 为 之 间 的 行 为 , 而 最 後 行 为 是 被 告 完 成 实 质 罪 行 之 前 能 力 所 及 的 , 都 可 构未 遂责 。
The starting point for liability for attempt lies somewhere between preparatory acts and the final act that is within the accused's power before completion of the substantive offence.
截至 1 月 7 日,在 2006 年 5 月 25 日 8 名国 家警察警官被枪杀一案中被判杀人和杀未遂3名东帝汶国防军成员仍在服 役,没有受到任何内部纪律措施处理(见 S/2010/522,第 34 段)。
As at 7 January, the three F-FDTL members convicted of homicide and attempted homicide in the shooting deaths of eight national police officers on 25 May 2006 continue to serve and have not been subjected to any internal disciplinary measures (see S/2010/522, para. 34).
(2) 在 任 何 案 件 中 , 如 果 法 庭 是 可 就 指 控 某 人 犯 了 某 罪 的 起 诉 书 , 和 就 指 控 某 人 犯 了 上 文 第 1 条 项 下 意 图 触 犯 该 罪 行 的 罪 行 或 触 犯 了 特 别 法 定 条 文 下未 遂起 诉 书 , 进 行 简 易 程 序 审 讯 , 则 法 庭 可 不 经 那 人 的 同 意 , 一 起 审 理 有 关 的 起 诉 书 。
(2) In any case in which a court may proceed to summary trial of an information charging a person with an offence and an information charging him with an offence under section 1 above of attempting to commit it or an attempt under a special statutory provision, the court may, without his consent, try the informations together.
包括四未遂欺诈案,这些案例不涉及任何工作人员,也没有导致本组织的财务损失,但它们 促使内部监督办公室提出了相关建议,一旦这些建议得到实施,监督制度将得到加强,再度 [...]
These includedfour attempted banking frauds which didnot involve [...]
any staff member and did not lead to financial loss to
the Organization but they did prompt IOS to make recommendations which, when implemented, will strengthen controls and reduce the risk of a recurrence of such cases.




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