单词 | 未解之谜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 未解之谜 —unsolved mysterySee also:未解—unsolved (problem) 解谜—solve the riddle
从德拉 Fer [...] 来计数回家和实现诅咒已通过他的家人传 !诅咒和保存整个家庭从狼人狼 未解之谜 的 ... doublegames.cn | Break the terrifying curse and [...] save the town from the werewolf! doublegames.com |
这些发现为人们提供了解决所 谓“质子半 径 之谜 ” 的线索,该谜团持续地在研究人员中引发有关质子确切大小的讨论。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The findings [...] offer clues to solving the so-called "proton radius puzzle", which [...]continues to spark discussion over the exact [...]size of the proton among researchers. chinese.eurekalert.org |
根据此次的发现,在解析宇宙中元素合成过程的同时,我们也可期待步步逼近生命诞 生 之谜。 tohoku.ac.jp | This discovery is [...] expected to advance the understanding of the elemental abundance in the Universe and provides insights in resolving [...]the mystery of the origin of life. tohoku.ac.jp |
本港現行條例,並未解決這個不明確 之 處 , 因為條例沒有區別行走國際航線及非國 際航線的船隻。 legco.gov.hk | This uncertainty is not helped [...] by our existing legislation, [...] which does not distinguish between ships engaged on international [...]and non-international voyages. legco.gov.hk |
审计委员会感到关切的是,近东救济工程处的程序不足以防止未清偿债务的 重大虚报;在财务报表编制过程中,管理程序和控制措 施 未解 决 证 明性附表和财 务报表之间的差异。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Board was concerned that the UNRWA procedures were not adequate to prevent a material overstatement in its unliquidated obligations and that the differences between the supporting schedule and the financial statements were not addressed by management processes and controls during the financial statement preparation process. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界海洋是地球自然结构之谜的关 键部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The world’s oceans and seas constitute the crucial piece of the puzzle in the planet’s natural architecture. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据此项成果,注入电子型与注入空穴型超导机制虽被认为是不同,但可能可以理解成具有统一性,这被期待 是 解 开 铜 氧化物的高温超导机 制 之谜 的 有 力信息。 tohoku.ac.jp | As a result of this study, a unified explanation may now be [...] possible and will hopefully [...] provide crucial information to understand the mechanism of high temperature [...]superconductivity in copper oxides. tohoku.ac.jp |
因此,在有关事项未解决之前, 持外国护照的人在前往 其国籍国领事馆寻求服务时,也可能遭到拦截。 daccess-ods.un.org | Foreign passport holders may therefore also be denied access to the consular services of their country of citizenship pending resolution of the matter. daccess-ods.un.org |
诗篇(如48)有些人似乎暗示着一种个人的判断,好和坏,死后;以及 对 未 来 的 判断肯定“每一项工作,无论是善或恶”,是道德的最 终 解 决 方 案 谜 的 人 间生活提供了传道书(十二,13-14,比照三,17。 mb-soft.com | Some of the Psalms (eg 48) seem to imply a judgment of individuals, good and bad, after death; and the certainty of a [...] future judgment of "every [...] work, whether it be good or evil", is the final solution of the moral enigmas of earthly life offered by Ecclesiastes (xii, 13-14; [...]cf. iii, 17). mb-soft.com |
老挝赞赏柬埔寨在审议之后采取一切必要措施,应对 尚 未解 决 的 人权问 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It appreciated the fact that, after the review, Cambodia had taken all necessary measures to address pending issues on human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
因 此 , 董 事 認 為 將 不 會 出 現 潛 在 不 利 的 法 律 或 財 務 後 果 ; 及 (ii) 據 中 國 法 律 顧 問 告 知 , 除 有 關 土地使 用 權 的 未 解 決 問 題( 包 括 上 述 申 請 上 馬 採 礦 土地及 新 尾 礦 庫 的 土地使 用 權 )及 申 請 將 若 干 證 書 及 許 可 證 從 上 馬 鐵 礦 轉 讓 予 撫 順 上 馬 或 獲 得 或 重 續 該 等 證 書 及 許 可 證 之 外 , 撫 順 上 馬 已 取 得 其 中 國 業 務 經 營 活 動 所 需 的 所 有 重 要 權 證 、 證 書 、 批 准 及 許 可 。 cre8ir.com | Therefore, the Directors [...] believe that there will be no potential adverse legal nor financial consequence; and (ii) as advised by the PRC legal adviser, except for the outstanding issues relating to land use right (including the abovementioned application for land use rights for the Shangma Mining Land and new tailing pond) [...]and applications for [...]the transfer, obtained or renewal of certain certificates and licenses from Shangma Iron Mine to Fushun Shangma, Fushun Shangma has obtain all the material licenses, certificates, approval and permits which are necessary for its business operation activities in the PRC. cre8ir.com |
恢复对控制卡的供电之后, 闪存中的数据被复 制回片上控制卡缓存,操作恢复正常,所 有未 解决的I/O请求被保存起来。 adaptec.com | When power is finally restored to the adapter, the data in the flash memory is copied back to the on-board adapter cache and operation resumes as normal with all outstanding I/O requests [...] preserved. adaptec.com |
縱 使 此 結 果 對 公 司 不 [...] 利,董 事 認 為 其 所 帶 來 之 未 來 和 解 金 額 對 本 集 團 整 體 而 言 [...]亦 不 會 構 成 任 何 重 大 的 財 務 影 響, 並 已 計 提 適 當 的 撥 備 金 額(如 有)。 cre8ir.com | Even if the outcome turns out to [...] be unfavourable, the directors [...] consider that its future settlement may not have any material [...]financial impact on the Group [...]as a whole and that an appropriate amount of provision has been made, if any. cre8ir.com |
就衍生財務 工具而言,下表乃根據需要現金支付結算之該等衍生工 具 之未 貼 現 現金支付(流入)及流出(根據彼等 合約到期日)而編製,乃由於管理層認為合約到期日對 了 解 現 金 流量之時間極為重要。 sisinternational.com.hk | For derivative financial instruments, the tables [...] have been drawn up based on the undiscounted gross cash (inflows) and outflows on those derivatives that require gross cash [...] settlement based on their contractual maturities as the management considers that the contractual maturities are essential for an understanding of the timing of the cash flows. sisinternational.com.hk |
他的装置艺术作品总是通过综合不同艺术方式而形成一幅社会的缩影,展示了日常生活 的 谜 题 、种种荒诞、生 命 之 轻 , 同时也不乏幽默元素。 shanghaibiennale.org | It expresses in how to connect with the essence of everyday mythology, absurdity, and lightness of being and a good portion of humor. shanghaibiennale.org |
此成果被认为是解释长 期被视为地球深部 的 谜 团 ,在地幔最底部垂直上方数十km观测到的被称为“地震波超低速度层”的异常地震波速度低下与这个层的厚度两 者 之 间 矛 盾现象的有力的新理论。 tohoku.ac.jp | It can consistently elucidate both the abnormal speed degradation of seismic wave observed just several ten kilometers above the bottom of the mantle, called “Ultra Low Velocity Zone”, and the thickness of this zone, both of which had remained to be clarified. tohoku.ac.jp |
这一任务由罗塞达石头命名,罗塞达石头使现代学者 破 解 了 古 埃及象形文 字 之谜。 swissworld.org | The mission has been named after the Rosetta stone, which enabled scholars to decipher the mystery of Egyptian hieroglyphics. swissworld.org |
於最後實際可行日期,就董事所知,經擴大集團任何成員公司並無牽涉任何重大訴訟或仲裁, 而就董事所知,本公司或本集團任何成員公司並無 尚 未解 決 或 面臨威 脅 之 重 大 訴訟或索償。 cre8ir.com | As at the Latest Practicable Date and so far as the Directors are aware, no member of the Enlarged Group is engaged in any litigation or arbitration proceedings of material importance and there is no litigation or claim of [...] material importance known to the Directors to be pending or [...] threatened by or against the Company or any member of the Group. cre8ir.com |
你准备好体验你的隐藏对象的技能,跟踪学生的消 失 之谜? doublegames.cn | Are you ready to experience your Hidden Object skills to track the mystery of the [...] disappearance of students? doublegames.com |
(1) 如用戶的私密金鑰證實或懷疑遭破解( 例 如用戶儲存私密金鑰 的 IC 卡遺失)時,則該私密金鑰對應之未過 期公鑰憑證必須廢 止。 epki.com.tw | (1) If the subscriber private key has been proven or [...] suspected to be decrypted (for instance loss of the IC card for storing subscriber private key), then the unexpired public key certificate [...]corresponding [...]to the private key shall be revoked. epki.com.tw |
受托人应及时通知参加国,如果某个已交存限制性承诺文件并且其认缴资金超过按本附件待 [...] 缴资源总额的20% 的参加国于1995年11月30 日或生效日期后的30 日之内(两者取其后 晚者)尚未解除其 认缴款项总额的至少50% 的支付限制条件;于1996年11月30 [...] 日或生 效日期后的30 日之内(两者取其晚者)尚款解除其认缴款项总额的至少75% [...] 的支付限制条 件;以及于1997 年11月30 日或生效日期后的30 日之内(两者取其晚者)尚款解除其全部 认缴项款的限制条件。 thegef.org | (b) The Trustee shall promptly inform Contributing Participants if a Participant that has deposited a Qualified Instrument of Commitment and whose contribution represents more than 20 percent of the total amount of the resources to be [...] contributed pursuant to [...] this Annex has not unqualified at least 50 percent of the total amount [...]of its contribution by November [...]30, 1995, or 30 days after the effective date, whichever is later, and at least 75 percent of the total amount of its contribution by November 30, 1996, or 30 days after the effective date, whichever is later, and the total amount thereof by November 30, 1997, or 30 days after the effective date, whichever is later. thegef.org |
(3) 如憑證主體(Subject)的資料或屬性變更(例如主體名稱變更、 主體證號或代碼變更、主體身分因解 散 或 死亡而消失等)足以 影響憑證記載資料之正確性時,則該憑證主 體 之未 過 期 憑證 必須廢止。 epki.com.tw | (3) If the certificate subject information or attributes changed (for instance change of subject name, subject number or code, and the [...] subject identity [...] disappears because of dissolution or death) and is sufficient to affect the correctness of the certificate recorded data, then the unexpired certificate subject [...]shall be revoked. epki.com.tw |
S. Leigh这条变色龙和我们的分別并不大,他是一个转型者,为了在舞台上以一种新姿态出现,他不断寻求转型,毕竟当表演终结,观眾的热情冷卻时,不就需要利用掩眼法来延续惊喜和挑衅,让遊戏可以继续玩,让观眾和艺人继续投入这 不 解之谜 吗? venicebiennale.hk | After all, when the performance runs its course and the audience´s enthusiasm wanes, isn´t a sleight-of-hand imperative to continually surprise and tease, keeping the game in play, an intriguing puzzle for the audience and the entertainer alike? venicebiennale.hk |
在这方面,它仍 是个谜,为什么在过去几年中,为了本组织的知名度,一些得到最成 功 解 决 的 问题不该向媒 体提供并给予帮助? unesdoc.unesco.org | In this regard, it remains a mystery why some of the most successfully resolved issues of the past few years – ones such as the Danish Caricatures or the Mughrabi Ascent – should not have been fed to the media and nurtured for the sake of the Organization’s visibility. unesdoc.unesco.org |
生命科学与医学奖平均颁予法国斯特拉斯堡大学教授朱尔斯•霍夫曼 (Jules A Hoffmann)、美国耶鲁大学大卫.华莱士 (David W Wallace) 免疫学讲座教授鲁斯兰•麦哲托夫 (Ruslan M Medzhitov) 和美国加州拉霍亚 (La [...] Jolla) 的斯克利普斯研究所 (The Scripps Research Institute) [...] 遗传学学系主任布鲁斯•比尤特勒 (Bruce A Beutler),以表彰他们发现先天性免疫系统的分子机制 , 解 开 了 抵抗病原体的首道防 线 之谜。 shawprize.org | Awarded in equal shares to Professor Jules A Hoffmann, University of Strasbourg, France, Professor Ruslan M Medzhitov, David W Wallace Professor of Immunobiology, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA and Professor Bruce A Beutler, Chairman of the Department of Genetics, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, [...] California, USA for their [...] discovery of the molecular mechanism of innate immunity, the first line [...]of defense against pathogens. shawprize.org |
与你的唯一,独生儿子,我们主耶稣基督的神,是神圣的...“等他说到制度的话:”在晚上出卖了他,以他的神圣的面包和无可指责手和仰视你,他的神,父,并打破他给他的弟子说:这是新约圣 经 之谜 , 利 用它,吃。 mb-soft.com | And thine only-begotten Son, our Lord and God Jesus Christ, is holy …"; and so he comes to the words of Institution: "in the night in which He was betrayed, taking bread in His holy and blameless hands and looking up to Thee, His God and Father, and breaking He gave to His disciples saying: This is the Mystery of the New Testament; take of it, eat. mb-soft.com |
公司應迅速通知閣下任何此類索賠,而且閣下應為此類索賠 (包括任何和解) 之辯護完全負責;但是,(a) 閣下應將此類訴訟或和解之進展告知公司並與其商談;(b) 如果此類訴訟起源於任何刑事訴訟、訴訟或訴訟程序或是其一部分,或包含同公司有關之任何責任或過失 (無論在合約、民事侵權或其他行為中) 之約定或對其進行承認或確認,或要求公司強制履行或進行非金錢補救, 則 未 經 公 司書面同意 (而且此類書面同意不得被無理拒絕),閣下無任何權利解決任何此類索賠;以及 (c) 公司有權自費參與索賠辯護,並自行選擇律師。 verisign.com.hk | Company shall promptly notify you of any such claim, and you shall bear full responsibility for the defense of such claim (including any settlements); provided however, that (a) you keep Company informed of, and consult with Company in connection with the progress of such litigation or settlement; (b) you shall not have any right, without Company's written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withhold, to settle any such claim [...] if such settlement arises from or is [...]part of any criminal action, suit or proceeding or contains a stipulation to or admission or acknowledgement of, any liability or wrongdoing (whether in contract, tort, or otherwise) on the part of Company, or requires any specific performance or non-pecuniary remedy by Company; and (c) Company shall have the right to participate in the defense of a claim with counsel of its choice at its own expense. verisign.com.hk |
針對門號編碼、訊息編碼、以及服務計費等 議題,提供可行之解決方 法,讓行動信息得以在 IMS 網路和 3G/GSM 網路間進行 跨網的遞送,作為未來無 縫式加值信息服務開發之踏腳石。 chttl.com.tw | We propose workable solution for issues such as mobile number encoding, message content encoding, and service charging to make mobile message could deliver between IP Multimedia [...] Subsystem (IMS) networks [...]and 3G/GSM networks. Based on it, seamless value added messaging service could be further development. chttl.com.tw |
然而,倘有關命令導致本公司可轉換債券出現違約事件,且十個營業日內 仍 未解 決 違 約問題, 則尚未償還之本金 額及全部應計及未支付利息將於中投公司通知本公司後立即到期並須予支付。 southgobi.com | However, in the event that the orders result in an event of default of the [...] Company’s [...] convertible debenture that remains uncured for ten business days, the principal amount [...]owing and all accrued and unpaid interest will become immediately [...]due and payable upon notice to the Company by CIC. southgobi.com |
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明 文規定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此 方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。 legco.gov.hk | That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, [...] resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has [...] delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for [...]the slow progress of the [...]work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances. legco.gov.hk |