

单词 未爆


未爆炸 adj

unexploded adj

See also:

quick fry or quick boil
explode or burst

not yet
have not
did not
8th earthly branch: 1-3 p.m., 6th solar month (7th July-6th August), year of the Sheep

External sources (not reviewed)

联合国地雷行动小组及其合作伙伴继续在被毁坏的房屋和建筑里清 未爆炸 物,以减少进一步残疾风险。
The UN Mine Action Team and its partners have been
[...] continuing to clear unexploded ordinance in [...]
destroyed houses and buildings, with a view
toward reducing the risk of further disabilities.
在两个单独事件中,在萨达省 Malaheed 的多个 学校里发现未爆弹药 ,在亚丁省一所女子学校发现了三枚炸弹。
In two separate incidents, unexploded ordnance were sighted [...]
in schools in Malaheed in Sa’ada Governorate, and three bombs
were found in a girls’ school in Aden Governorate.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要困难未爆 弹 药 ,这一事实反映出《公约》在确保受影 [...]
Nigeria also noted that the fact
that the main challenge faced by Nigeria
[...] concerned unexploded ordnance points to [...]
how valuable this Convention is in ensuring
that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.
我们将继续详细研未爆弹药 ,为具备可予以批准之条件以后的 执行工作做好准备。
We will continue to study it thoroughly to prepare for its implementation once conditions are ripe for ratification.
该项服务包括查勘部署地点、补给路线和机场的地雷未爆装置 情况,以及清除这种装置;通过每月与国家当局、国际和国家非政府 [...]
组织、承包商、联合国机构、基金和方案举行协调会议,确保该国排雷行动协调 一致,倡导《禁止使用杀伤人员地雷条约》的执行;开展雷险教育宣传运动,办
法是通过当地电台和霍加皮电台的广播和发表通讯;就国家地雷行动结构的发展 和颁布国家地雷行动立法向刚果民主共和国政府提供咨询,并培训国家地雷行动 高级管理小组。
The services would include the survey of
deployment sites, supply routes and
[...] airfields for mines and unexploded devices and their [...]
clearance of such devices, ensuring
the coherence of mine-action activities in the country through monthly coordination meetings with national authorities, international and national non-governmental organizations, contractors and United Nations agencies, funds and programmes advocating the implementation of the Anti-personnel Mine Ban Treaty, conducting a public information campaign on mine risk education through broadcasts on local radio stations and Radio Okapi and the publication of newsletters, advising the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on the development of a national mine-action structure and on the promulgation of national legislation on mine action and training of a national mineaction senior management team.
他们呼吁所有有能力的国家考虑提供必要的财政、技术 和人道主义援助,以开展扫未爆炸 集束弹药的行动、帮助受害人重新恢复社 会经济生活,以及确保受影响国家充分获取扫 未爆 炸 集 束弹药所需的物质设 备、技术和资金。
They called upon all States in a position to do so, to consider providing the necessary financial,
technical and humanitarian
[...] assistance to unexploded cluster munitions clearance operations, the social and economic rehabilitation of victims as well as to ensure full access of affected countries to material equipment, technology and financial resources for unexploded cluster munitions [...]
[...] 业用地和城市居住区等利比亚大片土地上的地雷和 其未爆弹药 是其同类中最复杂和造成伤害最大 [...]
的,并且无论在数量上还是在破坏力上都造成甚至 比第二次世界大战的遗留爆炸物更为严重的问题, 使排雷成为新政府的优先事项之一,并且需要获得
Those mines and other unexploded ordnance, which had been deployed across vast
swathes of Libyan territory, including
[...] agricultural land and urban residential areas, [...]
were among the most sophisticated and
harmful of their kind and posed an even more serious problem, in terms of both numbers and destructive power, than the explosive remnants of the Second World War, rendering demining one of the priorities of the new Government and necessitating assistance from the United Nations and friendly neighbouring countries.
混合行动还将继续为教师和社区领袖进行培训, 并测绘未爆弹药 有关事故发生的地区。
The Operation will also continue to conduct
training for teachers and community leaders, and mapping of
[...] areas where unexploded ordnance-related accidents [...]
have occurred.
[...] 区被击中的危险、冲突地区人道主义服务受阻、儿童被杀伤人员地雷 未爆 炸弹 药杀害或致残、他们流离失所生活在贫困的经济和社会情况下、以及在军方多年 [...]
The Committee is deeply concerned about the impact of the armed conflict on children, including that children remain at risk of being shot in open conflict areas; access to humanitarian services is obstructed in conflict-affected areas; children
are killed and maimed by anti-personnel
[...] landmines and unexploded ordinance; [...]
they are displaced and live in poor economic
and social situation; and schools were attacked during the many years of systematic destruction of entire villages by the military carrying out its “four cuts” policy.
为进一步减少平民人口中未爆弹药事故数目,并使维持和平人员和人道主 义工作人员能够安全进入各地区,达尔富尔混合行动将继续在受到遗留爆炸物污 染的地区进行扫雷行动,进行紧 未爆 弹 药 和一般性爆炸危险评估、路况勘测, 在达尔富尔村庄和新的达尔富尔混合行动队部销毁危险爆炸物,并对达尔富尔目 标人口进未爆弹药风险教育。
In order to further reduce the
[...] number of unexploded ordnance accidents among the civilian population, and to enable peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel to access areas safely, UNAMID will continue to conduct clearance operations in areas contaminated with explosive remnants, conduct emergency unexploded ordnance and general explosive hazard assessments, route surveys, demolitions of explosive hazards in Darfurian villages and new UNAMID team sites and also conduct unexploded ordnance risk education [...]
for the targeted Darfur population.
鉴于这些成果,乌克兰希望 继续它与国际社会的合作,以便排除在它境内前几次战争遗留 未爆 炸 弹 药。
In the light of those positive results, Ukraine would like to continue to cooperate with the international community in order to clear its territory of unexploded ordnance and remnants of past wars.
还令人关切的是,2010 年死未爆弹药儿 童(8 例)和未爆弹药受伤儿童(19 例)的人数有所增加。
The increase in the number of deaths (8 cases) and injuries (19 cases) of children as a result of unexploded ordnance in 2010 was also of concern.
不过,它们也需要获得本着《公约》精神提供的持 续支持,以确保采用可持续的办法处 未爆 炸 弹 药。
However, they will also require
ongoing support in the spirit of the Convention to ensure a sustainable approach
[...] dealing with unexploded ordnance (UXO).
2010 年,若干媒体报告多名儿童在涉及缅军、克伦民主佛教军、克伦民族 解放军、克伦族军或 Mon Pyi
[...] Thit(村民兵组织)的小规模冲突中被杀或致残,或 被地雷未爆弹药炸死或炸残。
There were a number of media reports in 2010 of children being killed or
maimed during skirmishes involving the Tatmadaw, DKBA, KNLA, KA or Mon Pyi Thit, or by
[...] landmines and unexploded ordnance.
(b) 在符合军事要求的情况下,只使 未爆 炸 弹 药发生率最低的集束弹 药。
(b) to use only cluster munitions with the lowest
[...] possible unexploded ordnance rate, consistent [...]
with military requirements.
在 2012/13 年度期间,将集中在以下地区进行排雷活动:在确定对特派团行 动有重要影响的区域如直升机着陆场和观察哨所清理和销毁地雷和战争遗留爆
[...] 炸物;清理原有的地雷和战争遗留爆炸物;清 未爆 弹 药;对已确定的高度优先 地区进行危险区探测;核实和清理巡逻和补给路线以及特派团确定的任何其他路 [...]
线;在发生重新布雷或跨边界事件之后协助进行调查;协调人道主义扫雷活动并 保证质量。
During the 2012/13 period, the focus of demining activities will be in the following areas: clearance and destruction of landmines and explosive remnants of war in areas identified as being of operational importance to the mission, including helicopter landing sites and observation posts; clearance of
existing mines and explosive remnants of war;
[...] clearance of unexploded ordnance; hazardous [...]
area survey of identified high priority
areas; verification and clearance of patrol and resupply routes, as well as any other routes as identified by the mission; assistance in investigations following re-mining or cross border incidents; and coordination and quality assurance of all humanitarian mine clearance.
我国政府将继续提供合作 和慷慨解囊,以进一步加强国际社会解 未爆 弹 药问 题的能力。
My Government will continue to
work cooperatively and generously to further strengthen the international community’s
[...] ability to address cluster munitions.
阿尔巴尼亚还报告 说,该国根据《卡塔赫纳行动计划》,与红十字国际委员会合作,共同提供有关 地雷未爆炸弹药造成伤亡人数的数据和详细统计。
Albania also reported that, in accordance with the Cartagena Action Plan, data and detailed statistics on casualties from mines and unexploded ordnance have been made available in collaboration with the ICRC.
将在预算期内提供的排雷行动服务包括对达尔富尔北部、 南部和西部的 297 座村庄进行一般性爆炸危险的评估,对 390 平方公里进行紧未爆弹药评估,沿 5 000 公里的公路和可能遭污染的路线进行路线调查,并拆除 600 件未爆弹药(见 A/65/740,预期成绩 2.1 项下的产出)。
Mine action services to be provided during the budget period include general explosive hazard assessments of 297 villages in Northern,
Southern and Western
[...] Darfur, emergency unexploded ordnance assessments of 390 km2 , route survey along 5,000 km of roads and routes suspected of contamination and demolition of 600 items of unexploded ordnance (see A/65/740, [...]
outputs under expected accomplishment 2.1).
美国海军清理别克斯岛未爆炸炸 弹的方式以 及坚持实施《波多黎各宪法》自 1952 [...]
年起禁止死刑 的做法,证明了美国对波多黎各人民的殖民压迫。
The manner in which the United States
[...] Navy cleared unexploded ordnance on Vieques [...]
and the application of the death penalty
— prohibited under the island’s Constitution since 1952 — were testimony to the colonialist suppression of the people.
其他所需追加经费包括设施和基础 设施款项,主要用于采购预制设施和进行相关建设; 新营地建设相关的保养和安保事务;军事特遣队的自
[...] 我维持费用;支持解除裁军、复员和重返社会措施、 清未爆弹药 和管理武器弹药的相关费用。
Other additional requirements included provisions for facilities and infrastructure, mainly for the acquisition of prefabricated facilities and related construction; maintenance and security services associated with the establishment of new camps; self-sustainment costs of military contingents; and costs associated with support of disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration initiatives,
[...] clearing of unexploded ordnance and [...]
management of weapons and ammunition.
在 这种背景下,阿拉伯联合酋长国呼吁国际社会确保 以色列提供详细标明黎巴嫩南部地雷 未爆 弹 药 位 置的地雷地图,以便使黎巴嫩政府清理这些地区, [...]
In that context, it called upon the international community to ensure that Israel provided
landmine maps detailing the location of its
[...] landmines and unexploded ordnance in South [...]
Lebanon, thereby enabling the Lebanese
Government to clear those areas and develop them as part of its national development strategy.
2008 年新加坡任轮值主席国时,武装冲突 未爆 发, 因此很难作出决定。
The Singapore chair had a difficult call to make in 2008,
[...] as there had not yet been any violence.
根据联利特派团的统计,从 2010 年 2 月 1 日到 4 月 8 日的两个月内,联利特派 团部队或利比里亚当局报告,发现九件小武器(两支 AK-47 步枪、七枚火箭榴弹)、 约 60 个爆炸装置(未爆弹药 、榴弹、迫击炮弹)以及 2 500 发各种口径的子弹。
According to UNMIL statistics, in a period of two months from 1 February to 8 April 2010, nine small arms (two AK-47 rifles, seven rocket-propelled grenades), around 60 explosive devices (unexploded ordnance, grenades, mortar shells) and 2,500 bullets of various calibre were reported by UNMIL troops or Liberian authorities.
由于在利比里亚,发现和处未爆弹 药 将是一个长期的公共安全问题,专 家小组强烈建议联利特派团提供支助,在利比里亚国家警察内组建一个专业的爆 [...]
As the discovery and
[...] disposal of unexploded ordnance will [...]
be a long-lasting public safety issue in Liberia, the Panel strongly
recommends UNMIL to support the creation of an explosive ordnance disposal specialized unit as part of the Liberian National Police and gradually hand over this activity to the Liberian authorities.
15 亿美元,除了其他事项以外,用于地雷 未爆 炸 弹 药清除、地雷 危险教育、援助地雷幸存者、地雷探测和清除研究和开发以及与地雷和战争遗弃 弹药对平民造成威胁有关的活动。
Since 1993 alone, the United States had provided $1.5 billion to 54 countries to be used for, inter alia, mine and unexploded ordnance clearance, mine risk education, assistance to mine survivors, research and development in landmine detection and clearance, and other activities relating to the threat posed to civilians by landmines and other explosive remnants of war.




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