

单词 未清洗

See also:

清洗 v

wash v
rinse v


wash v

develop (photo)

External sources (not reviewed)

未清洗,不 能清洗和只 能乾洗的物件,可放在乾衣機內高溫熱烘至 少20分鐘,以殺死木蝨。
Unwashed, unwashable, and “dry clean only” items can [...]
be put in the drier for at least 20 minutes to kill bed bugs.
漁護署 的員工會檢清 洗後的 雞籠未 有 徹 底 清 洗 的會發還 再 清 洗。
Staff of the AFCD will inspect cleansed
[...] cages. Those not yet thoroughly cleansed will be returned for further cleansing.
将另一个主空气阀 (E) 安装在所有气路附件 的上游,并将其用清洗和维 修隔离之用。
Locate another master air valve (E) upstream from all air line accessories and use it to
[...] isolate them during cleaning and repair.
(a) 雖然金融監管機構(即金管局、證監會 及保險業監督)發出的現行指引已訂明 現時適用於金融機構的客戶查證及備 存紀錄規定,但負責為打擊清洗黑錢 制訂國際標準的打擊清洗黑錢財務行 動特別組織( 下稱" 特別組織")發表了 相互評核報告,當中特別指出香港必 須改善的主要範疇,包括香港未把 打擊清洗黑錢的規定納入法例和就此 制訂適當的罰則,亦沒有制訂適用於 匯款代理人和貨幣兌換商的打擊清洗 黑錢監管制度。
(a) While the existing CDD and record-keeping requirements for financial institutions were now provided for in guidelines issued by the financial regulators, i.e. HKMA, SFC and the Insurance Authority (IA), the lack of statutory backing and appropriate sanctions for such requirements and the absence of an AML regulatory regime for RAMCs in Hong Kong were highlighted in the mutual evaluation report published by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the international AML standard setter, as major areas that require improvement.
這些措 施包括經常在工地灑 水、設置 車清洗設施、遮 蓋 泥頭車上的物料和 使 用低噪音機 [...]
器 / 設 備 。
These measures will include frequent watering of the site,
[...] provision of wheel-washing facilities, covering [...]
of materials on trucks and using silenced construction plant.
倘執行人未有授出清洗豁免及╱或根據創業板上市規則及收購守則獲准投票的獨立股未有批准授清洗豁免 ,認購事項將不會進行。
In the event that the
[...] Executive does not grant the Whitewash Waiver and/or the Independent Shareholders who are allowed to vote under the GEM Listing Rules and the Takeovers Code do not approve the grant of the Whitewash Waiver, the [...]
Subscription will not proceed.
如禁止 在零售點把活家禽存留過夜,即實施“活雞日日清"措施,所有 當未售出 的活雞均須屠宰,雞籠也會被徹 清洗 和 消 毒,從而 防止病毒在零售點環境中積聚。
If we prohibit overnight stocking of live poultry at retail outlets, i.e.
to introduce a daily
[...] rest night, any unsold chicken will be slaughtered and the cages can be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected [...]
to avoid accumulation
of virus in the environment of the retail outlets.
(b) 确保所有洗衣设施的卫生设备有利于维 清 洁 和 健康的环境; 在特遣队地理位置分散,联合国只能为特遣队提供部 洗 衣 时 ,对 未 享有 联合国服务的人员,部队或警察派遣国将按洗衣自我维持补偿标准获得补 偿。
When a contingent is geographically dispersed and the United Nations is able to provide laundry to only a portion of the contingent, the troop- or policecontributing country will receive the laundry self-sustainment rate for those personnel not serviced by the United Nations.
食物業規例》(第 132 章, 附屬法例 X)規定,所有經營食物業的人須確保一切設備及用具 保清潔, 不受有害物質沾染,亦不得使 未 經 洗 淨 及 消毒的 器皿。
Under the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132 sub. leg. X), every person who carries on any food business shall ensure
that all equipment and
[...] utensils are kept clean and free from noxious matters, and shall not use any utensil that has not been washed and sterilized.
除下表所載以外,於本公告刊發當日,中華煤氣(中國)或其一致行動人士或假定一致行動人士沒擁有、 亦無控制或指示港華燃氣的股份表決權、與港華燃氣股份有關的可換股證券、認股權證或期權、或 與港華燃氣任何證券相關未行使衍生工具,亦不存在與港華燃氣股份或中華煤氣(中國)股份相關且清洗豁免 而言重大的安排(不論是期權、彌償保證或其他方式),中華煤氣(中國)亦無訂立任何可 以對或不得對清洗豁免引用或嘗試引用任何先決條件或條件的協議或安排。
Save as set out in the table below, as at the date of this announcement, none of HK&CG(China) or any persons acting or presumed to be acting in concert with it owns or has control or direction over any voting rights in any Shares or any convertible securities, warrants or options in
respect of the Shares, or
[...] any outstanding derivative in respect of any securities in TCC; nor is there any arrangement (whether by way of option, indemnity or otherwise) in relation to the Shares or shares of HK&CG(China) and which might be material to the Whitewash Waiver, or any [...]
agreements or arrangements
to which HK&CG(China) is a party which relate to the circumstances in which it may or may not invoke or seek to invoke a pre-condition or a condition to the Whitewash Waiver.
重复未 清偿债 务有相同的订购单编号,属于同一成本中心,数额相同。
The duplicated unliquidated obligations [...]
had the same purchase order numbers, were for the same cost centres and were for the same amount.
虽然所有国家都已通过反洗钱立法,但在大多数情况下,相关 规定都存在不足之处,包未在洗钱 的 前提犯 清 单 上 列入资助恐怖主义的行 为,并把某些相关的非金融行业和专业排除在有义务向金融情报中心提交可疑交 易报告、进行客户尽职调查和适当保存记录的实体名单之外。
Although all States have adopted anti-money-laundering legislation, in most cases the relevant
provisions contain
[...] shortfalls, including the omission of terrorist financing on the list of predicate offences to money-laundering, as well as the [...]
exclusion of certain
relevant non-financial businesses and professions from the list of entities obliged to provide suspicious transaction reports to the financial intelligence unit, carry out customer due diligence, and perform adequate record-keeping.
選定的個案是在多宗證據不足的個案中,處理時間最長而涉 及的指控也最廣泛的,清洗黑錢、 未 有 披 露與關連者的交易、誇大 公布盈利,以至不遵從購置資產的會計處理方式。
Among the unsubstantiated cases, the case selected was the one with the longest processing
time and widest range of allegations,
[...] ranging from money laundering, non-disclosure of [...]
connected party transactions, inflated
reported earnings and non-compliance in accounting treatments for acquisition of assets.
不仅 X-射线
[...] 会带来损害,同时安检和海关有时会打开载 未 冲 洗 胶 片的集装箱,这就麻烦了,会毁了 你好几周的辛苦工作。
Not only is there danger from x-rays, but security and customs agents may
[...] open containers of unprocessed film, ruining weeks [...]
of work.
虽然包括联合国主要机关在内的国际社会一直承认,是亚美尼亚发动了战 争,攻击并占领阿塞拜疆领土,包括 Daghlyq
[...] Garabagh(纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫)地 区,开展大规模的种清洗,在 战争期间犯下其他骇人听闻的罪行,在被占领的 [...]
机器继续把对阿塞拜疆的侵略说成是“纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫人民和平要求行使其 自决权,是符合宪法的要求”。
Whereas it has been internationally recognized, including by the principal organs of the United Nations, that Armenia unleashed the war, attacked Azerbaijan and occupied its territories, including the Daghlyq
Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region,
[...] carried out ethnic cleansing on a massive scale, [...]
perpetrated other heinous crimes in
the course of the war and established the ethnically constructed subordinate separatist entity on the captured Azerbaijani territory, it is curious that Armenian propaganda continues to qualify the aggression against Azerbaijan as “a peaceful and constitutional demand of the Nagorno Karabakh people to exercise its right to self-determination”.
在彩色胶片中,颗粒感来自于染料的 形成,染料形成在有卤化银颗粒存在 未 冲 洗 的 胶 片中。
(In color films, the sensation of graininess is the result of dye formation where silver halide
[...] particles existed in the unprocessed film.
为“大自由:实现人人共享的发展、安全和人权”的报告(A/59/2005)向冲突 地区和冲突后地区的千百万妇女和女孩提出了一些至关重要的倡议,包括:设立
[...] 建设和平委员会;加强对预防冲突的重视;负责保护民众免遭灭绝种族罪、战争 罪、族清洗和危 害人类罪;更加有效地保护人权以及加强法治。
Furthermore, the report of the High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change (A/59/565) and the report of the Secretary-General “In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all” (A/59/2005) proposed a number of initiatives of vital importance to millions of women and girls in conflict and post-conflict areas, including: the creation of a Peacebuilding Commission; increased focus on conflict prevention; the responsibility
to protect populations from genocide,
[...] war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against [...]
humanity; more effective protection
of human rights; and enhanced rule of law.
(e) 助理法律顧問6 表 示,擬議第7AA條以 現時的草擬方式而 言,當與現行第7A
[...] 條一併閱讀時,似乎 並沒有效力致使僱 主負責追溯支未 清繳供款中的僱員 供款部分。
(e) ALA6's advice that proposed section 7AA, as currently drafted and when read in conjunction with existing section 7A, did not appear to
have the effect of making the employer liable to pay the
[...] employee's part of the outstanding contributions [...]
由於(a)鄭維志是永泰之董事,並於本公告日期透過其太太鄭陳秀清在27,000股南聯股份中擁有權 益;及(b)
[...] 鄭維強及鄭維榮是鄭維志的兄弟,南聯香港收購南地財務的股份、償還南地財務欠付百 領國際有限公司未清償的 股東貸款以及Chericourt及南地財務在南聯關連交易項下宣派及支付 [...]
As (a) Cheng Wai Chee, Christopher is a director of Wing Tai and, as at the date of this announcement, is interested in 27,000 shares in Winsor through his wife Cheng Chan Sau Ching, Ivy and (b) Cheng Wai Keung and Cheng Wai Wing, Edmund are brothers of Cheng Wai Chee, Christopher, the
acquisition of shares in WPFSL by Winsor HK,
[...] the repayment of outstanding shareholders’ [...]
loans that are owed to Parex International
Limited by WPFSL and the declaration and payment of dividends by Chericourt and WPFSL in connection with the Winsor Connected Transaction will constitute special deals in relation to the Offers under Rule 25 of the Takeovers Code.
再次小心地除去油脂并使清洗软刷 清 除 松散 颗粒。
Degrease again carefully and
[...] remove loose particles with a clean soft brush.
雞隻生產區有洗手設施,惟禽舍入口 未 有 設 置 洗 手設 施,工人進入生產區後,無須再換衣服或手套便可在各禽舍之 間走動。
Hand washing facilities are available inside the production area, but not at the entrance to individual sheds and workers do not change clothing or gloves when they move from one shed to another, after they enter the production area.
审计委员会感到关切的是,近东救济工程处的程序不足以防 未清 偿 债 务的 重大虚报;在财务报表编制过程中,管理程序和控制措施未解决证明性附表和财 [...]
The Board was concerned that the UNRWA procedures were
not adequate to prevent a material
[...] overstatement in its unliquidated obligations [...]
and that the differences between the supporting
schedule and the financial statements were not addressed by management processes and controls during the financial statement preparation process.
我们还特别指出了向理事机构提供的信息中出现的具体问 题,尤其是未清偿债务方面。
We also noted specific problems with the information reported to governing bodies and in
[...] particular about the unliquidated obligations.
此 外,現時已有多個政府建築物試驗了洗盥污水回用和使用集 蓄雨水作非飲用用途,水務署將會檢討試驗計劃中所採用的
[...] 有關標準,從而制訂一套全面標準和技術指引, 未 來 廣泛 採洗盥污 水回用及使用集蓄雨水作非飲用用途奠定基礎。
The WSD will review the standards adopted in these trial schemes in drawing up a set of comprehensive standards
and technical guidelines to pave the
[...] way for wider use of recycled grey water and harvested [...]
rainwater for non-potable uses in future.
开发计划署为伊朗第伊斯兰共和国提交了一个项目编制申请,以编制总体氟氯烃淘 汰管理计划战略,并编制气雾剂、消防、泡沫塑料、制冷和空调设备制造 清洗 行 业 计划, 以实现氟氯烃控制措施的第一阶段目标。
UNDP had submitted a request for the Islamic Republic of Iran for project preparation for an overarching HPMP strategy, well as sector plans for aerosols, fire fighting, foam, RAC manufacturing and solvents to meet Stage I of the HCFC control measure.
[...] 諮詢和研究的,同時必須展示個人的領導才能,而不是一名聲稱可以駕御行 政官僚職責的公務員便可繼續領導,或是 未 經 過普 選 洗 禮 者 便可帶領香港 向前走的。
Neither a civil servant claiming to be able to discharge the
duties of a bureaucrat nor a person who has
[...] never gone through the baptism of universal suffrage [...]
can lead Hong Kong forward.
工发组织代表报告协商情况说,考虑到该国政府刚成立,且氟氯烃-141b 还 用于制冷维修行业清洗,不 适用于氟氯烃淘汰管理计划,该国政府目前还无法发出禁令。
Reporting on his consultations, the representative of UNIDO said the Government was not in a position to issue a ban at present, considering that the Government
was new and HCFC-141b was also used in the refrigeration
[...] servicing sector for flushing, which was not covered [...]
by the HPMP.
根據《證券及期貨條例》(第 571章 )("該條例")第 396(1)條,
[...] 儲備金在扣除折舊及所有準備金後,為數超逾該財政年度預算營 運開支的兩倍;以及該會沒未清償 債 項,則該會須諮詢財政司 司長,以向行政長官會同行政會議建議根據該條例第394條減低徵 [...]
Under section 396(1) of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) (SFO), if during a financial year of the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), the reserves of SFC after deducting depreciation and all provisions are more than twice its estimated
operating expenses for the financial year; and
[...] that SFC has no outstanding borrowings, SFC [...]
shall consult the Financial Secretary
with a view to recommending to the Chief Executive in Council that the rate or amount of a levy be reduced under section 394 of SFO.
正常预算中不存未清偿承 付款重复计算的问题, 因为每一个双年度财务期都是完全独立的,前一个双年度财务期 未清 偿 承付款不会被补加 到下一个双年度财务期的开支项中。
(The problem of double-counting of ULOs does not exist for the regular budget, as each financial period – biennium – is completely independent and the ULOs of one biennium are not added to the expenditures of the following biennium.
临时现金盈余(1 690 086 欧元)+2011
[...] 年收到的以往各期拖欠摊款 (251 923 欧元)+未清偿债务备抵的节减额(108 [...]
674 欧元)-2009-2010 年 现金盈余退还额(SPLOS/203)(176 704 欧元)=退还给缔约国的现金盈余 (1 873 979 欧元)。
Provisional cash surplus (€1,690,086) + arrears of prior periods’ contributions received in
2011 (€251,923) + savings from the provisions
[...] made from unliquidated obligations [...]
(€108,674) – surrender of part of the cash
surplus for the 2009-2010 financial period (SPLOS/203) (€176,704) = cash surplus to be surrendered to the States parties (€1,873,979).




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