

单词 未查明

See also:


investigate and find out

External sources (not reviewed)

工作组提醒各国注意,只要受害者的命运或下落 未查明 , 强 迫失踪就仍 然是一种仍在进行的罪行。
The Working Group reminds States that enforced disappearance is a continuing offence for as long as the fate or whereabouts of the victim remains unclarified.
然而,工作组指出,至今未查明并 惩 处强迫失踪案件的责任人;失踪者 的下落仍然不明;虽然有些家庭已得到赔偿,但仍需辅以更广泛的赔偿方案。
It noted, however, that those responsible for the enforced disappearances
[...] had still been neither identified nor punished; [...]
that the fate of the disappeared was
still not known; and that the compensation received by some families needed to be supplemented by a broader programme of reparations.
秘书处代表介绍了世界银行代表中国政府提交的关于淘汰作为加工剂的四氯化碳以 及其未查明用途 的生产和消费的行业计划(第二阶段)的 2009 年度方案的呈件 (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/24 号文件)。
The representative of the Secretariat introduced a submission by the World Bank on behalf of the Government of China on the 2009 annual programme of the sector plan for phasing out the production and consumption of carbon tetrachloride (CTC) for process agent and other non-identified uses (phase II) (document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/24).
我在這裏再次呼籲公 眾,未查明真相和沒有全面信息前,希望大家不要作揣測,認為我們 [...]
Again, I implore members of the public not to make any guesses, when
[...] the truth is not yet found and comprehensive [...]
information is not yet available, about
the accident being caused by the inadequacy of our inspection.
[...] 全世界仍在发生被强迫失踪事件,在工作组记录中有上万宗案件依然 未查明, 其 中有许多案件可追溯到几十年前,工作组对这一事实深感遗憾。
Nevertheless, it deplores the fact that enforced disappearances continue to occur all
over the world and that tens of thousands of
[...] cases remain unclarified in the records [...]
of the Working Group, many going back decades.
尽管国家安全部队和武装团体对其中一些案件负责(大多 是卢民主力量和马伊-马伊),但大多数案件 未查明。
While the national security forces and armed groups accounted for some cases (mostly FDLR and Mai-Mai), the
[...] majority remains unidentified.
北大西洋渔业组织和东北大西洋渔业 委员会对最初的门槛值进行了重新评估,降低了海绵和珊瑚的门槛值,但是在北 大西洋渔业组织、东北大西洋渔业委员会或东南大西洋渔业组织 未查明 其 他指 示物种。
NAFO and NEAFC have re-evaluated initial thresholds to lower the thresholds for sponges and corals, but other indicator species have not been identified in NAFO, NEAFC or SEAFO.
(As all the
[...] victims have not yet been identified, their [...]
names will be included in an annex to a future letter.
只要失踪人员的命运和下落未查明 , 就有义 务继续调查,这是强迫失踪的延续性质产生的结果(见工作组对第 17 条的 一般性意见和对作为持续侵犯人权行为和延续性犯罪的强迫失踪的一般性 意见)。
The obligation to
[...] continue the investigation for as long as the fate and the whereabouts of the disappeared remains unclarified [...]
is a consequence of the continuing
nature of enforced disappearances (see the Working Group’s general comment on article 17 and its general comment on enforced disappearance as a continuous human rights violation and continuous crime).
在事未查明之前,任何進 ㆒步的評論都可能流於偏頗。
Until all aspects of this incident have been resolved, any further comment could be prejudicial.
[...] 行、国家恐怖主义行为和有系统的侵犯人权的行为负责,必须将犯罪人绳之以法 (由于未查明全部 受害者,因此他们的姓名将载列在未来信函的附件中)。
For all of these war crimes, State terrorism and systematic human rights violations committed against the Palestinian people, Israel, the occupying Power, must be held accountable and the perpetrators must
be brought to justice (as all the
[...] victims have not yet been identified, their names [...]
will be included in an annex to a future letter).
执行委员会决定核准淘汰作为加工剂以及其 未查明 用 途 的四氯化碳的生产和消费 的行业计划(第二阶段)的 [...]
2009 年度工作方案,供资额为 150 万美元,以及给世界银行的 112,500 美元的机构支助费用,但有一项谅解,即:世界银行将向执行委员会第五十八次会
议提交关于供资以及支助费用的申请,同时并提交关于 2008 年度方案执行情况的核查报 告。
The Executive Committee decided to approve the 2009 annual work programme of phase II of the sector
plan for phasing out CTC production and
[...] consumption for process agents and other [...]
non-identified uses (phase II) at US $1.5
million, and agency support costs of US $112,500 for the World Bank, with the understanding that the request for funding and support costs would be submitted by the World Bank to the Executive Committee at its 58th Meeting, together with a verification report on the implementation of the 2008 annual programme.
据目击者说,飞机(尚未查明)降落 后不久即重新起飞,并在跑 道上做了两次危险的复飞,即轮子短暂触地后即飞离。
According to witnesses, the aircraft (which has not been identified) landed, immediately took off again and made two “touch and go” passes of the runway, in which its wheels touched the ground momentarily, before leaving the area.
[...] 迎克罗地亚支持前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭,但指出继续关注有些关键文件未查明而未向法庭提供的事实。
While welcoming Croatia’s support for the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Canada
noted continuing concerns over the fact that key
[...] documents had not yet been located and made available [...]
to the Tribunal.
在残害儿童的案件中,据报有 7 起是刚果(金)武装力量犯下的,4 起是卢民主力量犯下的,3
[...] 起是马伊-马伊犯下 的,1 起是刚果爱国抵抗联盟犯下的,1 起是一未查明的团体犯下的。
Seven cases of maiming were reportedly perpetrated by FARDC, four by FDLR, three by Mai-Mai, one by
[...] PARECO and one by an unidentified group.
在 2011 年 2
[...] 月下旬发生在阿卜耶伊地区的冲突期间,战斗地点附近的 两所学校均被毁坏,迄今未查明肇 事 者。
During clashes in Abyei late in February 2011, two schools in the vicinity of fighting were destroyed, although
[...] the perpetrators were not identified.
其中两个人当场死亡,一个人受重伤,另一人顺利 逃亡,但至未查明其身份。
Two of the victims died immediately, a third was seriously wounded and a
[...] fourth, as yet unidentified person managed [...]
to escape.
192.94 加倍努力,解决尚未解决的强迫失踪案(法国) ,调查未查明的强 迫失踪案,以确保失踪者的亲属有权了解真相和伸张正义
129.94 Redouble its efforts to shed light on the cases of enforced disappearances that
have remained
[...] unresolved (France) investigate the enforced disappearances cases that have not yet been clarified, in order to ensure [...]
the enjoyment of
the right to truth and justice for the relatives of disappeared persons (Argentina)
只要未查明所查 找的失踪者的生死下落,委员会就应继续与有关缔约国共 同作出努力,包括请缔约国提供更详细的资料或采取进一步具体措施寻找失踪 者。
The Committee shall continue its efforts to work with the State party concerned for as long as the fate of the person sought remains unresolved, including by requesting the State party to provide more detailed information or to take further specific measures in the search for the disappeared person.
核查报告估计,剩余的消费量中大约有 60 ODP 吨由“非正式部门”(小型用户未查明的用 户)消费,其余 89 ODP 吨据推测是在没有海关管制和记录的情况下被 出口给他国,主要是出口给阿富汗。
The balance of the consumption is
[...] estimated by the verification report as some 60 ODP tonnes in the “informal” sector (the small and unidentified users) and residual [...]
89 ODP tonnes of
assumed exports to neighbouring countries, notably Afghanistan, without customs controls and records.
我们发现,除法医 检验的 2 名妇女和 4 名儿童外,另有一未查明身份 的平民和武装人员仍下落不 明,可能已被杀死或绑架,其中包括 6 名妇女、12 名儿童和 16 名男子。
We have found that in addition to
the two women and four
[...] children examined by the forensic doctor, the other unidentified civilians and armed men remain unaccounted for and may [...]
have been killed
or abducted, are as follows: 6 women, 12 children and 16 men.
家用制冷设备制造行业一家公司 (INDURAMA)可消耗 72%的进口预混合多元醇中所含 HCFC-141b,其他 14 家已查明 的企业消耗 18%,而一未查明的小 型企业将消耗剩余的 10%。
One company in the domestic refrigeration manufacturing sector (Indurama) consumes 72 per cent of the HCFC-141b contained in imported pre-blended polyols, another 14 identified enterprises consume 18 per cent, and a group of smaller, non-identified companies consume the remaining 10 per cent.
(c) 當局將在㆒九九㆕年檢討有關情況,以確定仍未贖回的換㆞權益書還有多 少,如可能的話,並查明未贖回 的原因。
As Members of this Council, we have matters of great concern to the general public.
在同一决议中,大会又决定特设工作组应在特设工作组向第六十三届会议提 交的报告(A/63/959)更新附件的基础上,继续对大会关于振兴的决议详细目录进 行查,并 请秘书长提交关于振兴大会工作的各项大会决议要求秘书处执行但尚 未执行的那些规定的最新清单,并 明未 得 到执行的限制因素和原因,供特设工 作组在第六十六届会议上进一步审议。
In the same resolution, the General Assembly also decided that the Ad Hoc Working Group should continue its review of the inventory of General Assembly resolutions on revitalization, based on the updated annex to the report of the
Ad Hoc Working Group submitted at the sixty-third session (A/63/959), and requested the Secretary-General to submit an update on the provisions of the Assembly resolutions on
[...] revitalization addressed to the Secretariat for implementation that had not yet been implemented, with an indication of the constraints and reasons behind any lack of implementation, for further [...]
consideration by the Ad Hoc Working Group at the sixty-sixth session.
会议还注意到,执行支助股及其他一些有能力的行为者曾 再三表示愿协助刚果共和查明疑似 雷区存在杀伤人员地雷与否,但刚果共和国 并没有接受它们的帮助,未使用本国资源这样做。
The Meeting also noted that the Republic of the Congo had not taken advantage of the repeated offers of support from the Implementation Support Unit
and other competent
[...] actors to assist it in clarifying the presence or the absence of anti-personnel mines in mined areas nor had it made national resources [...]
available to do the same.
至於就保障物 業買家所表達的關注,他認為政府當局應把重點放在未完成住宅單位 的銷售方面,因為準物業買家不能 查未 完 成 的單位,以了解單位的 實用率,他們只能參考售樓明書所 載的資料。
On concerns about protection for property purchasers, he considered that the Administration should focus on the sale of uncompleted
[...] flats because potential property purchasers could not inspect uncompleted flats to obtain an idea of the efficiency ratio [...]
and had
to rely solely on the information in the sales brochures.
秘 书 长 在 预 算 文 件 (A/64/6(Sect.34)/Add.1)第 34.6 段指出,内部管理查查明该部 因 其名称而承担了多项任务,关于安全和安保部应管何事也存在若干普遍 假设,尽管其中许多任务既未原先赋予 未明 确 授 权。
In paragraph 34.6 of the budget document (A/64/6 (Sect. 34)/Add.1), the Secretary-General
states that the internal
[...] management review identified a large number of tasks that the Department has assumed by virtue of its title and widespread assumptions about what a department of safety and security should manage, irrespective of the fact that many such tasks were not originally anticipated or explicitly mandated.
这也有可能进行工作人员队伍的分析,将工作人员的业 绩与维和行动战略目标和继承规划分析相结合 查明未 来 的 领导人,促进确保外 联工作能吸引合适的主管并有助于弥补能力缺口的决策进程。
It is also possible to conduct a workforce analysis that allows for the alignment of staff performance with the strategic goals of peace operations, as well as a succession planning analysis that allows for the identification of future leaders and promotes a decision-making process that ensures that outreach efforts are attracting suitable managers and helping to address capacity gaps; (f)
工作组向该国政府转发了 17 个新报告的案件,涉及 1992 年至 1997 年期间 最后一次在开罗 Lazoghli 的调查局总部国家安全查总局的见到的人,这些人的 命运和下落至未明。
The Working Group transmitted 17 newly reported cases to the Government concerning persons allegedly last seen at the General
Directorate for State Security
[...] Investigation, Investigative Bureau Headquarters in Lazoghli, Cairo, between 1992 and 1997, and whose fate and whereabouts remain unknown.
此外,达尔富尔混合行动将继续在整 个达尔富查明未爆弹 药和战争遗留爆炸物沾染区,以及开展扫除行动和对平民 的未爆弹药风险教育。
Furthermore, UNAMID will continue its identification of areas contaminated with unexploded ordnance and explosive remnants of war, as well as its clearance operations and unexploded ordnance risk education for civilians throughout Darfur.




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