

单词 未搀水

See also:

assist by the arm

External sources (not reviewed)

搀假的达尔富尔选举和全国大会党取得 苏丹大选胜利的后果》,非洲简报N° 72,2010年3月30日。
Rigged Elections in Darfur and the Consequences of a Probable NCP Victory in Sudan, Africa Briefing N°72, 30 March 2010.
在未禁止这种做法的某些国家中,产 水 被 弃 置于可未衬砌不透水隔层的废水池中 ,甚至直接倒入河流或海洋中。
In some countries
[...] where the practice is not banned, produced water is disposed of in waste ponds, which may [...]
not be lined with
impermeable barriers, or even dumped directly into streams or oceans.
在开展旨在加 强教科文组织预算外活动管理的此类工作的同时,资金拨付数额继续增长,达到前 未 有 的 水 平。
In parallel with these efforts to enhance the management of UNESCO’s extrabudgetary activities, the volume of allocations has continued its growth to reach its highest level ever.
尽管国家采取了一系列措施,妇女在各级权力机关担任高层领 导职务的人数未达到预期水平。
Notwithstanding the measures taken at national level, women’s representation in the highest posts in all branches of government has still not attained the desired level.
除了对支助本组织维持和平行动的法律服务的历来需求,新内部司法系统 的问世也使工作量增加到前未有的 水 平 , 其中包括本组织维持和平行动产生的 [...]
In addition to the historic demand for legal services in support of the Organization’s peacekeeping operations, the advent of the
new system for the administration of
[...] justice has added unprecedented levels of workload, [...]
including with respect to cases arising
from the Organization’s peacekeeping operations.
[...] 的代表表示,食典工作已被列入一个“影响重点领域”,因而有资格获得预算外资金和非 专项基金,以实现更大的成果;但是,目前预算外资金 水 平 尚 未 确 定
Following a question on whether extra-budgetary resources would be allocated to Codex through the new FAO budgetary measures, the Representative of FAO indicated that Codex work had been included in the “impact focus areas” and as such would be eligible to receive extra-budgetary, non-earmarked funds,
to achieve greater results but that for the time
[...] being, the level of extra-budgetary resources had not yet been defined.
根据《食搀杂( 金属杂质含量)规例》(第132V章),蚝的镉和铬的最高准许浓度分别为百万分之二和一,于是引起蚝豉样本中的镉和铬含量有否超逾法定上限的疑问。
According to the Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) Regulations, Cap. 132V, the maximum permitted concentrations for cadmium and chromium in oysters are 2 ppm and 1 ppm respectively. Questions have been raised whether the levels of cadmium and chromium in the dried oyster samples exceeded the legal limits.
水产养殖未来仍将是增长最快的动物性食物生产部门之一,而在下一 [...]
Aquaculture is set to remain [...]
one of the fastest-growing animal food-producing sectors and, in the next decade, total production
from both capture and aquaculture will exceed that of beef, pork or poultry.
程,让青年代表加入高级别会议的官方代表团,确保 他们真正代表本国的广大青年,而 搀 加 任 何政治考 虑。
For Switzerland, it is therefore important that youth representatives in the official delegations at the High-level Meeting be included following a transparent selection process, ensuring that they truly represent the mass of young people in their countries without any political considerations.
关于背景文件中设立一个水资源或水安全部长理事会的建议,一 些代表认为,在水安全的定未能 达成协商一致的情况下,无法在这一 问题上取得进展。
With respect to the proposal indicated in the background document on the possible
creation of a council of
[...] ministers on water resources or water security, some representatives took the view that, in the absence of a consensus-based definition of water security, [...]
there would be no progress on the issue.
這些模型吸引著愛好者設計簡單,易於使用其功能,他們的動作,其價格的嚴重性, 未 達 到 極高 水 平 ( 平均價格的IWC圍繞€7,000)。
These models captivate lovers by their simple design, ease of use of their functions, the seriousness of
their movements and their prices,
[...] which have not yet reached stratospheric levels (the average [...]
price of an IWC revolves around € 7,000).
(g) 是否按照以上第12 段确认了在构建森林管理参水平时 未 假 定 对国内 政策进行修改。
(g) Whether confirmation has been provided that the
construction of the forest management
[...] reference level does not include assumptions [...]
about changes to domestic policies in
accordance with paragraph 12 above.
白俄罗斯寻找各类合作伙伴: 白俄罗斯企业寻找旧轮胎回收利用(沥青 搀 入 橡 胶颗粒)和电 器清除回收方面的合作伙伴, 寻找改造家具厂(有销路潜力)的 投资商以及自行车买家。
Firms from Belarus are looking for partners willing to cooperate in the recycling of used tires (admixture of rubber granulate to asphalt) and the disposal/recycling of electronic appliances.
圣文森特似乎仍未履行 CFC
[...] 冻结义务,而波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那已达到了商定的 恢复履约行动计划中的目标但未达 到冻 结 水 平。
St. Vincent appears to remain in non-compliance with the CFC freeze while Bosnia and Herzegovina has met
the target in its agreed action plan for returning into return to
[...] compliance but has not yet achieved the freeze level.
有关达尔富尔问题的进一步分析,见危机组织非 洲报告 N°134,Darfur’s New Security Reality [《达尔富尔 新的安全状况》],2007 年 11 月 26 日;N°152,Sudan: Justice, Peace and the ICC [《苏丹:正义、和平和国际刑 事法院》],2009 年 7 月 17 日;非洲简报 N°72,Rigged Elections in Darfur and the Consequences of a Probable NCP Victory in Sudan [《搀假的达尔富尔选举和全国大会 党取得苏丹大选胜利的后果》],2010 年 3 月 30 日。
For further analysis on Darfur, see Crisis Group Africa Reports N°134, Darfur’s New Security Reality, 26 November 2007; and N°152, Sudan: Justice, Peace and the ICC, 17 July 2009; and Africa Briefing N°72, Rigged Elections in Darfur and the Consequences of a Probable NCP Victory in Sudan, 30 March 2010.
根 据 香 港 法 例 第 132 章 《 公 众 卫 生 及 市 政 条 例 》 , 任 何 人 均 不 得 出 售 , 或 为 将 食 物 出 售 而 管 有 , 或 为 将 食 物 出 售 而 将 其 交 付 某 人 托 付 的 任 何 一 种 情 况 下 , 出 售 状 况 欠 妥 、 经搀 杂 或 不 适 宜 供 人 食 用 的 食 物 。
The Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap. 132 stipulates that no person shall sell or possess or consign for the purpose of selling any food that are unwholesome, adulterated or unfit for human consumption.
[...] 地位的降低令人遗憾;因工作重点数量减少,34 C/5 中国水文计划预未予以明确解释;因 口译和笔译费用较高,建议保留理事会目前所使用的 [...]
4 种工作语言;用于预算外资金的管理费 用需要高度灵活性,这笔费用通常比其他机构的管理费用高很多;建议国际水文计划资金仅分
With reference to the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee, he recalled the unfortunate downgrading of the principal priority status of water
within UNESCO, the lack of
[...] clarity regarding the IHP budget in document 34 C/5 due [...]
to the reduced number of MLAs, the recommendation
on maintaining the four working languages used so far in the Council due to the associated high cost of interpretation and translation, the need for a high flexibility of the overheads applied to extrabudgetary funds which were perceived as much larger than those of some other agencies, and the recommendation that IHP funds should only be decentralized to UNESCO offices with expertise in water sciences.
附錄二:2011年8月至12月期間於中大校園錄得有鳥類使用的植物,共83種,另有一種寄生生長 水 松 Gl yptostrobus pensilis 之上未有記錄。
Appendix II: From August to December 2011, birds on the Chinese University
campus used 83 species of plants except for a parasitic
[...] plant (Taxillus. Sp) growing on Water Pine (Glyptostrobus pensilis).
法罗女士在访问过程中,走访了贝卡谷地巴勒贝克(Baalbeck)地区一栋 未 完 工 的两 水 泥 楼 房内的住户,这里住着五户叙利亚难民家庭。
On her visit, Ms. Farrow walked the remains of
[...] two floors of an unfinished cement house in Baalbeck [...]
in the Bekaa Valley where five families
of Syrian refugees are sheltered.
旅遊人士應保持良 好個人和食物衞生習慣,避免飲用潔淨度不明的水及/或冰,不應吃未煮過的介貝水 產、未經烹 煮的蔬菜或售賣時已預先去皮或處理的水果。
Travellers should maintain good personal
and food hygiene and
[...] avoid drinking water and / or ice of unknown purity and eating uncooked shellfish, [...]
uncooked fruits or
vegetables that were not peeled or prepared by themselves.
至於國內和東江水的投資,我們當然仍有很多年要使用,況且,採用自 然水資源跟採用經化淡的水未必相 同。
Moreover, it may not be the same between the use of natural water resources and the use of desalinated seawater.
2006 年,国家保险研究所向大约 130 341 个收入未达到第 5740-1980 号
[...] 《收入扶持法》(《收入扶持法》)确定的最 水 平 、 且 未 参 加其他收入维持方案 的家庭支付了收入扶持津贴。
In 2006, the NII paid Income Support benefits to
approximately 130,341 families who did
[...] not earn the minimum level of income as determined [...]
by the Income Support Law 5740-1980
(the “Income Support Law”,) and who were not covered by other income maintenance programs.
这种前未有的连接水平在 分秒必争的行业中带来了无与匹敌的响应能力。
This unprecedented level of connectivity enables [...]
an unparalleled level of responsiveness in a sector where each minute matters.
世界大坝委员会的两位成员,Deborah Moore 和 Thayer Scudder 总结了他们在对大坝开发效力进行
[...] 的最为全面的调查中得到的发现,提出了创新的框 架,也是世界大坝委员会未来的水 力 和 能源项目 提出的框架。
Deborah Moore and Thayer Scudder, two members of the former World Commission on Dams, summarize the findings of the largest review of the development effectiveness of
dams ever undertaken, and present the innovative framework which the WCD
[...] proposed for future water and energy projects.
鲜活和冷藏水产品在世界水产品贸易中所占比例从1980年的7%上升至2010 年的10%,表明物流水平有所提高,且 未 加 工 水 产 品 的需求在不断增长。
However, trade in live, fresh and chilled fish represented 10 percent of world
fish trade in 2010, up from 7 percent in 1980, reflecting improved logistics
[...] and increased demand for unprocessed fish.
如不進行擬議的擴建工程,隨  污水流量不斷增加,經大埔污水
[...] 處理廠處理的污水水質 便會下降 ,以致水未獲足夠處理便排放到維 多利亞港。
If we do not implement the proposed extension, the effluent quality of TPSTW will
deteriorate as the sewage flow continues to increase, leading to discharge of
[...] inadequately treated effluent into Victoria [...]
對攤銷 的計量部分反映來自資產以支付對保單持有人負債的即期費用(包括保證最低身故、收入或提取給付費用)、過往及 預未來毛利的水平(取決未來費 用的假 水 平 ) ,以及與死亡率、退保及開支相關的元素。
The measurement of the amortisation in part reflects current period fees (including those for guaranteed minimum death, income, or withdrawal benefits) earned on assets covering liabilities to policyholders, and the historical and expected level of future gross profits which depends on the assumed level of future fees, as well as components related to mortality, lapse and expense.
[...] 景下,对非法捕捞进行了界定,其中包括本国或悬挂外国国旗的船只在一国管辖水域内、未经该 国的许可或违反其法律和法规的活动。
In the context of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, illegal fishing has been defined to include
activities conducted by national or
[...] foreign-flagged vessels in waters under the jurisdiction [...]
of a State, without the permission
of that State, or in contravention of its laws and regulations.
尽管艾滋病毒/艾滋病产生了影响,预计多数区域的预期寿命会延长,到 2045-2050 年达到前未有的水平:全球范围达到 75 岁,除非洲外,各主要地 [...]
Despite the impact of HIV/AIDS, life expectancy
is projected to increase in most regions
[...] and to reach unprecedented levels by 2045-2050: [...]
75 years globally, and higher in
all major areas except Africa.




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