

单词 未建成

See also:


minor (i.e. person under 18)

External sources (not reviewed)

在 此方面,涂議員強調,政府當局一個很重要的責任,是要確保 透明度和加強規未建成私人 住宅物業的銷售,以期保障物業 買家的權益。
In this regard, Mr TO emphasized the important responsibility of the Administration to ensure transparency and
strengthen regulation over
[...] the sale of uncompleted private residential properties with a view to [...]
protecting the interests of property buyers.
梁國雄議員批評政府未能有效監管發展商銷 未建 成住宅 物業,他亦贊同政府當局必須增撥資源,以加強對發展 [...]
Mr LEUNG Kwok-hung criticized the
[...] Government for failure to effectively [...]
regulate developers in the sale of uncompleted residential
flats and concurred that it was necessary for the Administration to increase resources in stepping up control over developers.
(二 ) 九項新措施將適用於所有一手私人住宅物業的銷售,包未 建成和已建成的一手住宅單位。
(b) The nine measures will apply to the sale of all first-hand private residential
[...] properties, including uncompleted and completed [...]
first hand flats.
我們正探討進一步的措施,以加強對銷 未建成 一 手 私人 住宅物業的規管,當中包括研究加強對示範單位的規管。
We are exploring further measures to strengthen the regulation of
[...] the sale of uncompleted first-hand private [...]
residential flats, including strengthening the regulation of show flats.
鑒於售樓說明書內的一些說明(例如樓面平面 圖及實用面積的計算方法)過於複雜,公眾人士難以明白,李議 員 強調,政府當局需要查未建成私人 住宅物業的銷售及售樓 說明書是否符合同意方案的規定,以確保發展商提供準確的資 料。
Given that descriptions, such as floor plan and calculation of saleable area, contained in sales brochures were complicated and difficult to apprehend for the general public, Mr LEE stressed the need for the
Administration to conduct checks on
[...] developers' compliance with the requirements under the Consent Scheme for sale of uncompleted private residential [...]
and on the sales brochures to ensure the accuracy of information provided by developers.
與此同時,政府當局會探討規未建成單位 銷售的進一步措施,當中包括加強對示範單位的規 管。
Meanwhile, the
[...] Administration would explore further measures to regulate the sales of uncompleted flats, which [...]
included strengthening the regulation of show flats.
此 外,當局現正考慮推行其他改善措施(例如提高"公眾休憩用地/ 公共設施"的資料的透明度、改 未建成 住 宅 物業的銷售安排和 加強市場資訊發放的清晰度,以及加強規管地產代理和進行公 眾教育),未建成一手 住宅物業的準買家提供更大保障。
Other improvement measures (such as enhancing transparency of information on "public open space/public
facilities", enhancing sales
[...] arrangements for uncompleted properties and clarity of market information, and strengthening the regulation of estate agents and public educations) were being contemplated to offer greater protection for prospective buyers of uncompleted first-hand residential [...]
事務委員會在檢 討改善一手住宅單位銷售安排的措施時,強調有需要訂定規管銷售住宅物業的法
[...] 定措施以保障買家的權益,並通過一項議案,促請政府當局重新展開 未建成住 宅物業銷售說明白紙草案》的討論。
In reviewing the measures for improving the sale arrangements for first-hand residential units, the panel stressed the need to put in place statutory measures for governing the sale of residential properties in protecting the interests of buyers and passed a motion urging
the Administration to reopen the discussion on the Sales
[...] Descriptions of Uncompleted Residential Properties [...]
White Bill.
在過去兩年,我們透過地政總署的“ 預售樓花同意方案”(“同意方 案
[...] ”),以及香港地產建設商會(“商會”)的指引,推出了多項措施,加強 了對銷未建成一手住宅物業的監管,包括要求發展商須在臨時買賣合 [...]
料、統一了實用面積的定義、統一了價單的格式、要求價單上列出每個 單位每平方呎或每平方米實用面積的價格、要求售樓宣傳資料及售樓說 明書要分開處理,以及要求售樓書提供全面及更詳盡的物業資料。
Over the past two years, we have introduced a number of measures to strengthen the regulation of the sales of first-hand, uncompleted residential flats through the Consent Scheme of the Lands Department and the guidelines
issued by The Real Estate Developers
[...] Association of Hong Kong (REDA). These measures [...]
include requiring developers to provide
on their websites and in sales offices information on the Agreements for Sale and Purchase (ASPs) within five working days after the signing of the respective Preliminary ASPs, standardizing the definition of saleable area, standardizing the presentation of price list, requiring developers to show the information on the price per square foot or per square metre in the saleable area of individual flats in their price lists, requiring promotional materials for the sales of flats and sales brochures to be handled separately, and requiring comprehensive and more detailed information on the properties be listed in the sales brochures.
白紙條例草案旨在就售樓說明書及廣告內 所提供有關公開發售本未建成住宅 單位的資料作出規定,使 其更準確、更統一和更具透明度。
The White Bill sought to enhance the accuracy, uniformity and transparency of
information provided in sales brochures and advertisements regarding the public
[...] sales of local uncompleted residential flats.
應主席的要求,房屋及規劃地政局常 任秘書長答允在會後提供將於 2007-2008
[...] 年度提供的資源的進 一步詳情,包括與規管及監察銷 未建成 私 人住宅物業的安排 有關的人手詳情。
Upon the Chairman's request, PSH undertook to provide after the meeting further details on the resources provided for in 2007-2008, including manpower
provision, in relation to the regulation and monitoring of the sales
[...] arrangements of uncompleted private residential [...]
关于在坦桑尼亚的回收和再循环项目(URT/REF/36/TAS/14),虽然大多数的项 目经费已经支付,但回收和再循环中心 未建成。
With respect to the R&R project in
Tanzania (URT/REF/36/TAS/14), most of the project funds have been disbursed, but the R&R
[...] centre has not been constructed.
財政司 司長補充,地產建設商會已原則上同意實施有未 建成單位 的規管措施,並正與運輸及房屋局商討規 管措施的技術性事宜,以期在切實可行的情況下盡 快落實有關措施。
FS added that REDA had agreed in principle to implement the regulatory measures on completed flats and was discussing with the Transport and Housing Bureau the technical aspects of the regulatory measures, with a view to implementing the measures as soon as practicable.
本文件列出根據㆞政總署的「同意方案」預 未建成 物 業單位(俗 稱“樓花”)的檢討結果及所建議的改善措施。
Department’s Consent Scheme for the sale of uncompleted properties and the proposed improvement measures.
由於在香港出售的 境未建成住宅物業的數量,以及此等物業交易所涉及的款額日益增 [...]
加,有關售樓資料內容不全及含有誤導成分的投訴亦隨之增多,市民 更要求政府當局制訂措施以對付有關問題。
As the number
[...] of overseas uncompleted properties being [...]
put up for sale in Hong Kong and the value of these transactions
grew, complaints about inadequate and misleading sales information also increased and there were calls for measures to address the problems.
达尔富尔混合行动将保留 13 个已经完全建成的 社区治安中心,但要放弃使用 未建成的 20 个中心 的计划。
UNAMID will maintain the 13 community policing centres
[...] already fully constructed, but dispense with plans to utilize 20 centres not yet constructed.
[...] 負責監督私人住宅物業和租務市場、為確保物業市場平穩健康 發展提出建議、與香港地產建設商會( 下稱「地產建設商會」) 及消費者委員會商討提未建成住宅物業銷售安排的透明度 和公平性、就地政總署「預售樓花同意方案」( 下稱「同意方 案」) 有關消費者保障方面提供政策指導、與地產代理監管局 [...]
下稱 「房協」) 商討「置安心資助房屋計劃」( 下稱「置安心」) 的 實施,以及監督房協長者房屋項目。
PAS(PH)/AD(PH) is responsible for monitoring the private residential property and rental market, formulating proposals to ensure the stable and healthy development of the property market, liaising with the Real Estate Developers’ Association of Hong Kong (REDA) and the
Consumer Council on
[...] measures to strengthen and promote transparency and fair practices in the sale of uncompleted residential [...]
properties, providing
policy input to the Lands Department’s Consent Scheme in respect of consumer protection, working closely with the Estate Agents Authority on policy matters relating to the regulation of estate agents, liaising with the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) on the implementation of the My Home Purchase Plan (MHPP), and overseeing elderly housing projects of the HKHS.
民 主黨強烈要求政府向立法會提交 未建成 住 宅 物業銷售說明條例草案》,規 定發展商的銷售說明書(即 [...]
sales brochures)盡可能提供詳細、標準和真確 的資料,供市民參考。
The Democratic Party strongly urges
the Government to introduce the Sales
[...] Descriptions of Uncompleted Residential [...]
Properties Bill into the Legislative Council,
requiring developers to provide detailed, standardized and accurate information in sales brochures for public reference.
在二零零一年七月十日的會議上,行政會議建議 建議 建議 建議,署理行政長官指令 指令 指令 指令, 鑑於下文第 3 至 7 段所述的最新發展情況,應在明年初重新評估是否需要提 交未建成住宅 物業銷售說明條例草案》。
At the meeting of the Executive Council on 10 July 2001, the Council ADVISED and the Acting Chief Executive ORDERED that the need for the Sales Descriptions of Uncompleted Residential Properties Bill should be reassessed some time early next year in the light of the latest developments described in paragraphs 3 to 7 below.
[...] 地,作為房屋及規劃地政局局長的,亦要考慮對 未建成 的 住 宅物業,是否 要多些研究這方面的條款,以協助大家在買賣中獲得公平的對待呢?
Therefore, I very much hope that the Government will deal with "the aftermath". Similarly, the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands should consider whether it is necessary
to conduct further studies on the
[...] provisions regarding uncompleted residential [...]
properties, so as to facilitate fair dealings in a transaction.
在過去兩年,運輸及房屋局透過 地政總署的「預售樓花同意方案」(「同意方案」)以及香港地產
[...] 建設商會(商會)的指引,推出了包括「九招十二式」等多項措施, 提未建成一手 私人住宅物業及交易資料的透明度及清晰度。
Over the past two years, THB implemented a number of measures including the “nine new measures” through the Lands Department’s Consent Scheme (the Consent Scheme) and the guidelines issued by the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong to enhance the
transparency and clarity of the property and transaction
[...] information on uncompleted first-hand private [...]
residential properties.
在過去一段時間,運輸及房屋局透過地政總署的「預售樓花同意方案」以及地產建設商會的指引,加强了對銷 未建成 一 手 住宅物業的監管,當中包括統一了「實用面積」的定義、統一了價單的格式、要求價單上列出每個單位「實用面積」的價格,以及要求發展商須在臨時買賣合約簽署後五個工作天內,公布相關住宅樓花的交易資料等,協助置業人士清楚掌握物業單位以及物業成交的資料,進一步保障消費者的權益。
Through the Lands Department's Consent Scheme and the guidelines issued by the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong, the THB has strengthened the regulation of the sale of these flats for quite some time, including standardising the definition of "saleable area" and the format of the price list.
財政司司長在財政預算案中提出了四項措施,從增加土地以及中小型住宅單位供應、加强對銷 未建成 一 手 私人住宅物業的規管、增加投機的交易成本,以及防止按揭信貸過度擴張,以減低樓市泡沫的風險,但同時亦避免公共政策令樓市出現不必要的波動。
The FS has proposed four measures in the Budget Speech, namely, increasing the supply of land and the supply of small and medium-sized residential flats; strengthening the regulation of the sale of uncompleted first-hand private residential flats; increasing the transaction costs of property speculation; and preventing excessive expansion in mortgage lending.
必须解决的问题还有:防未建成的 人 工岛沉降,设置24小时运营所需的设备,进行合理的灾害预防规划,与国际企业就项目规划和建设问题进行协调,以及承担海运任务等等。
The project was completed successfully [...]
overcoming the innumerable problems posed by the necessity to prevent undue settlement
of the extremely premature man-made island; to provide means for 24-hour airport operation, proper disaster prevention planning, project planning and construction coordination of the international enterprise; and to provide maritime transport, all within a minimal construction time.
一如上文和中環商業區的交通預 測指出,如果到 2011 年未建成中環灣仔繞道,估計 干諾道中—夏慤道—告士打道走廊的行車情況將會惡 化,以致交通嚴重擠塞。
As pointed out above and illustrated in the Traffic Forecast in Central Business District, if CWB is not available by 2011, traffic conditions along the CRC/HR/GR Corridor will deteriorate and considerable traffic congestion will occur.
1750 年一个名叫 Adam 的几何学家绘制的建造草 图,其记载了由 Abbot Edmundus von Richterich 于 1700 年间筹建的阶梯花园未建 成), 之后继承者对草图进行了扩展和完善。
A cadastral plan prepared by a geometrician named Adam in 1750 documented the terraced garden laid by Abbot Edmundus von Richterich in 1700, which was extended and refined by his successors.
媒体,包括社会媒体,应作为教育系统的 成 部 分加以利用,以保 存历史和建未来。
The media, including the social media, should be harnessed as
[...] part of the education system, safeguarding the past and forging the future.
在该主题之下,阿尔及利亚建议设置以下议程项目:在信息时代未成年人的保护;打击将互联网用于恐怖主义目的;打击通过使用信息与通信 技术而实施的犯罪,包括跨国有组织犯罪;以及在打击通过使用信息与通信技 [...]
术而实施的犯罪包括跨国有组织犯罪上开展国际合作,特别是司法协助、执法 合作和技术援助。
Under the umbrella of that
[...] theme, Algeria also suggested the following agenda items: the protection of minors in the information [...]
age; the fight against
the use of the Internet for terrorist purposes; the fight against crime, including transnational organized crime, committed through the use of information and communication technologies; and international cooperation to fight crime, including transnational organized crime, committed through the use of information and communication technologies, in particular mutual legal assistance, law enforcement cooperation and technical assistance.
建議, 由 於條例草案第8(2)(d)條中" 福祉" 或 " 合理理由" 的定義可有不同 詮釋,任何人有意根據條例草案第8(2)(d)條,為防止或盡量減少 任何人受傷的風險或任未成年人 的福祉受嚴重損害的風險而 披露調解通訊,須向指明的法院或審裁處申請許可。
They have suggested that as the meaning of "well-being" or "reasonable grounds" in clause 8(2)(d) is subject to interpretation, a person seeking to disclose a mediation communication for the purpose of preventing or minimizing the danger [...]
of injury to a person
or of serious harm to the well-being of a child under clause 8(2)(d) should apply for leave of a specified court or tribunal.
需有效执法,特别注建立足够的执行情况监测能力;还应注意执行有 关禁止未成年人 销售烟草制品的法律。
Effective enforcement, with a particular focus on adequate capacity for monitoring implementation, is
[...] needed; attention should also be given to the enforcement of laws against the sale of tobacco products by minors.




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