

单词 未婚男子

See also:


a man
a male

External sources (not reviewed)

58 条规定女性监护人必未婚,而男性 监 护人必须有 子 才 能 行使监护 职责,这些规定可能不符合儿童的最大利益原则。
The Committee is concerned, however, that article 58 of the Code of Personal Status, which
provides that a
[...] female guardian must be unmarried, and that a male guardian should have [...]
available a wife to discharge the duties of guardianship,
might be inconsistent with the principle of the best interests of the child.
一般而言,城市地区男子和妇女、未婚者和 年青成人感染这些疾病的风险最大。
In general, men and women residing in urban areas, unmarried individuals and [...]
young adults face the greatest risk of acquiring such infections.
九八㆒年英國國籍法第 II 部分第 50(9)條規定,「只有㆒男子與其任 何 婚 生子 女之間才有父親與子女的關係。
The British Nationality Act of 1981 Part II section 50(9) states that "the relationship of father and child shall be taken to exist only between a man and any legitimate child born to him".
[...] 年轻妇女;同性恋、变性人或双性恋年轻人;感染艾滋病病毒的年轻人;在某些 情况下,包括有未婚的青年男子和 妇 女。
This can be particularly true for young women who are sexually active; young people who are
gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual; young people living with HIV; and,
[...] in some contexts, unmarried young men and women.
因此,在提供法定最低结婚年龄信息的 187 个国 家中,有 158 个国家允许妇女在未经父母同意的情况下最早在 18 岁婚,有 180 个国家允男子在未经父 母同意的情况下最早在 18 岁结婚。
In many societies, adolescents and young people are expected to remain in school for long periods and legal provisions set the age of majority generally at age 18 or higher, therefore, one approach to determining the period of adolescence would be to focus on persons aged 12 to 17 years.
由於政府規定不論已婚未婚的男性 公 務員必須供款,即使他們未有配偶 子 女, 也要把每月工資的 3%至 4%用來供款。
Since male civil servants, married or single, are all required by the Government to make contributions, therefore even if they have no spouses or children, they must contribute [...]
3% to 4% of their monthly salary.
委员会建议缔约国进一步修正《家庭法》,确保将一夫多妻制列为非法行为,取 消婚姻监护人的法律要求,在法律上毫无例外地承认一穆斯林妇女和一非穆斯男子之间的婚姻。
The Committee recommends that the State party further revise the Family Code to ensure that polygamy is outlawed, that the legal requirement of the institution of the marital guardian is abolished and that a marriage concluded between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is fully recognized by law without exception.
他还 指出,根据穆斯林传统,婚妇女 的子女只有在获得其母亲新丈夫的许可后才能 与新家庭一起生活,且摩洛男子一 般 不承担养育其新妻子与前任丈夫所生子女 的责任。
He also states that according to
Muslim tradition the children of women
[...] who remarry cannot live with the new family unless permitted by the new husband, and that in general men in Morocco do not accept the responsibility to support the children of [...]
their new wife’s previous marriages.
保健系统应制定战略,开展教育活动,提男子、未孕女 子和青少年对所提供的保健服务的认识,并倡导负责任的性行为 [...]
The healthcare system should develop strategies
[...] to reach out to men, women who are not pregnant and [...]
adolescents in order to raise their
awareness about the healthcare support offered and to promote responsible sexual and reproductive behaviour.
里约+20 必须为我们所希望的未来提供路线图——这是一个和平未 来, 经济充满活力,社会蓬勃发展,人人享有社会福利,当代和子孙后代的 生活环境健康、公平,妇女男子以 及 男孩和女孩为发展做出平等贡献并从 发展中平等受益。
Rio+20 must provide the road map to the future we want — a future with peace, dynamic economic
and social development, universal
[...] social well-being and a healthy and equitable environment for present and future generations, where women and men, boys and girls, equally contribute to and benefit from development.
按区域来说,60 岁及以上婚男子的占比从非洲的 85%到大 洋洲的 73%不等;妇女则从亚洲的 52%到非洲的 39%。
By region,
[...] the proportion of men 60 years and older who are married ranges from 85 per [...]
cent in Africa to 73 per cent in
Oceania; for women it ranges from 52 per cent in Asia to 39 per cent in Africa.
对妇女的歧视”一词是基于性别而作的任何区别、排斥和限 制,其影响或其目的均足以妨碍或否认妇女不论 婚未婚 在 男 女 平 等的基础 上认识、享有或行使在政治、经济、社会、文化、公民或任何其他方面的人 [...]
any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or
exercise by women,
[...] irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of [...]
human rights and fundamental
freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.
同时还发生一 个显然毫不相关的行动:5月25日,3 名撒哈男子未经邀请进入斯马拉队部(在 护堤以西),展示有关撒哈拉政治犯要求的横幅。
Meanwhile, in an apparently unrelated
[...] action, three Saharan men entered team site Smara (west of the berm) uninvited on 25 May and [...]
displayed banners with
demands relating to Saharan political prisoners.
此外男子在离 婚或丧偶后再婚可能性较高。
In addition, men are more likely than women to remarry after divorce or widowhood.
5.3 就享用醫療及牙科診療服務而言,“ 家屬”㆒詞指公務員的配偶及未滿 19 歲未婚子女, 也包括年滿 19 歲但未足 21 歲,正在接受全日制教育或職業訓練或 因身體有缺陷或精神不健全而須依賴該員供養 未婚子 女。
5.3 “Family” when used in relation to medical and dental treatment
means the officer’s
[...] spouse and unmarried children under the age of 19. It also includes unmarried children aged 19 or over but under 21 who are in full-time education or vocational training or who on account of physical or mental infirmity are dependent on the officer.
委员会极其关注连续发生对单亲母亲及其子女的袭击,且这些行为没 有受到任何制裁,这些罪行的受害者与其子女一起生活在恐怖和极其贫困之中, 缔约国没有向其提供任何支持;和 (b) 社会排斥和侮辱往往使未婚怀孕妇女与女孩冒着生命危险进行秘密堕 胎,遗弃子女或 流落街头,他们没有任何其他机遇,只有靠卖淫来养活其子 女。
The Committee is extremely concerned that attacks against single mothers and their children continue to be committed with impunity and that victims of these crimes live with their children in situations of fear and extreme poverty without support being provided by the State party; and
[...] (「本章則」)為香港賽馬會(「馬會」)發予(A)某類由「馬會」指定之會員及(B)選擇「專用卡」代替「萬事達信用卡」之其他類別「馬 會」會員(個別稱為「主卡會員」及統稱「主卡會員」)及其各自之配偶 未婚子 女 /海外學生(統稱「子女」)作為彼等之會員卡。
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Membership Private Label Card (the “Card”) is issued by Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”) for The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the “Club”) pursuant to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Membership Card Programme (the “Programme”) subject to the following terms and conditions (“these Terms”) as membership cards to (A) certain categories of members designated by the Club and (B) members of the Club of other categories who opt for the Card instead of a MasterCard credit card (each a “Principal Cardmember” and collectively the “Principal
Cardmembers”), and the
[...] respective Spouses and Unmarried Children/Overseas Students collectively “Children”) of such [...]
members and each Cardmember will be bound by these Terms.
关切地注意到世界某些地区男子人 数 多于妇女,而其部分致因在于各种有 害的观念与习俗,例如切割女性生殖器、导致杀害女婴和产前性别选择的重男轻 女现象、婚包括童婚、暴 力侵害妇女、性剥削、性虐待、在粮食分配中歧视女 孩以及与保健和福利有关的其他习俗,这些观念与习俗造成活到成年的女孩人数 低于男孩
Noting with concern that in some areas
[...] of the world men outnumber women as a result, in part, of harmful attitudes and practices, such as female genital mutilation, son preference, which results in female infanticide and prenatal sex selection, early marriage, including child marriage, violence against [...]
women, sexual exploitation,
sexual abuse and discrimination against girls in food allocation and in other practices related to health and well-being, resulting in fewer girls than boys surviving into adulthood
关 于与外男子结 婚 的巴哈马妇女将国 籍 传 给 在巴哈马境 外 所生子女的问题,这是 2002 [...]
With respect to the question of the passage of citizenship of
[...] Bahamian women married to foreign men to their [...]
children born outside the Bahamas, this
matter was the subject of a referendum in 2002, which was rejected.
顯然,暴力可以不同的形式對受害人構成傷害, 除身體虐待外,性暴力、精神虐待及恐嚇性行為,甚至可以對受害人的身心 造成更大和更深遠的遺害;同時,家庭成員的範圍亦應由夫妻或有長久穩定 關係男女及其未滿 18 歲子女, 擴大至包括同屋共住的成年子女、兄弟 姊妹、父母及祖父母等。
In addition, the existing definition of family members, which covers only spouses, or men and women having a long-term and stable relationship, and also their children aged under 18, should be expanded to include adult children, siblings, parents and grandparents living together with the abuser.
在非洲,老男子在婚的可 能性比老年妇女高一倍多。
In Africa, older men are more than twice as likely as older women to be married.
《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》是明确以妇女权利为重点的最为全面的 国际条约,9 该条约规定了所需措施,旨在消除任何“基于性别而作的区别、排
[...] 斥或限制,其影响或其目的均足以妨碍或否认妇女不论 婚未婚 在 男 女 平等的基 础上认识、享有或行使在政治、经济、社会、文化、公民或任何其他方面的人权 [...]
The most comprehensive international treaty focusing explicitly on the rights of women is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,9 which sets out measures required for the elimination of any “distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field”.10 It
enshrines the minimum standards that
[...] States must uphold for every woman under their [...]
jurisdiction to enjoy human rights without
discrimination and recognizes the particular risk of women to discrimination in specific circumstances due to gender roles and stereotypes within the public and private spheres.11 28.
3.1.2 申請人配偶和同未婚子女如 正在領取綜援,他們不能在入息審查機制下計算為「家庭成員」。
3.1.2 Applicant’s spouse and children in receipt of CSSA [...]
will not be counted as ‘family members’ under the Adjusted Family Income (AFI) mechanism.
但是,在开展治理并 制定政策时,如未能对男性和 女性所发挥的相关作用开展战略评估,其效果反 [...]
However, where governance and policies are developed
without a strategic assessment of the
[...] relative roles of the men and women involved, [...]
the effect can be to disempower stakeholders.
在符合投資管理的規定和連續七年通常居住於香港後,投資者及其家庭成員(即配偶及十八歲以 未婚子 女 )可以申請成為香港永久性居民。
After fulfilling the Portfolio Maintenance Requirements and seven years of continuous ordinary residence in Hong
Kong, the entrants and their
[...] dependents (spouse and unmarried children under the age [...]
of 18) may apply to become permanent resident of Hong Kong.
颁布了2009年第35 号法律,将与非巴男子结婚的巴 林妇女所生 子女视为巴林公民,免交政府、医疗、教育服务和在巴林永久居住 的费用。
Law No. 35 of 2009 was promulgated to
[...] treat the children of Bahraini women married to non-Bahrain men as Bahraini citizens [...]
with respect to
the exemption of children from fees for government, health, educational services, and permanent residence in Bahrain.
投資者可攜同受養人即配偶及十八歲以 未婚 及 受養 的 子 女 來 港,條件是必 須能夠支援受養人的生活和提供住所,而無須依賴在香港獲許投資資產所帶來的 [...]
任何 收益、工作入息或公共援助。
The entrant may be allowed to bring in their dependants such
[...] as spouse and unmarried dependent children under 18 years [...]
of age, provided that the entrant
is capable of supporting and accommodating his dependants on his own without relying on any return on the permissible investment assets, employment or public assistance in Hong Kong.
過去5年,每年分別有多少對已婚配偶 未婚男 女 同 伴、男性同性配偶/同伴、女性同性配偶/同伴、和有多少名單身男性和單身女性,申請在港領養本地和外地的兒童;分別有多少宗獲批及被拒;被拒的原因為何(請以附表按申請者的年齡組別列出分項數字);當局會否考慮檢討領養兒童的限制,令申請領養兒童的人士更容易領養兒童,以減少他們利用商業性質的人類生殖科技程序的可能;若會考慮,詳情為何;若不會,原因為何?
in each of the past five years, of
the respective numbers
[...] of pairs of married spouses, unmarried companions of the opposite sex, male spouses/companions [...]
of the same sex,
female spouses/companions of the same sex who had applied in Hong Kong for adopting local and overseas children, the respective numbers of single men and women who had done the same, and the respective numbers of approved and rejected applications, and the reasons for rejecting those applications (please provide a breakdown by applicants' age group in the form of a table in an annex); whether the authorities will consider reviewing the restrictions on child adoption to make it easier for the applicants with a view to reducing the possibility of these applicants' resorting to commercial surrogacy arrangements; if they will, of the details; if not, the reasons for that?
根據「計劃」,「主卡會員」亦可授權(需得「馬會」同意下) 「「生」向其配偶及任未婚子女/ 海外學生發出一張附屬專用卡(代替「信用卡」)。
Under the Programme, a Principal Cardmember may also authorise (subject to the agreement of the Club) Hang Seng to issue a supplementary card which is a private label card (instead of a Card) to his/her spouse and any unmarried child/ overseas student.
合成鑽石的生產成本尚未降至具有吸引力的水準,已屆 婚 年 齡 的 男 士 不 願冒險選擇合成鑽石戒指,以免惹怒未來 未婚 妻 ! 此外,正如繪畫與其他藝術,市面上充斥著畢卡索、馬諦斯與梵谷等大師的偽作,然而當真正的傑作在市場上現身時,藝術鑑賞家仍願意高價收購真跡。
Also, like paintings and other fine art, there are plenty of fake Picassos, Matisses and van Goghs, but when the real masterpieces come on the market, art connoisseurs are still willing to pay high prices for the real thing.




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