

单词 未婚妻

See also:




marriage n
wedding n
marry n


wife n

marry off (a daughter)

External sources (not reviewed)

郎Raoh学习将军的真实身份是YURIA,郎失踪 未婚妻。
Kenshiro and Raoh both learn that the General’s true identity is Yuria,
[...] Kenshiro’s missing fiancee.
评估海外配偶未婚妻(夫) 最低年龄限制对防止强迫婚姻的影响, 并审查这方面的政策( 斯洛文尼亚)
Assess the impact of the minimum age limit for overseas spouses or fiancés on the prevention of forced marriage and review its policy in this regard (Slovenia)
因为这枚腕表,正是凯特拉斯仍是初级制表师时,他 未婚妻 ( 现已成为太太)送给他的订婚礼物。
It was the engagement present from his fiancée, now wife, when he was a junior watchmaker.
保尔特因崇尚时尚而闻名,他在2007年推出了自己的服装系列,同年他 未婚妻 凯 蒂 成婚。
Renowned for having a passion for fashion and flair, he launched his own clothing range in 2007,
[...] the same year he married his long-time fiancée Katie.
[...] 因和后果,其他形式的暴力,如家庭暴力、劫 未婚 妻、贩卖、监禁时施暴、性暴力和骚扰女同性恋者却 [...]
Such measures by themselves did not suffice to remedy the root causes, and the consequences of discrimination and
various forms of violence, such as domestic
[...] violence, bride-kidnapping, trafficking, [...]
custodial violence, sexual violence and
harassment against lesbians, remained unreported and unpunished.
该法案还对申请 人在美利坚合众国境内未婚妻取得 签证的能力做了限制。
It also restricts the ability of a petitioner in the United States of America to seek visas for a series of fiancées.
辛巴达被判处执行;,于是变形发送辛巴达检索书,而是将自己作为人质,和变形 未婚妻 玛 丽 娜“,以确保辛巴达成功。
Sinbad is sentenced to be executed; whereupon Proteus sends Sinbad to
retrieve the book instead, placing himself as hostage,
[...] and Proteus’ fiancée Marina goes to [...]
make sure that Sinbad succeeds.
這 裏 的 問 題 是 究
[...] 竟 其 他 的 關 係( 例未 婚 夫 妻 或 同 居 者 ) , 是 否 也 [...]
值 得 給 予 同 樣 的 維 護 。
The issue here is whether other
[...] relationships (e.g. fiancées or cohabitees) might [...]
also be thought worthy of such protection.
他渗入黑帮的大本营在城市南十字,他发现国王的领袖是他的老克星,南砺市精研主善,谁刻的七个郎的胸口上的伤痕,并绑架了他 未婚妻 柚 莉 爱的人。
As he infiltrates the gang’s stronghold in the city of Southern Cross, he finds out that the leader of KING is his old nemesis,
the Nanto Seiken master Shin, the man who engraved the seven scars on Kenshiro’s
[...] chest and kidnapped his fiancee Yuria.
我要感谢我未婚妻Maure en,她总是在我身边面带微笑,与我从未有过争执,以积极和上进的精神陪伴着我,对我忙碌的日程安排很理解:我得在中国这个充满竞争的市场中运营一个公司,还要在其他的业务和社会活动中担负重任,而她总是无私地让我在这十个月里腾出时间去完成这本书。
I want to
[...] thank my loving fiancée Maureen for her [...]
endless smile, positive and constructive spirit, for being by my side
without argument and being so understanding of my busy schedule, running a company at China's breakneck market pace.
合成鑽石的生產成本尚未降至具有吸引力的水準,已屆訂婚年齡的男士不願冒險選擇合成鑽石戒指,以免惹怒未來 未婚妻 ! 此 外,正如繪畫與其他藝術,市面上充斥著畢卡索、馬諦斯與梵谷等大師的偽作,然而當真正的傑作在市場上現身時,藝術鑑賞家仍願意高價收購真跡。
Also, like paintings and other fine art, there are plenty of fake Picassos, Matisses and van Goghs, but when the real masterpieces come on the market, art connoisseurs are still willing to pay high prices for the real thing.
来文方在评论中提交了李进进( 纽约的一名律师) 的信、周勇军关于其拘押条 件的信以及其父亲未婚妻的信 ,周父和周 未婚妻 在 信 中确认,周被秘密关押 七个多月,周案由没有能力了解案情的一个管辖机关以所谓的诈骗罪名审理。
In its comments, the source has produced letters by Jim Li (a lawyer from New York), Zhou Yung Jun regarding the condition of his arrest, his father and fiancée confirming the allegation of secret detention during more than seven months and the trial on the grounds of alleged frauds by a jurisdiction incompetent to know of his case.
該計劃要求申請人須與家人同住,符合申請資格的家庭單位定義如下:(a)申 請人與配偶;(b)申請人( 如屬單身) 與父母;(c)申請人( 如喪偶/離婚) 與合法 監護的子女;(d)未婚夫未婚妻;及 (e)喪失父母的兄弟姐妹( 去世父母中至 少 1 人是新加坡公民或新加坡永久居民)。
The applicant must have a proper family nucleus defined as follows: (a) applicant and spouse, (b) applicant (if single) and parents, (c) applicant (if widowed/divorced) with children under legal custody, (d) fiancé and fiancée, and (e) orphaned siblings (at least one of the deceased parents was a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident).
58 条规定女性监护人必未婚,而 男性监护人必须 妻 子 才 能行使监护 职责,这些规定可能不符合儿童的最大利益原则。
The Committee is concerned, however, that article 58 of the Code of Personal Status, which
provides that a female
[...] guardian must be unmarried, and that a male guardian should have available a wife to discharge the duties [...]
of guardianship,
might be inconsistent with the principle of the best interests of the child.
已經分居的丈夫妻子如仍未正 式離婚,則 納稅人仍可就供養或經濟上支持分居配偶所作的支 出,申索已婚人士免稅額。
Where the husband and wife are living apart and the divorce has not yet become absolute, [...]
a taxpayer may still claim the
MPA for contributions to the maintenance or support of his or her estranged spouse.
問 題 是 應 否 在 各 方 面 將 已 離 婚( 或 分 居 )妻 視 作 未 婚 人 士 一 樣 ?
The question that arises is whether
[...] spouses who are divorced (or separated) should be treated in all respects as unmarried persons.
至 於 婚 前 或 離 婚 後 的 事 情 , 7 0 % 受 訪 者 贊 成 已婚 夫 妻 應 像 未 婚 人 士 一 樣 看 待 , 3 0 % 則 認 為 配 偶 應 有 不 同 待 遇 。
As regards matters occurring prior to or after
[...] the marriage, 70% favoured treating divorced spouses in the same way as unmarried persons, as [...]
against 30% who thought
spouses should be treated differently.
申诉人情绪消沉;他的加拿妻子已 与他婚。
The complainant was depressed; his
[...] former Canadian wife had divorced him.
[...] 153P(3)條的免責辯護,是否同時 適用於丈夫促未滿 16 歲妻子與 第三者進行非法性行為的情況。
Members queried whether the defence provided in the proposed new section 153P(3) of the Crimes
Ordinance would also be available to a
[...] husband procuring his wife under the age of 16 for [...]
an unlawful sexual act with a third person.
勞工處處長回應張國柱議員 的查詢時確未婚兄弟 姊妹在津貼計劃下會被視 為組成一個住戶的核心家庭成員。
In response to Mr CHEUNG Kwok-che's enquiry, C for L
[...] confirmed that unmarried siblings would [...]
be considered as core family members constituting
a household under the WITS Scheme.
3 5 % 的 受 訪 者 認 為未 結 婚 而 以 夫 妻 形 式 生 活 在 一 起 的 人 應 該 被 當 作 已 婚 人 士 一 樣 看 待 , 而 2 [...]
8 % 的 受 訪 者 則 持 相 反 意 見 。
35% of the
[...] respondents thought that unmarried persons living together as man and wife should be treated [...]
in the same way as married
persons and 28% thought that they should not.
家庭中对妇女的暴力、在工作、教育和培训机构内对妇女 的性骚扰,以及未婚单身 妇女和单独生活妇女的污名指责和敌视,都是令人担 [...]
Violence against women in the family, sexual harassment at work and in educational and training
institutions, and stigmatization of and
[...] hostility towards unmarried single women and [...]
women living on their own are areas of concern.
( 8 ) 控 方 不 得 尌 被 告妻 子 或未 能 作 證 一 事 加 以 評 論 。
(8) The failure of the wife or husband of the accused to give evidence shall not be made the subject [...]
of any comment by the prosecution.
38 这样,当事人未得离开法国到自己选择的国家, 未 得 通 知他妻子或 律师,而是被戴上手铐上乘车驱逐到瑞士,在阿讷马斯附近边界移交给 瑞士警方。
38 Accordingly,
[...] without being allowed to leave France for a country of his choice or to inform his wife or his lawyer, he [...]
was placed inside a
vehicle in handcuffs and expelled to Switzerland via the frontier near Annemasse, where he was handed over to the Swiss police.
(d) 债役、农奴制、强迫劳动、童工和奴役、贩卖人口和人体器官、性 奴役、征募儿童兵、买卖儿童、强 婚 姻 、买 卖 妻 子 和 卖淫剥削侵犯了我们 所有人不论性别、民族、社会地位、职业或其他差异都应享有的最基本人权。
(d) Debt bondage, serfdom, forced labour, child labour and servitude, trafficking in persons and in human organs, sexual slavery, the use of
child soldiers, the sale of
[...] children, forced marriage and the sale of wives, and the exploitation [...]
of prostitution violate
the most fundamental human rights, rights that we all possess, irrespective of sex, nationality, social status, occupation or other difference.
[...] 這些正面的價值觀和態度,學會如何面對色情資訊、懂得尊重別人的私隱, 並以負責任的態度探討和處理戀愛、婚前性行為 未婚 懷 孕等與性有關的課 題。
We hope that students can develop such positive values and attitudes, so that they can learn how they should face pornographic materials and learn to respect the privacy of others and adopt a
responsible attitude in exploring and handling sex-related issues such as
[...] love, pre-marital sex and unmarried pregnancies.
委员会极其关注连续发生对单亲母亲及其子女的袭击,且这些行为没 有受到任何制裁,这些罪行的受害者与其子女一起生活在恐怖和极其贫困之中, 缔约国没有向其提供任何支持;和 (b) 社会排斥和侮辱往往使未婚怀孕 妇女与女孩冒着生命危险进行秘密堕 胎,遗弃其子女或流落街头,他们没有任何其他机遇,只有靠卖淫来养活其子 女。
The Committee is extremely concerned that attacks against single mothers and their children continue to be committed with impunity and that victims of these crimes live with their children in situations of fear and extreme poverty without support being provided by the State party; and
[...] 制,其影响或其目的均足以妨碍或否认妇女不论 婚未婚 在 男女平等的基础 上认识、享有或行使在政治、经济、社会、文化、公民或任何其他方面的人 [...]
any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the
recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women,
[...] irrespective of their marital status, on a basis [...]
of equality of men and women, of human
rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.
[...] 會」會員(個別稱為「主卡會員」及統稱「主卡會員」)及其各自之配偶 未婚 子 女/海外學生(統稱「子女」)作為彼等之會員卡。
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Membership Private Label Card (the “Card”) is issued by Hang Seng Bank Limited (“Hang Seng”) for The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the “Club”) pursuant to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Membership Card Programme (the “Programme”) subject to the following terms and conditions (“these Terms”) as membership cards to (A) certain categories of members designated by the Club and (B) members of the Club of other categories who opt for the Card instead of a MasterCard credit card (each a “Principal Cardmember” and collectively the
“Principal Cardmembers”), and the
[...] respective Spouses and Unmarried Children/Overseas [...]
Students collectively “Children”) of
such members and each Cardmember will be bound by these Terms.
( x ) 申請人的父母及與申請人及/或其父母同 未婚 兄 弟 姊妹(若申請人已婚,則指其配偶)在 1.4.2012 至 31.3.2013 年度的入息證明文件(第一表甲組及乙組),例如薪金結算書、僱主填報的薪酬及退休金報稅 表[IR56B]、公司經營損益表等或其他的收入證明(如已離職,請提交離職證明文件)。
( X ) Income proof of applicant’s
[...] parent(s) and unmarried sibling(s) residing with applicant and/or applicant’s parent(s) (or applicant’s spouse, if the applicant is married) for the period [...]
1.4.2012 to 31.3.2013,
e.g. salary statement / Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department’s Employer’s Return of Remuneration and Pensions [IR56B] / Profit & Loss Account or other income proof (if unemployed, please provide documentary proof).




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