

单词 未售出

See also:

未出 adj

unborn adj

出售 v

sell v

出售 n

sale n

External sources (not reviewed)

政府又 在二零零三年公布未售出和回購的居屋單位不會在二零零六年年底 之前以資助房屋的形式出售。
It was further announced in
[...] 2003 that no unsold and returned HOS flats would be offered for sale as subsidized [...]
housing units before the end of 2006.
建议 12--建议库存在一段时间不再有用之后,对所 未售出 的 作品库存采取有别于销毁的做法,尤 [...]
For all stocks of unsold works an evaluation [...]
should be conducted of the alternatives to destruction, particularly free and
complete distribution, after a period of inactivity as regards the stock held.
此類單位包未售出的新 單位,以及房屋委員會從各個已落成屋苑 回購的單位。
This category includes unsold new flats and flats [...]
in various completed courts bought back by the Housing Authority.
(c) 某些參與者因銷售收據被扣起而未能在 指定時間內退未售出貨品
within the specified
[...] timeframe because the sales receipts had been [...]
withheld by the company.
[...] 私人機構參建居屋計劃( 私人參建) 屋苑未售出和回購單位,只可以 居屋/私人參建單位的形式出售。
Unsold and returned flats in existing HOS/Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS)
[...] developments can only be sold under HOS/PSPS due [...]
to lease restrictions.
私 营部门司的政策是在第一个推销年度末 未售出 贺 卡 和过时礼品的账面价值减 记为零,在第二个推销年度末把所有其他礼品的账面价值减记为零。
It is PFP policy
[...] to write down unsold cards and dated products to zero value at the end of the first sales campaign year, [...]
and all other products
at the end of the second sales campaign year.
如禁止 在零售點把活家禽存留過夜,即實施“活雞日日清"措施,所有 當未售出的活 雞均須屠宰,雞籠也會被徹底清洗和消毒,從而 防止病毒在零售點環境中積聚。
If we prohibit overnight stocking of live
[...] poultry at retail outlets, i.e. to introduce a daily rest night, any unsold chicken will [...]
be slaughtered and the
cages can be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected to avoid accumulation of virus in the environment of the retail outlets.
在年結未售出之已 建成待售物業乃以成本值與可變現淨 值兩者間之較低者入賬。
[...] properties for sale remaining unsold at year end [...]
are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value.
事 實 上 ,根據我們掌握的 數 據 顯 示 , 可 供 出 售 的 私 人 住 宅 單 位 數量, 在未來兩 至 3 年 仍 是 相 當 充裕, 這 些 單
位 分別來自以下 4 方 面
[...] :第一,目前尚 在 興 建 中 的單位 大 概 有 41 000 個;第 二 , 已 落 成 但未售 出 的單位尚有 15 000 個; 第 三 , 已完成 補 價或契 約 修訂的 住 宅 土 地 [...]
可 提 供約 8 000 個 住 宅 單 位
; 及第 四 ,政府 去 年 賣 出而可快將動工興建 的 土 地 可 提 供約 5 000 個 住 宅 單 位 。
In fact, our statistics show that the supply of private residential flats in the next two to three years is still abundant. The flats come under the following four categories: First, the approximately 41 000 units currently under construction; second, the
approximately 15 000
[...] completed but unsold units; third, the approximately 8 000 residential units that can be built on residential [...]
sites for
which premium has been paid or lease modifications have been completed; and fourth, the approximately 5 000 residential units that can be built on sites sold by the Government last year and the construction of which will soon commence.
這項安排是確保統營處不會對在某個市 未售出 , 而 其後在另㆒個 市場售出的魚穫收取雙重佣金。
This arrangement is to ensure that commission is not charged twice in
[...] respect of unsold fish removed from one market and subsequently sold in another.
(2) 數字不包括可在公開市場買賣之居者有其屋計劃(居屋)、私人機構參建居 屋計劃(私人參建居屋)、中等入息家庭房屋計劃、可租可買計劃與重建置 業計劃單位(即居屋第三期乙之前出售的單位及已繳補價單位)及已轉作其 他用途的居屋單位,但包括房委會於居屋/私人參建居屋/中等入息家庭房屋計 劃 /可租可買計劃與重建置業計劃下的資助出售單位,以及剩餘單位,如回購/ 交易取消個案、個未售出的單位、 未出售 的 大 廈。
(2) Figures exclude Home Ownership Scheme (HOS), Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS), Middle Income Housing Scheme (MIHS), Buy or Rent Option Scheme (BRO) and Mortgage Subsidy Scheme (MSS) flats that can be traded in the open market (flats sold prior to HOS Phase 3B or flats with premiums paid off) and those HOS flats transferred to other uses, but include HA’s flats sold under HOS/PSPS/MIHS/BRO/MSS and surplus stock such as buyback/rescinded cases, individual unsold flats and flats in unsold blocks.
(4) 數字不包括可在公開市埸買賣的單位(即已繳補價單位),但包括剩餘單位, 如交易取消個案、個未售出的單位 、 未出售 的 大 廈。
(4) Figures exclude flats that can be traded in the open market (flats with premiums paid off) but include surplus stock such as rescinded cases, individual unsold flats, flats in unsold blocks.
在一定时间之后最终销未售出或未 发 行 的著作时,必须先进行评估,考虑到所有备 选方案,特别是全部用于赠送的方案。
Any eventual
[...] destruction of unsold or undistributed works after [...]
a certain period of time must be subject to prior assessment
that takes into consideration all alternatives, particularly free and complete distribution.
(三 ) 當局預計其餘4個發展項目何時才可開始接受預租申請;該 等項目的發展進度主要受制於甚麼因素,有否方法加快它
[...] 們的發展進度;若有,詳情為何;若否,會否考慮把勾地 表上滾存多時未售出的土 地,轉作興建“置安心”計劃單 [...]
(c) when the authorities expect the remaining four projects will invite applications for pre-letting; what factors that the development progress of these projects will be subject to, and whether there are ways to expedite their development progress; if there are, of the details; if not,
whether the authorities will consider
[...] turning some of the unsold sites which have [...]
remained on the Application List for a
long time into sites for building MHP Plan flats?
娇韵诗遂向Vinh Kim居民买下部未售出的作 物,为他们带来珍贵收益,用作发展当地落后的设施。
By buying part of the unsold harvest, Clarins [...]
provides the inhabitants of Vinh Kim with a precious source of revenue which
is all the more important since local infrastructures are little developed.
2008年的产量创纪录 的酒花存货未售出,另 外还有已经销售的酒花产 品但尚未被啤酒酿造商取消,这些都使市场需求下 降。
Unsold stocks from the record crop of [...]
2008, as well as hop products that had been sold, but had not yet been called off
by the brewers, weighed the market down.
成本值是按未售出單位所分攤包括已資本化的借貸成本在內的總發 展成本的比例釐定。
Cost is determined by apportionment of the total development costs, including borrowing costs capitalised, attributable to unsold units.
(四 ) 目前已落成但未售出的居屋單位數目,並按預先安裝的家庭電 器類別列出分項數字;當局會否考慮日後出租或出售該等單位 [...]
時,在交樓前更換有關電器或延長其保養期;若會,估計所需費 用為何?
(d) the current number of completed HOS flats
[...] which have not been sold, together with a [...]
breakdown by the types of pre-installed
household appliances; whether it will, when leasing or selling such flats in the future, consider replacing such appliances or extending their maintenance period before handing them over to the tenants/owners; if it will, of the estimated cost?
对于代销交易, GTC Commerce为制造商支付退未售出商品 的费用, 这使我们非常积极地仅选择我们有信心认为中国消费者需要的、最好的国外产品。
For consignment transactions, GTC
Commerce covers the
[...] cost of returning unsold merchandise to manufacturers – which makes us highly motivated to offer only [...]
the finest American
and European merchandise that we are confident Chinese consumers want.
不久,他的行动是出售的和未售出 时 , 他们应该是和价值低于你已经确定多少损失会接受。
Soon, his
[...] actions were not sold and unsold then when they should [...]
be and are worth less than you have determined how much loss would accept.
註 3 數字包括未繳付補價的居屋單位及已落成但尚未推售的居屋單位( 未售出 的剩 餘居屋單位);但不包括已繳付補價或毋須補價而可在公開市場交易的居屋單位,以及 [...]
Note 3 Figures include HOS flats with premium not yet paid
and HOS flats
[...] completed but not yet put up for sale (i.e. Surplus HOS flats not yet sold); but the figures [...]
do not include
HOS flats with premium paid or those which are tradable on the open market without payment of premium, and HOS flats which have been converted to other uses.
4.2003年4月30日前进口、购进、出厂 未售出 持 有 临时CCC证书的产品,也应在所在地质检部门备案,方可在质检部门监管下继续销售。
4.2003 imported in April 30, purchased
[...] the factory of unsold products held by [...]
the temporary certificate of CCC, also in
the local quality inspection departments for the record, only under the supervision of the quality inspection departments continue to sell.
2003年4月30日前已经购进、进口但 未售出 的 已获进口商品安全质量许可证书及CCIB标志或安全认证合格证书及长城标志的《目录》内的产品,应在所在地质检部门备案,方可在质检部门监管下继续销售。
April 30, 2003 has been
[...] purchased, but not yet sold imported goods have [...]
been imported and CCIB safety and quality mark license
or safety certificate and certification mark of the Great Wall, "catalog" of products, should be filed in the local quality inspection departments , only under the supervision of the quality inspection departments continue to sell.
然而,2010 年 4
[...] 月底首次购房者税收抵免的取消、取消赎权的持续高企、 大未售出房屋 存量的存在以及高失业率均表明,销售和价格在一段时间内可能 [...]
However, the elimination of the tax credit for first-time home buyers at the end of April 2010, a
continuing high level of foreclosures, and a
[...] large stock of unsold houses, and high [...]
unemployment suggest that sales and prices may stay weak for some time.
决策衡量支持工具,宏观经济(艺术家和其艺术活动)分析指标,市场宏观经济(分析国际市场): 交易量、交易价格未售出作品 、回报率、市场组成、价值转移。
Decision support tools and market analysis indicators, both microeconomic (individual artists and movements) and macroeconomic (analysis of the international art market): transaction volumes, turnover, buy-in ratios, rates of return, composition of the market, shifts in value, etc.
然 而 ,就乙類單位而言, 由 於有關的整 幢 大廈未出售,管理問題不多,此情況 與 有部分 單位已 售出的大廈不同, [...]
因 此 無須盡快 出售。
This however did not apply to the flats
under List B as the whole block
[...] concerned was unsold and, unlike partially sold blocks, there [...]
were few management problems.
根據契約,Jetwin 作出擔保,自整個干德道發展之入伙紙發出日期起計兩年屆滿 之日,已出干德 道單位所取得總售價之 60%,連同由獨立估值師未售干德道 單位出於該日之估值之 60%,將不會少於港幣 2,193,750,000 元,即相對干德道 折讓發展價值 60% [...]
有溢價 25%。
Pursuant to the Deed, Jetwin guarantees that upon the expiry of two years from the date the occupation permit(s) in respect of the entire Conduit Road Development is/are
issued, 60% of the
[...] gross sale price of the Conduit Road Units sold together with 60% of the value of the unsold Conduit Road Units as at such date valued [...]
by an independent
valuer shall not be less than HK$2,193.75 million, which represents a 25% premium on the 60% portion of the Conduit Road Discounted Development Value.
另外,我亦建議房委會可以提高搬遷費或特惠 津貼,鼓勵同㆒座樓宇(即大部份單位已 售 ) 餘㆘ 還 未出售 的 租 戶搬走,避免同㆒座樓 宇有「賣」有「租」可能出現的分化和矛盾。
Meanwhile, I also suggest that the removal or special allowance be raised to encourage
the few remaining tenants of a block
[...] with most of its flats sold to move out, in order that [...]
the polarization and confrontation
of owners and tenants can be averted.
本公司可於以下情出售未能聯絡之股東之任何股份:(i)向該等股份持有人 發出應以現金支付任何款項之所有支票或股息單(總數不少於三張)於12年內均未 兌現;(ii)於12年期限屆滿時本公司並未於期內接獲該股東之所在之任何指示; [...]
該等股份之意向,而該廣告已刊登三個月或指定證券交易所(定義見公司細則)准 許之較短期間及指定證券交易所(定義見公司細則)已獲通知擬出售股份之意向。
The Company may sell any of the shares of a member who is untraceable if (i) all cheques or warrants (being not less [...]
than three in total
number) for any sum payable in cash to the holder of such shares have remained uncashed for a period of 12 years; (ii) upon the expiry of the 12 year period, the Company has not during that time received any indication of the existence of the member; and (iii) the Company has caused an advertisement to be published in accordance with the rules of the Designated Stock Exchange (as defined in the Bye-laws) giving notice of its intention to sell such shares and a period of three months, or such shorter period as may be permitted by the Designated Stock Exchange (as defined in the Bye-laws), has elapsed since such advertisement and the Designated Stock Exchange (as defined in the Bye-laws) has been notified of such intention.
根據土地契約未出售/回 購的居屋計劃單位,以及部分單位已入 伙/出售的居屋屋苑內未出售的居屋大廈,只可以資助房屋方式推 出發售,因此,委員認為政府決定在2006年年底之前不會將該等單位 推出發售,是浪費資源的做法。
As unsold/returned HOS flats and unsold blocks in partially occupied/sold HOS courts had to be sold as susbsidized flats under the land grants, [...]
members considered the
Government’s decision of not putting up these flats for sale before the end of 2006 a waste of resources.




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