

单词 未可同日而语

See also:




lit. speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)


same day

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管现阶段这两种局 势的规模可同日而语,但 很可能是因为国际社未 对索马里沿海海盗行为采取果断行动,才造成几内亚 湾海盗行为新的激增。
While the two situations are quite different in proportion at this stage, it is quite possible that the failure of the international [...]
community to act
decisively against piracy off the coast of Somalia could have spawned a new surge in piracy in the Gulf of Guinea.
该条款的表述方式,以及提及“武装冲突当事国与第三国之间”等语,是要涵可能因情况同而有所 不同的武装冲突的影响。
The formulation of the provision and the above reference to “between a State party to the
armed conflict and a
[...] third State” are intended to cover the effects of an armed conflict which may vary according to the circumstances.
正如语文服务部门高级别管理人员指出的,即使退休人员通过招聘初级人员 来更换,但新同事的工作数量和质量在短期内与即将退休的老同事相比都 可同日 而语,因 为新招聘的工作人员需要培养和指导。
As indicated by the high-level managers of some of the language services, even if retiring staff were replaced by recruitment of junior staff, the amount and quality of work delivered by the new staff cannot be
compared, in the short
[...] term, with that delivered by the outgoing senior language staff, since the newly [...]
recruited staff will
require coaching and supervision.
这包含要明确说明产妇死亡率和发病率是权利受到侵犯的表现,男人直接 经历的暴力没有与可同日而语的。
This entails explicitly accounting for the fact that
maternal mortality and
[...] morbidity are manifestations of rights violations for which there are no parallel violations [...]
directly experienced by men.
因此,这些学生跟过去的那些申请研究生的“传统”学生 并不同日而语。
Thus these students are less likely to resemble what has been historically the “traditional” student populating
[...] the graduate school enrollment pool.
法律厅在 2009
[...] 年给特别代表的一份说明中写 道,负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表在附 件标题中使用了这一语,而没有得到安全理事会的 明确任务授权,未为此得到其可 , 这 种情况给秘 书长、特别代表以及整个秘书处都带来了法律、政治 和实际的困难。
In a note to the Special Representative in 2009, the Office wrote that that this terminology has been used by the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for
[...] Children and Armed Conflict in the title of the annex, without a clear mandate of the Security Council nor, for that [...]
matter, its endorsement,
and that that situation gives rise to legal, political and practical difficulties for the Secretary-General, the Special Representative and the Secretariat as a whole.
国际原子能机构(原子能机构)总干事最近的报 告表明,伊朗再未同原子能机构充分合作,并强调 他对伊朗核计划可能军事用途日 益 感 到关切”。
The latest report of the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) makes clear that once again Iran has not fully cooperated with the Agency and highlights his “increasing concerns” at the possible military dimensions to Iran’s programme.
一个重返社会方案与一个长期重返社会进程的广度、深度或长期性 可同日而 语,这 彰显出国家自主权概念的举足轻重。
A reintegration programme cannot match the breadth, depth or duration of a long-term reintegration process, making the concept of national ownership critical.
年度上限乃由董事經考慮(其中包括)以下各項後釐定:(i)本集團對範圍內產品未來需 求的估計,該估計乃根據範圍內產品的過往需求及生產趨勢釐定;(ii) 範圍內產品的遙控設備的過往需求;(iii)範圍內產品及遙控產品的的定價趨 勢;(iv)額外緩衝以應對市場環境的可能變 而可 能 導 致的材料成本波動;及(v) 完日期的可能變化。
The Annual Caps were determined by the Directors after taking into account, amongst other things, (i) the estimate of the future demand for the Scope Products, which was determined with reference to the historical demand
and production trend for
[...] the Scope Products; (ii) the historical demand for remote control in respect of the Scope Products; (iii) the pricing trend of the Scope Products and remote control; (iv) additional buffer to cater for possible fluctuation of material costs as a result of possible changes in market conditions; and (v) possible change of the Completion Date.
[...] 法庭工作、能够使用当地语言进行沟通并在传播专门知识方面受过良好训练的工 作人员来管理的信息中心开展协作,这与查阅前南问题国际法庭的网上数据库相 比,是可同日而语的。
Having access to the ICTY databases on-line is considered to be very different from the possibility of working in partnership with an Information Centre that is located on their territory and managed by staff who are
knowledgeable about the work of the ICTY, able to
[...] communicate in the local languages, and well trained [...]
in transferring expertise.
对开放式框架协议而言,提交书因为不具响应性而遭拒绝或因为不合资而未获接纳的任何受影响供应商或承包商,如果所提质疑以对其有利的方式 获得解决,均能被框架协议接纳以参加今后的采购,据认为推迟参与所造成的 伤害可能大 于允许开放式框架协议中确实有限的部分采购 同 得 以 进行下去 所带来的利益。
In the case of open framework agreements, any aggrieved supplier or contractor whose submission was rejected as non-responsive or that was not admitted
because of disqualification will be able
[...] to be admitted to the framework agreement for future purchases if a challenge is resolved in its favour, the harm occasioned by the delay in participation was considered as unlikely to override the interest in allowing an effectively limited portion of procurement contracts in open framework agreements to proceed.
大会同一决 议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有未来的语文员 额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V,
[...] paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at [...]
all duty stations in
a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
此外同样的术 语可能在不同国家 或地方含义不同,例如一国的“保护区”可能禁止捕捞 而另 一国的“保护区”可能允许非破坏性捕捞的特定类型。
Moreover, the same
[...] term may have different meanings in different countries or locations, e.g. a “reserve” in one country may prohibit fishing, while a “reserve” [...]
in another country may allow
certain forms of non-destructive fishing.
可以看到几种同国际语言的版本 (英语、西班牙语、德语、语、日 本 语和北印度语)。
The data
[...] will be made available in several international languages (English, Spanish, German, French, Japanese and Hindi).
[...] 种侵犯行为也是没有道理的:人人都有争取从外国 占领下获得解放的合法权利,军事侵略不能与解放 斗同日而语。
Such violations could not be justified on the ground of combating violence and terror: everyone had a legitimate
right to struggle for liberation from foreign occupation, and military
[...] aggression could not be equated with a liberation [...]
第 1822(2008)号决议规定进行的审查,要求 对当时名单上的所有名字进行一次审查,就范围、彻底性和所需作出的努力而言, 都完全可同日而语。
By paragraph 11 of resolution 1617 (2005) the Council directed the Committee to encourage Member States to provide additional information for inclusion on the List.
与那些世界上主体语言教师 可同日而语 , 他们不但缺 乏正规的语言学训练,而且还缺乏语言课程。
We also acknowledge the teachers of Oklahoma and Kansas
[...] Native American languages representing fourteen different language communities [...]
for their contribution
to our formulation of recommendations in this document.
倘須於完成時交付之文件基於任何原 而未 有 出 現,或倘於完 成時,訂約方之責任及/或完成之先決條件未有全面達成或獲 豁免,則買方或賣方(視乎情況而定)將有權(除其應得之任 何其他權利或補救行動外及在不損害上述者下):(i)選擇取消股 份轉讓協議;或(ii)經考慮已發生之違約行為後在切 可 行 情況 下盡量實現完成;或(iii)釐定完成之 日 期 (惟不得超過就完成 已協定之日期後 28 日)。
If the documents required to be delivered on Completion are not forthcoming for any reason or if in the Completion obligations of the Parties and/or the conditions precedents to Completion are not fully complied with or waived, the Purchaser or the Vendors (as the case may be), shall be entitled (in addition to and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to it) to (i) elect to rescind the Share Transfer Agreement; or (ii) effect Completion so far as practicable having regard to the defaults which have occurred; or (iii) fix a new date for Completion (not being more than 28 days after the agreed date for Completion).
含水层可就整 个含水层或含水层系统或其中任何部分或某一 特定项目、方案或利用活动订立此种协定或安排,除非此种协定或安排对一个或 多个其他含水层国利用该含水层或含水层系统的水资源造成重大不利影响 而未 经其明示同意。
Such agreements or
[...] arrangements may be entered into with respect to an entire aquifer or aquifer system or any part thereof or a particular project, programme or utilization except insofar as an agreement or arrangement adversely affects, to a significant extent, the utilization by one or more other aquifer States of the water in that aquifer or aquifer system, without their express consent.
可对第 10 条第(3)款增加这方面含义的一段语 : “ 未 能 根 据本《规则》组成仲 裁庭的,经任何一方当事人请求,指定机构应组成仲裁庭, 可 为 此撤销任何 已作出的指定,然后指定或重新指定每一名仲裁员,并指定其中一人担任首席 仲裁员同时尊 重各方当事人的平等地位。
A phrase to that effect could be added to article 10, paragraph (3): “In the event of any failure to constitute the arbitral tribunal under these Rules, the appointing authority shall, at the request of any party, constitute the arbitral tribunal, and in doing so, may revoke any appointment already made, and appoint or reappoint each of [...]
the arbitrators and
designate one of them as the presiding arbitrator, while respecting the equality of the parties.
为了照顾到这可能性 ,登记适用规则应当确认该姓名的所语文文 本都必须作为单独的设保人身份识别特征加以输入,其原因是,第三 方查询人员必须或已经根据其姓名的任何一种备选文 而同 设 保 人打交道。
To accommodate that possibility, the rules applicable to registration should confirm that all linguistic versions of the name must be entered as separate grantor identifiers since third-party searchers may be dealing or have dealt with the grantor under any of the alternative [...]
versions of its name.
公司控制采掘作业,获取资源 并从中受益,国家征收采矿权使用费和税收,土著人民最 可 获 得 就业或社区发 展项目等形式的收益,这些收益的经济价值通常无法与公司获得的利 同日而 语。
The corporation controls the extractive operation and takes the resources and profits from it, with the State gaining royalties or taxes, and indigenous peoples at best being offered benefits in the form of jobs or community development projects that typically pale in economic value in comparison to the profits gained by the corporation.
可能产 生影响。缔约国还明确指出,尽管有时也使用“无雷”、 “无影响”和“无地雷伤害”等词语,但这些 语 并 未 见 于《公约》文本,与 《公约》所载义务并不同。
The States Parties have further recorded that while terms like “mine-free,” “impact-free,” and “mine-safe” are sometimes used, such terms do not exist in the text of the Convention and are not synonymous with Convention obligations.
或然負債亦可能是因已發生的事件 引致之現有責任,但由於可能不需要有經濟資源外流,或責任金 未 能 可 靠 地衡 量 而未予 確認。
It can also be a present obligation arising from past events that is not recognised because it is not probable that outflow of economic resources will be required or the amount of obligation cannot be measured reliably.
較重要的一點是,從豬隻檢出的部分病毒分離株與現有及過去人類感染個案檢出的 病毒分離株出現比對基因部分序列 同 ; 這 表示部分戊型肝炎病毒分離 可 能 已 在本港 存在一段時間而未徹底煮熟的豬 可 能 是本港戊型肝炎個案的潛在感染源。
This suggested that some of the HEV isolates may have been present locally for a period of time and inadequately cooked pig livers could be one possible source for hepatitis E in Hong Kong.
会员国日益认识到需要考虑创造多语言、多文化的语 境,并应制定适宜的语言政策,出版了“国际语 日”的信息与宣传资料(6000 份宣传册、宣传画和宣 传贴片);举行了“国际语日”纪 念仪式;出版了 教育与文化多样化的信息资料;审查了教科文组织过 去十年的语言政策,开始编未来语 言 政 策文件,为 2001 年 12 月举行的拉丁美洲地区语言与教育政策会 议提供了支助。
Increased awareness in Member States of the need to take into consideration multilingual and multicultural contexts and to elaborate appropriate policies in this
regard; Production
[...] of International Mother Language Day information and promotional materials (6,000 brochures, posters and stickers); Launching ceremony of International Mother Language Day; Production of information materials on education and cultural diversity; Review of UNESCO Language Policy over the past [...]
decade and preparatory document on future language policy initiated; Support to Latin
American region meeting on language and education policy, December 2001.
在融入欧洲联盟(欧盟)和北约的 同未 来 这 个理念 的指导下而且, 由于我们对黑暗的冲突时期仍记忆 犹新,本区域各国现在已开始推动其社会开展走向繁 荣的全面区域合作。
Guided by the idea of a common future in the European Union (EU) and NATO, and with the dark period of conflict still fresh in our minds, all the countries of the region have now begun to move their societies towards prosperous overall regional cooperation.




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