单词 | 未可厚非 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 未可厚非—not be censured too strictly [idiom.]less common: understandable not altogether inexcusable See also:未可—cannot
实现人权无可厚非,但是不能千篇一律,也就 是说不仅要从地理方面考虑,还要从哲学和人类学 [...] 的角度考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | The realization of human rights, a universal and indisputable [...] goal, should not be achieved at the expenses [...]of diversity; that meant that it [...]should be viewed not only from a geographical, but also from a philosophical and anthropological point of view. daccess-ods.un.org |
在非假期中,未成年人可以从事文化、体育或广告领域的创造工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | During school time,minors may workas creative [...] workers in the field of culture, sport or advertising. daccess-ods.un.org |
当有成千上万的人无家可归,而私人房屋又未能应付需求时,这发展方向无可厚非。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Nothing wrong with that when there are thousands of homeless people and the private sectoris unableto keep up with demand. housingauthority.gov.hk |
飞利浦将向合营公司授予一项於完成日期有效、非独家、不可转让、不可施加产权负担、已缴足及免版税的许可使用权,但无权再授出知识产权协议所载若 干飞利浦已注册设计权,以及飞利浦集团任何成员公司拥有的任何范围内产品非技术设计的未注册设计权及╱或版权项下的分许可使用权(由许可地区境外或 境内一名第三方制造飞利浦品牌范围内产品,仅供合营公司在许可地区内使 用、出售或另行处置范围内产品的权利除外),以於完成日期供在飞利浦注入业 务范围内使用,从而供继续使用该等已注册设计权於飞利浦品牌范围内产品, 各自以许可地区为限。 cre8ir.com | Philips will grant JVCo, effective as [...] of the Completion [...] Date, a non-exclusive, nontransferable, non-encumberable, fully paid-up and royalty-free license, without the right to grant sublicenses (other than the rights to have Philips-branded Scope Products made by a third party outside or inside the Territory solely for the use, sale or other disposal by JVCo of Scope Products withintheTerritory), under certain registered design rights of Philips as set outin the Intellectual [...]Property Agreement [...]andanyunregistereddesignrightsand/or copyrights on non-technical designs of Scope Products owned by any members of the Philips Group which are used within the Philips Contributed Business as of the Completion Date, for the continued use of such registered design rights in Philips-branded Scope Products, in each case limited to the Territory. cre8ir.com |
在这方面,我们呼吁尚未加入《制止危及海上航 行安全非法行为公约》及其议定书以及《打击跨国有 组织犯罪公约》及其《关于打击陆、海、空偷运移民 的议定书》的国家成为其缔约国。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this respect, we call upon States [...] thathave not yetdone soto become parties to the Convention for the Suppression ofUnlawful Acts against [...]the Safety of Maritime [...]Navigation and its Protocol, as well as the Convention against Organized Transnational Crime and its Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们呼吁尚未签署或 批准该条约的所有非洲国家立即签署或批准《条约》。 daccess-ods.un.org | We call on all AfricanStates that have notyet signed or ratified the [...] Treaty to do so urgently. daccess-ods.un.org |
与会者 通过了一项宣言,除其他之外,呼吁尚未成为《海牙公约》和/或其两项议定书的独立国家 联合体各成员国加入这些文书,敦促它们使本 国的法律与《海牙公约》及其两项议定书保持 一致,以加强刑罚的力度,请它们编制国家文 化财产清单,要求它们注意用《公约》规定的 标志来标示不可移动的文化财产,并强调需要 在武装部队中建立保护文化财产的专门服务机 构。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The participants adopted a Declaration which, among other things, called upon the States of the Commonwealth of Independent States not yetparty to the Hague Convention and/or its two Protocols to join them, urged them to bring their national legislation in line with the provisions of the Hague Convention and its two Protocols in order to reinforce their penal [...] aspects, invited them to establish national [...]inventories of cultural property, called their attention to the need to mark immovable cultural property with the Convention’s emblem and stressed the need for the creation of a specialized service for the protection of cultural property within armed forces. unesdoc.unesco.org |
虽然包括四方在内的国际社会强烈谴责以色列最近作出的在被占领东耶路 撒冷“拉马特·什罗莫”非法定居点再建造 1 600 个定居单元的决定,以色列仍 然公然顽固坚持其立场,尚未听从各方的呼吁和要求,撤销实施这一非法殖民计 划的决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite the vocal condemnations from around the international community, including by the Quartet, of the recent decision to [...] construct another 1,600 [...] settlement units in the illegal settlement of “Ramat Shlomo” in Occupied East Jerusalem, Israel remains flagrantly intransigent and hasyet to respond to the appeals and demands to rescind the decision to pursue this unlawfulcolonization scheme. daccess-ods.un.org |
10.5 执行局在第一八 O 届会议上报告了有关付款计划的情况之后,还注意到“截至 2008 年 6 月底,仍有 15 个会员国除未交本年度的会费外,也未按大会所批准的以分期付款方式 结清其累积欠款的付款计划缴纳欠款”,并紧急呼吁“未按分期付款计划交款的会员国尽早 结清所拖欠的会费和正常的摊款,否则它们有可能在大会第三十五届会议上面临失去表决权 的危险”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 10.5 Further to the report on payment plans at its 180th session, the Executive Board noted, “the failure of 15 Member States to pay up to the end of June 2008 the amounts due by them against payment plans approved by the General Conference for settlement of their accumulated arrears in [...] instalments, in addition [...] to current year contributions”, and urgently appealed “to those Member States in arrears on payment plans to settle their outstanding instalments as well as their regular assessed contributions at the earliest possible time, bearing in mind the risk of loss of [...]voting rights that [...]may otherwise ensue at the 35th session of the General Conference”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们再次强调 1995 年《鱼类种群 协定》的重要性,并呼吁尚未加入该协定的国家考虑 加入协定的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | We once again underscore the importance of the 1995 [...] Fish Stocks Agreement, [...] and we call on States that havenot yetdoneso to consider the possibility [...]of becoming party to it. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管如此,教科文组织仍然根基深厚:可调动其广泛的知识网络;可依赖与非政府组 织历史悠久的关系;可利用教科文组织在私营部门的强大品牌优势。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO nonetheless has strong foundations [...] to build on: mobilizing its extensive knowledge networks; building on a long history ofNGO relations; [...]and taking advantage [...]of UNESCO’s strong brand in the private sector. unesdoc.unesco.org |
安全理事会呼吁那些尚未批准或执行相关国际公约,例如经 1972 年 《议定书》修订的 1961 年《麻醉品单一公约》、1971 年《精神药物公约》、 1988 年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物公约》、2000 年《联合国 打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其各项议定书和 2003 年《联合国反腐败公约》 的国家,予以批准或加以执行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council calls on [...] States thathave not yetratified or implemented the relevant international conventions, such as the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 as amended by the 1972 Protocol, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, the United Nations Convention againstIllicit Trafficin Narcotic [...]Drugs and Psychotropic [...]Substances of 1988, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime of 2000 and the Protocols thereto and the United Nations Convention against Corruption of 2003, to do so. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国安全理事会举行国家元首和政府首脑级会议,一致通过了第 1887(2009)号决议,决心按照《不扩散条约》的目标、以促进国际稳定的方 式并根据各国安全不受减损的原则,寻求建立人人共享的更安全世界并为一 个没有核武器的世界创造条件;呼吁所有尚未加入《不扩散条约》的国家作 为无核武器缔约国加入该条约,并呼吁《不扩散条约》缔约国充分履行其各 项义务和履行其根据《不扩散条约》做出的承诺,开展合作以使《不扩散条 约》2010 年审议大会能够成功地加强该条约,并设置所有《不扩散条约》三 大支柱的现实和可实现的目标:不扩散、和平利用核能及裁军。 daccess-ods.un.org | (5) The United Nations Security Council, meeting at the level of Heads of State and Government, unanimously adopted Resolution 1887 (2009), resolving to seek a safer world for all and to create the conditions for a world without nuclear weapons, in accordance with the goals of the NPT, in a way that promotes international stability, and based on the principle of undiminished security for all, calling upon all states that are not parties to the NPT toaccede to it as non-nuclear-weapon States Parties, and calling upon States Parties to the NPT to comply fully with all their obligations and fulfil their commitments under the NPT and to cooperate so that the 2010 NPT Review Conference can successfully strengthen the NPT and set realistic and achievable goals in all the NPT’s three pillars: non-proliferation, the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and disarmament. daccess-ods.un.org |
对 於 最终未能行权 的 股 份 支 付,不 确 认 成 本 或 费 用,除 非 行 权 条 件 是 市 场 条 件或非 可行权条 件,此 时无论是否满足市场条件或非可行权条件,只要满足所有可行权条件中的非市场条件,即视为可行权。 zte.com.cn | No expense is recognised for awards that do not [...] ultimately [...] vest, except where vesting is conditional upon a market ornon-vesting condition, which are treated as vesting irrespective of whether or not the market ornon-vesting condition is satisfied, provided that all other non-market [...]conditions are satisfied. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是 [...] 取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所有尚未加入该政治进程的各方加 入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期剩余任 [...]务方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进 [...]程,并通过提供必要的服务提高人民的生活水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and [...] genuine reconciliation and called upon all [...] parties that had not yetjoined the political [...]process to do so, and urged the Somali [...]stakeholders to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services. daccess-ods.un.org |
担任替任董事的每名人士可就其替任的每名董事投一票(如其亦为董事,则在 其本身的表决权以外),如其委任人当时不在香港或因其他原因未可或未能行事,替任董事签 署的任何董事会或委任人为成员的董事委员会的任何书面决议案应与其委任人的签署同样有 效,除非其委任通知中有相反规定则除外。 taicheongbakery.com | Every person acting as an alternate Director shall have one vote for each Director for whom he acts as alternate (in addition to his own vote if he is also a Director). If his appointor is for the time [...] being absent from Hong Kong [...] orotherwise not available orunable toact, the signature of an alternate Director to any resolution in writing of the Board or a committee of the Board of which his appointor is a membershall, unlessthenotice of his [...]appointment provides [...]to the contrary, be as effective as the signature of his appointor. taicheongbakery.com |
当 一 名 警 务 人 员 正 在 设 法 找 出 罪 案 的 主 谋 时,他 向 任 何 他 认 为 是 能 让 他 取 得 有 用 资 料 的 人 或 人 等 提 出 与 此 事 有 关 的 问 题 是无可 厚 非的。 hkreform.gov.hk | When a police officer is endeavouring to discover the author of a crime, there is no objection to his putting questions in respect thereof to any person or persons, whether suspected or not, from whom he thinks that useful information canbe obtained. hkreform.gov.hk |
荷兰的意见本质上无可厚非,但其提法非 常值得讨论,因为在保留国与荷兰之间生效的不是条约条款,而是反映这一规则的习惯规 范。 daccess-ods.un.org | In essence, the validity of the remark by the Netherlands is not in doubt; however, the way it is framed is highly debatable: it is not the treaty provision that remains in force between the reserving States and the Netherlands, but the customary norm that the provision reflects. daccess-ods.un.org |