

单词 未卜先知



See also:


not foreseen
not on the cards







External sources (not reviewed)

巫师在宗教和疾病治疗仪式上用灵 藤水(“灵魂之藤”的意思)诊断和治疗疾病、通灵、 卜未
The shamans use ayahuasca (which means "vine of the soul") in religious and healing ceremonies to diagnose and treat illnesses, meet with spirits, and divine the future.
在销毁期限之后发现了先未知的缔约国可使用为此目的提供的表 格,在透明度报告中提供信息,说明这些储存的状况与所制定的销毁计划。
States parties
[...] that discover previously unknownstockpiles after [...]
destruction deadlines have passed may use the forms provided
for this purpose to submit information on the status of these stocks and the plans established for their destruction in their transparency reports.
更具特色的仍然是饶的巴勒斯坦当代河Johanan查看:所有 先知 承诺福只是指救世主的时候,而在这方面的商店是为在世界上是正义来说:“没有你的眼睛也看见旁边,阿神”(以赛亚lxiv [...]
3 [影音4]苏贝34B条;比赛,但是,前河第四十五,在年底,根据该神展示给。
More characteristic still is the view of Rab's Palestinian contemporary
R. Johanan: All the bliss for the
[...] future promised by the Prophets refersonly to the Messianic [...]
time, whereas in regard to
that which is in store for the righteous in the world to come it is said: "No eye hath seen it beside thee, O God" (Isa. lxiv. 3 [AV 4]; Ber. 34b; comp.
定对反对的时 限,这违反了《维也纳条约法公约》第 65 条第 2 款的规定。
First, contrary to article 65, paragraph 2, of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,no time frame was [...]
established for the formulation
of objections to a notification.
各方当事人先未仲裁员人数,并且在被申请人收到仲裁30 天内各方当事人未就只应指定一名仲裁员达成约定的,应指定三名仲裁 员。
If the parties have not previously agreed on the number of arbitrators, and if within 30 days after the receipt by the respondentof thenotice of arbitration [...]
the parties have not
agreed that there shall be only one arbitrator, three arbitrators shall be appointed.
尽管有这些挑战,但已证 实有 113
[...] 平等运动和苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂出来的团体)、边境情报部队、 乍得武装反对集团、社区警务部队、警察部队、民防军、苏丹解放军/Abu Gasim 派、苏丹解放军/历史领袖派(苏丹解放军/ ·瓦希德派分裂团体)、苏丹 解放军/·瓦希德派、苏丹武装部队以及武装团体。
Notwithstanding these challenges, 113 children were confirmed to have been recruited by the following armed forces and groups: Armed Movement of Liberals and Reform (splinter group of JEM and SLA/Abdul Wahid), Border Intelligence Forces, Chadian armed opposition groups, community policing forces, police
forces, Popular Defence Forces,
[...] SLA/Abu Gasim, SLA/Historical Leadership (splinter group of SLA/Abdul Wahid), SLA/Abdul Wahid, Sudanese Armed Forces and unknownarmedgroups.
世界科技术伦理委员会(COMEST)第六届常会(2009 年 6 月 16-19 日)根 据其正在开展的有关全球气候变化所引发的伦理问题的研究工作得出多项结论,指出全球气 候变化所引发的科学、社会和人文挑战的性质和规模都需要我们在全球一级通过相应政策, 解决那些前未卜需国际合作的最脆弱人民的紧迫需要,由此可鉴,当务之急是确定指 导应对这种挑战的普遍伦理原则。
At its Sixth Ordinary Session (16-19 June 2009), the World
Commission on the
[...] Ethics of ScientificKnowledge and Technology (COMEST), drawing conclusions from its ongoing work on the ethical implications of global climate change, noted that, in view of the nature and extent of the scientific, social and human challenges of global climate change, which necessitate adoption of policies at the global level to address the pressing needs of the most vulnerable in the face of major uncertainties [...]
and the exigencies of
international cooperation, it is urgent to determine universal ethical principles to guide responses to such challenges.
在很大程度上,辩护方办公室正在探 未知,例如,在将申请人纳入 律师名单之前谈;根据《程序和证据规则》的授权,监测辩护律师的工 作表现;与国家和组织订立合作协议;以及出庭解决与辩护方权利有关的问题。
To a great extent, the Defence
[...] Office isexploringuncharted terrain,for example, by interviewing applicants before theyareadmitted [...]
to the list of counsel;
by monitoring, as mandated under the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the performance of defence counsel; by entering into cooperation agreements with States and organizations; and by appearing in court to address issues relating to the rights of the defence.
如安理会成员议地区的地位,并且是苏丹政府同苏丹人民解放运动之间紧 张关系的一个主要根源。
As Council members areaware,the status of the disputed areaof Abyeiremainsunresolved and isa major [...]
source of tension between
the Government of the Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement.
2010 年 4 月 19 日,检方要求预审分庭按照《规约》第 87 条裁定苏丹政据安理会第 1593(2005)号决议与国际刑事法院合作,执行对艾哈迈德·哈伦 先生和阿里·库卜先逮捕令。
On 19 April 2010, the prosecution filed a request with the Pre-Trial Chamber to make a finding under article 87 of
the Statute that the Government
[...] ofthe Sudan had failedtocooperate with the International Criminal Court according to Security Council resolution 1593 (2005) in the execution of arrest warrants against Mr. Ahmed Harunand Mr. AliKushayb.
行预咨委会又 注意到,由于在布隆迪取得进展,联合国布隆迪综合办事处(联布综合办)的管理
已从维持和平行动部转移到政治事务部;科索沃特派团已作出调整,由欧洲联盟 驻科索沃法治特派团负责法治领域的一些任务;联利特派团正在逐步缩编;联东
[...] 综合团已开始将主要的维持治安职责移交国家警察;联格观察团的清理结束已告 完成,观察团已关闭;目前联刚观察团和中乍特派团前 未卜
The Advisory Committee also notes that progress in Burundi has led to the handover of the management of the United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi (BINUB) from the Department of Peacekeeping Operations to the Department of Political Affairs, UNMIK has been reconfigured, with the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo assuming a number of tasks in the area of rule of law, UNMIL is proceeding with a gradual drawdown, UNMIT has started handing over primary policing responsibility to the national police, the
liquidation of UNOMIG has been completed and the mission has closed, and the future of MONUC
[...] and MINURCAT is uncertainatpresent.
对哈伦先生和阿里·库卜先 逮捕令自 2007 年以行,对巴希尔先生的逮捕令分别自 2009 年 3 月和 2010 年 7 月以来未获执行。
These warrants of
[...] arrest havebeen outstandingsince2007 in the cases of Mr. Harun and Mr. Ali Kushayb, and since [...]
March 2009 and July
2010 in the case of Mr. Al-Bashir.
基 於 贵 集 团 之 往 绩 记 录 、 行 业 前 景 及 收 购 人并 无 制 定 与 贵 集 团 未 来 发 展 相 关 之 实 质 方 案( 惟 透过服 务 协 议 挽 留外 ), 贵 集 团 可 否 即 时 扭 转 财 务 表 现未 知
Based on the past track records of the Group, the industry outlook and that the Offeror has not formulated a concrete plan in relation to the future development of the Group (other than the retention ofMr.Chow by way of the Service Agreement), there is a lack of certainty to the immediate turnaround of the financial performance of the Group.
书中还探讨了很多其他人物和圣行,包括一些可能仅仅是穆斯林民众才熟悉的人物, 先知(Shuayb) 和希德尔 (Khidr) 以及其他宗教中的圣人,最后以描述圣经人物施洗者约翰 (John the Baptist) 和耶稣 (Jesus) 结尾。
Many other lives and sacred actions are discussed, including some who may be unfamiliar to non-Muslims, such as Shuayb and Khidr, and others who are held to be holy in other religions, culminating the biblical progression with the lives of John the Baptist and Jesus.
Aastra 可以在先未况下在任何时间对隐私声明及其条款进行修订。
Aastra may amend this Privacy Statement and its terms at any time without prior noticeto you.
卜先(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)(以英语发言): 我国代表团赞同阿根廷代表代表 77 国集团和中国所 作发言。
(Islamic Republic of Iran): My delegation associates itself with the statement made by the representative of Argentina on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
安全理事会成员商定对新闻界发表声明,其中他们表示欣见南苏丹全民投票 进程结束了大体上和平、有序的投票阶段;对在阿卜耶伊发生的暴力深表遗憾, 重申达成协议深表关切;强调必须继续执行《全面和平协议》, 敦促有关各方就阿卜耶伊和其他至关重要的问题达成协议;对达尔富尔境内的暴 力活动和不安全状况加重深表关切,敦促所有当事方停止敌对活动;回顾在达尔 [...]
The members of the Security Council agreed on a statement to the press in which they welcomed the conclusion of a largely peaceful and orderly voting period for the
Southern Sudan referendum;
[...] deplored the violence that had occurred in Abyei and reiterated their deep concern about the absence of an agreement on Abyei; stressed [...]
the importance of continued
implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and urged the parties to reach an agreement on Abyei and other critical issues; expressed their deep concern at the increase in violence and insecurity in Darfur and urged all parties to cease hostilities; recalled the importance of ending impunity and of justice for crimes committed in Darfur; and reaffirmed support for the peace process for Darfur led by the African Union and the United Nations.
(e) 第3款(乙) 项,理由是:他先未日期。
(e) Paragraph 3 (b), on the grounds
[...] that he wasnotinformed in advance ofthe date [...]
of his trial.
已纳入匈牙利法律的其他国际协定计有:《生物多样性公约》卡塔赫纳生物 安全议定书(2004 年第一○九号法令颁布);《关于在国际贸易中对某些危险化学 品和农药采用先知意程序的鹿特丹公约》(第 266/2004 号政令颁布);关 于通过公路、铁路以及内陆水道()运输危险货物的各项欧洲协定(由第 19/1979 号法令以及经济运输部颁布的第 47/2005 号法令,最后一项协定由议会 第 11/2004 号决定批准)。
Examples of other international agreements incorporated into Hungarian law include the Cartagena Protocol on biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Act CIX
of 2004); Rotterdam
[...] Convention on theprior informedconsent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade (Government Decree No. 266/2004); the European agreements on the transport of dangerous goods by road, by rail, by inland waterways, not yetin force (Law Decree [...]
No. 19/1979, Decree
No. 47/2005 issued by the Ministry of Economics and Transport and the latter agreement ratified by Parliament Decision No. 11/2004)
其他与会者建议关注的包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术战略的制定、促进地方和本统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。
Other suggested areasofpriority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenousknowledge systemsas well [...]
as improving the links
between scientists and decision-makers.
卜先(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)(以英语发 言):主席先生,首先我要感谢你在这个困难时刻召 [...]
集此次会议,并祝愿你成功主持本月份的安全理事 会工作。
(Islamic Republic of Iran): I wish to begin by
[...] thanking you, Sir, forhaving [...]
convened this meeting at this difficult juncture
and by wishing you success in your presidency of the Security Council this month.
卜先(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)(以英语发言): 首先,请允许我就巴基斯坦国内最近发生的事件造成 [...]
的生命损失与痛苦,向巴基斯坦人民和政府表示我们 的慰问并转达我国政府的真诚同情。
(Islamic Republic of
[...] Iran): Let me first express our condolences [...]
and convey the sincere empathy of my Government to the
people and the Government of Pakistan for the loss of life and the suffering caused by recent events in the country.
该吵架被带到了他的弟弟 时,由义阿布'abbas -萨法赫,他们经过了决定性的胜利就越大zab河( [...]
750 ) ,终於粉碎了倭马亚王朝,并宣布了哈里发。
The quarrel was taken up
[...] by his brother Abdallah, known by the name of Abu al-'Abbas [...]
as-Saffah, who after a decisive victory
on the Greater Zab river (750) finally crushed the Umayyads and was proclaimed caliph.




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