

单词 木质素






(high) quality

External sources (not reviewed)

国立台湾大学医学院李水盛教授针对台湾中医药发展现状进行了报告,并详细介绍了运用 HPLC-SPE-NMR 技术对叶下珠木质素分的体内代谢物分析;中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 [...]
杨淩 教授针对当前 ADME/T 相关技术在新药研发和中药质量评价中的应用进行了细致的汇报;香港赛马会中药研究院(HKJCICM)徐宏喜教授和国际中医药学会秘书长、澳门大学中华医药研究院(ICMS)王一涛教授分别介绍了HKJCICM和ICMS的中医药研究概况。
Professor Li Shui-sheng of National Taiwan University School of Medicine reported on the development of Chinese medicine in Taiwan, and introduced in details
the application of HPLC-SPE-NMR technique
[...] to Phyllanthus ligninin vivometabolite [...]
analysis; Professor Yang Ling of Dalian
Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences gave a comprehensive report on the application of ADME / T-related technology to new drug research and development, as well as quality evaluation of Chinese medicine; Professor Xu Hong-xi of HKJCICM and Professor Wang Yi-tao of ISCM and ICMS introduced the research situation in HKJCICM and ICMS respectively.
The unit
[...] cost of planting a tree or seedling depends on a number of factors (such astree size and species, length of the establishment [...]
period, whether soil improvement
and tree mounting fixtures are involved, etc.).
[...] 加上广泛的服务范围,让我们得以为客户提供由单一卫星连接至全球三分之二人口的质素靠服务。
The high power of our satellites and our
range of services allow us to provide our
[...] customers with high quality andreliable [...]
access to two-thirds of the world’s population from a single satellite.
I congratulate each member of management and staff for their outstanding performance and their dedication to quality.
此外,为了培养一支质素本地队伍,树木管理办事处会透过与本地 专上学院、职业训練局、建造业议会训練学院及专上学院自资开办的持续进修部门紧 密聯系,致力为非政府人士提供更多培训机会。
In addition, to nurture
[...] a quality tree management workforce in the territory, TMO aims to enhance the training [...]
available to the private sector through close liaison with local tertiary education institutions, the Vocational Training Council, the Construction Industry Council Training Academy and other self-financing continuing education arms of tertiary education institutions.
有关上述准则及食物样本微生质素生物含量限值,扼要载述 於下页的图表。
Microbiological limitsin respect of the above components, and the associated microbiological quality of the food samples concerned are summarised in the table on next page.
Generously used wood trim extends from the centre console across the dashboard into the doors, creating a pleasant wrap-around effect.
虽然,如上所述,经常furnishes的mishnah本身为在haggadic地,虽然在讨论的主题的halakah经常导致自己haggadic治疗,哈加达只占次要地位,在犹太法典,因为这是,无论是在起源和目的,halakic工作,并打算作为一个行政的tannaitic [...][...]
Although, as stated above, the Mishnah itself frequently
furnishes the ground for the
[...] inclusion ofhaggadic elements in theTalmud,andalthough [...]
the subjects discussed in the Halakah
frequently lead of themselves to haggadic treatment, the Haggadah occupies only a secondary position in the Talmud, since this is, both in origin and in purpose, a halakic work, and was intended to serve as a commentary on the chief authoritative work of the tannaitic Halakah, the Mishnah of Judah I. Those portions, therefore, which treat of the interpretation of the Mishnah are the substance of the Talmud.
(a) 在 2010-11 年度,綠化、园境及树木管理组计划就选择适合綠化工作的树种、 选择合适的种植土壤、香港常見木质度,以及香港常見导致树木 腐爛的生物媒体进行研究,以提升我们在推行綠化、园境及树木管理工作方 面的能力。
(a) In 2010-11, the Greening, Landscape and Tree Management (GLTM) Section plans to undertake studies on selection of suitable tree species for greening, choice of planting medium, wood strength of common tree species in Hong Kong and common biological tree decaying agents in Hong Kong to enhance our capability in carrying out greening, landscape and tree management work.
一位成员认为,要达至改善空质素天 行动的目标,每一分的努力同样重要,因此在原则上支持立法 管制停車熄匙。
A member opined that every single step counts in achieving the goal of clean air and blue sky and supported the ban in principle.
Besides, in terms of various kinds of public policies, another survey in late April showed that, among the 25 issues, the 11 issues which people are most concerned with, in the priority from 1 to 10, are 1) increasing job opportunities and alleviating the unemployment problem, 2) lifting the leading ability of the government, 3) improving airquality,4) improving public health mechanism, 5) poverty problem, 6) improving relations between the executive and legislative branches, 7) implementing small-class teaching in primary schools, 8) reforming the CSSA system. 9) re-developing old districts, 10) setting up a centralized slaughtering system for poultry and "up and down" bus fare adjustment mechanism.
There are suggestions that the Government should regulate the institutions and/or ensure quality of eligible courses, and see whether the courses now charge excessively high fees.
除了全新保时捷儿童安全座椅、专为行李厢空间所设计的旅行箱组以及12 V的冰袋,保时捷技术装备还为Panamera提供了一系列的音响及通讯系统、内装套件木质碳纤维方向盘,以及18寸至20寸的各式气候轮胎组合,全都是为了让您拥有一台独一无二的爱车。
Apart from new Porsche child seats, a complete set of cases and bags tailored to the luggage compartment and a 12 V cooling bag, Tequipment also offers a wide range of audio and communication features for the new Panamera, interior packages, steering wheels incarbon orwood as well as a special wheel and tyre combination for summer and winter driving ranging in size from 18 to 20 inches, all for individual retrofitting on the car.
Behind much of the woodenfacade are floor [...]
to ceiling glass walls, offering a transparency rarely seen in Chinese government architecture.
国立台湾大学医学院李水盛教授针对台湾中医药发展现状进行了报告,并详细介绍了运用 HPLC-SPE-NMR 技术对叶下珠分的体内代谢物分析;中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 [...]
杨凌 教授针对当前 ADME/T 相关技术在新药研发和中药质量评价中的应用进行了细致的汇报;香港赛马会中药研究院(
HKJCICM )徐宏喜教授和国际中医药学会秘书长、澳门大学中华医药研究院( ICMS )王一涛教授分别介绍了 HKJCICM 和 ICMS 的中医药研究概况。
Professor Li Shui-sheng of National Taiwan University School of Medicine reported on the development of Chinese medicine in Taiwan, and introduced in details
the application of HPLC-SPE-NMR technique
[...] to Phyllanthus lignininvivometabolite [...]
analysis; Professor Yang Ling of Dalian
Institute of Chemical Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences gave a comprehensive report on the application of ADME / T-related technology to new drug research and development, as well as quality evaluation of Chinese medicine; Professor Xu Hong-xi of HKJCICM and Professor Wang Yi-tao of ISCM and ICMS introduced the research situation in HKJCICM and ICMS respectively.
Steam explosion method: steam explosion burst the material in the process of
steam will heat to mechanical energy,
[...] the separation oflignin and cellulose and [...]
amylopectin dissolved, accompanied by
the physical process of cooling resulting expansion will enable the material in 0.00875S time, from the explosion before the 250 ° C to room temperature, the cooling process so there is no material directly into the next production processes, the production rhythm is only required holding pressure for 1-2 minutes.
It mixes the elegance of the orange blossom used in both absolute and essence(neroli) with the
aristocratic luxury of Iris Pallida from Florence, more precious than gold, and the warmer
[...] tones of precious woodsandresins.
指引列明九類经由食物传播的主要致病菌 ( 例如沙门氏菌類、李斯特菌、大肠杆菌 O157 及霍亂弧菌等) 的安全水平, 并把即食食品的微生质素,以反映食物的衞生情况。
These guidelines stipulate the safety limits of nine major food borne pathogens such as Salmonella species, Listeria monocytogenes, E. coli
O157 and Vibrio cholerae,
[...] as wellas providing aclassification of microbiological quality of ready-to-eat [...]
food for reflecting
the hygienic status of the food concerned.
基 於 上 述 基 准 , 董 事 告 知 吾 等 , 在 计 算 抚 顺 上 马 收 购 事 项 代 价 时 , 彼 等 已 考 虑 及参考 : (i) 董 事 会 函 件「 订 立 股 权 转 让 协 议 的 理 由 」一 节 讨论之中国 铁 矿 石 行 业 的 前 景 、 市 场 发 展 及 政 府 政 策 以 及去年 贵 集 团 铁 精 矿 售 价 的 趋 势 ; (ii) 在 评 估 抚 顺 上 马 资 产 的 规 模质 素已 参 考 上 海 证 券 交 易 所 经 挑 选 的 上 市 公 司 交 易 , 以 评 估 抚 顺 上 马 开 采 权 的 公允价值以 及 抚 顺 上 马 其 他 资 产 及 负 债 的 账 面 值 。
Based on the abovementioned basis, the Directors advise us that, in calculation of the consideration of the Fushun Shangma Acquisition, they have considered and made reference to (i) the prospect of the iron ore industry in the PRC, market development and government policies as discussedinthesectionheaded‘‘Reasons for entering into the Equity Transfer Agreement’’ in the Letter from the Board as well as the trend of iron ore concentrate selling price of the Group in the past year; (ii) in assessing the size and quality of Fushun Shangma’s assets, reference was made to transactions of selected companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in order to assess the fair value of the mining rights of Fushun Shangma, as well as the book value of the other assets and liabilities of Fushun Shangma.
即便该等款项在合约上已超过其应付日期,但鉴於相关交易 对手的信质素显着变更,该等款项并不会被视为减损款项,且由於考虑到通常支付方式以及在诸多情况下存在的抵销应收账款 余额的因素,其仍被认作可收回款项。
Such receivables, although contractually past their due dates, are not considered impaired as there has not been a significant change in credit quality of the relevant counterparty, and the amounts are still considered recoverable taking into account customary payment patterns and in many cases, offsetting accounts payable balances.
在同一时间,我们亦正推行其他重要的工 程项目,以改善城市的环质素如港岛西、荃湾和荔枝角的雨水排放隧道工 程计划,以及更换和修復水管工程计划第 3 及第 4 期工程。
At the same time we are also implementing other important projects to improve the quality of city environment, for example the drainage tunnel projects in Hong Kong West, Tsuen Wan and Lai Chi Kok; and the stages 3 and 4 of the watermains replacement and rehabilitation project.
支援 HDMI 的装置备具有接受高解像度多媒体介面 (HDMI) 输入,透过一条电线便可从电脑或任何 AV 装置(包括机顶盒、DVD 机, A/V 接收器以及视像摄影机) 传送所有质素音讯和视讯信号。
A HDMI-ready device has all the required hardware to accept High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) input, high quality digital video and audio signals all transmitted over a single cable from a PC or any number of AV sources including set-top boxes, DVD players and A/V receivers and video cameras.
但是, 研究预测,今后将更多地使木素素材料——第二代原料——包括木本生物 量(木本植物和林业部门的剩余物)生产生物燃料。
Nonetheless, studies have forecast that a greater amount of lignocellulose materials — second generation feedstock — includingwoody biomass(woodyplants and residues from forestry sector) will be used for biofuel production.
K a i 和 S w a n ( 19 9 0 ) 分 析 了 导 致 西 部 红 柏 的 心 材 色 彩 的 化 学 组 成 , 并
[...] 指 出 色 彩 物 质 是大 侧 柏 酸 通 过 [...]
与 酸 催 化 剂 进 行 凝 结 反 应 而 形成的。
Kai and Swan (1990) analyzed the chemical constituents contributing to the colour of western red cedar heartwood
and suggested that the colouring material
[...] is formedfrom lignanssuch as plicatic [...]
acid by a condensation reaction with acid catalyst.
他们发现平时清洗吃过咖哩的餐盘,即使 洗过之后仍有咖哩味,而这次不使用任何洗碗剂,只用了竟然能让所有的餐盘在触感和嗅感方面都非常洁净 清新。
In the past, they used dishwashing detergent to wash all the dishes and failed to remove curry smell remaining on them.




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