

单词 期满


期满日 n

maturity date n

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 登记有效期可在登记有期期满之前随时延长或缩短,延长期或缩短 期为修订通知所注明的期限。
(b) The period of effectiveness of a registration may be extended or reduced for the period of time indicated [...]
in an amendment
notice at any time before the period of effectiveness of the registration expires.
如果是出于其他所有理由而终止雇用或服务关系,包括雇用或服务关期满,或 在终止义务法规定的合同时,人们都有资格领取失业保险补助。
In the case of all the other reasons for termination of an
employment or service relationship, incl.
[...] in the case of an expiry of the term of an employment [...]
or service relationship or upon termination
of a contract under the law of obligations, persons are entitled to unemployment insurance benefit.
三、即使本条第一款规定的时期满 , 一 方当事人仍然可以提出索赔作为抗 辩,或以此抵消对方当事人提出的索赔。
3. Notwithstanding the expiration of the period set out in paragraph [...]
1 of this article, one party may rely on its claim
as a defence or for the purpose of set-off against a claim asserted by the other party.
在这项五年战略规期满前一年,执行主任应向理事 会提交一项新的五年战略规划草案。
One year before the expiry of the five-year [...]
strategic plan, the Executive Director shall present a new draft of the five-year
strategic plan to the Council.
根据大会第二十六届会议通过并经第二十八、二十九届会议修订的《关于联合国教科 文组织与基金会及其它类似机构之关系的指示》第 II 和第 V 条的要求,总干事在此向执行
[...] 局通报有关她就与基金会及其它类似机构建立为期六年 期满 后 可 续延之正式关系所做决定 的情况。
Under Section II and Section V of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions adopted by the General Conference at its 26th session and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions, the Director-General shall inform the Executive Board of
her decision to establish official relations with foundations and similar institutions
[...] for a renewable term of six years.
然而,即使在采取这种做法的国家,对于 期满 或 取 消之后 至新的登记开始以前的这段时期内获得在设保资产上权利或向设保人预付资金 [...]
However, even in States that adopt this approach, the security right
[...] is ineffective against or subordinate [...]
to competing claimants that acquired rights
in the encumbered assets or advanced funds to the grantor after the lapse or cancellation and before the new registration.
若规定期限期满,即 使未收到任何答 复,工作组也可根据其获得的所有资料提出意见。
Even if no reply has been
[...] received upon expiry of the time limit set, [...]
the Working Group may render an Opinion on the basis
of all the information it has obtained.
您同意及时更新您的帐户和其他信息,包括您的电子邮件地址、信用卡号 期满 日 , 以便我们可以完成交易并在需要时就交易相关事宜与您联系。
You agree to promptly update your account and other information,
including your email address and credit card
[...] numbers and expiration dates, so that we [...]
can complete your transactions and contact
you as needed in connection with your transactions.
然而, 与上一个报告期间一样,每月都有非常关键的工作人员离开法庭,而且很多人是 在合期满前离任。
However, as was the case in the last reporting period,
during each month of this
[...] reporting period, key staff members departed from the Tribunal, many prior to the expiry of their contracts.
有意见认为,捷克共和国提出的关于将题为“审查和平利用外层空间委员 会《空间碎片减缓准则》的法律方面,以期将该《准则》转化为一套拟由大会
[...] 通过的原则”的项目列入小组委员会议程的提案,将为拟订一部令目前和期 满意的 关于空间碎片的国际文书提供机会,这项工作需要与科学和技术小组委 [...]
The view was expressed that the proposal made by the Czech Republic for an item entitled “Review of the legal aspects of the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space with a vi ew to transforming the Guidelines into a set of principles to be adopted by the General Assembly”, for inclusion on the agenda of the Subcommittee, would provide an opportunity for the elaboration
of an international instrument on space
[...] debris in a satisfa ctory form for the present [...]
and near future, and that such work
would require close cooperation with the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee.
如某一理事国在期期满前不 再为有关理事会的理事国,应于 大会下届会议单独举行补选,以选出一理事国在其 满 的 任 期 内继 任。
Should a member cease to belong to a
[...] Council before its term of office expires, a by-election shall be held separately at the next session of the General Assembly to elect a member for the unexpired term.
我愿指出我国政府关于失踪的科威特人与科威 特财产问题的立场,在伊拉克外长 7 月 5 日给秘书长
[...] 的信中提及了这一立场,即:12 月 31 日高级协调员期期满时不再延长;依靠三方委员会的机制;以及 [...]
如 2010 年 11 月 26 日外长给秘书长的信中建议的那 样,在科威特驻巴格达使馆成立一个技术小组,在
2010 年 12 月 17 日的新闻谈话(SC/10130)中,安全理 事会所有成员均对此表示欢迎。
I would like to point out my Government’s position regarding the issue of missing Kuwaitis and Kuwaiti property, as mentioned in the letter of 5 July from the Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs to the Secretary-General, which is not to
extend the mandate of the High-level
[...] Coordinator when it expires on 31 December; [...]
to depend on the mechanisms of the Tripartite
Commission; and, as suggested in the Minister’s letter to the Secretary-General dated 26 November 2010, to establish a technical team in the Kuwaiti Embassy in Baghdad, which was welcomed by all members of the Security Council in its press statement of 17 December 2010 (SC/10130).
In case of a medical leave offered as a result
of pregnancy the allowance for temporary work incapacity will be
[...] offered for the entire period without any restriction.
国际公务员制度委员会在其 2009 年报告第 59(b)段中,建议大会在 已引入并实施公务员制度委员会 2005 年报告(同上)所界定的新合同框架 的那些组织内对连续服务 10 年或 10 年以上后因合期满而离 开本组织 的定期合同工作人员采用服务终了离职偿金办法,但须遵循其 2009 年报 告(A/64/30 和 Corr.2) 附件三的条件和列表。
In paragraph 59 (b ) of its 2009 report, the Commission recommended that the General Assembly introduce end-of-service severance pay for fixed-term staff separating from the Organization upon the expiration of contract after 10 years or more of continuous service in those organizations which have introduced and implemented the new contractual framework, as defined by the Commission in its 2005 report (ibid.), subject to the conditions and schedule provided in annex III to its 2009 report (A/64/30 and Corr.2).
实施了严格监督,确保被定 罪的恋童癖者服期满,总统最近提出的《刑法典》 修订案加重了对恋童癖者的惩罚。
There was rigorous oversight to ensure that convicted paedophiles served out their sentences and the President had recently proposed amendments to the Criminal Code that increased penalties for paedophilia.
HDS将尽合理的商业努力,至少在终止销售个别产品前的三(3)个月向贵方发送通知,并在产品的维护和 支持服期满前12个月发送通知。
HDS will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide You with at least three (3) months notice prior to the end of sale of
a particular Product and 12 months
[...] notice prior to the expiration of any Maintenance [...]
and Support Services for that Product.
一个或一个以上会员国在大会常会进行 的任何这类选举中当选后,应立即就任,并应按照议事规则第一 三九条的规定任职期满,犹 如其任期系从当选后的一月一日开 始一样。
A Member or Members elected at any such election at a regular session shall take office immediately upon their election and shall complete their terms in accordance with the provisions of rule 139 as if they had begun their terms of office on 1 January following their election.
此外,正常的劳工移徙渠道应该保持畅通 期满 足 对 移徙工人的持续不 断的需求,从而帮助防止非正常的移徙和人口贩卖,并且能够减少移徙工人在正 [...]
In addition, regular labour migration [...]
channels should remain open with a view to meeting a continuing demand for migrant
workers, thus helping to prevent irregular migration and trafficking and to reduce the vulnerability of migrants to exploitative employment outside the regular labour market.
答复委员会在第 1090/2002 号来文(Rameka 诉新西兰)中的意见时,缔约国建议为
[...] 被判预防性拘留的囚犯提供机会,使其能够在其他适用的有期徒 期满 后 的 任何 时间要求假释。
In its response to the Committee’s Views in Communication No.1090/2002 (Rameka v. New Zealand), the State party advised that it would make provision for prisoners sentenced to
preventive detention to request parole consideration at any
[...] point after the expiry of the otherwise [...]
applicable finite sentence.
(b) 采取措施,解决儿童无法正常上学的问题,确保儿童不会在义务教期满之前辍学
(b) Take measures to address the issue of children not attending
school regularly, and make sure that children do not drop out of school before the end of
[...] the compulsory education period
[...] 约缔约国的,本公约于交存该国的相应文书一 期满 后 的 下一个月第一日对该国 生效。
For each State that becomes a Contracting State to this Convention after the date of the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, this Convention enters
into force on the first day of the month
[...] following the expiration of one year after [...]
the deposit of the appropriate instrument on behalf of that State.
期满后, 家人与阿尔及尔不同法院进行了很多次交涉,想知道 Kamel [...]
Djebrouni 是否已移交检察院。
Once that period had elapsed, his [...]
family approached various courts in Algiers to find out whether Kamel Djebrouni had been brought before a prosecutor.
一旦将本产品出售或转让给另一方,本保修将在有 期期满 之 前自动终止此外,本保修在出现以下情况时也将自动中止:(a) 产品由任何非 GN 人员或 GN 授权从事保修工作的 GN 合作伙伴改动、维修或维护(无论成功与否);(b) 产品与非 GN 品牌或授权附件或其它外部设备共用。
Furthermore, the Warranty will terminate immediately if the product is (a) altered, repaired, or maintained by anyone other than GN or a GN Partner which is authorized to do GN warranty work, whether or not successful, or (b) being used together with non-GN branded or certified accessories or other peripheral equipment.
期满或终 止后,用户立即就没有进一步的权利使用文件,用户应销毁所拥有或掌控的所有文件和机密信息的所有正本和副本,用户应在终止后10天之内以书面形式向Depositphotos证明,它已遵守此第7项(2)和条款第3项(所有权)、第4项(机密信息)、第8项(担保免责声明)、第9项(赔偿)、第10项(责任限制)、第11项(遵守法律)、第12项(总则),此第7项在本协 期满 或 以 任何理由终止后继续生效。
User shall have no further right
to use the Files and
[...] immediately after the termination or expiration date hereof, the User shall destroy all originals and copies of the Files and Confidential Information in the possession or under the control of User, and User shall certify in writing to Depositphotos within ten (10) days following termination that it has complied with this Section 7(2) and the provisions of Sections 3 (Proprietary Rights), 4 (Confidential Information), 8 (Disclaimer of Warranty), 9 (Indemnification), 10 (Limitation of Liability), 11 (Compliance with Laws), 12 (General Provisions) and this Section 7 shall survive any termination for any reason or expiration of this Agreement.
本公司可按照董事会认为适合的方式销售本公司有留置权的股份,但除非产生该 留置的款项现须支付,或直至发出书面通知给该股份当时的登记持有人或因为该 持有人的死亡或破产的缘故而有权的人,说明并要求支付产生该留置的款项中该 部分的金额之后 14 天期满,否则不得作出销售。
The Company may sell, in such manner as the Board thinks fit, any shares on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless a sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable, nor until the expiration of 14 days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of such part of the amount in respect of which the lien exists, so far as the same is presently payable, has been given to the registered holder for the time being of the share, or the person entitled thereto by reason of his death or bankruptcy.
虽然在 谈判缔结第 1958(2010)号决议第 7 段规定的必要协议方面已经取得很大进展,但 伊拉克政府和秘书处之间仍存在分歧,涉及政府对联合国及其代表、代理人和独 立承包人的赔偿义务是否(a)
[...] 仅限于赔偿代管账户所持金额;(b) 于 2016 年 12 月 31 日期满终止
While considerable progress has been made in the negotiations on the necessary agreements as mandated under paragraph 7 of resolution 1958 (2010), differences exist between the Government of Iraq and the Secretariat as to whether the Government’s obligation to indemnify the United Nations, its representatives, agents and independent contractors
should: (a) be limited to the amount held in the indemnification escrow
[...] account; and (b) expire and lapse on 31 December 2016.
(f) 因奉召服兵役而请留职停薪特别假的工作人员,如希望在秘书处复职, 应于退役后九十日内通知秘书长,并且必须呈交服 期满 证 明 书。
(f) A staff member on special leave without pay for military service shall be required to advise the Secretary-General within ninety days after release from military service if the staff member wishes to be restored to active duty with the Secretariat.
(2) 大会应自 2008 年 9 月 1 日起三期满后, 对本条第(1)款(b)项的适用情况进 [...]
(2) The Assembly shall,
[...] after the expiry of a period of three years [...]
from September 1, 2008, review the application of paragraph
(1)(b) and may, at any time thereafter, either repeal it or restrict its scope, by a three-fourths majority.
委员会敦促缔约国立即与希腊当局联系,以求及时设立一个有效机制调查这些案 件,以确定失踪儿童的下落,并且与两国的监察员及相关民间社会组织合作,在 追期期满之前 确定所涉人员的行政和刑事责任。
The Committee urges the State party to immediately engage with the Greek authorities with a view to promptly creating an effective mechanism to investigate these cases in order to establish the whereabouts of the missing children, in cooperation with the Ombudsmen of both countries and relevant civil society organizations, and identify disciplinary and criminal responsibilities of those involved, before the charges may become time-barred.
(3) 保期满前六 个月,国际局应通过寄送非正式通知,提醒国际注册的注册期满的确 切日期,必要时也提醒其代理人。
(3) Six months before the expiry of the term of protection, the International Bureau shall, by sending an unofficial notice, remind the holder of the international registration and his representative, if any, of the exact date of expiry.




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