

单词 期待

期待noun, plural






waiting periodn


i look forward to hearing from you

See also:



about to
deal with
intending to

External sources (not reviewed)

伯利期待 一次审议之前的一段期间继续这 一建设性对话,因为在理事会届会之间以及普遍定期审议周期之间还将继续讨论 人权问题。
Belize looked forward to continuing this constructive dialogue inthe interim years until [...]
the next review, as the discussions
on human rights must continue between the sessions of the Council and between the cycles of the universal periodic review.
期 待 用以太网进行创新将变成可能;我们很快就能够 [...]
取消对附加的I/O卡作为以太网的需要,这对我们未来的 发展奠定了敦实的基础”。
Ialso lookforward to the [...]
innovations that adopting Ethernet will make possible; we will soon be able to remove the need
for additional I/O cards as Ethernet gives us a solid foundation for future developments.
期待科文组织气候变化合作伙伴框架得出的结论能够在国家一级转换为可持续河流 [...]
It is expected thatthe conclusions [...]
reached by UNESCO-CCPF would crystallize into policy recommendations for sustainable
river basin management and planning at the country level.
We welcome the decision to establish the Green Climate Fund and are lookingforward to its full operationalization.
为工作计划制定预算时, 执行支助股已适当考虑了削减费用的必要及缔约 期待股对其任务的某些方 面相对更加优先处理的愿望。
In establishing a budget for this work plan, the ISU has given due regard for the need to reduce costs and the desire of States Parties that the ISU place a relatively higher priority on certain aspects of its mandate.
他欢迎《阿 拉木图行动纲领》的中期审查成果, 期待政 和技术援助领域的具体行动,以全面解决贸易和过 境问题。
He welcomed the
[...] outcome ofthe midtermreviewof the Almaty Programme of Action, andlooked forward to [...]
concrete actions in
the area of financial and technical assistance in order to address trade and transit issues holistically.
在作这一辩论议题的引导发言时,秘书处的代 期待局作出反应并提出建议,尤 其是在教科文组织在国家一级的作用和行动方式(见该文件第 [...]
17 段)和指导设计教科文组 织应对非集中化挑战的一整套原则和方针(见第 18 至第 22 段)方面,包括将提交下届执行
局会议的所有方案,它们将体现落实同一套原则所采取的不同方法(各种结构调整、职责、 问责制和上下级关系)。
In introducing the debate, the representative of
[...] the Secretariat looked forward to the [...]
reactions and advice of the Executive Board
particularly on UNESCO’s roles and modalities of action at country level (re paragraph 17 of the document) and on the set of principles and guidelines to drive the design of UNESCO’s response to the decentralization challenges (re paragraphs 18-22), indicating that all options which will be presented to the Board at its next session will reflect different ways of translating the same set of principles through various different structural adjustments, functional responsibilities, accountabilities and reporting lines.
在审理程序中,有证据表明受害者在审理中的地位作用 方面存在严重的漏洞,在确立赔偿方面缺乏明确性,并且主要由于相关的国家实 体缺乏协调而使受害者抱有过高期待
During the proceedings, there was evidence of serious flaws with regard to the role of the victims, lack of clarity in the establishment of reparations and creation of false expectations among the victims due, in largepart, to the lack of coordination of relevant State entities.
特别委员会回顾其 2009 年报告(A/63/19)第 154 段,其中吁请秘书处评价 特派团高级行政和资源管理培训方案,包括每个方案的课后分析,以及把方案的
[...] 举办融入综合培训服务的过程,特别委员会重申, 期待 方案制度化和获得 资金之前收到评价的结果。
Recalling paragraph 154 of its 2009 report (A/63/19), in which the Special Committee calls upon the Secretariat to evaluate the senior mission administration and resource training programme, including the post-course analysis of each programme, and the progress of the integration of the conduct of the programme into the Integrated
Training Service, the Special Committee
[...] reiterates that itlooks forwardto receiving [...]
the findings of the evaluation before
the institutionalization and funding of the programme.
拉木图行动纲领》执行工作及内陆发展中国家面对的其他发展差距问题高级 别亚太政策对话会议的成果的第 67/1 号决议,蒙古政府目前正在制订一个行
[...] 动计划,以便着手执行《关于为内陆发展中国家设立国际智囊团的多边协 定》,期待秘书处在这些领域的专家的帮助。
The delegation of Mongolia further informed the Commission that, pursuant to Commission resolution 67/1 on the Ulaanbaatar Declaration: Outcome of the Highlevel Asia-Pacific Policy Dialogue on the Implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action and other Development Gaps Faced by the Landlocked Developing Countries, the Government of Mongolia was currently working on a plan of action to implement the Multilateral Agreement on the Establishment of the
International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing
[...] Countries and looked forward to receiving [...]
the secretariat’s expertise in that area.
期待阶段借助国际社会——特别是捐 助者、国际金融机构和联合国各机构——为支持《多 [...]
哈和平文件》提供的捐助所做出的发展努力,能够使 达尔富尔公民实现稳定和过上正常生活。
The development
[...] efforts we look forward to in the [...]
next phase through the contributions of the international community —
in particular donors, international financial institutions and United Nations agencies — in support of the Doha Document will enable Darfur’s citizens to achieve stability and to live normal lives.
期待一个特别工作组,以 进一步研究和加强平稳过渡进程。
Welook forward to the establishment of an ad hoc working group to further study and strengthen the smooth transition process.
咨委期待 到 最新的资料,了解在这项工作中取得的经验,以及为进一步完善框架所取得的进 步,尤其是在遵循规则和条例以及秉公标准和对业绩及成果的责任追究方面为从 个人做起实施问责制而采取具体的步骤。
It looks forward to receiving future updates on the experiences acquired during this [...]
exercise, as well as on progress made
in further developing the framework, in particular the specific steps taken to enforce accountability on a personal level, in terms of compliance with rules and regulations and standards of integrity, as well as accountability for performance and results.
我对此产品非常满意,因为它能让我从一台 物美价廉、操作简单的设备中得到所有 期待性和功能。
I’m very satisfied with the product, especially since I was able to get all of my desired features and functions in one affordable, easy-to-manage unit.
专家组与该理事会的理事们建立了良 好的合作关系期待关于政府开展的财务审计的结果。
The Group has developed a good relationship with the Directors of
[...] the Council andisawaiting theresults of the [...]
financial audit carried by the Government.
美利坚合众国政府重视立足科学采取行动,保 护生物多样性,因此支持建立生物多样性和生态系
[...] 统服务政府间科学政策平台,期待守釜山成 果规定(UNEP/IPBES/3/L.2/Rev.1)方面与大会和联 [...]
合国其他机构,特别是环境署、联合国教育、科学 及文化组织(教科文组织)、联合国粮食及农业组织
His Government focused on science-based action to conserve biodiversity and therefore supported the establishment of an Intergovernmental Science-Policy
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
[...] Services (IPBES) and looked forward tocooperating [...]
with the General Assembly and other
United Nations bodies, specifically UNEP, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in keeping with the provisions of the Busan outcome (UNEP/IPBES/3/L.2/Rev.1).
为应对这些挑战,埃及代表期待极参加关 于“促进实现核裁军和不扩散核武器目标的建议”的 [...]
第一工作组、关于“宣布 2010 年代为第四个裁军十 年的草案纲要”的第二工作组以及将讨论“常规武器 领域切实可行的建立信任措施”议题的第三工作组的 审议工作。
To meet those challenges, the
[...] delegation ofEgyptlooks forward to actively [...]
participating in the deliberations of Working
Group I on “Recommendations for achieving the objective of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons”, Working Group II on “Elements of a draft declaration of the 2010s as the fourth disarmament decade”, and Working Group III, which will discuss the topic “Practical confidence-building measures in the field of conventional weapons”.
大会第六十五届会议重申《联合国宪章》和大会赋予经济及社会理事会的职 责是作为一个主要机构,就经济和社会发展问题进行协调、政策审查、政策对话
[...] 和提出建议以及尤其是通过年度部长级审查和发展合作论坛跟踪千年发展目标 实现情况,并且表期待加强理事会的问题(第 65/1 [...]
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly reaffirmed the role that the Charter of the United Nations and the General Assembly have vested in the Economic and Social Council as a principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on issues of economic and social development and for the follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals, particularly through the annual ministerial review and the
Development Cooperation Forum, and noted that it
[...] would look forwardto the review of [...]
the strengthening of the Council (resolution 65/1).
我们对此非常满意,更换过程非常专业并且满足了我们所 有期待
We are more than satisfied as the overhaul was done professionally
[...] and has met all our expectations.
休斯顿--(BUSINESS WIRE)--(最终版本期待— 埃克森美孚化工推出了一款新型的 Label-Lyte™ 50ML580 表面可印刷的镀金属拉伸聚丙烯 (OPP) 膜,适用于需要美观而均匀的金属外观以及高速印刷性能的压敏标签 (PSL) 应用。
HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ExxonMobil Chemical has introduced new Label-Lyte™ 50ML580 metalized, surface-printable oriented polypropylene (OPP) film for pressure sensitive label (PSL) applications requiring a consistent, attractive metallic appearance and high-speed performance.
期待功、和平地完成目前的选举进程,期待新当局就我们建设和平的联合议程继续 开展积极协作。
We look forward to the successful and peaceful completion of the current electoral process and to continuing our proactive engagement with the new authorities on our joint peacebuilding agenda.
但是,专家组从矿产与能源部得到了一张现有矿井位置图, 期待 部分组织考察,以便就前任专家组有关矿产业的调查结果采取后续行动(见 [...]
S/2011/271,第 175 至 182 段)。
However, the Group received from the Ministry of Mines and Energy a
chart with the locations of all
[...] existing minesand looks forward, during the remainder [...]
of its mandate, to organize visits
in order to follow up previous Groups’ findings related to the mining industry (see paras. 175-182 of S/2011/271).
22/05/2012 伦敦国际葡萄酒博览会开幕 • 21/05/2012 葡萄酒投资基金将获得超过FTSE 100的巨大回报 •
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安全理事会欢迎 2005 年世界首脑会议关于成立建设和平委员会的决
[...] 定(大会第 60/1 号决议)期待会为全面执行第 1325(2000)号决议作 [...]
出贡献,邀请委员会尤其注意妇女通过参与和赋权对建设和平进程所能够提 供的知识和理解。
The Security Council welcomes the decision taken in the 2005 World Summit Outcome (General Assembly
resolution 60/1) to establish the Peacebuilding
[...] Commissionandlooks forward to its [...]
contribution to the full implementation of
resolution 1325 (2000), inviting the Commission to pay particular attention to the knowledge and understanding women can bring, through their participation and empowerment, in peacebuilding processes.
联合王期待军审议委员会这里以及在其 他国际论坛上,与国际社会一道努力控制扩散,在多 [...]
边裁军领域取得进展,建立核武器国家和无核武器国 家之间信任,并采取实际步骤建设一个能够使拥有核 武器的国家最终感到可以放弃核武器的更安全、更稳 定的世界。
The United Kingdomlooks forward to working [...]
with the international community here in the Disarmament Commission and in other
international forums to control proliferation, make progress on multilateral disarmament, build trust and confidence between nuclear-weapon and non-nuclear-weapon States and take tangible steps towards a safer and more stable world, where countries with nuclear weapons ultimately feel able to relinquish them.
执行 委员会表示对莫桑比克将在今后两年完成对结束性淘汰管理计划的执行,提高其消耗臭氧 层物质的当前削减水平充期待
The Executive Committee expresses the expectation that, in the next two years, Mozambique will complete the implementation of its terminal phase-out management plan and build upon its current levels of reductions in ODS.
(f)期待测和报告国家工作队紧密合作,确保成功执行第 [...]
1612(2005) 号决议,并敦促相关机构,包括联合国开发计划署和联合国儿童基金会,特别注 重解决更广泛的社会-经济、治理和安全问题。
(f) Lookedforward toworking [...]
closely with the country task force on monitoring and reporting to ensure the successful implementation
of resolution 1612 (2005), and urged the relevant agencies, including the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Children’s Fund, to give special focus on addressing the broader socio-economic, governance and security issues.




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