单词 | 朝核问题 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 朝核问题—Korean nuclear problemSee also:核问题n—nuclear issuen 核问题—the nuclear problem 问题n—problemspl issuespl concernn mattern
今天决议案再交来立法会, 政府的救兵已回朝,一切便没问题。 legco.gov.hk | Today, this Resolution is tabled [...] before the Legislative Council again and the defenders of the Government have [...] come back, so everything willbe fine now. legco.gov.hk |
我同意,这些问题并非一朝一夕可以解决,而是需要按部就班慢慢解决。 legco.gov.hk | I agree that these issues cannot be resolved overnight, and we need to solve these issues slowly and in an orderly manner. legco.gov.hk |
如果政府自己也无法找出问题核心、来源、症 结,我们讨论也是没有意思的,大家只是在绕圈讨论而已。 legco.gov.hk | If even the Government cannot identify the crux, the origin and the thrust of the problem, our discussion would be meaningless, as we would only be beating about the bush in our discussion. legco.gov.hk |
我们㆒直容忍这个问题,期望有朝㆒日问题终於可以彻底解决。 legco.gov.hk | We have endured this problem for a long time, hoping one day that it will be solved. legco.gov.hk |
6.1 就外聘核数师之委任、重新委任及罢免向董事会提供建议、批准外聘核数师之薪 酬及聘用条款,及处理任何有关该核数师辞任或辞退该核数师之问题;(注:根据《香港联合交易所有限公司主板证券上市规则》第 13.51(4)条,应就 [...] 核数师的任何变更或其他需要发行人证券持有人注意的事项发布公告。 evergrande.com | (Note: Under Rule 13.51(4) of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock [...] Exchange of Hong Kong [...] Limited, an announcement mustbe published in relation to any change of auditors and [...]any other matters [...]that need to be brought to the attention of holders of securities of the issuer. evergrande.com |
问题的核心,在於我们对病毒的传播未有充份的掌握。 hkupop.hku.hk | The core issue lies in our [...] understanding of the disease, which is not yet comprehensive enough. hkupop.hku.hk |
其实,这正是 我们所 讨论的问题核心所在。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, this is the core of ourdiscussion today. legco.gov.hk |
(A) 主要负责就外聘核数师的委任、重新委任及罢免向董事会提供 建议、批准外聘核数师的薪酬及聘用条款,及处理任何有关外聘 核数师辞职或辞退外聘核数师的问题 goodtoptin.com | (A) to be primary responsible for making recommendation to the Board on the appointment, reappointment and removal of the external auditors, and to [...] approve the remuneration and terms of engagement of the [...] externalauditors,andanyquestions of itsresignation [...]or dismissal goodtoptin.com |
在克林顿政府期间举行的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国双边谈判之初,美国 曾作出保证,“不以武力相威胁,也不使用武力,包括核武器”(1993 年 6 月 11 日《朝鲜民主主义人民共和国美国联合声明》)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the beginning of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea-United States bilateral talks held during the Clinton administration, the United States pledged “assurances [...] against the threat and use [...] of force,includingnuclear weapons”(Democratic People’s Republicof Korea-United States [...]Joint Statement, 11 June 1993). daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,多哥认为,国际社会必须不遗余力地更加 坚定地应对核扩散危机,支持原子能机构的工作,寻求朝着实现核裁军做出具体努力,同时,正如《不扩 散条约》规定的那样,开展合作以促进负责任地开发 非军用核技术。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, Togo believes that the international community must spare no [...] effort in responding more firmly [...] tonuclear proliferation crises, supporting the work of the IAEA and pursuing concrete efforts towards achievingnuclear disarmament while [...]also, as the NPT [...]stipulates, cooperating in order to promote the responsible development of non-military nuclear technology. daccess-ods.un.org |
八年後的今天,虽然很多问题尚待解决,但朝野对民调的认识,总算比以前正确。 hkupop.hku.hk | Eight years later, although many issuesremain unresolved, all parties seem to have known opinion polling much better than before. hkupop.hku.hk |
然而,他已在报告中重点 阐述英国的实况,即当规管机构需要就如何分配资源 处理各项关注事项作出决定时,英国金融服务管理局 鉴於Northern Rock事件中出现监管问题,已宣布会朝审慎监管事务的方向,转移工作重点。 legco.gov.hk | Nevertheless, he had highlighted in his report what had actually happened in the UK that, at a point when the regulator had to determine the allocation of resources for various issues of concern, FSA had announced that it would shift its priorities more in the direction of prudential issues having regard to the supervisory failings in relation to the Northern Rock case. legco.gov.hk |
财赤问 题绝非 一朝一夕可以解 决 , 而是政 府 自 己 一 手 做 成 的。 legco.gov.hk | This deficit problem therefore cannot be hoped [...] to disappear within a short time and it is all the Government's own making. legco.gov.hk |
从 香港的政制及社 会 现 阶 段 的 情况,令我想 起 满 清 期 间 一 些 政 治 发 展 的 情况, 因为这几 年 间 , 中 国 ─ 我们伟 大 的 祖 国 [...] 出产的 很 多 剧 集 , 有不少 也 是 谈清朝的问题。legco.gov.hk | The current political and social situation in Hong Kong has reminded me of some political [...] developments of the QingDynasty. legco.gov.hk |
李 国麟议员刚才提到的问题,完全说出了今天我们的问题核心所在。 legco.gov.hk | What Dr Joseph LEE said just now is precisely the crux of the problem faced by us today. legco.gov.hk |
问题11:核数师在根据《公司条例》执行核数师职务期间及因 [...] 辞去核数师一职而作出的陈述,应否享有附条件的特 权? legco.gov.hk | Question11: Shouldauditors [...] begiven qualified privileges for statements made in the course of their duties as auditors [...]and in respect of their resignation as auditors under the CO? legco.gov.hk |
根据审核委员会的书面职权范围,其职责(其中包括)为监督与外聘核数师的关系,主要负责就委任、 [...] 重新委任及罢免外聘核数师向董事会提出建议,批准外聘核数师的薪酬及聘用条款,考虑该核数师辞 任 或 罢 免该核数师的 任何问 题,与高 级 管 理 人 员 及 外 聘 核 数 师 检 讨 会 计 政 策 及 采 纳 的 常 规、 上 市 规 则、合规事宜、内部监控、有关连人士交易、风险管理及财务申报事宜(包括中期及年度财务报表), [...][...]以及向董事会提出建议。 kader.com | Under its Terms of Reference, the duties of the Audit Committee, amongst other things, shall be to oversee the relationship with the external auditors, to be primarily responsible for making recommendations to the Board on the appointment, [...] re-appointment and removal of [...] the external auditors, to approve the remuneration and terms of engagement of the external auditors, to consider any questionsofresignation [...]or dismissal of that auditor, [...]and to review with senior management and external auditors the accounting principles and practices adopted, listing rules and statutory compliance, internal control, related party transactions, risk management and financial reporting matters, including interim and annual financial statements and to provide recommendations to the Board. kader.com |
这方面的谈判肯定需要各方作出 大量的努力,但是,必须朝着彻底消除核武器的方 向迈出第一步。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such negotiations will surely call for extensive efforts, but the first step towards the [...] total eliminationofnuclear weapons must be taken. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,我认为现时的问题核心并不是供应不足,而是供应 充足,可是,发展商采用一些市场策略令楼宇价格处於一个不合理的水平, [...] 一般市民,即使是毕业多年的大学生,或一同就业的夫妇,都发觉未有能力 购买私人楼宇。 legco.gov.hk | However, I [...] think the crux of the current problem is not insufficient [...]supply. There is a sufficient supply, and it is the [...]property developers who have pushed property prices to an unreasonable level by means of marketing strategies, so much so that the ordinary people have found it beyond their affordability to purchase private property, even for university graduates who have graduated for a number of years, or even working couples. legco.gov.hk |
我相信这问题并非㆒朝㆒夕形成 。我相信这问题并非㆒朝㆒夕形成,请问保安司 ,请问保安司 ,请问保安司 ,请问保安司, ,, , 为何会出现这样严重的问题? legco.gov.hk | I would like to ask the Secretary how this serious problem could arise. legco.gov.hk |
另一部门亦采取类似措施改良现有提 [...] 交评核报告和发出催办便笺的监察机制,务求 解决逾期填写评核报告的问题。psc.gov.hk | Similar efforts are also made by another department where an improved monitoring mechanism for [...] calling of performance appraisals and issuing of reminders has been worked out [...] to address theproblem of latereporting. psc.gov.hk |
虽然有 部分问 题并非一朝一夕可以解决, 但只要我们 同 心 协力, 阻 止 引 发 [...] 社 会 分 化 的行动 , 在 社 会 稳 定的情况下,相 信香港将 可以很快恢 复 繁 荣 。 legco.gov.hk | Although certain problems cannot be resolved overnight, [...] Hong Kong can, given social stability, conceivably restore its prosperity [...]rapidly, provided we can unite in a concerted effort to block actions that may otherwise divide the community. legco.gov.hk |
第四点是更为重要的,特首在去年的施政报告中也提及香港正面对挑 战,而他亦亲口承认是基层贫穷的问题,很多劳工朝不保夕。 legco.gov.hk | In his policy address last year, the Chief Executive also mentioned that Hong Kong was facing a challenge. legco.gov.hk |
其实,香港社会要求政府解决三隧分流的问题,已非一朝一夕的 事。 legco.gov.hk | Actually, our society has long since been asking the Government to tackle the problemof traffic flow distribution among the three tunnels. legco.gov.hk |
这问题不是一朝一夕可以解决的,但有一点可以肯定,经过立法会议员、社 会人士的多番诉求,在这两三年以来,政府、半政府机构,已经陆续推出了 [...] 一些解困措施,帮助拥有负资产人士(“负资产业主")度过难关。 legco.gov.hk | Whilethis problemcannot be resolved [...] overnight, thanks to the repeated appeals made by Legislative Council Members and [...]other members of society, the Government and quasi-government organizations have been continuously introducing measures over the last couple of years to help flat owners with negative equity (negative-equity property owners) to tide over their difficulties. legco.gov.hk |
我们提出渔民补偿问题,已非㆒朝㆒夕的事,但是理性讨论和耐心等待的结果,仍然是等待。 legco.gov.hk | However, after all these rational discussions and waiting with patience, what we get at the end is nothing but further waiting. legco.gov.hk |
付 款 人 保 障 只 适 用 於 保 单 生 效 时 受 保 年 龄(6) 不 超 过 60 岁 并 持 有 香 港 身 份 证 及 投 保 计 划 申 [...] 请 表 内 付 款 人 资 料及核保问 题之答覆 为 恒 生 保 险 有 [...]限 公 司 所 接 受。 bank.hangseng.com | Payor's Benefit is only offered to Payor whose Insurance Age(6) is not greater than 60 and is holding a HKID Card upon commencement of the Policy, provided that [...] the Payor’s information and answers to [...] the underwriting questionsas stated in the [...]application form are acceptable to Hang [...]Seng Insurance Company Limited. bank.hangseng.com |
但我告诉记者,其实问题核心并不只 是该数天的遴选入围作品讨论及投票过程,更包括现时社会上很多疑 问,例如梁振英先生是否由始至终也不知道其公司参与了杨经文的参 [...] 赛团队呢? legco.gov.hk | However, I told [...] reportersthat the coreofthequestion does not just [...]lie in the discussions on the shortlisted entries [...]and the process of voting on them in those few days, rather, they also cover many queries voiced in society now. legco.gov.hk |
会议的总主题是“展望裁军和不扩散领域取得进展 的新时代”,会议讨论了核裁军和不扩散领域的一些关键问题,例如,朝向实现无核武器世界的行动、核不扩散面临的挑战和可能的解决办法、促进和平使用核 能以及东北亚地区不扩散方面的挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the overall theme, “Prospects for a new era of progress on disarmament and non-proliferation”, the Conference addressed several critical issues in the fields of nuclear disarmament and [...] non-proliferation, such as actions [...] toward a nuclear-weapon-free world; challenges and possible solutions to nuclearnon-proliferation; [...]promoting [...]peaceful uses of nuclear energy; and non-proliferation challenges in north-east Asia. daccess-ods.un.org |
我 从 过去十多 年来的地区 直 选 经 验 当中, 看 到市区重建并不是一个 简 单的问题,也不 是一朝一夕便 能获得解决的,因 为 其 中 将 会 牵涉很 多问题。 legco.gov.hk | From my more than 10 years of experience in district elections, it is clear to me that urban renewal is not a simple matter, nor can it be completed overnight, since many questions are involved. legco.gov.hk |