

单词 朝不虑夕

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External sources (not reviewed)

此外,建设和平文不是一朝一夕的 活动,需要持之以恒,经过长时间 的培养。
Furthermore, building a
[...] culture of piece is not a one-time effort but needs [...]
to be sustained and nurtured over an extended period of time.
虑不周, 相关部门还应加强努力,重新修订工作计划。
Should there be insufficient emphasis, Sectors should be asked to redouble their efforts and revise work plans.
[...] 十分复杂,需要有大量的资金及有关各方的努力与合作,并指出,处理好这些问不是一朝一夕的事 ,但这些问题将会得到解决。
Slovakia considered this set of recommendations very complex and requiring huge financial resources,
effort and cooperation of all involved, and
[...] noted that solutions were not imminent but would materialize [...]
in the future.
朝 不保夕 、 在 貧 困邊緣掙扎的 巿 民,沒 有“等運 到” 的 奢侈, 我們要求的,是政府在政 策 方 面 的 積 極 回 應。
What we are asking for is a proactive response from the Government regarding its policies.
工作人员协会还对某些部门负责人决意做冷漠的 虑 表 示 担忧,他们在招聘问题上宁 可面“向外”不“朝内” ,大量雇用短期合同(ALD)职员来负责正常计划的常规工作, 这必然使教科文组织的公务员制度处于不稳定的状态。
ISAU is further concerned about the cold, resolute motives of some sectors’ officials who prefer to recruit from outside rather than in-house, the exceedingly large number of staff hired under appointments of limited duration (ALD) arrangements to perform recurrent regular programme duties and the growing insecurity of the civil service at UNESCO which is the unavoidable outcome.
However, some people are unable to make ends meet, which shows that a huge conflict exists.
我有時候想,這些好像是想當然的事情,例如行政機關向立法會 負責,或是我所認為的良好政治傳統 不 是 一 朝 一 夕 建 立 出來,而是 經過很長、很長時間建立出來的。
But, for instance, the accountability of the executive authorities to the Legislative Council or the good political tradition is built up over a long, long period of time rather than overnight.
自 1975 年以来,能源体系围绕着矿物燃料的使用稳定了下来, 尽管由于 1970 年代的石油危机,加上全球变暖日益引起的 虑 , 各 国和国际上 都作出了加快能源使用技术改革的努力,可是 不 到 朝 着 可 再生的和较清洁的一 次能源发生新转变的方向变化。
Since 1975, energy systems have stabilized around the use of fossil fuels with no visible shift in the direction of a new transition towards renewable and cleaner primary energy sources, despite national and international efforts to accelerate technological change in energy generation in response to the oil crises of the 1970s and increasing concerns about global warming.
在 1911年制訂這套保險制度時,喬治這樣說:“面對勞動階層的 需要,克服實際的困難,他們會因病或目 朝不 保 夕 的 工 作而失業, 除了一個由政府和僱主出力的全民失業保障外,我實在想不出其他更 好或更切合現實的方法來幫助他們。
When the insurance system was set up in 1911, Lloyd GEORGE said: "in face of the needs of the working class and difficulties which they have to overcome, and that they may lose their jobs due to illness or job insecurities, apart from introducing a national unemployment protection scheme which is sponsored by the Government and employers, I could not think of a better or more realistic way to help them.
虽然该决议草案没有虑到朝鲜民 主主义人民 共和国去年采取的积极步骤,但遗憾的是,当地并未 发生任何实质性的变化。
While the draft
[...] resolution did take into account positive steps taken on the part of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the [...]
previous year, it was regrettable
that no substantive changes had yet come about on the ground.
美国注意到朝鲜愿虑建立 一个独立的人权机制,促请朝鲜接受人权高专办的技术援助,寻求得到国 [...]
It noted the
[...] State’s willingness to consider establishing an independent [...]
human rights mechanism and urged it to accept technical
assistance from OHCHR and seek accreditation from the International Coordinating Committee of National Institutions.
但是,如果我們要長遠 搞好香港的政制發展,其實,我不 爭 朝夕 , 我 們用多些時間來為香港準備 普選的來臨,也不是一件壞事。
Nevertheless, if we want to do a good job in developing the constitution in Hong Kong in the long term, it is desirable in fact to stop wrangling over a short period of time and more time should be spent on preparing for the dawn of universal suffrage in Hong Kong.
遗憾的是,工程处在不同场合被 迫采取的紧缩措施让难民们虑不安 , 担心国际社 会不再致力于必要的人道主义援助,甚至最终不再 支持公正解决他们的困境。
Regrettably, the austerity measures the Agency had been forced to apply on various occasions had made the refugee population fearful that the international community was no longer committed to the necessary humanitarian assistance, or even ultimately to a just resolution of their plight.
為何我們的社會會令那些最勤力、不想領取綜援,很想自食其力、 自力更生的朝不保夕呢?
How come in our society, the most hardworking people who want to be self-reliant and earn their own living without having to rely on CSSA payments have to live from hand to mouth?
因此,我不妨考虑适用“夕阳程序”,以帮 助减少由大会审议的议程项目和决议的数量。
As such, we might think about applying sunset procedures that could assist in reducing the number of agenda items and resolutions to be considered by the General Assembly.
興建道路,設立交通工具網絡並非 朝 ㆒ 夕 就 能 完成,過往政府已 不 少 規劃㆖的 失誤,現在必須盡快作出補救,以解市民之困。
Since the Administration has already made many planning mistakes, remedies must be worked out as soon as possible to solve the transport problems faced by the public.
各位同事,我以上列出的項目,其實每一項也影響着各階層的巿民,雖 然對於中上階層來說,影響微不足道,但對於一些在職貧窮及領取綜援人 士朝不保夕的人 來說,無異是百上加斤。
To the upper-middle classes, the impact may be minimal, but to the working poor and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients and those in dire straits, the impact will place an additional burden on them.
政府明白到發展回收工不 是一朝一夕可以 達到,因為我們實行任何一項政策,也會影響每一位市民, 所以我們必須制訂一些措施和政策,以作長遠及全面的考慮。
Therefore, we must formulate some measures and policies with long-term and comprehensive considerations.
令人遗憾的是,塞尔维亚教会产 朝不 保 夕 的状况仍然是科索沃当地现实中一个非常令人不安的部 分。
Regrettably, the precarious state of Serbian patrimony remains a deeply troubling part of the reality on the ground in Kosovo.
整個香港社會朝不保夕的開 始向前邁進,逐漸積聚到多㆒點財富,以致最後有更佳的生活水準,子女接 受到更佳的教育,而所有市民均享用到更好的社會設施。
From a precarious beginning the entire community moved ahead, accrued a little more, and finally achieved a better standard of living with finer education for the children and amenities for everyone.
對香港人來說,那些動物與他朝夕 相 對 ,互相分 不 少 喜 悅和歡樂, 很多香港人不單把寵物當作寶貝,更會把牠們當作子女般看待。
Many people would not just treat pets as darlings, but they [...]
would also treat them like their own children.
過去無法糊 口的超低工資、基層勞工朝不保夕 、 工 作尊嚴蕩然無存,一定要藉着 今次的立法,把它們變成歷史。
Through this legislative effort, the undesirable of the past, such as excessively low wages that fail to sustain a living, job insecurity of grassroots workers and absence of dignity at work must be turned into history.
所 以 ,局長隨 便 地 說 這 些 是 機密, 要 絕 對 保 密 , 否 則 警 察 和 臥 底 便 可朝 不 保 夕 , 他 又 能否向 立法會提出 道 理 和 數 據 呢 ?
Therefore, when the Secretary casually says that these are confidential information which must be kept in strict confidence, or else the lives of certain policemen or undercover officers will be endangered, can he provide his rationale and data to the Legislative Council?
专题辩论会的成果以及同建设和平委员会各 国别组合主不断加 深的交往,是安理 朝 着 更 认真虑委员 会咨询作用迈出的一个重要步骤。
The outcomes of the thematic debates and the deepening engagement of the Chairs of the PBC’s country-specific configurations marked an important step towards more serious consideration by the Council of the Commission’s advisory role.
鉴于指导原则(第 4 条)提到有必要“采取措施,在制定烟草控制战略时虑不同性别的风险”,因此必须确保在规划过程中要进行性别分析, 用以加强执行《公约》的多部门和机构间对策,并将其纳入《联合国发 展援助框架》。
Given that the guiding principles (art. 4) refer to the need to “take measures to address gender-specific risks when developing tobacco control strategies”, it would be important to ensure that a gender analysis is undertaken as part of the planning for strengthening a multisectoral and inter-agency response to implementation of the Convention and for integrating it into the United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks.
主席女士,現時本港基層及貧窮人士的情況就是這樣:樓市好、股市好, 但都與他們不相干,因為他們的生活只是“掹掹緊”,甚 朝不 保 夕 , 反之 經濟改善帶來的通脹問題,更令他們感到百上加斤。
Madam President, at present, the situation of the grassroots and the poor in Hong Kong is like this: The property market is booming, the stock market is booming, however, this is not relevant to them because they can only live from hand to mouth.
由于中国惧怕朝鲜 政权崩塌,担心成千上万朝鲜难民蜂拥入境,虑 韩朝迅速 统一可能带来的战略后果,中国仍然会继 续保护朝鲜免受更严厉的惩罚,包括更强硬的经济 制裁。
Given its fear of regime implosion, or hundreds of thousands of North Korean refugees streaming across the border, or the strategic consequences of a precipitous reunification with South Korea, Beijing continues to act in ways that shield the DPRK from more punitive measures, including stronger economic sanctions.
在“打 工 仔 ” 飯朝 不 保 夕 之 下,要 受薪人士繼 續為政 府負上滅 赤 的 重任, 只 會 導 致 內部消費不 振 , 令香港經濟首當 其 衝 , 再 受 傷 害 。
At this time when the rice bowls of the wage earners are never secure, if the salaried class is required [...]
to bear the major responsibility
of eliminating government deficits, it would only lead to weaker domestic consumption and hence the economy of Hong Kong will be directly hit and suffer further damage.
假如行政當局是指行政局以及政府官員的話,其㆗政府官員和立法 朝夕 相 見 ,根不存在 溝通問題,要加強溝通的只是行政局與立法局的議員。
If by the executive authority we mean the Executive Council and government officials, there is no question of the problem of communication between government officials and members of the Legislative Council.




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