

单词 朗照

External sources (not reviewed)

承认据《不扩散条约》承担的义务为和平目的发展、研究、生 [...]
to recognize Iran’s right to develop [...]
research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in conformity with its NPT obligations
这些制裁措施并非针 对伊朗人民,也并非要阻止务,合法地 行使《不扩散条约》规定的权利。
These sanctions are not directed at theIranian people, nor do they seek to stopIran from the legitimate exercise of its rights under the NPT, in conformity with its obligations.
1888 年,伊士曼购买了这一专利的使用权,并在一年之后 推出了柯达
Eastman purchased the right to use that patent in 1888, and
[...] introduced the KODAK BROWNIE Camera the following year.
总干事敦促会有约束力的决议和安全理事会具有强制性的各 项决议的要求采取步骤充分履行其“保障协定”及其他义务,包括执行其“附加 [...]
议定书”的规定、执行其“保障协定”的“辅助安排”总则经修订的第 3.1 条、 中止浓缩相关活动和中止重水相关活动。
The Director General urges Iran, as required in [...]
the binding resolutions of the Board of Governors and mandatory Security
Council resolutions, to take steps towards the full implementation of its Safeguards Agreement and its other obligations, including: implementation of the provisions of its Additional Protocol; implementation of the modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangements General Part to its Safeguards Agreement; suspension of enrichment related activities; and suspension of heavy water related activities.
总干事继续敦促会有约束力的各项决议和安全理事会具有强 制性的各项决议的要求采取充分履行其“保障协定”和其他义务的步骤,并敦促 [...]
The Director General
[...] continues to urge Iran, as required in [...]
the binding resolutions of the Board of Governors and mandatory
Security Council resolutions, to take steps towards the full implementation of its Safeguards Agreement and its other obligations, and to urge Iran to engage with the Agency to achieve concrete results on all outstanding substantive issues.
[...] 将它关于建造或批准建造这两个设施的决定及时通 知原子能机构,而这不符合障监督协定 附属安排所承担的义务。
The report again makes clear that, in the case of two facilities, Iran did not notify the Agency in a timely manner of its decision to construct or
authorize their construction, and that this is
[...] inconsistent with Iran’sobligations under [...]
the subsidiary arrangements of its safeguards agreement.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国保证法律将该地区中 心建成一个公共机构。
The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran ensures that the regional centre will be a public institution
[...] established underIranian national legislation.
第二,决议草案无视行其扩散条约》所承担的义务而对中东和《不扩 散条约》构成的威胁。
Secondly, the draft resolution ignores the threat to the Middle East
[...] and to the NPT posed by Irans failure to comply with [...]
its NPT obligations.
23. 能机构的要求提供关于它在 2010 年 2 月 [...]
7 日宣布拥有了 激光浓缩技术24 和在 2010 年 4 月 9 日宣布发展第三代离心机的进一步资料。
Iran has not provided further information, [...]
as requested by the Agency, in connection with its announcement on 7 February
2010 that it possessed laser enrichment technology,24 and its announcement on 9 April 2010 regarding the development of third generation centrifuges.25 Since early 2008, Iran has not responded to Agency requests for access to additional locations related, inter alia, to the manufacturing of centrifuges, and to R&D on uranium enrichment.26 As a result, the Agency’s knowledge about Iran’s enrichment activities continues to diminish.
安全理事会在第 1929(2010)号决议中除其他外,特别申明伊朗应不再拖延地采取原子能机构 理事会在 GOV/2006/14 号文件和 GOV/2009/82 号文件中要求采取的步骤;重申伊朗有义务在所
[...] 决定伊朗应当毫不拖延地全面和无条件地遵守其“保障协定”,包括通过执行“辅助安排”中 经修订的第 3.1 条;并呼吁 附加议定书”的规定行事并迅速批准该“附加议 [...]
定书”(执行部分第 1 段至第 6 段)。
In resolution 1929 (2010), the Security Council affirmed, inter alia, that Iran shall, without further delay, take the steps required by the Board in GOV/2006/14 and GOV/2009/82; reaffirmed Iran’s obligation to cooperate fully with the IAEA on all outstanding issues, particularly those which give rise to concerns about the possible military dimensions of the Iranian nuclear programme; decided that Iran shall, without delay, comply fully and without qualification with its Safeguards Agreement, including through the application of modified
Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary
[...] Arrangements; and called upon Irantoact strictly in [...]
accordance with the provisions of its
Additional Protocol and to ratify it promptly (operative paras. 1-6).
再次呼吁伊朗政府结束对阿拉伯联合酋长国这三个岛屿的占领,不要试 图用武力造成既成事实,停止为改变这些岛屿的人口结构而建立任何设施,取消
伊朗伊斯兰共和国在这三个阿拉伯岛屿上单方面采取的所有措施并拆除单方面 建立的所有设施,因为这些措施和权利主张均为无效,不具任何法律效力,并不
[...] 减损阿拉伯联合酋长国对其三个岛屿的公认权利,这些行为违反了国际法和 1949 年《日内瓦四公约》的规定;呼吁法原则和准则,采用和平手 段解决目前关于这三个岛屿的争端,包括同意将此事提交国际法院审理; 6.
To appeal once again to the Iranian Government to end its occupation of the three islands of the United Arab Emirates, refrain from trying to impose a fait accompli by force, desist from establishing any installations there for the purpose of modifying the islands’ demographic structure, revoke all measures and remove all installations unilaterally executed by the Islamic Republic of Iran on the three Arab islands, inasmuch as such measures and claims are null and void, lack any legal effect, do not detract from the established right of the United Arab Emirates over its three islands and are acts that run counter to the provisions of international law and the Geneva
Conventions of 1949; and
[...] to calluponthe IranianGovernment to adopt peaceful means for resolving the existing dispute over themin accordance [...]
with the principles
and norms of international law, including agreement to refer the matter to the International Court of Justice
例如,能机构的请求,澄清福尔道工厂的背景和最终目的; 它没有提供若干设施的设计信息;它拒绝原子能机构 [...]
进入重水生产和储存设施;并且它不执行《附加议定 书》。
Forexample, Iranhasnotprovided the clarification [...]
requested bythe IAEA as to the background and purpose of the Fordow
plant; it has not provided design information regarding several installations; it is denying the Agency access to its heavy water production and storage installations; and it is not implementing the Additional Protocol.
在目前时刻, 扩散核武器条约》和 《保障协定》规定的义务,以及安全理事会各项决议 [...]
的有关规定,紧急恢复对其核计划纯属和平性质的国 际信任。
At this point in time,
[...] it is essential for Irantourgently restore [...]
international confidence concerning the exclusively
peaceful nature of its nuclear programme, in accordance with its obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Safeguards Agreement, as well as the relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions.
2010 年 5 月 23 日的普提请兰共和国外交部注意这一 事件。
The incident was brought to the attention of the Foreign Ministry of the
[...] Islamic Republicof Iran by note verbale dated [...]
23 May 2010.
5.决定伊朗应立即全面不折不扣地遵守它的原子能机构保障监督协定,包 括适用经修订的保障监督协定附属安排的准则 3.1,呼吁 2003 年 12 月 18 日签署的原子能机构保障监督协定附加议定书的规定行事,呼吁伊朗 迅速批准该附加议定书,重申根据伊朗的保障监督协定第 24 和第 39 条,伊朗不 得单方面修改伊朗的保障监督协定及其附属安排,包括经修订的准则 3.1,并指 出,协定中并没有暂停附属安排规定的机制
that, in accordance with Articles 24 and 39 of Iran’s Safeguards Agreement, Iran’s Safeguards Agreement and its Subsidiary Arrangement, including modified Code 3.1, cannot be amended or changed unilaterally by Iran, andnotes that there is no mechanism in the Agreement for the suspension of any of the provisions in the Subsidiary Arrangement
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确保、自然正义和正当司法程序,以公正和透明的方式 进行对 Yarran 的审判(新西兰)
Ensure that the trial of the Yarran is conducted in a fair and transparent manner, consistent with Iranian law, natural justice and due legal process (New Zealand)
示了斯法罕集市 (bazaar) 的一部分摄于 1944 年。
This photographshows a part of the bazaar in Isfahan, Iran as itappeared in 1944.
自 2007 年以来,
[...] 伊朗在该反应堆开展了大量的附加设计和建造工作,但却一直没有助安排”总则经修订的第 3.1 [...]
Since 2007, Iran has conducted significant additional design and construction work on the reactor, but has not
provided further information, as required pursuant to
[...] modified Code 3.1 of Iran’s Subsidiary Arrangements [...]
General Part.
原子能机构已核实福尔道燃料浓缩厂正在的最新《设计资料调查 表》进行建造。
The Agency has verified that FFEP is being constructed
[...] according to the latest DIQ provided by Iran.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国坚决明确谴责美国当局这种无耻指控,并对其 而精心策划的阴谋表示遗憾,其目的是要转移国内对其当前经济和社会问 题以及对反对美国长期支持国外专制政权做法的民众革命和抗议活动的注意力。
The Islamic Republic of Iran categorically and in the strongest terms condemns this shameful allegation by the United States authorities and deplores it as a well-thought-out evil plot in line with their anti-Iranian policy to divert attention from the current economic and social problems at home and the popular revolutions and protests against United States long supported dictatorial regimes abroad.
2002 年 12 月,美国公布了纳坦兹和阿拉克拍摄的核 设指责大规模杀伤性武器。
In December 2002,
[...] the U.S.unveiled photographsofnuclear installations [...]
at Natanz and Arak, saying they were proof ofTehran’s “across-the-board pursuit of
weapons of mass destruction”.
关切地注意到,伊朗不认为原子能机构有权根据修改后的准则 3.1,核查伊 朗提供的设计资料,并强调子能机构之间的保障监督协定第 39 条, 准则 3.1 不能单方面修改或暂停,而且原子能机构核查它收到的设计资料是一项 持续性权利,并不取决于某一设施的建造阶段,也不取决于设施中是否有核材料 存在,重申决心加强原子能机构的授权,坚决支持原子能机构理事会发挥作用,赞
that in accordance with Article 39 of Iran’sSafeguards Agreement Code 3.1 cannot be modified nor suspended unilaterally and that the IAEA’s right to verify design information provided to it is a continuing right, which is not dependent on the stage of construction of, or the presence of nuclear material at, a facility
拘留营,并将此与其他国家的情况作了 虽然 他所有国家 一样都发生了包括侵害妇女暴力在内的不法行为,但问题在于这种行为是否为国 [...]
While wrongdoing occurred in Iran as in all States, including [...]
with regard to violence against women, the issue should be
whether it was a policy of the State.
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