单词 | 服食 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 服食 —take (medication, vitamins etc)
純吃母乳的嬰兒可能會有缺乏維他命D的危險,這正是為何專 家建議每天給嬰兒服食400 IU的維他命D補充劑。 cancer-asian.com | Babies who are exclusively breast-fed might [...] be at risk of vitamin D deficiency, which is why experts recommend they be given a [...] vitamin D supplement of 400 IU a day. cancer-asian.com |
酗酒人士應盡量減少喝酒,甚或戒酒,並應在日常飲食中額外 多 服食 維 他命B,以確保攝取足夠的硫胺素。 hsbc.com.hk | People who drink heavily should cut down [...] the amount or abstain from alcohol, and [...] supplement their diets with vitamin B's [...]to ensure appropriate intake of thiamine. hsbc.com.hk |
由於我們位處北半球 高緯度地區,以及因為陽光不猛烈,本會建議加拿大成年人考 慮在秋冬期間服食維他命D補充劑。 cancer-asian.com | Due to our northern latitude and because the sun’s rays are weak, the Society recommends that Canadian adults consider taking a vitamin D supplement during fall and winter months. cancer-asian.com |
请记住您正服食的药名、药丸类别和剂量因为当药量更改时您可能感到 困惑。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Take note of the name and strength of the preparation that you are currently taking to avoid confusion as dosages may change according to your needs. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
纽西兰的百合球茎是不适合服食,只 适合种植成一朵朵的百合花。 4tern.com | It has been planted, to grow into beautiful lily flowers. 4tern.com |
坦白來說,我傾向於相信女青 年會調查所得的數據,因為這些數據都是 由 服食 軟 性毒品的青少年所提供的,他們沒 有理由欺騙社工或調查㆟員。 legco.gov.hk | Frankly speaking, I tend to believe the data collected by the latter because they were provided by the young addicts of soft drugs and there were no reasons for them to lie to social workers or interviewers. legco.gov.hk |
如您有服食心脏药物如Digoxin, 请勿服食金海参。 gnetrading.com | However, if you are taking heart medication e.g. Digoxin, please [...] do not take sea cucumber. gnetrading.com |
即便有堆得象 Akhdar 山那么高的药片也不够这么多人服食。 daccess-ods.un.org | A pile of pills the size of the Akhdar Mountains would not be enough for that many people. daccess-ods.un.org |
除非您很肯定不被影响,服食 后请勿驾驶或操纵机械。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Do not drive a car or operate machinery until [...] you know how this drug affects you. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
此外﹐搖頭丸 很多時是在整夜跳舞期間服食的﹐ 於是導致脫水及使發作有更大可能出現。 bcepilepsy.com | And, ecstasy is often taken while dancing all night long, leading to dehydration and making seizures more likely to occur. bcepilepsy.com |
必須記住﹐大多數 癲癇患者都能夠過正常﹑令人滿意的生活﹐即使他們繼 續 服食 控 制 發作藥物。 bcepilepsy.com | It’s important to remember that most people with epilepsy can lead normal, fulfilling lives even if they do continue to take medication for seizures. bcepilepsy.com |
道教认为:凡人通过修炼和服食丹药 也可以成为神仙,这可能是道教与其他宗教的主要不同。 chinesestoryonline.com | Taoists thought that a man could become an immortal through cultivating vital energy and taking pills specially made by themselves, which might be the biggest difference between Taoism and other religions. chinesestoryonline.com |
一部分的好消息是云南省当地的基督徒一直在帮助难民,发放 衣 服 、 食 物 和 药品。 amccsm.org | Some good news is that local Christians in Yunnan province have been helping the refugees and [...] distributing clothes, food and medicines. amccsm.org |
最近的一项研究以海藻碘为土壤外源碘,通过植物碘强化的生物地球化学过程,在培育含碘作物的同时,逐渐使缺碘的生态环境得到改善,从而为 克 服食 盐 加 碘的缺陷和彻底消除碘缺乏病,开辟了一种人体自然补碘的新途径。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Using iodine fertilizer extracted from algae as exogenous iodine of soil, we cultivate iodine-contained vegetables and plants via iodine biofortification of plant through which iodine deficient environment can be gradually mended. A natural approach for iodine [...] supplementation is established, [...] which can overcome the defects of salt iodization and eliminate [...]thoroughly iodine deficiency disease. chinese.eurekalert.org |
12 月 13 日,经提前宣布,由 25 辆卡车组成的俄罗斯援助车队在俄罗斯联邦 [...] 驻塞尔维亚大使陪同下试图经 1 号门进入科索沃,以送交发电机、毯子、 衣 服、 食物和烹饪设备。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 13 December, a previously announced Russian aid convoy of 25 trucks, accompanied by the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia, sought [...] to enter Kosovo through gate 1 with a delivery of electricity [...] generators, blankets, clothes, food and cooking equipment. daccess-ods.un.org |
在现代人的眼中,他的丹药配方十分吓人,水银、铅和硫磺构成了丹药的大部分,但是据说魏伯阳活了七十多岁,如果他真 的 服食 他 的丹药的话,这不能不说是个奇迹。 chinesestoryonline.com | In the eyes of modern people, his prescription is quite scary: mercury, lead and sulfur make up of the most proportion of his pills, but surprisingly, he had lived more than seventy years. chinesestoryonline.com |
前已存在的情況是指在保單日期之前的5年內(i)已被確診的病症;或(ii)被保人 已 服食 藥 物、接受意見或治療的病症;或(iii)根據AXA安盛委任醫生的意見,被保人理應已知悉的病症;或(iv)即使被保人並無請醫生診療,被保人已出現有關症狀的病症。 citibank.com.hk | A “Pre-existing Condition” refers to any medical condition, which during the 5 years preceding the Policy Date (i) has been diagnosed; or (ii) for which the insured has received medication, advice or treatment; or (iii) which the insured reasonably has known about based on AXA’s appointed medical doctor’s opinion; or (iv) for which the insured has experienced symptoms even if the insured has not consulted a medical practitioner. citibank.com.hk |
該課程讓飲食服務從 業員更清楚了解,食物如何會 受到污染,以及由食物引致的疾病如何可以透過正確的食物處理程序,予以預防。 bccdc.ca | It offers foodservice workers a better understanding of how food can become [...] contaminated, and how foodborne illness can [...]be avoided through proper food handling procedures. bccdc.ca |
他們也可以提供一系列可選擇的服 務,包括在報章刊登訃聞以至安排款待膳 食服務。 publiclegaled.bc.ca | They may also provide a range of optional services, from placing the obituary notice in the [...] newspaper to arranging catering for the reception. publiclegaled.bc.ca |
同時,元朗院亦致力改善膳食服務質 素,故會定期搜尋及比較不同的食品供應商,務求做到食品的價格及食物的質素皆維持在良好的水平。 hksb.org.hk | During the year, meal service quality had been [...] improved by sourcing new suppliers for fresh and quality food with reasonable prices, despite inflation. hksb.org.hk |
这里的留学生花在住宿、膳食、服装 、休闲娱乐、交通和电话方面的平均费用每周大约为 360澳元。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | An average international student in Australia will spend about A$500 a week [...] on accommodation, food, clothing, entertainment, [...]transport and telephone. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
此外,我們亦已舉辦節約 用水設計比賽,比賽組別包括大專院校的學生、 飲 食服 務 界 和物業管理 界。 devb.gov.hk | In addition, we have organised a water conservation design [...] competition among students of tertiary educational [...] institutions, catering service sector and property [...]management sector. devb.gov.hk |
國泰航空飲食服務集團因機餐 銷量增加而錄得滿意的中期溢利,但價格面對相當大 的壓力,導致邊際利潤下降。 swirepacific.com | However the profit margin declined due to considerable pressure on prices. swirepacific.com |
除了恆常之院友及親友大會外,不同院舍亦分別成立家長會、服務諮詢委員會、 膳 食服 務 諮 詢委員會、學員閒暇活動委員會等,以推動服務使用者參與服務管理。 hksb.org.hk | Apart from regular residents’ and relatives’ meetings, [...] parents’ association, Residents’ Consultative [...] Committees, Meal Service Consultation [...]Committees and Leisure Programme Committees [...]were set up in the Homes to facilitate client participation in our service management. hksb.org.hk |
同一系列的其他刊物包括《屋宇建築、建造及地產業的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》、《進出口貿易、批發及零售業以及住宿及 膳 食服 務 業 的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》、《運輸、倉庫及速遞服務業的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》和《資訊及通訊、金融及保險、專業及商用服務業的業務表現及營運特色的主要統計數字》。 censtatd.gov.hk | Other reports in the same series include: Key Statistics on Business Performance and Operating Characteristics of the Building, Construction and Real Estate Sectors; Key Statistics on Business Performance and Operating Characteristics of the [...] Import/Export, Wholesale and Retail Trades, [...] and Accommodation and Food Services Sectors; Key Statistics [...]on Business Performance and [...]Operating Characteristics of the Transportation, Storage and Courier Services Sector; and Key Statistics on Business Performance and Operating Characteristics of the Information and Communications, Financing and Insurance, Professional and Business Services Sectors. censtatd.gov.hk |
解除武装、复员和重返社会方案的经费中还有用于维护复员点和州办事处的 费用,包括发电机的备件和燃料费及其他水电瓦斯费、商营通信、中央数据储存、 [...] 维护和企业特许费、信息技术设备的备件和维护费,以及在无法组织当地社区提 供膳食服务的 地方为 25%的前战斗人员提供备用盒装口粮的费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | The disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programme also includes provisions for the maintenance of demobilization sites and state offices in the form of spare parts and fuel costs for generators and other utilities costs, commercial communications, centralized data storage, maintenance and enterprise licence costs, spare parts and maintenance costs of information technology equipment and reserve [...] pack rations for 25 per cent of ex-combatants where it is not [...] possible to organize food service from the local [...]community. daccess-ods.un.org |
除粮农组织外,农业中关于童工的国际伙伴关系合作目前的其他成员是:国际劳工组织(ILO)、 国际农业发展基金会、国际农业研究磋商组织的国际粮食政策研究所、农业生产者国际联盟(代 [...] 表农民/雇主和其组织)、国际粮食、农业、饭店、餐馆、 饮 食服 务 、 烟草和同盟工人协会联盟 (代表工人和其组织)。 fao.org | In addition to FAO, other current members of the International Partnership for Cooperation on Child Labour in Agriculture are the International Labour Organization (ILO), International Fund for Agricultural Development, International Food Policy Research Institute of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, International Federation of Agricultural Producers (representing farmers/employers and their [...] organizations), and [...] International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, [...]Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations [...](representing workers and their organizations). fao.org |