

单词 服务处

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

为严格执行这些项目,必须有相关公 服务处 以 及 国家海关署的积极参与,而后者 也将积极参与氟氯烃控制程序的制定和执行。
For proper implementation of these projects, it is essential to
have the active participation from the
[...] relevant Public Service Offices as well as the [...]
National Customs Service who will have
an active involvement in defining and implementing procedures for HCFCs control.
德国新教社服务处同时代表 OIDHACO 说,在对哥伦比亚审议期间所 作的发言反 [...]
映 了 局 势 的 严 重 性。
The Social Service Agency of the Protestant [...]
Church in Germany, also on behalf of OIDHACO, said interventions during Colombia’s
review reflected the gravity of the situation.
通过与两个工作人员协会和担任总部委员会委员的两个代表团的会谈,审计小组收集 了一些用于评估餐服务处所提供服 务 质 量的要素。
Information on the quality of the service provided was sought through interviews with the two staff associations and with two delegations serving on the Headquarters Committee.
供应 管服务处将协 调这项工作,在需要的地方提供指导,并对成果开展落实工 作。
SMS will coordinate this exercise, provide guidance where needed and follow up on the results.
同样为此目的,贸易法委员会秘书处 还就世界银行的《担保交易工具包》向投资环境咨 服务处 发 表 了评论意见 (见 A/CN.9/707,第 39 段)。
With the same goal in mind, the
[...] UNCITRAL Secretariat also provided comments to FIAS on the World [...]
Bank Toolkit on Secured
Transactions (see A/CN.9/707, para. 39).
已经确定了新的计划工作方针,得到了合作伙伴的广泛 认可,为大家共享使用,并坚定不移地贯彻到了办事处的工作中;新的质量项目正在开发和 融资当中,其中一些已经进入实施阶段,而以前的项目组合则将于 2009 年彻底废除;已经 开始应对协调行政和财务程序、合理调整相应的工具、培养一种有效监督环境所面临的挑
[...] [...] 战,主要步骤业已完成,其他工作也进展良好;工作人员都接受了多方面的必要培训,对机 构有了一定了解,能够胜任工作并发挥主观能动性;重新建立并加强了与总部各计划部门和 中服务处的联 系和适当工作程序;正逐渐与该地区及该地区以外的其他总部外办事处构建 联系;巴西利亚办事处已经很好地融入了联合国国家工作队。
The new programme orientations have been defined, widely shared with and accepted by partners and firmly entrenched within the operations of the Office; new quality projects are being developed and funded, with some already in the implementation stage, and the former portfolio of projects will be totally phased out in 2009; the challenge of aligning administrative and financial procedures, adapting corresponding tools and achieving an effective control environment has been addressed with major steps already completed and others well engaged; personnel have received necessary training in many essential aspects, developed an institutional understanding and are able and motivated; linkages and proper working
procedures with programme
[...] sectors and central services at Headquarters have been re-established and consolidated; networking with [...]
other field offices
in the region, and even beyond, is taking place; and UBO is well integrated within the UNCT.
(c) 成立了种族平等问题咨服务处;成立了为提高非洲人后裔的地位促 进和协调积极行动政策办事处
(c) The establishment of
[...] the Advisory Service for racial equity; the Office for the Promotion [...]
and Coordination of Affirmative
Action Policies for People of Afro Descent
该项飞行任务在法国的科学伙伴为 Pierre
[...] Simon Laplace 研究所和高层大气 物理和化学研服务处。
The scientific partners for the mission in France are the Pierre Simon Laplace Institute
[...] (IPSL) and the Aeronomy Service (SA).
我们可能向服务提供商提供信息,以帮助我们向您提供我们的服务。具体而言,我们可能使用第三方来促进我们的经营,例如通过主机代管机构为服务进行服务器托管、发送与 BTS
[...] 相关的电子邮件更新、从我们的用户列表中清除重复的信息、为产品 服务处 理 付 款、或者提供搜索结果或链接(包括赞助商链接)。
We may use third parties to facilitate our business, such as to host the service at a co-location facility for servers, to send out email updates about BTS, to remove repetitive information
from our user lists, to process payments
[...] for products or services, or to provide [...]
search results or links (including sponsored links).
如果您对合规部关于您的投诉的解决仍不满意,您可以到金融申诉专 服务处 投 诉
If you do not feel your complaint has been
resolved satisfactorily by the Compliance Department, you are able to refer your complaint to
[...] the Financial Ombudsman Service.
在 2 月 29 日第 4 次会议上,委员会面前有秘书长关于国家质量保证框
[...] 架的报告(E/CN.3/2012/13),委员会还听取了联合国统计司统 服务处处 长 的介 绍性发言。
At its 4th meeting, on 29 February, the Commission had before it the report of the Secretary-General on national quality assurance frameworks (E/CN.3/2012/13), and
heard an introductory statement by the Chief of
[...] the Statistical Services Branch of the United [...]
Nations Statistics Division.
1984年,拉丁美洲和加勒比妇女保健网基金会最初成立时与国际妇女信息通服务处一起将总部设在了智利,但该组织正式成立于 1996 年,并作为一个自 治实体开展业务。
Red de Salud de las Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe was originally headquartered in Chile with Isis International in 1984, but the organization officially came into being in 1996 and operates as an autonomous entity.
世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)着重介绍了最近设立的欧洲应 服务处 , 该服 务处向联 合国各实体提供支助,以此作为在粮食计划署应急准备和响应框架内 [...]
The World Food Programme (WFP)
highlighted the recent establishment of
[...] the European Emergency Services, which provides support [...]
to United Nations entities as part
of the coordination efforts within the WFP emergency preparedness and response framework.
注意:即使“国际学历评服务处”(I CES) 对你的资格已经作出评估,APEGBC仍会对你的学 [...]
Note: Even if the International
[...] Credentials Evaluation Service (ICES) has assessed [...]
your qualifications, APEGBC undertakes
its own assessment of your academic qualifications.
理查德 F. 格瑞梅特,《对发展中国家的
[...] 常规武器买卖,1999 - 2006 年》,国会研服务处 (CRS)向国会上交的报告,2007 [...]
年 9 月 26 日。
Richard F. Grimmett, “Conventional Arms
Transfers to Developing Nations, 1999-2006”,
[...] Congressional Research Service (CRS) report for [...]
Congress, 26 September 2007.
2011年,联合国监察员和调服务处受 理 了2 267宗案件,其中1 588宗来自秘书处的工作人员,515宗来自基金和项目厅的工作人员,164宗来自联合国人权事务高级专员办公室和难民署的工作人员。
In 2011, the Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services opened 2,267 cases, [...]
of which 1,588 were brought
forward by staff of the Secretariat, 515 from staff of the funds and programmes, and 164 from staff of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
2008年9月30 日苏黎 世学校心理支服务处的医学证明并未提出任何支 服务处 以 前的证明中未曾提 出的信息,而法庭以前都进行了应有的审查,并在2009年6月17 日的判决中考 虑了进去。
The medical certificate from the Zurich school
[...] psychological support services, dated 30 September 2008 which the complainant submitted to the Committee contains no information that had not already been provided by the support services’ earlier certificates, [...]
which were
duly studied and taken into account by the Tribunal in its judgement of 17 June 2009.
R. Rajagopal描述他承诺的目标是“在印度癌症机构促进临终关怀服务发展(目前该地区还不提供临终关 怀 服务 ) , 处 理 临 终关怀政策、培训和给药方面的问题,最终通过受训肿瘤专家的涓滴效应,让今后的癌症专业人士在他们的日常工作中把支持护理和临终关怀融为一体” 。
M. R. Rajagopal, Founder of Pallium India, wrote the goal of his commitment is to "promote development of palliative care services in cancer institutions in regions in India which have no palliative care now, addressing palliative care policy, education and drug availability, aiming for a trickle-down effect through oncologists-in-training, so that cancer professionals of tomorrow incorporate supportive and palliative care in their routine practice.
根据关于公共就业服务局的第 291/2006(XII.23)号政府法令,服务局负责组 织和提服务、处理工作中介、收集有关劳动力需求的报告、提供信息和咨询及 开展与它们执行的任务有关的客户服务活动。
Under the Governmental Decree 291/2006 (XII.23) on the Public Employment Service, the Service organises and renders services, deals with work mediation, gathers reports on labour needs, provides information and consulting and carries out customer service activities related to the tasks performed by them.
艾默生网络能源 Trellis™
平台的核心部件是 Avocent®  统一管理网关( Avocent® Universal Management
[...] Gateway),这是一个独特的数据中心设备系列,它将远程管理 服务处 理 器 管理和实时的数据中心基础设施监控以及事件处理集中到单一的设备之上。
The core component of the Emerson Network Power Trellis™ platform is the Avocent® Universal Management Gateway, a family of unique data
center appliances that integrate
[...] remote management, service processor management, and [...]
real-time data center infrastructure
monitoring and event processing in a single device.
4.14 关于2008年11月19 日苏黎世市学校心理支服务处的报 告,对于指出 孩子们自杀倾向加重,母亲过世的消息使他们原有症状加重的这部分内容,法庭 [...]
4.14 Regarding the report from the school
[...] psychological support services of the city of Zurich [...]
dated 19 November 2008, the Tribunal
has some reservations about the portion of the diagnosis which indicates that the children run a greater risk of suicide and that their pre-existing symptoms have been aggravated by the news of their mother’s death.
其成员来自五 个次区域,即中亚、东亚、太平洋、南亚和东南亚,另有三大国际妇女网络的代 表参与:亚太妇女、法律和发展论坛、国际妇女信息通 服务处 以 及 亚太妇女资 源和研究中心。
It is represented by five subregions, Central Asia, East Asia, the Pacific, South Asia and South-East Asia, and is also joined by representatives of each of the three major international women’s networks: Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, ISIS International and the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women.
2009 年,联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室)通过以 下途径支助会员国努力减少全世界的犯罪、毒品和恐怖主义:研究工作,以便 为制定政策和业务决定扩大证据库;规范性工作,以协助各国批准和实施各项
[...] 国际条约,制订关于毒品、犯罪和恐怖主义的国内立法,并为条约机构和理事 机构提供实质性务和秘书处服务; 外 地技术合作以及制定和执行区域方案和 专题方案。
Recommendations In 2009, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) supported Member States in their efforts to achieve a world safer from crime, drugs and terrorism through research to expand the evidence base for policy and operational decisions; normative work to assist States in the ratification and implementation of international treaties, the development of domestic legislation on drugs, crime and terrorism
and the provision of
[...] substantive and secretariat services for treaty bodies [...]
and governing bodies; and field-based technical cooperation and the development and implementation of regional and thematic programmes.
食典委还注意到了关 于东道国政府以实物形式为食典计划提供支持(会议场所、口笔译 务 、 当 地秘 处服 务)及 向食典秘书处提供借调人员(目前有三名专业人员)的有关解释。
The Commission also noted the explanation on in-kind contributions provided to the Codex programme on the one hand from host governments (meeting venues, translation, interpretation and local secretariat) as well as through secondments to the Codex Secretariat (presently three professional staff members).
2009年10月1 日,人权理事会通过了第12/1 号决议,题为“审查人权理事
[...] 会工作和运作情况不限成员名额政府间工作组”。该决议请秘书长就改善对理事 会的会议务和秘书处服务向理 事会第十五届会议提交一份报告。
On 1 October 2009, the Human Rights Council adopted resolution 12/1 entitled “Open-ended intergovernmental working group on the review of the work and functioning of the Human Rights Council”, in which it requested the Secretary-General to present
a report to the Council at its fifteenth session on how to improve
[...] conference and secretariat services for the Council.
审计工作提出 7
[...] 项高优先建议,涉及:填补重要空缺员额出现延误,在指导 和工作程序方面有不足处,服务合 同 管理不力,差旅规划不足,差旅报销处理 [...]
The audit made seven high-priority recommendations, related to: delays in filling key vacant posts; gaps in guidance and work
processes; poor management
[...] of contracts for services; inadequate planning [...]
for travel and delays in processing travel claims; and lack
of a regional fund-raising strategy.
斯派曼日本总部位于东京区(札幌),通过其销售/服务机构(包括位于大阪的销售办 处 ) 服务 亚 洲 市场,并通过其多语种销售和工程团队提供专家技术支持
Headquartered in Tokyo area(Saitama), Spellman Japan serves the Asian markets through its Sales/Service facilities (including a satellite sales office in Osaka), and provides expert technical support via its multi-lingual sales and engineering staff.
尽管对近东 救济工处服务的需 求持续增加,但是,筹资金额 几乎没有任何变化,这使令人担忧的财务不稳定情 [...]
Notwithstanding the steady increase in the
[...] demand for UNRWA services, however, the [...]
volume of funding had barely changed, which
had led to the worrying financial instability now affecting the UNRWA budget.
(a) 管理工作人员甄选系统的实施,包括向纽约联合国总部中央审查机构提 供秘处服务、向 总部以外的中央审查机构秘书处提供专家咨询意见,以及协助 [...]
(a) To manage the implementation of the
staff selection system, including the
[...] provision of secretariat services to the central [...]
review bodies at United Nations Headquarters
in New York; provide expert advice to central review body secretariats away from Headquarters; and contribute to the development of policies for the work of the central review bodies in the Organization




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