单词 | 有系统 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 有v—bev havev existv 系—faculty relate to arrest tie fasten bind tie up worry be (literary) button up
而第二种方 法,则透过有系统地分析有关公司的股本成本和借贷成 本,以及所涉及的风险,订定投资回报率。 forum.gov.hk | The second approach determines a rate of return by systematically analysing the cost of equity and the cost of debt to the company taking into account the relevant risks involved. forum.gov.hk |
该决策也必须将与现有系统设计的相容性纳入考量。 seagate.com | That decision must also include consideration of [...] compatibility with anexisting systemdesign. seagate.com |
教师应提供机会让学生能有系 统地連系这些概念和掌握追这些技能。 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Teachers should provide [...] opportunities that enable students to link these concepts and master the skills ina systematic way. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
因 此,我 们 已 於二 零 一 一 年 推 行 一 项 计 划,透过有 系 统地检查 我 们 的期租船舶的能源效率,寻找机会减少我们的海运燃油消耗。 glencore.com | Consequently, we launched a project in 2011 to explore opportunities for reducing our shipping fuel consumption by systematically examining the energy efficiency of our time-chartered vessels. glencore.com |
如有系统中断、不稳定及可能需 要启动紧急程序的其他情况,监察队伍即会依照既定程序 [...] 采取行动,并向高级管理层汇报,以保障客户利益。 htisec.com | A vigilance team will act and report [...] to the senior management in accordance with laid-down procedures in the event of disruption, [...]instability and other situations which may warrant to trigger contingency procedure to protect interests of clients. htisec.com |
该成员建议政府參考祖国在这方面的经 验,尽快成立专门机构,专责其事,并制订文化保育政策,有系统、有计划、有步骤地进行文化保育工作。 forum.gov.hk | The member called on the government to draw reference from the experience of the Mainland in this area and establish a designated institution as soon as possible to take up the relevant [...] responsibility, and [...] formulate a policy on safeguarding the ICH so as to conduct the safeguarding work in a systematic, well-planned [...]and organised manner. forum.gov.hk |
优惠总利益以直线法确认为租金开支减少, 惟 有 另一有 系 统基准更 能 代 表 租 赁 资 [...] 产 使 用 经 济 利 益 之 时 间 模 式 则 除 外。 evoc.cn | The aggregate benefit of incentives is recognised as a reduction of rental [...] expense on a straight-line basis, except [...] where anothersystematic basis is more[...]representative of the time pattern in which economic [...]benefits from the leased asset are consumed. evoc.cn |
因此, [...] 我们须对具代表性的食物样本的反式脂肪酸含量进行有系统的研究分 析,以便更清楚了解本地食物含反式脂肪酸的情况。 cfs.gov.hk | Thus, a systematic analysis on TFA [...] content with representative sample of food is [...] required to provide a more complete picture [...]of TFA content in local foods. cfs.gov.hk |
4.9 从事各形式服务的顾问及与公司、商号、合夥、慈善、政治及非政治人士及组 [...] 织、政府、公国、君主及共和国州份及国家相关各类事宜的谘询人业务,以及从 [...] 事金融、工业、开发、建筑、工程、制造、分包、管理、广告、专业业务及私人 顾问的一切或任何业务,以及对各类项目、发展、业务或产业及与该等业务相关 的所有系统或程序及其融资、规划、分销、营销及销售的扩展、开发、营销及改 良方式及方法提供意见。 chinaallaccess.com | 4.9 To carry on the business of consultants in connection with all manner of services and advisers on all matters relating to companies, firms, partnerships, charities, political and non-political persons and organisations, governments, principalities, sovereign and republican states and countries and to carry on all or any of the businesses of financial, industrial, development, architectural, engineering, manufacturing, contracting, management, advertising, professional business and personal consultants and to advise upon the means and methods for extending, [...] developing, marketing [...] and improving all typesof projects, developments, businesses or industries and all systemsorprocesses relating [...]to such businesses [...]and the financing, planning, distribution, marketing and sale thereof. chinaallaccess.com |
这是因为我们采取了更积 [...] 极进取的树木风险管理手法,我们的树木管理部门力求透过有系统地进行树木风 险评估,以及透过市民提出的投诉而进行社区监察,找出危及公众安全的问题树 [...]木,并迅速处理这些风险。 devb.gov.hk | This reflects our more proactive approach to tree risk management, whereby our tree management departments seek to identify [...] problematic trees posing risks to public [...] safety through systematictree risk assessment [...]and community surveillance by way [...]of tree-related complaints received from the public, and promptly address these risks. devb.gov.hk |
教师可因应学生的需要有系统地编排学习内容。 3890.com.hk | Teachers may arrange the [...] learning contentin any logical sequence [...]which takes account of the needs of their students. 3890.com.hk |
此一发展使得各方需要能够更完善地实作现有标准,同时加强现有的介面 标准,以管理新的效能需求并保持与现有系统架构的相容性。 seagate.com | This development has created a need for improved implementations of the existing standards, as well as enhancements to existing [...] interface standards, to manage the new performance requirements while keeping [...] compatibility with existingsystem architecture. seagate.com |
不过,就15个关键州分的调查而言,有线新闻网络就提供了非常有系统的参考资料。 hkupop.hku.hk | Nevertheless, CNN's surveys in the 15 states have indeed provided very systematic reference materials. hkupop.hku.hk |
主席先生,在开源节流方面,我们仍会继续进行有系统的研究和探索,希望在未来发掘更多值得开拓的项目和节省更多资源,使房委会继续有效率地如常运作,为市民服务。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Mr Chairman, we will continue to look at and explore other possible means of increasing income and cutting down expenditure in a systematic manner in the hope of generating additional income and achieving more savings so as to enable HA to continue its efficient operation in serving the community. housingauthority.gov.hk |
全民投票的争议中确实有不少概念不清、用词不准和政治挂帅的毛病,我们希望透过这次合作和共同研究,起码做到两点我们自我设定的要求,即带动公民教育和有系统地整理相关资料。 hkupop.hku.hk | The debate on referendums indeed contains many misconceptions and misuses of languages and is highly politicized. Through this cooperation and research, we hope to achieve [...] at least two self-determined goals, which are to initiate civic [...] education and systemically organize related [...]information. hkupop.hku.hk |
政 府 补 助 金 的 主 要 [...] 条 件 为 本 集 团 应 购 买、兴 建 或 以 其 他 方 法 收 购 非 流 动 资 产 并 於 资 产 负 债 表 确 认 为 递 延 收 入 并 且 按 [...] 有 关 资 产 的 可 用 年 期内有 系统及合理 地 计 入损 益内。 evoc.com.cn | Government grants whose primary condition is that the Group should purchase, construct or otherwise acquire non-current assets are recognised as deferred income in [...] the balance sheet and transferred to profit [...] or losson a systematic andrational [...]basis over the useful lives of the related assets. evoc.cn |
說出有关的建议会否引致任何添加效果 [...] 透过本课题的学习,学生可建立以下的价值观和 态度: y 欣赏有系统地组织科学资料的重要性 y 认識科学与科技的应用所带來的益处和影响 [...]y 重视保护地球资源 y 明白为了社会可持续发展,有必要使用其他能源 [...]y 重视安全使用和贮存燃料 y 认識合成物料用途广泛和应用它们时的局限性 y 关注环境,并为社会的可持续发展培养一份共同承担的责任感 334.edb.hkedcity.net | Students are expected to develop, in particular, the following values and attitudes: y to appreciate [...] the importance of organising scientific [...] information ina systematic way. yto recognise [...]the benefits and impacts of the application [...]of science and technology. y to value the need for the conservation of the Earth’s resources. y to appreciate the need for alternative sources of energy for sustainable development of our society. y to value the need for the safe use and storage of fuels. y to appreciate the versatility of synthetic materials and the limitations of their use. y to show concern for the environment and develop a sense of shared responsibility for sustainable development of our society. 334.edb.hkedcity.net |
配合PassKit的API及其他支援工具,任何企业都可快捷简单地把安全,具吸引力的电子券与现有系统整合,令其顾客可以方便地与品牌作出互动。 ipress.com.hk | In combination with the PassKit API, and other supporting tools, any business can quickly and easily [...] integrate dynamic, secure mobile passes into [...] their existingsystems,providing their [...]customers with a convenient, engaging way to interact with their brand. ipress.com.hk |
寻找同伴还是单独侠-纽西兰是个文明的国家,非常安全也很有系统。 4tern.com | Finding A Travel Mate Or Travel Solo-New Zealand is a civilized [...] country, safeand systematic. 4tern.com |
(b) 二零一零年新设立的高级学生辅导主任(支援服务)职位,以管理和统筹 [...] 整个大学范围内给予残障学生的支援服务,使支援变得更加有系统和全面,并且管理港大用作购买有关学生所需的学习设备和服务的融合教育基 [...]金,同时促进校内对残障人士之需要的意識和了解。 ugc.edu.hk | (b) created a new post of Senior Student Advisor [...] (Accessibility Support) in 2010 to manage and [...] coordinatemore systematic and comprehensive [...]support across the University to students [...]with a disability, manage the University’s Inclusive Educational Funds supporting the purchase of equipment and/or services that are necessary for these students’ studies, and promote campus awareness and understanding of disabilities. ugc.edu.hk |
为了有系统地长期培养创新者,整个体系都必须创新,重新思考、重新定位,建立能够互补的新策略,结合新方法与传统模式。 thisbigcity.net | Therefore, to [...] achieve programs that createinnovators [...]in a systemic and continuous way, there needs to be whole systems [...]innovation where the system has to be rethought, repositioned with new strategies created. thisbigcity.net |
4.10 管理、广告、专业商业及个人顾问,以及就扩展、发展、市场推广及 [...] 改善所有類型之专案、发展、商业或行业之手段及方法以及有关这類 业务及融资、规划、分配、市场推广及销售之所有系统或程序提供意 見。 gbinternational.com.hk | 4.10 management, advertising, professional business and personal consultants and to advise upon the means and methods for extending, developing, marketing and improving all types of [...] projects, developments, businesses or [...] industriesand all systemsorprocesses relating [...]to such businesses and the financing, [...]planning, distribution, marketing and sale thereof. gbinternational.com.hk |
至於只 雇用 1 名毕业生的私人公司/机构,我们先按行业排序,而在每行业当中,再按雇员人数有系统地从中随机抽取 70%的私人公司/机构作为样本。 ipass.gov.hk | For companies/organizations employing only 1 graduate, they were listed in order of industry, and within industry, by employment size, and 70% of them were selected for the survey, usingasystematic random sampling method. ipass.gov.hk |
在基金会董事李敬天先生的领导下,我们致力提供有系统及趣味性的音乐课程,其中誉满全球的YAMAHA儿童音乐课程更是由日本YAMAHA音乐基金会精心设计;专为启发小朋友的音乐潜能和兴趣,冀能达到成就德育教化,又能帮助身心健康发展的音乐课程。 tomleemusic.com.hk | A variety of music courses are offered among which is the world famous Yamaha Music Program specially designed by Yamaha Music Foundation, Japan for young children to acquire strong musical skills and enhance personal development in an exciting and fun environment. tomleemusic.com.hk |
或被他的弟子尊称为「格西拉」)设计了三种特殊的精神修行课程来为我们在现今世界上提供有系统地学习和练习噶当佛法,分别是:普及课程( [...] GP )、基础课程( FP )和导师训练课程( TTP )。 meditation.hk | Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, or 'Geshe-la' as he is [...] affectionately called by his students, hasdesigned three special spiritual [...] programs for thesystematic studyand practice [...]of Kadampa Buddhism [...]that are especially suited to the modern world: the General Program (GP), the Foundation Program (FP), and the Teacher Training Program (TTP). meditation.hk |
我们不必对在学校中教授宗教课的整个问题作研讨,但我们必须强调,教授宗教不只限於学校课程内的「宗教课」,而必须明确地,以及有系统地教给学生,以避免在学生的心灵内,造成对於一般的知识及宗教知识之间可能产生的曲解。 catholic.edu.hk | Without entering into the whole problem of teaching religion in schools, it must be emphasised that, while such teaching is not merely confined to " religious classes " within the school curriculum, it [...] must, nevertheless, also be imparted [...] explicitly andin a systematicmanner to prevent [...]a distortion in the child's mind between [...]general and religious culture. catholic.edu.hk |
但是就算 CCTV 摄影机可以通过测试,证明机器具有超过 540 HTVL 的解析度规格,使用者也无法从一般安装中取得超过 540 条解像线,因为所有实务上的 CCTV 应用都有系统方面的限制。 pixim.com | But it turns out that even if a CCTV camera can pass a test that validates a resolution specification over 540 [...] HTVL, the end user is not [...] going toget morethan540 lines out of a typical installation because of system limitations common [...]to all real world CCTV applications. pixim.com |