

单词 有空的

See also:


have time (to do sth)


(there are) some (who are...)
some (exist)

空的 adj

empty adj
bare adj

External sources (not reviewed)

他們大部份在夏季有空,有關方面現正安排在法庭日誌內編入他 有空 的日期
Arrangements are now being made to fit the dates when they are available into the Court diary.
这 些包括但不限于对提供所有通信设备/基础设施、支持外地特派团 有空 运 的管 理 和分发口粮和燃料的管理的商品的招标。
These include, but are not limited to, solicitations for goods that will provide all
communications equipment/infrastructure, support the
[...] management of all air transport in field [...]
missions and the management of the distribution of rations and fuel.
對 於政府建議給予 檔戶食環署轄下街市有空置檔 位的圍內競 投權,該位委員認 為建議毫 不 吸引,因為有 的 空 置檔位大多位於交 通不便 的地點 。
He also considered that the suggestion of giving the stallholders a right to restricted auction of existing vacant stalls in FEHD markets was unattractive, because the existing vacant stalls were [...]
largely at inconvenient locations.
乘客根據本 2.1.1 條文所述在截止入 閘時間之前抵達入閘櫃檯/閘口但是因辦理出境手續延誤以致無 法在其關閉前抵達碼頭登船閘口時可選擇乘坐之 的有空 餘座位的航班,並且如乘客因此而只能乘坐比船票上所示等級要低的 座位時,乘客將不會獲得任何退款或補償。
A Passenger who has arrived at check-in counter/gate before deadline as per Article 2.1.1 here but fails to arrive at the boarding gate of the terminal before its closing as a consequence of delay in finishing immigration formalities may choose to take the next sailing subject to the availability of the seat and in case the Passenger has to travel on a lower class than that stated on the Ticket, the Passenger will not be refunded or reimbursed in any kind.
摇动配管,使配管接头的插入部分松动,让 有空 气 的液 压油喷出来。
The back pressure is proportional to the pipe size, so if the pipes are small the release and lock times will be longer.
至于限制想要 列席听审的人数,是因为法庭有空 间 的 限 制
The restrictions on the number of persons willing to participate at the hearing
[...] were due to the limited space available in the court room.
至於起飛方面,在可能範圍內,則鼓勵 盡量利用在九時前所有的空檔,雖然現時所剩㆘ 空 檔 很 有限。
As to takeoffs, airlines are
[...] encouraged to use any time slots before 9.00 pm as far as possible, though the time slots available are limited in number.
有空气管路附的上游安 装截止阀,以便在维修时进行隔离。
Install an additional shutoff
[...] valve upstream of all air line accessories to [...]
isolate them for servicing.
为了贯彻 2003 年秋季开始实施的招聘和轮换政策,已经采取了以下一些行动:从 2003 年 10 月至 12 月为工作人员举办了好几期通报宣传活动;与有关部门/局一起为确定需要公 开招聘的职位以及可能需要轮换的职位事先作出规划;2004 年 2 月在内部通报了有的空缺 职位和 2004 年所有空缺的职位;编制 2005 年将空缺的职位的公告以及发行关于教科文组 织招聘工作和新的政策框架的两本小册子;改进网络招聘(RecritWeb)和网上申请手段; 以及在教科文组织网站上更新和修改招聘信息。
The following actions have been taken to implement the policies on recruitment and rotation, launched in Autumn 2003: a series of information sessions for staff from October to December 2003; advance planning with sectors/bureaux to identify posts to be opened for recruitment, as well as rotation possibilities; internal advertisement, in February 2004, of all vacant posts and all posts falling vacant in 2004; preparation of the vacancy bulletin for posts falling vacant in 2005, publication of two booklets, on recruitment at UNESCO and on the new policy framework; enhancement of RecruitWeb, the online application tool; updating and revamping of the recruitment information on UNESCO’s Internet website.
工作实习也 可能提供一个机会,在一个雇主那里,进 有空 缺 职 位但 的 教 育 机构提供培训 的领域去学习和实践。
Work internship also makes it possible to offer an opportunity for
learning and practicing with an
[...] employer in areas where vacant posts are available but [...]
no training is offered by educational institutions.
那 份 通 知 書有 空 位 安 置 被 告的 照 片 一 幀 及 簽 字 樣 本,案 件 的 負 責 人 員 應 盡 可 能 一 併 提 交 。
The proforma makes provision for a photograph and the specimen signature of the defendant and, whenever possible, the case officer should supply these.
此外,如不更換有的空管系統,該 系統會逐漸落後於鄰近地區其他空管部門的系統,並會 限制了本港空管系統與其他地區空管系統互通的能力。
Besides, the existing ATC system, if not replaced, would gradually lag behind those used by other ATC authorities in the vicinity and would inhibit inter-operability with other ATC systems.
可是,不 論 是 對中華 旅 行 社或台 灣 其他在港機構, 我們均是 按照中 央 已訂出的 “ 錢 七 條 ” 的方針 、 政 策 來處理,我們亦 會 不 斷 在 我們有 的 空 間 內 , 進行一 些 實 質 的事務。
However, when dealing with issues relating to Chung Hwa Travel Service or other Taiwanese institutions in Hong Kong, we are following the seven principles of QIAN Qichen and policies endorsed by the central authorities.
大会第 64/230 号决议第五节第 5 段赞赏地注意到秘书处为填补联合国内罗 毕办事的现有空缺和 未来空缺而采取的措施和秘书长关于会议时地分配办法 的报告(A/64/136)第 87 至 89 段中的信息,请秘书长考虑为降低内罗毕的空缺率 采取进一步措施,并向大会第六十五届会议报告有关情况。
In section V, paragraph 5, of its resolution 64/230, the General Assembly noted with appreciation the measures taken by the Secretariat to fill current and future vacancies at the United Nations Office at Nairobi and the information contained in paragraphs 87 to 89 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/64/136), and requested the Secretary-General to consider further measures aimed at decreasing the vacancy rates in Nairobi and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its sixty-fifth session.
政府檔案處將善用有的空間, 亦沒有需要考慮在中環增 設大型的政府檔案室。
The Government Records Service will make optimal use of the existing capacity of the centres and it is not necessary to consider setting up a large government records office in Central.
[...] 學校協作的一系列活動大大改善了學生的語言學習環境,而語文支援 專責小組亦能為語文教師在改善課程發展等方面提供所 的 協 助 ,但 我們有空間以更針對的形式加強對學校和教師在語文教育方面的 支援。
While the PNET Scheme and the range of community-school interface activities have greatly enhanced the language environment that students are exposed to, and the Task Force on Language Support has provided the
needed support to language
[...] teachers on enhancing their curriculum development, there is room to strengthen [...]
support to schools and
teachers in language education in a more focused manner.
已对这些部门有的空缺职位和将于 2002—2003 年空缺的职位 进行了审查,并对每个职位招聘的先后次序和时间达成了一致意见。
A review was made of all vacant posts and posts due to become vacant in 2002-2003 in their services and an agreement was made on the priorities and the time frame for the recruitment to each post.
若校區因學位不足而不能把學生派往所選學校就讀,或家長/ 監護人沒有遞交任何入學申請,學生則會被派至一 有空 位和 有提供合適服的學校就讀。
If, due to space limitations, SFUSD is not able to grant an assignment to one of the requested schools, or in instances where the parent/guardian has not
submitted any requests,
[...] students are offered a designated assignment to a school with an appropriate service and with space available.
还有被的健康 问题,使得本案每的开庭 时间较短,即使审判 有空 , 法官完成了其他案的 工作
There are also
[...] issues with the health of the accused that necessitate the case sitting shorter court times even when courtrooms become more available and [...]
the Judges finish their commitments to other cases.
我们的目标是充分的利用您有的空 间 , 打造出有个性又实用的崭新生活环境。
Our goal is to create additional or redesigned personalized space to your existing home that will be functional, suitable and complement your existing property.
通常在已有的生产线上添加在线质量检测设备是不容易的,不是 有的空 间 不够,就是受自动化设备的制约。
Mostly the integration of additional inline quality inspection equipment for the
optimization of wafers cannot be put into action, due to limitations of the existing
[...] process automation or a lack of space.
但是使用空中 喷洒农作物的方式不符合《基本法:人类尊严与自由》限制条款中设立的相称原
[...] 则,因为这种行为违反了贝都因人口的人类尊严权,因为并非在 有的空 中 喷 洒 行动中,都会将喷洒意向预先适时通知当地贝都因人,且喷洒行动可能因此对人 [...]
However, the measure used, aerial spraying of the crops, is not consistent with the proportionality principle anchored in the limitation clause in the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty, since it violates the right to
human dignity of the Bedouin population as
[...] not in all of the aerial spraying incidents, [...]
they received proper notice in advance
of the intention to spray their crops, and as it might have caused actual damage to their health and physical integrity.
在擠塞的空域,這些科技對維持空管服務的效率尤為重 要;以及 (c) 假若未能作出改善,本港有的空管 系 統在功能和處理量方 面,都會逐漸落後於廣州、上海、北京、台灣、新加坡和南 韓等鄰近地區空管部門的系統;這些地區大多已轉用或正着 手更換新一代的空管系統。
These technologies are particularly important for an efficient ATC service in a congested airspace; and (c) in terms of functionality and capacity, without the improvement envisaged, the existing system will gradually lag behind those used by other ATC authorities in our vicinity, such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea, many of which have been or are in the process of migrating to the latest generation of ATC systems.
事實上,全港不同地區均有不同優勢,亦各有地區特色, 有的空 置工 廠大廈所能騰出的空間,本身已是一個能推動地方或本土經濟發展的龐大資 源;若能配合各區的人口特點、地理特徵和社區環境,加以發展使用,相信 必定可以為該區帶來一番新氣象。
If developed and utilized in a way which is commensurate with the characteristics of the population, geographical features and community environment of various districts, I believe these factory buildings can definitely bring a new look to the districts.
每户平均有的 空调数 量可能与直觉相反,但秘书处被告知,不仅在巴林,而且在具有类似气候条件的所 有海湾国家都有这种趋势。
The average number of units per household may be counter intuitive, but the Secretariat was informed that this is the trend not only in Bahrain but in all of the Gulf countries with similar climate conditions.
空间网络一览表》是一份关于规划中或 有的空 间 站 、地球站和无线电 天文学站的监管出版物参考清单,可从网站 www.itu.int/ITU-R/space/snl/ index.html 上查阅。
The Space Network List is a reference list of regulatory publications concerning planned or existing space stations, Earth stations and radio astronomy stations, available from www.itu.int/ITU-R/space/snl/index.html.
新的工作要求和不断的人员扩大, 有的空 间 已 经不能满足需要,因此DPWT的任务是将 有的 办 公 空间重新设计改造。
Upon the rapid expansion of Ericsson business and the new type of working model developed, Ericsson existing office is already cannot cater for the needs of expanded headcounts and the spatial requirement, therefore DPWT is engaged to deliver a new type of new office workplace model and design.
制止与国际民用空有关的非法 行为的公约》(《北京公约》)和《关于制止非法劫持航空器的公约的补充议定 书》在北京航空法国际会议期间于 2010 年 9 月 10 日获得通过。
The Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation (Beijing Convention) [...]
and the Protocol
Supplementary to the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft were adopted on 10 September 2010 at the International Conference on Air Law held in Beijing.
最后形成单层膜的空泡;据此我们推测前孢子细胞 有的空 泡 来源于线粒体,并且这种细胞器水平上的内自噬现象与前孢子细胞分化密切相关。
These results suggest that the prespore cell vacuoles is resulted from the disruption of cristea in mitochondrion, and this endoautophagy occuring at organelle level has something to do with the differentiation of prespore cell.




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