

单词 有眼不识泰山

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External sources (not reviewed)

我當時說並 不認識 Dr Eric
[...] LI 的這句 話 , 可能令 李家祥 議員的助理以為有 眼不識 泰 山 。
I guess Dr Eric LI's assistant must have thought that I was ignorant when
[...] I said that I did not know Dr Eric LI.
泰国《 宪 法》规定,传统的地方社区有权保存自己的文化、传统和当地 识 , 有 权 参 与管 理和利用自然资源以及环境。
The Thai Constitution guarantees the right of traditional local communities to enjoy their own culture, traditions and local knowledge and the right to [...]
participate in the management
and use of natural resources and the environment.
代理主席,從民協過去一直爭取落實“家庭友善”政策的經驗來看,我 們看眼前有兩座大山,使 現實和願景往往背道而馳、南轅北轍。
Deputy President, from the ADPL's experience in striving for the implementation of
family-friendly policies, we can visualize
[...] right before us two mountains which often make the [...]
reality and expectations go in two opposite directions.
对女孩教育权利和家庭成员中的平等 识不 足 , 以及对少女的健康风险识不足; 在性别作用方面,社区长者、地方教师和政治领导人缺乏正面的领 导;在全国学校课程中,没有有关妇女权利和性别平等的教育,而却存在在学校 里进行强迫的怀孕测试或其他加强性别规范的政策;直接歧视妇女与女孩或者对 她有极大 不利影响的国家立法;造成早婚和怀孕的经济压力;或上述各项综 合。
For example, if gender norms reinforce
early pregnancy, there
[...] may be lack of awareness of girls’ rights to education and equality among family members and of the health risks of pregnancy for young adolescents; lack of positive leadership by community elders, local teachers and political leaders regarding gender roles; lack of education regarding women’s rights and gender equality in national school curricula, coupled with forced pregnancy testing in schools or other policies that reinforce gender norms; national legislation that directly discriminates [...]
against women
and girls or has a disproportionate adverse impact on them; economic pressures that contribute to early marriage and pregnancy; or a combination of the above.
泰国意识到许 多人权问题的复杂性,更愿意进有建设性的对话不愿意 采取公众揭发。
Aware of the complexity of many human rights issues, Thailand preferred constructive dialogue to “naming [...]
and shaming”.
这是只有在卡拉到达,并且遇到麻烦,滚打,反对派与加护亚依 泰山 终 于 意 识 到 他 应该是 泰山 , 用 他自己的特殊的技巧, 有 人 在丛林里可以做。
It is only when Kala arrives and encounters trouble with Gunda, Uto, and Kago that Tarzan finally realizes what he is supposed to be: a Tarzan, with his own special tricks that no one else in the jungle can do.
它们将继续以务实、建设性和眼于 建识的方式寻找不确定 的经济环境中维护财 政纪律的方法,确有实效地完成商定任务,并推进 秘书长宣布的重要改革。
They would continue their pragmatic, constructive and consensusoriented search for ways to maintain fiscal discipline in an uncertain economic environment, ensure effective delivery of agreed mandates, and promote the important reforms announced by the Secretary-General.
一项识别人的方法,组成为:保存该人眼睛的至 少一部分虹膜和瞳孔的成像资料;照亮一 有 虹膜 和瞳孔的未识别的人的眼睛;对未 识 别 的 人的 至少同一部分虹膜和瞳孔至少取一次成像;将取得 的至少虹膜的成像与已保存的成像资料比较以识别 [...]
A method of identification of a person, comprising: storing image information of at least a
portion of the iris and
[...] pupil of the person’s eye; illuminating an eye, of an unidentified person having an iris and [...]
a pupil; obtaining
at least one image of at least the same portion of the iris and pupil of the eye of the unidentified person; and comparing at least the iris portion of the obtained image with the stored image information to identify the unidentified person.
各省/領 地用以描 述 這些人 的眼不盡相同,一般 包括"受 屈 的 人 "或 "對有關事宜 有 充 分 利 害 關 係 的 人 "。
The term used to describe such persons varies from one State/Territory to another and generally includes "aggrieved person" or "person who has a sufficient [...]
interest in the matter".
我求神賜我和平的心,接納那不應 改 變的,賜 泰山 崩 於前 而不變的勇氣;去改變那些我要去改變的;更求神的智慧,去辨別 那些是應改變,那些是應被接納的。
I pray that God will grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; unswerving courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
另一方面,作為權力管治的中心,“政 山 ” 在 普羅大 眼 中 是 陳情請 願甚至宣不滿的地方。
On the other hand, as an administrative
[...] hub of powers, the "Government Hill" is also, in the eyes of the masses, the place for representation, [...]
and even airing of grievances.
阿尔巴尼亚* 、亚美尼亚* 、澳大利亚* 、奥地利*
、多民族玻利维亚国* 、波斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那* 、布基纳法索、加拿大* 、智利、哥伦比亚*
[...] 、哥斯达黎 加* 、克罗地亚* 、捷克共和国* 、丹麦* 、埃及* 、芬兰* 、法国、德国*、希 腊* 、危地马拉、匈牙利、印度尼西亚* 、冰岛* 、以色列* 、意大利* 、约旦、 拉脱维亚* 、马尔代夫、墨西哥、山* 、新西兰* 、尼加拉瓜* 、挪威、巴拿 马* 、巴拉圭* 、秘鲁* 、葡萄牙* 、塞尔维亚* 、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚*、西 班牙、瑞典* 、泰国、乌克兰、不列颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国、乌干达、美利 坚合众国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国* :决议草案
Albania* , Armenia* , Australia* , Austria* , Bolivia (Plurinational State of)* , Bosnia and Herzegovina* , Burkina Faso, Canada* , Chile, Colombia* , Costa Rica* , Croatia*, Czech Republic* , Denmark*, Egypt* , Finland* , France, Germany* , Greece* , Guatemala, Hungary, Indonesia* ,
Iceland* , Israel*,
[...] Italy* , Jordan, Latvia* , Maldives, Mexico, Montenegro* , New Zealand* , Nicaragua* , Norway, Panama* , Paraguay*, Peru*, Portugal* , Serbia* , Slovakia, Slovenia* , Spain, Sweden* , Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and [...]
Northern Ireland,
Uganda, United States of America, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)* : draft resolution
我们知道现实,不是由一个“共同经验”的分离 识 , 但 眼 前 的 “判断的性质”,这使我们,因为我们的心灵是由上帝知道构成直接的现实。
We know reality, not by a "conjunction" of separated sense experiences, but by immediate [...]
"judgements of nature," which we
make because our mind is constituted by God to know reality directly.
我不知道自己是处于震惊、绝望或愤望情绪之中,但读过《Politiken》上的一篇文章后,我才明白在过去五年的网络发展中,丹麦传统媒体(或至少是《Berlingske Tidende》报纸的编辑高层)完不了解 ,也 有 学 到 任何事情,这些美国纽约媒体或广告界人 眼 中 的 常 识 , 对丹麦媒体业却是遥远、陌生与备感威胁的恶梦。
I don’t really know whether I am in a state of shock, despair or outright frustrated rage, but after reading an article in Politiken I just realized that the traditional Danish media or at least the editorial board of [newspaper] Berlingske Tidende seems to have understood nothing and learned nothing of the last five years development on the Internet.
泰山在20 11年被《创业家》杂志评为“中国最受尊敬的创业天使机构“,以及被易观国际评为“TMT领域最具 眼 风 投机构30强“。
In 2011, Taishan was awarded as “Most Respectable Angel Fund in China“ by “The Founder Magazine“ and “Top 30 VCs“ by “Analysys Consulting“.
专家组登上距机场约 1 000 米的一座山的山顶,亲眼证实 在停机坪上有 飞机,然后调转车辆。
On reaching the
[...] crest of a hill approximately 1,000 metres from the airport, the Group visually confirmed that no aircraft [...]
was present on the
tarmac and turned the vehicle.
本着平等互利、互助合作、共同发展的精神, 不 影 响 学院正常教学和管理秩序的 前提下,学院以校内实验室为基础,创建和引进了苏州工业园区脉特科技有限公司、苏 州力嘉模具有限责任公司、苏州工业园区伟智科技有限公司、苏州狮峰电器有限公司、 苏州工业园区吉特时代三维数模科技有限公司、苏 泰山 动 画 有 限 公司及苏州三维数控 有限公司。
Based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit, cooperation and common development, we have introduced onto campus offices, labs or workshops from enterprises such as SIP Mate Technology Co.
(a) 传统识、遗传资源山水、文化和精神价值与习惯法之间的联系 不 可 分 ,它们共同维 护着知识体系的完整性。
(a) Traditional knowledge, genetic resources, landscapes, cultural and spiritual values and customary laws, are [...]
inextricably linked
and together maintain the integrity of knowledge systems.
克罗地亚识 到黑山建立了增 进和保护人权的众 多 机构,并 赞扬黑山在 国家报告中作了自我 批 评 , 例 如 提及妇女的地不如男子 ,提及新闻工作者 受 到 威胁或 遭 到 殴 打有 记 录的案例, 还 提及该国社会经济条 件不利于民间 社会发展 和 非 政 府 组 织 活动的情况。
Croatia acknowledged the creation of numerous institutions in the country for the promotion and protection of human rights and commended Montenegro for the self-criticism expressed in the national report, such as the mention of the less privileged status of women compared to men, of [...]
registered cases in which journalists received threats or the fact that they have been physically
assaulted or that the socio-economic conditions in the country are not favourable for the development of civil society and the activities of non-governmental organizations.
泰山的两个最好的的朋友,TERK和Tantor(讲由布伦达炉排和哈里森·法恩)来找他,但 泰山 并 不 想 回 家与他们。
Tarzan’s two best friends, Terk and
Tantor (voiced by Brenda Grate and Harrison Fahn) come
[...] looking for him, but Tarzan does not want to return [...]
home with them.
出席会议的有澳大利亚、奥地利、巴哈马、比利时、巴西、加拿大、中国、 捷克共和国、刚果民主共和国、加蓬、意大利、日本、科威特、卢森堡、墨西哥、 摩纳哥、摩洛哥、纳米比亚、荷兰、尼日利亚、大韩民国、沙特阿拉伯、新加坡、 南非、西班牙、瑞士泰国、 土耳其、 不 列 颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和越南的观 察员。
The session was also attended by observers for Argentina,
[...] Australia, Austria, the Bahamas, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Namibia, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Viet Nam.
有这种保障,专利权就会继续被授 予给公共领域中已经存在的传统知识,虽然这些传统 识不 是 通 过书面方式公开的。
Without this
[...] safeguard, patents could continue to be granted for traditional knowledge that is already in the public domain, albeit not through written disclosure.
有关项 目包括提供在职培训和再培训(包括企业培训),加强风险群体的工 作能力和准备,增加爱沙尼亚语 识不 足 的 人提供在职学习爱沙尼亚语的机会, 从而支持他们融入劳动力市场,提供就业援助,创造受保护的工作场所 有 支助 人员或其他过渡工作机会的工作场所。
The projects included an offering of in-service training and retraining (including entrepreneurial training), increasing of the working ability and preparedness among risk groups, opportunities for persons with an insufficient command of Estonian to learn the language required at work, so as to support their integration to the labour market, employment assistance and creation of protected work places or work places with a support [...]
person as well as other
transitional work opportunities.
Lilliana了,药水,芭比公主Graciella可以是一个正常的公主并 有 继 续 作用下的爱情药水,他们到达洛杉矶光泽,登上小马穿越宫,Graciella公主 识 到 , 他们 泰 勒 和 Carrie她发送Raquelle和芭比娃娃里面一笼锁定,笼子里是无敌的一个童话充满激情的骄傲,但说话的芭比娃娃和Raquelle和道歉后,他们意识到,笼子里的酒吧开始断裂,突 有 真 正 的翅膀在他们的背上和记住的短语“宽恕让你飞”。
Lilliana gave to Barbie, a potion,
for Princess
[...] Graciella can get to be a normal princess and do not keep acting under a love potion,them arrived to Gloss Angeles, crossing the Palace aboard ponies,Graciella Princess realizes that they are Taylor and Carrie then she sends Raquelle and Barbie inside a cage locked ,the cage is invincible to pride of a fairy passionate, but after talking Barbie and Raquelle and Apologize,they realizes that cage’s [...]
bars begin to breaking,
suddenly have real wings on their backs and remember a phrase “forgiveness makes you fly”.
赞赏地注意到世界各地越来越多的政府、组织、主要群体和个人 识到 山区可 持续发展对消除贫穷的重要性,并确认山区对全球的重要性,因为山区是 地球大部分淡水的来源,是丰富生物多样性以及木材和矿物等其他自然资源的储 存地,是一些可再生能源的提供者,是民众喜爱的休闲和旅游地,也是重要的文 化多样性、识和遗产区,有这些 都带来积极的未计经济利益
Notes with appreciation that a growing network of Governments, organizations, major groups and
individuals around the world recognize the importance of the
[...] sustainable development of mountain regions for poverty eradication, and recognizes the global importance of mountains as the source of most of the Earth’s freshwater, as repositories of rich biological diversity and other natural resources, including timber and minerals, as providers of some sources of renewable energy, as popular destinations for recreation and tourism and as areas of important cultural diversity, knowledge and heritage, all of which generate [...]
positive, unaccounted economic benefits
本区域其他重要制约因素包括:能源效率、可持续运输/流动以及废物和废 水综合管理方面的挑战;缺乏针对可持续消费和生产的金融和经济框架;可持续 采购的需要;可持续产品和服务的主流 有 限 ; 有 关 可持续消费和生产以及可持 续生活方式的教育和信息不足;对如何通过可持续消费和生产提高企业竞争力的识不足; 以及在城市和农村无规划发展和减少贫穷方面的挑战。
Other important constraints for the region were the challenges of energy efficiency, sustainable transport/mobility and integrated waste and water management; the lack of a financial and economic framework for sustainable consumption and production; the
need for sustainable
[...] procurement; the limited mainstreaming of sustainable products and services; insufficient education and information regarding sustainable consumption and production and sustainable lifestyles; insufficient awareness about how to increase [...]
business competitiveness
through sustainable consumption and production; and challenges in terms of unplanned urban and rural development and poverty alleviation.
其實,很多事情,就如李嘉誠先生般,兩邊皆做了生意,他今天, 或是他在大陸的夥伴今天再透過深圳市委的派頭 泰山 壓 頂 ,曾蔭權也有say,他(局長)更沒有say ⎯⎯ 他坐在那邊,正在笑 ⎯⎯ 可是, 我們的議員卻在這裏發言。
In fact, as for many matters, such as Mr LI Ka-shing who does business in both places, if he or his partners in the Mainland impose their overwhelming force through the influential members of the party committee of Shenzhen today, Donald TSANG does not have any say.
他们很少有机会获得法律咨询,了解有关公民权利和人权信息, 不 正 式 拥 有泰 加林 区的所有权,所有这些因素使他们很容易受到排斥和剥削。
They have limited access to legal counsel and information regarding civil and human rights, and have no formal ownership or possession of the taiga; all these factors make them vulnerable to exclusion and exploitation.
泰山集团 及其供应商或本站中提到的第三方对任何损害 不 负 责 (包括 不 限 于 由损失的利润、损失的数据或业务中断而造成的损害),无论这些损害是否由于使用、不能使用本站的结果、连到本站的任何Web网站或者任何这类网站中包含的信息所引起(包括但不限于由损失的利润、损失的数据或业务中断而造成的损害), 不 管 它 们是 有 保 证、合同、侵权行为或任何其它法律根据以及事前已得到这类损害可能发生的消息。
Tai Shan Group and its supplier or the third part mentioned on the website are irresponsible for any damages(involve but not limit to damage caused by damage profit、damage data or business interruption), no matter whether these damages are caused by using、out of commission of the website、any Web site linked to the site or information involved in any kinds of sites (involve but not limit to damage caused by damage profit、damage data or business interruption), neither [...]
care whether they have guarantee、contact、tort or any other legal basis and the possible damage information received in advance.
2009 年认捐数额显著增加有:澳 大利亚、奥地利、加拿大、芬兰、德 国、日本、大韩民国、瑞典泰国和 大 不 列 颠 及北爱尔兰联合王国。
Significantly increased pledges
[...] in 2009 were made by Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Sweden, Thailand and the United Kingdom of [...]
Great Britain and Northern Ireland.




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