单词 | 有目共睹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 有目共睹—sth.speaks for itselfless common: is there for all see anyone with eyes can see it (idiom); obvious all See also:目睹—witness see at first hand see with one's own eyes 共有—in all have altogether
不过有目共睹的是 ,尼日利亚政府过去三年中大大改进 了许可证和配额制度。 multilateralfund.org | But it becomes also clearthat Nigeria has improved the licensing and quota system significantly over the last three years. multilateralfund.org |
公共治理的成果在诸如教育(2011 年年度部长级审查的主题)等方面是有目共睹的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The results of public governance are visible, for example, in education, which is the theme of the 2011 Annual Ministerial Review. daccess-ods.un.org |
过去一个月里,我们大家有目共睹,各方为找到 一条在有利于进展的环境中继续直接和谈的途径而 [...] 加紧努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the past [...] month, we have all witnessedthe intensified [...]efforts to find a way to continue direct peace talks in an environment conducive to progress. daccess-ods.un.org |
这项决议草案是在各国有目共睹世界部分地区 攻击和冲击受外交豁免权保护的外交使团和人员,包 [...] 括联合国特派团的事件不断增加的情况下提出的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft resolution [...] comes afterwe all witnessed theincreasing [...]number of attacks and assaults on diplomatic missions and [...]on individuals who enjoy and are protected by diplomatic immunity in several parts of the world, including missions to the United Nations themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
与传统的翻译公司和本地化公司不同的是,文思海辉已经在软件/硬件开发和测试方面积累了有目共睹的经验和能力。 pactera.com | Unlike traditional translation and localization companies, Pactera has proven experience and capability in software/hardware development and testing. pactera.com |
最后,在ASX 上市的悉尼铁路公司将车厢制造项目交给中铁,这家实力有目共睹并拥 有同行业最先进设施的公司。 australiachina.com.au | Consequently, the ASX-listed firm tasked the manufacture of the carriage shells to China Railways – a company with proven capacity and top-of-the-line facilities. australiachina.com.au |
威 特 在 18 世 纪 末 以 来 的 工 业 化 政 策 ﹐ 大 大 促 进 了 资 本 主 义 蓬 勃 的 城 市 地 区 的 发 展 ﹐ 成绩有 目 共 睹﹐令人 鼓 舞 。 hkahe.com | In the capitalist urban area, with Witte’s contribution in the industrialization since the very late 18th century, progress was also visible and encouraging. hkahe.com |
吴 登盛认为目前的转变是“有目共睹而且不可逆转 的”,他声明,缅甸正在“摆脱过去的政府专制统 治制度”,并且“鼓励基于容忍和对话的新政治氛 围”。 crisisgroup.org | Describing the changes as “tangible and irreversible”, he stated that the country was “leaving behind the system of authoritarian government” and “fostering a new political culture of patience and dialogue”. crisisgroup.org |
在场人士有目共睹,该决议草案与人权无关,显然是出于政治动机,旨 在为加拿大和其他提案国狭隘的政治目的和利益 [...] 服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was obvious toall present thatthe draft [...] resolution had nothing to do with human rights, but was a politically motivated [...]exercise, designed to serve the narrow political purposes and interests of Canada and the other sponsors. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过多个月来的准备、调查、资料汇集及分析等大量工 作,新一份研究报告终於完成,一轮努力後的成果是有 目共睹的。 hkcer.hku.hk | This report is the [...] productof anambitious task that [...]involved many months of preparations, field work, data analysis and compilation. hkcer.hku.hk |
凭借我们通过有针对性的沟通有效的发现和解决对利益相关者影响的能力,文思海辉在组织变革的实施方面取得大量有目共睹的成功。 pactera.com | Pactera has a proven track record of successful [...] organizational change [...] implementations, bolstered by our ability to effectively identify and address stakeholder impacts throughtargeted communications. pactera.com |
陆恭蕙作出的卓越成就有目共睹,她在2007年10月被《时代》杂志封为“环保英雄”, 在2007年被伦敦的Ethical Corporation出版公司评为当年度15位“伦理领袖”之一,2009年在苏格兰皇家顾资私人银行/金融时报共同设立的亚洲女性奖中被评为“最具影响力女性”。 hamburg-summit.com | She was recognised as one of the ‘Heroes of the Environment’ by TIME in October 2007, as well as named as one of fifteen ‘Ethical Leaders of 2007’ by the London-based publication Ethical Corporation. hamburg-summit.com |
评价和性别审计设法确定有没有将性别平等观点纳入各项政策和方案,它们 强调明确执行和监督机制的重要性,以确保为实现性别平等的成果作出有目共睹的制度化努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Evaluation and gender audits seek to determine whether a gender perspective has been integrated into policies and programmes, and they highlight the importance of clear implementation and monitoring mechanisms to ensure visible and institutionalized efforts towards gender equality results. daccess-ods.un.org |
赵无极的绘画成就是有目共睹的,他是法兰西学院美术学院院士,法国政府赋予艺术家最高荣誉的肯定,重要博物馆都有典藏他的创作。 ravenelart.com | He isa Member of the Académie des beaux-arts, which is the highest honorthat can be bestowed on an artist in France, and all leading art museums have examples of his work in their collections. ravenelart.com |
纵观全球,我们的工作以及我们所获得的收益是有目共睹的。 hydro.com | Around the world, our work and its benefits are evident in so many ways. hydro.com |
Amkor与东芝在日本合作的企业已历一年,成绩有目共睹。 ipress.com.hk | Amkor's one-year old, landmarkventure in Japan with Toshiba is proving to be very successful. ipress.com.hk |
陆恭蕙作出的卓越成就有目共睹,她在2007年10月被《时代》杂志封为“环保英雄”, 在2007年被伦敦的Ethical Corporation出版公司评为当年度15位“民族领袖”之一,2009年在苏格兰皇家顾资私人银行/金融时报共同设立的亚洲女性奖中被评为“最具影响力女性”。 hamburg-summit.com | Loh hasbeen widely recognized for her achievements, including [...] as one of the “Heroes of the Environment” by TIME in October [...]2007, named as one of fifteen “Ethnical Leaders of 2007” by the London-based publication Ethical Corporation, and ‘Woman Who Makes A Difference’ in 2009 by RBS Coutts/Financial Times’ Women in Asia Awards. hamburg-summit.com |
日本政府为联合国教科 文组织提供的积极支持和捐助也是有目共睹的。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The commitment of the Government of Japan is visible in its active support and contribution to UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
LED面板灯将来的市场前景我们是 有目共睹的,只要在中国市场,严把质量关,不打价格战,我相信,中国的LED市场一定会蓬勃发展,远超国际水平。 imigyled.cn | LED Panel light's optential market prospects [...] is obvious,we controll the quality, not price war in the Chinese market,We [...]believe that the Chinese LED market is bound to flourish, far more than international level. imigyled.com |
美国蓄意阻碍古巴实 [...] 施抗击艾滋病和结核病合作项目,这对患病人群的影响是有目共睹的,美国的这 种行为不具有任何合法性也没有任何根据,更多的是为了进一步加强对古巴政府 [...]和人民的封锁。 daccess-ods.un.org | This deliberate act to hinder the [...] implementation of threeprojects whichare known [...]to have a significant impact on segments [...]of the population has no legitimacy or foundation other than the resolve to continue tightening the embargo policy in one of the most vulnerable sectors for the Cuban Government and population. daccess-ods.un.org |
在联海稳定团进驻海地近 8 年后,建设和平和稳 定的成果有目共睹。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the nearly eight years that MINUSTAH has been in Haiti, the results of peacebuilding and stabilization efforts are visible. daccess-ods.un.org |
不要到一般的影楼,因为效果有目共睹… 摄影师谭万健 Ken Tam 能在你指定的地点为你拍摄出影棚质量的专业肖像(照片)。 zh.hkphoto.com | Ken Tam provides studio light quality (looking your best!) headshots / corporate portrait right in your office, and our portrait is more then a photograph. hkphoto.com |
那么,解决办法是两个店名字每个档案和subdirectory,短名字,是大家有目共睹的应用和悠久的名字,这是显而易见的,只有Windows95(及以后)的应用和应用已改写加入支持长filenames. datadoctor.biz | Then, the solution was to store two names for [...] every file and subdirectory, a shortname that is visibleto all applications [...]and a long name that [...]is visible only to Windows 95 (and Later) applications and to applications that have been rewritten to add support for long filenames. datadoctor.biz |
回顾过去,房署由五十年代为难民提供紧急安置,以至後期应付多次突如其来的移民潮所带来的种种问题,对看来无法解决的困难,都能一一迎刃而解,成绩有目共睹。 housingauthority.gov.hk | It is a department with a remarkable history of overcoming seemingly impossible difficulties, starting with the emergency re-housing of refugees in the fifties, and continuing with the problems thrown up bysuccessive waves of unplanned and unpredictable migration. housingauthority.gov.hk |
在其整个职业生涯中,Jerry对ADI公司和业界的贡献有目共睹。 analog.com | Jerry’s contributions to ADI and the industry were recognized throughout his career. analog.com |
过去几年,我国的经济重组取得了良好成果,市场一片兴旺,综合娱乐城效应有目共睹,稳固的经济基础吸引了众多海外投资者。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Our excellent infrastructure and politicalstability form the strong foundation for economic growth and continue to be a magnet for foreign investments. english.sccci.org.sg |
Kelapile 先生(行政和预算问题咨询委员会主席) 介绍与前文相关的咨询委员会报告(A/66/7/Add.6)时 说,尽管新的内部司法系统中有些益处是有目共睹的,但咨询委员会对实施这一系统的一些方面及其迄 今为止的影响感到关注。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions), introducing the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/66/7/Add.6), said that, while some benefits of the new system of administration of justice werealready apparent, the Advisory Committee had concerns about aspects of its implementation and impact to date. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们在这四个市场的实力有 目共睹,此外,我们亦在有可能在中长期内成为重要增长动力的其他市场展开业务及分销,其中泰国及菲律宾兩个市场 [...] 在二零一二年的新业务利润合共增长 93%。 prudential.co.uk | In addition to our well known strength in [...] these four markets, we are building our presence and distribution in other markets [...]that have the potential to become material drivers of growth over the medium and long term. prudential.co.uk |
澳门自来水於2000年率先成立「客户联络小组」加强与不同客户层面代表的沟通,有助公司过去多项政策及便民服务得以落实,成绩有目共睹;去年再接再励,成立「客户关注小组」,以终端客户作为基础,透过定期与不同客户举行会议,直接了解客户对供水服务的诉求。 saam.com.mo | He added thatas early as in 2000, the company had set up a Customer Liaison Group (CLG) to strengthen the communication with different customer representatives from the community. saam.com.mo |