

单词 有气无力


有气无力的 adj

sluggish adj

See also:

无力 adj

helpless adj


lacking strength

无气 adj

airless adj

External sources (not reviewed)

因此,我们对 “再次请总干事增加对维修和运行的预算 拨款”这有气无力的决 议草案深感遗憾。
We are therefore very disappointed to note that the draft resolution merely reiterates, rather weakly, “its invitation to the Director-General to increase the budget earmarked for the upkeep and maintenance of Headquarters”.
如果有财力,这一 切都是白力气,因为缺乏此类资源将严重妨碍任何 政府有效运作,无论是 过渡政府还是其它什么政 府。
All that will be in vain if the financial resources are not available, since the lack of such resources would be a major obstacle to the effectiveness of any Government, transitional or otherwise.
必须花力气在总部 和总部外办事处之间进有效协调。
Efforts must be made to accomplish an effective coordination between Headquarters [...]
and the field offices.
有关每种无气喷涂 机套件所包括的零配件,请参见 通用零配件 (从第 35 开始)。
Refer to Common Parts,
[...] starting on page 35, for parts included with each airless sprayer package.
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 号文件所建议的决议(提案国:奥地利、比利时、玻利维亚多民族国、布基纳法 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、
[...] [...] 葡萄牙、萨摩亚、塞内加尔、斯洛文尼亚、瑞典、图瓦卢和乌拉圭;共同提案国:巴巴多 斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织 有 的 跨 学科背景,加强教科 文组织气候变化问题上的专业力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the
[...] [...] Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary [...]
因为有通过 适当的设置调节和协调匹配的工序才能顺利无故障地进行生 产 (例如挤压型件无气穴)。
Only with proper settings and coordinated operational sequences is smooth, trouble-free production possible (e.g. no trapped air in the extruded [...]
秘书长的报告以及今天的通报都强调了以下一 些重要而明显的要素:阿富汗未来需要一种明智而现 实的政治愿景以及实现这一愿景的可靠政治进程;尽 管单靠军事力无法解 决阿富汗冲突,但我们不能忽 视安全保障对于确保在其他领域,例如在治理、发展 和人权领域取得进展的重要性;必须使阿富汗政府本 身成为一个能够提供基本服务和采取反腐行动的可 靠有效伙 伴;此外,显然需要高度重视发展阿富汗 的能力,以便朝阿富汗人发挥主导作用方向过渡。
The Secretary-General’s report and today’s briefings underline some crucial and evident factors: the need for an intelligent, hard-headed political vision for Afghanistan’s future and a credible political process to achieve that
vision; the fact that
[...] while military efforts alone will not resolve Afghanistan’s conflict, we cannot lose sight of the importance of security to making progress in other areas, such as governance, development and human rights; the indispensability of a credible and effective partner in the Afghan Government itself that can provide [...]
basic services and
take action against corruption; and the obvious need to give priority to developing Afghan capabilities in order to transition to Afghan ownership.
他说,缔约方第 二十一次会议作出了关于氟氯烃无 害 环 境替代剂的第 XXI/9 号决定,请执行委员会“在 拟定和运用关于特别是对氟氯烃淘汰项目与方案的资助标准时,考虑于适当情况下对产生 较多气候效益者增加提供资金和(或)提供鼓励 [和 ]在审议项目与方案的成本效益时,考 虑到需有气候效益。
He recalled that the Twenty-First Meeting of the Parties had taken
decision XXI/9 on
[...] HCFCs and environmentally sound alternatives, which requested the Executive Committee, “when developing and applying funding criteria for projects and programmes regarding in particular the phase-out of HCFCs,… to consider providing additional funding and/or incentives for additional climate benefits where appropriate…[and] to take into account, when considering the cost-effectiveness of projects and programmes, the need for climate benefit”.
虽然发展中国家对导致全球 金融危机气候变 化所起的作用最小,但它们受到 的影响却是最大的;因此,它无力 实 现 包括确保 环境可持续性在内的某些千年发展目标。
Developing countries, while contributing the least
[...] to global financial crises and climate change, were the most affected by them; hence their inability to meet some of the MDGs, including [...]
that of ensuring environmental sustainability.
它欢迎对法律的拟议修订,并要求 提供进一步资料,说明贝宁打算如何确保 有 被 剥 夺自由的人,包括那 无力聘 请律师的人聘请律师。
It welcomes the proposed change in the legislation and requests further information on how Benin intends to ensure that
access to a lawyer is
[...] guaranteed to all persons who are deprived of their liberty, including those who cannot afford to retain [...]
a lawyer.
大赦国际呼吁迅速、公正和有效地调查 有 对 侵 害妇女的 力 的 举 报,政府 应确保将有责任者绳之以法,受害者得到赔偿,妇女在法律与实践 无 保 留有与男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective
investigation of all
[...] reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to justice and the victims granted reparations and that women be granted unqualified equality [...]
with men in law and in practice.
同样地,发展中国家通常有准备或 无力 中 和 因建立或加强知识产权而使价格 上升这个问题对受保护产品使用产生的影响,特别是对低收人口。
Similarly, developing countries are generally
[...] unprepared or unable to neutralize the impact that price increases [...]
resulting from the establishment
or reinforcement of IP rights may have on access to protected products, particularly by the low income population.
此外, 产品对兑水量的容限也相当高, 在掺水过多的情况下有稳定性能, 可防止水分沉降, 使表面平整无气泡。
What’s more, the product is highly forgiving when too much water is added, generating an outstanding
stabilizing effect that
[...] prevents sedimentation and produces an even, bubble-free surface – even in the presence of [...]
excess water.
前瞻性声明:除了本文包含的历史信息之外,本新闻稿陈述的事项,包括双方开发和构建三频无线解决方案的计划、三频解决方案提升无线设备性能和功能从而支持新型计算和娱乐应用的预期 力 、 三 频设备与 有无 线 网 络产品和标准的预期兼容性、以及Atheros和Wilocity的计划、目标、预期和意图,均属《1995年私人证券诉讼改革法案》中定义的前瞻性声明。
NOTE ON FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this press release, including the parties' plans to develop and build tri-band wireless solutions, the expected capability of tri-band solutions to enhance the performance and functionality of wireless devices to enable new computing and entertainment
applications, the anticipated
[...] compatibility of the tri-band devices with existing wireless networking products [...]
and standards, and the
plans, objectives, expectations and intentions of Atheros and Wilocity, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
各方还必须下更多的力气来履 行国际义务 并清除那有损于着力打有罪不 罚现象的因素,诸如缺乏政治意愿、法律和司 法基础结构薄弱,以及调查和追究的协调配合不足或资源与经费的匮乏等因素。
More must be done to enforce compliance
with international
[...] obligations and to address factors that undermine efforts to combat impunity, such as the lack of [...]
political will, weak
legal and judicial infrastructures, and the insufficient allocation or absence of resources and expertise to conduct investigations and prosecutions.
妇女在国会中的代 表性不足、妇女部门被边缘化和对妇女的 力 问 题 仍然是妇女面临的挑战, 此外有气候变 化、减少灾害、贸易与经济发展等更广泛的挑战。
The lack of women’s representation in parliament,
marginalization of women’s
[...] departments and violence against women continued to be challenges for women along with the broad challenges of climate change, disaster [...]
reduction, trade and economic development.
目前,柬埔寨还有无家 可归个人和家庭 的真实统计 数 字 ; 因此,王国 政府正在力收集 这方面的准确数据,以 便 制 订 战 略 和实际方案 , 为有 无 家 可 归者提供适当的住所。
Currently, there is not real figure about the number of
[...] people and homeless families in Cambodia; therefore, the Royal Government is working so hard to research for accurate data about this in order that to prepare strategies and actual programmes to provide all of them proper residences.
任何这类重大政治改革无可避 免要经受严峻考验,但缅甸政治精英们就根本性变 革的必要性已达成广泛共识,这意味着局势逆转的 风险较小;同时心怀不满的民众有 结 成 有 组 织的 团体,因而无力阻挠改革进程。
Any such program of major political change must inevitably face serious tests, but the broad consensus among the political elite on the
need for fundamental
[...] change means that the risk of a reversal appears low; there is no coherent group of disaffected individuals with the power to undo the [...]
许多发达国家和发展中国家仍然 允许家庭和学校实行“轻微”或“合理”的惩罚,因而助长了 力气 氛 , 研究显 示,这气氛具有世代相传的特点。
Many developed and developing countries still allow “light” or “reasonable” forms of
punishment in the
[...] home and the school thus fostering a climate of violence, which — as research [...]
demonstrates — is reproduced
from generation to generation.
研究开发能够实现“零排放”的热水锅炉和蒸汽锅炉水处 理技术、锅气力排灰 渣技术和“零排放 无 堵 塞湿法脱硫技术。
Research and develop hot water
[...] boiler and vapor boiler water treatment techniques that can realize "zero-discharge", boiler vapor ash ejecting techniques and "zero-discharge" non-block wet [...]
desulfurization techniques.
劳工。第三,各项劳工组织法律文书引起的报告义务对摩纳哥这样的国家 不胜繁琐,无力切实和有效履 行这些义务。
Thirdly, the reporting obligations resulting from the various ILO legal
instruments were too
[...] onerous for a State like Monaco, which would not be in a position to respect these obligations with diligence and efficiency.
除了这些国家力消除 饥饿与贫困之外,发展中 国家的社会经济指标还表明,金融和经济危机以及此 前的粮食危机——有气候变 化的影响及其对粮食 安全的威胁——已导致《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹资 问题多哈宣言》所侧重关注的领域出现了新情况。
In addition to these
[...] countries’ efforts to combat hunger and poverty, the economic and social indicators of developing countries show that the financial and economic crisis and the food crisis that preceded it — as well as the impact of climate change and its [...]
threat to food security
— have led to new developments in the areas on which the Monterrey Consensus and the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development were focused.
过度气无法改善密封性,还可 能会引起黏膜缺血,造成装置移位, 有 可能 致使胃液引流导管折叠。
Over inflation may not improve the seal, may be associated with mucosal ischaemia, may cause the device to be dislodged and may cause the drain tube to collapse.
在大力发展基础设施和 追求出色的专业管理的同时,西班牙还花 力气 培 养 年轻的专业歌唱家,他们有幸成 为在过去半个世纪中统领抒情诗世界的一代人的继承者。
This development in infrastructure, and in the quest for excellence in professional management, has been accompanied by the rise of an excellent young core of professional singers, worthy heirs of the generation that reigned in the opera world in the mid-twentieth century.
继续并进一步发展土著人民多样 化的土地、水和自然资源管理系统和知识体系、文化和治理制度,对减少其脆弱 性和支持其有气候复原力的自 主发展同等重要。
The continuation and further development of diverse land, water and natural resource management systems and knowledge systems, cultures and governance systems of
indigenous peoples are
[...] equally important in reducing their vulnerability and in supporting their climate-resilient and [...]
self-determined development processes.
(d) 借鉴适应方面的良好做法,提供信息、提出建议,供缔约方会议在就 激励执行适应行动的手段以及其他能扶持 有气 候 抗 御 力 的 发 展和减少脆弱性的 途径提供指导意见时考虑,包括资金、技术和能力建设,酌情包括针对《公约》 资金机制经营实体
(d) Providing information and recommendations, drawing on adaptation good practices, for consideration by the Conference of the
Parties when providing
[...] guidance on means to incentivize the implementation of adaptation actions, including finance, technology and capacity-building and other ways to enable climate-resilient development [...]
and reduce
vulnerability, including to the operating entities of the financial mechanism of the Convention, as appropriate
小组委员会工 作经费缺乏是一大挑战,它造成:(a) 面对面会议数量有限;(b) 发展中国家在
[...] 小组委员会中代表性不足;(c) 委员会成员对小组委员会会议的参与不足;(d) 工 商界在某些小组委员会的代表有时 被 认为不成比例,尤其是在出席会议方面; (e) 秘书无力为此 类会议提供支持,并以研究、专家论文和起草建议对各小组 委员会提供充分支持。
Lack of funding for the work of the subcommittees is a major challenge resulting in: (a) a limited number of face-to-face meetings; (b) underrepresentation of developing countries on the subcommittees; (c) insufficient participation of Committee members in subcommittee meetings; (d) what is sometimes perceived as a disproportionate
representation of the business sector on certain subcommittees, especially in attendance
[...] of meetings; and (e) the inability of the secretariat to support such meetings, and to sufficiently support the [...]
with research, expert papers and drafting suggestions.
[...] 国家深感担忧的问题:以往的审议大会及筹备委员 会未能针对核武器国家制订一份有时限 有 约 束 力、 无条件 的计划,用以消除其武器库,即呼吁裁军谈 [...]
判会议设立一个小组委员会,就这样的一份计划进 行磋商。
The current Conference must address the grave concern of non-nuclear-weapon States, including Syria, regarding the failure of past review conferences and
preparatory committees to set forth
[...] a time-bound, binding, unconditional programme for [...]
nuclear-weapon States to eliminate
their arsenals, namely, by calling on the Conference on Disarmament to establish a subcommittee to undertake negotiation of such a programme.
提供无偏见 、技术上又可靠的数据和信息,对 有气 候变 化活动都非常重要:它是落实适应和缓解政策的关键,也是开展以可靠的科学证据为基 础的活动的关键。
The provision of unbiased and technically sound data and information is fundamental to all climate change action: [...]
it is critical for
enabling adaptation and mitigation policies as well as for ensuring that activities are based on sound scientific evidence.




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