

单词 有毛病

See also:

有毛 adj

hairy adj

有病 adj




External sources (not reviewed)

經測試後,若有關系統或系統的部分設備證 有毛病 , 便 須 停止運作,直至修理妥當,並經合資格檢驗師證明已通過隨後的覆 [...]
Any defective systems or parts found [...]
defective as revealed by the tests should be stopped from operation until the defects
have been rectified and certified by a competent examiner to have passed a verification test.
旦藥物出了 毛病,或移植到㆟體的物有毛病時 , 那麼到底誰㆟應負責任呢?
Who then should be liable, should it be found that the medication is at fault or the implants made of faulty materials?
在他访查的一些营地,特别 是非正式营地,不是完全没有夜间照明,就是有也不亮 有毛病。
In several camps he inspected, in particular unofficial camps, there is either no lighting at night or, if there is any, it does not work or is faulty.
多位同事剛才發言說 很多司機可能也是剛剛驗了身,但每個人也 有毛病。
Many colleagues said earlier that many drivers may have just undergone medical check-ups and that everyone may have some health problems …… President, if you and me doze off during the meeting of this Council, this may
not cause much harm to others, but this is not so if
[...] professional drivers have problems which they themselves do not know.
環境食物局副局長回 應 時確認,認可承辦商 須 提 供 保 用期,在此 期 間內會 免費更有 毛病的過濾器。
In response, DS(EF) confirmed that the authorized contractors would be required to provide a warranty period during which faulty traps would be replaced free of charge.
至於制訂法例,為消費者提供尋求補償的途徑方面,我很高興告知各位議員,律政司會 邀請法律改革委員會研究關於管 有毛病 或 不 安全貨品引致損害補償問題的現行法律,並 建議作出適當修改。
compensation, I am happy to inform Members that the Attorney General will invite the Law Reform Commission to consider the existing law governing compensation for injury and damage caused by defective or unsafe goods and to recommend such changes in the law as may be considered appropriate.
香港社會有毛病的, 而特首的思維卻是這個病的病源的一部分, 教育政策無論如何小修小補,都很難修改過來。
There is something wrong with our society and the way of thinking of the Chief Executive is one of the sources; we can hardly put it right no matter how the education policy has been patched up.
我們現時說的不 單是職業病,但如果每個人的毛病......主席,好像你和我在議會裏打
[...] 瞌睡,這是不會連累很多人的,但如果職業司 有毛病 他 們 自己卻不知 道......不單是職業病,不單是因為休息時間不夠,而是他們本身的飲 [...]
These problems may not only be caused
[...] by occupational diseases, it may be caused [...]
by insufficient rest time, their diets,
habits or their health, there may be a lot of reasons.
現時的私人醫療保險,在某程度上是“搵笨”的,因為 譬如你患病一次,例如心有毛病, 那 一次是可以獲得賠償,但以後有關的 疾病便不再受保了。
Private health care insurance is "duping" to a certain extent, because although compensation would be
made to an insurer for the first time he falls ill,
[...] say, a heart disease, all subsequent illnesses will not be [...]
如果 有任何 跡象顯示, 某 個 型
[...] 號的車輛出現廢氣排 放 的 問 題 , 是由於設計有毛病, 我們便 會 對此展開調查, 並 [...]
檢討對這 種 車輛發 出 的 型 號 檢 定 。
If there is any indication that a vehicle [...]
model has emission problem due to defects in design, we would investigate the
case and review the type approval given to that model.
規劃環境㆞政司答:副主席先生,我剛才已答過㆒個類似的問題,就是,房屋委員會 知道有部分房屋,例如在防水或去水系統 有毛病 , 因 而已決定加以改善。
SECRETARY FOR PLANNING, ENVIRONMENT AND LANDS (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy President, earlier on I have answered a similar question and said that the Housing Authority knows that problems like leakage or failure of the sewage system do exist in some blocks, and the Authority has decided to make good those defects.
当这些报有毛病或不 合格时,在格式方面缺少有用的信息 --和在根本问题上--例如:在“法律或国内的做法和有关公约之间存在严重分歧”时--可以专 门要求某些政府提交报告。
When reports are flawed or inadequate, in form – lack of useful information – or in substance – for instance in the case of 174 EX/22 Part II – page 6
Gapirjanov先生20004年8月13 日曾说他的耳有毛病,检 查后发现 他患有耳炎。根据这位专家,这种疾病的潜伏期是一个月,所以指称受害人的疾 [...]
According to the expert, the incubation period before the
[...] manifestation of such diseases was around one [...]
month, i.e. the alleged victim’s disease
had started prior to the victim’s arrest.
關於公屋單位在建造㆖出現的㆒般毛病,例如滲水、水管敷設 不佳和其他小問題,房屋委員會已經同意,不管有關單位是否將予出售,都會 有毛病的 ㆞方修妥。
I should mention here, on the general question of construction defects such as water seepage, plumbing and other problems, that the Authority has already agreed to make good the defects irrespective of whether these flats would be sold.
不過,倒過來看,當司機申報自己身 有毛病 後 ,便會即時遭運輸 署撤銷駕駛執照,對職業司機來說,有如“自己炒自己魷魚”,試問有誰 會願意打破自己的“飯碗”呢?
But from the drivers' angle, when they declare that they have problems with their health, their driving licences will be immediately revoked by the TD. To the professional drivers, this is like giving themselves the sack and so, who would be willing to smash his own "rice bowl"?
香港有一種情況是國際 知 名 的,便 是 空氣污染, 因為我記 得不久 之前, 在報章 看 到全球 最 受 歡 迎 的 旅遊指 南 之 一 Lonely Planet, 在 介紹香港及 澳 門 時 , 以煙霧 彌 漫 的 香港作為封 面 , 作 者 並 勸 告 所 有 呼 吸 系有 毛 病 的人切 勿 在 夏 天 來 香港。
Air pollution in Hong Kong is notorious internationally, as I recall reading in newspapers a short time ago that one of the most popular tourist guides in the world — the Lonely Planet used a picture of a smoggy Hong Kong as its cover in introducing Hong Kong and Macao.
香港有不少市民對自己的健康一直不聞 不問,其實他們不一定是不愛惜健康的,可能以為自己身體好,無必要 驗身,或不想面對現實,採取迴避態度,以為甚麼也不理會便沒問題, 但其實當他們驗身後,如發現身體出現毛病,固然會及早接受治療,但 即使有毛病,但看到那些數據不理想時,亦往往能促使他們為了健康 而改善生活習慣,以及願意在往後的日子裏接受驗身。
In some other cases, it might be that they do not want to face the reality and so they adopt an avoiding attitude and think that there would not be any problem if they just do not bother about anything.
(b) 在抽查期間若發現巴有任何毛病, 巴 士公司須即時予以修復,達 致令運輸署汽車檢驗主任滿意的程度,有關的巴士才會獲准恢復正 [...]
常 服 務。
If defects are found on a bus during spot checks, [...]
the bus companies are required to rectify them immediately and to the
satisfaction of Transport Department’s Motor Vehicle Examiners before the bus can be released for normal service.
这些说法往往有“技术决定论” 毛病 , 根据 这种理论,不管是其倡导者或反对者都假定, 技术能够自动发展而不受人类、社会或政府的 [...]
Often such claims depend on some form of ‘technological determinism’ [...]
in which advocates or opponents presume that technology
develops autonomously, and is beyond human, social, or governmental control.
[...] 事会对新西兰继续施加压力,要求它履行条约义务,就 毛 利 人 有 关 的 特别程序 的建议采取行动。
It urged the Council to continue to apply
pressure to New Zealand to meet its treaty obligations and act on the recommendations
[...] of special procedures relating to Maori.
這些兒童毛病必須對其學習需有 直 接及顯著的影響。
In such children it is important that their condition has a direct and significant impact on their learning.
我有一病人有上述毛病,患 病达二十年之久,在1990年曾做手术並装上人工关节,行动仍不方便,需用手杖,尤其在要起立时非常困难,在服用NONI果粉三天后,便可以不使用手杖。
One of my patients have the above problems, the prevalence of up to twenty years, in 1990 have operation [...]
and fitted with artificial
joints, action is not convenient, need to stick, in particular to stand up is very difficult, taking NONI powder after three days, we can not use a walking stick.
故事根據英女皇之父佐治六世的史實改編,英皇次子伯特(Colin Fifth飾)臨危登位,可惜自小有口吃 毛病 , 令他和皇后伊莉沙伯(Helena Bonham Carter飾)飽受困擾。
Based on the true story of King George VI, the British monarch who suffered from a stammer, the film tells the story of Bertie (played by Colin Fifth) and Queen Elizabeth (played by Helena Bonham Carter) seeking help from an avant garde speech therapist Lionel Logue (played by Geoffrey Rush).
不 要 擔 心 , 當 空 氣 污 染 指 數 介 乎 101 至 200 之 間 時 , 對 一 般 人 的 健 康 只 會 造 成 輕 微 影 響 , 主 要 是 那 些 對 空 氣 污 染 敏 感 的 人 ( 例 如有 呼 吸 或 心毛 病 者 ) 可 能 會 受 到 影 響 。
When the API is between 101 and 200, the health effects are mild and mainly those people who are susceptible to air pollution (e.g. those with breathing or heart problems) may be affected.
此外,以往有不少調查均指出,很多職業司機因工作而患有便秘、 骨痛、視力退化、胃病、肥胖等 毛病 , 有 的 甚至患有隱疾,好像梁家 騮議員剛才所說,患上高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病等,也未必察覺。
Furthermore, it has been pointed out by a number of surveys that many professional drivers are suffering from minor illnesses, such as constipation, bone pains, poor eyesight, stomach-ache, obesity, and so on.
全民投票的爭議中確有不少 概念不清、用詞不準和政治掛帥 毛病 , 我們希望透過這次合作和共同研究,起碼做到兩點我們自我設定的要求,即帶動公民教育和有系統地整理相關資料。
The debate on referendums indeed contains many misconceptions and misuses of languages and is highly politicized. Through this cooperation and research, we hope to achieve at least two self-determined goals, which are to initiate civic education and systemically organize related information.
這兩個題目,都是與政府㆒貫所犯 毛病有 關 , 就是缺乏遠見和缺乏㆒個 全面的規劃。
Today, the subject of our debate is environmental protection policy. The subjects of both debates bear on an inveterate shortcoming of the Government, which is its lack of vision and lack of comprehensive planning.
應每天喝8至10杯10安士的清水;當然,迅速治療一些急性泌尿系統感染 毛病 , 亦 有 助 避 免膀胱結石;只有新陳代謝出現問題的人士,才需要奉行特定飲食模式。
Drinking large amounts of fluids-8 to 10 ten-ounce glasses a day-is recommended. Prompt treatment of urinary tract infections or other urologic conditions may help prevent bladder stones.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应 病 虫 害和 疾 病 的 爆 发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制 有 关 标 准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植病虫害和疾病造 成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor,
diagnose, report and
[...] respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety [...]
threats and emergencies,
as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域, 有这 些 都直接回应肯尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门 以应对艾病毒和艾滋病;提 高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on the following strategic areas of support, all directly responding to strategies and results contained in Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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