

单词 有期徒刑

See also:


prison sentence




prison term

External sources (not reviewed)

事实上的加沙当局说,目前在押的所有人都在接受刑事调查,或是 已被判有期徒刑
The de facto authorities stated that all persons currently under
[...] detention areunder criminal investigation or havebeen sentencedto prisonterms.
虽然英国驻德黑兰大使馆常常向伊朗当局提出解 决这些案件的请求,但尚未取得任何进展,包括被判四有期徒刑出上诉方 面。
Despite frequent requests to the Iranian authorities by the British Embassy in Tehran to
resolve these cases, no
[...] progresshas been made, including on the appeal by the individual whowassentenced to four years [...]
in prison.
(4)如果本条第 1 款和第 2
[...] 款所述犯罪者公开威胁,造成 1 人或多人 死亡,判处 3 年至 15 有期徒刑
(4) If an offender as of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article pronounced threats due
to which one or more persons died, the offender shall be punished by
[...] an imprisonment sentenceofthree to fifteen years.
凡 被判定有罪的,都面临着六个月至五年有期徒刑去媒体报道资格。
Anyone convicted
[...] faces aprison sentence of between six [...]
months to five years, and loses his or her media accreditation.
上诉分庭认为,由于 对 Ntabakuze 的一些定罪被撤销,需要对其无期徒刑进行改判,上诉分庭于是作有期徒刑35的新判决。
The Appeals Chamber considered that the reversal of some of Ntabakuze’s convictions called for a revision of his life sentenceand entered a new sentence of 35 years of imprisonment.
第三审判分庭判定 Protais Zigiranyirazo(商人)犯有灭绝种族和灭绝行径 这一危害人类罪,判处其两有期徒刑20和一有期徒刑15,同时执行。
Trial Chamber III convicted Protais Zigiranyirazo, a businessman, for genocide and
extermination as a crime against
[...] humanity and sentenced himto two terms of 20 years’ and one term of 15 yearsimprisonment, tobe served [...]
第三审判分庭判定 Simon Bikindi(歌手和作曲家)直接公开煽动种族灭绝, 判处有期徒刑15
Trial Chamber III convicted Simon
Bikindi, a singer
[...] and composer, fordirect and public incitement to commit genocide and sentenced himto 15 yearsimprisonment.
(4)如果因本《刑法典》第 327 条第 4 款、第 328 条第 3 款和第 4 款、 第 329 条第 3 款和第
[...] 330 条第 2 款所述的行为,造成 1 人或多人死亡,犯罪 者须处以 1 年至 8 年有期徒刑
(4) If as a result of acts referred to in Articles 327, paragraph 4, 328, paragraphs 3 and 4, 329, paragraph 3, and Article 330, paragraph 2 of the
present Code one or more persons died, the offender shall be punished by
[...] animprisonmentsentence of one to eight years.
关于安乐死问题,《刑法》规定,凡是诱导或帮助他人自杀并且自杀已遂 的,将被判处一年至五有期徒刑
With respect to euthanasia, the Criminal Code establishes that anyone who encourages or
assists another person to commit suicide is liable to from 1 to
[...] 5 yearsimprisonment if the suicide [...]
attempt is successful.
[...] 自生产、分发、供应或推销有害健康的化学产品或物质,应处以五(5) 年以上十一(11)年以下有期徒刑前法定最低月薪二百(200)至一 千五百(1 [...]
500)倍的罚款,并取消服刑期间担任公职或从事任何专业、 艺术或商业活动的资格。
Anyone who, without permission from the relevant authorities, produces, distributes, supplies or markets chemical products
or substances harmful to health
[...] shall be liable to aterm of imprisonmentof between [...]
five (5) and eleven (11) years, a fine
of between two hundred (200) and one thousand five hundred (1,500) times the current minimum statutory monthly wage and disqualification from holding public office or carrying out any professional, artistic or commercial activity for the duration of the sentence.
[...] 3 款和第 4 款所述行为,将对犯罪者处 以罚款或判处不超过 1 年有期徒刑
(5) If an act as of paragraphs 3 and 4 of this
Article is done out of negligence, the offender shall be liable to a fine
[...] orimprisonment fora termnot exceeding one year.
(3)任何人如携带甲烷、其他易燃气体或危险炭屑进入矿井或进入油 田或气田的建筑物,或试图携带进入这类矿井或建筑物构成危险行为的易燃 物质或其他物品,判处 3 个月至 3 年有期徒刑
(3) Anyone who brings into a pit with methane or other inflammable gas or dangerous carbon dust or brings into a building at an oil or gas field or tries to bring easily inflammable substance or other goods whose bringing
into such a pit or building is dangerous, shall be
[...] punished by an imprisonment sentenceofthree months to three years.
除了不动产和动产的所有权之外,王国政府还保护知识产权、着作权、 商标保护权等,并通过《过渡性刑法》保障这些权利。其中第 2 和第 3 条规定, 凡 是 伪 造 在柬埔寨或 其他国家合 法使用的商 标权,都属 于 侵 权行为 , 应 被 判 处 5 到 15 有期徒刑
In addition to the ownership of immoveable and moveable assets, the Royal Government of Cambodia prepared Intellectual Property Right, Author’s Right, Right to Protect Trade Mark, etc. and got them guaranteed by the Transitional Criminal Law which was stated in paragraphs 2 and 3 that any individual who falsifies the Trade Mark that
is legally used in
[...] Cambodiaor in othercountries shallbe charged with falsified act and shall be sentencedfrom5to 15 years imprisonment.
他因以下罪 名被判有期徒刑10:“通过建立库尔德斯坦人权组织危害国家安全”、“通过 传播新闻广泛宣传反对现制度”、“通过公开传播石刑和处决等处罚的消息反对伊 [...]
He was sentenced to 10 yearsin prison oncharges of [...]
“acting against national security through establishment [of] HROK”,
“widespread propaganda against the system by disseminating news”, “opposing Islamic penal laws by publicizing punishments such as stoning and executions” and “advocating on behalf of political prisoners”.
上诉分庭撤 消了对 Ntawukulilyayo 的判刑,重新判有期徒刑20
The Appeals Chamber set aside Ntawukulilyayo’s sentenceand imposed a newsentence of20 years of imprisonment.
防范小组委员会还获悉另外三起案件,圣佩德罗苏拉市的当值法官分别以 非法拘禁罪和酷刑罪判处几名警察人员四年到八有期徒刑带剥夺政治权 利。
The Subcommittee took note of three cases in each of which the trial judges in San Pedro Sula had sentenced police officers to four
years and eight months’ imprisonment and a ban on holding public office, for the
[...] offences of wrongful detention and torture.
(2)任何人如非法将炸药和易燃材料带入作为大批人集会场所的房舍 或任何其他建筑物,或将这类材料带入大批人集会或即将集会的场地,也将 受到本条第 1 款所有期徒刑罚。
(2) Sentence referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall also be imposed upon anyone who unlawfully brings explosive or easily inflammable material into a premise or some other building which is the venue of gathering of a larger number of
people or brings such material into a place where a
[...] large number of people gathers or where such gathering isforthcoming.
[...] 罪行的未成年人的状况和社会环境有非常敏感的认识,在大多数情况下,即使 法律规定有期徒刑留,法院仍会采取监外教养措施。
Lebanon reported that Lebanese courts are very sensitive to the status and social circumstances of minors who have committed a particular offence
and in most cases impose alternative measures to imprisonment even if the
[...] law provides for a prison sentenceordetention.
2011 年 2 月初,刚果民主共和国当局在下刚果省逮捕了 77 人,最终以参加人民 抵抗军为由判处他们 20 有期徒刑
Early in February 2011, the authorities of the Democratic Republic of the Congo arrested 77
individuals in the province of Bas Congo
[...] and eventually sentencedthem to 20 years’ imprisonment for having participated in ARP.
本法第 7 和第 8 条指出,“凡是提供场地进行卖淫或其他猥亵行为者, 应处以一至五有期徒刑处以五百万(5 000 000)瑞尔到三千万(30 000 000)瑞尔 的 罚 金;如果是重犯 ,上述处 罚 加 倍 。
Articles 7 and 8 of this Law state that “Any person who opens a place forcommitting a debauchery or obscene acts, shall be punished to imprisonmentfrom one to five years and with a fine penalty of from five million (5,000,000) Riels to thirty million (30,000,000) Riels.
(3)如果因本条第 1 款和第 2 款所述行为造成动物或植物生命大规模
[...] 毁灭或造成需要较长时间或大笔费用才能消除其影响的大规模环境污染,犯 罪者判处 1 年至 8 年有期徒刑
(3) If due to acts as of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, animal or plant life is destroyed to a large extent or the environment polluted to such an extent that a longer period or
major expenses are needed to remove its consequences, the offender shall be
[...] liableto imprisonment of one to eight years.
欧洲人权法院在 2009 年的裁决中作出结论,法国没有错误解释第 7 条 保障的合法性原则。(b)
[...] 在一项 2008 年裁决中,下莱茵省巡回法院判处一名突 尼斯国民哈立德·本·赛义德八有期徒刑其作警务专员期间,于 1996 年 下令在坚杜拜警察局对一名突尼斯妇女施加酷刑。
In a 2009 decision, the European Court of Human Rights concluded that France had not misinterpreted the legality principle guaranteed in article 7; (b) In a 2008 ruling, the Court of Assizes of the Bas-Rhin convicted Khaled Ben Said, a national of Tunisia,
to eight years’
[...] imprisonment forhaving ordered, while he was Police Commissioner, the tortureof a Tunisian [...]
woman at the police station in Jendouba in 1996.
任何人非法进口、引入、 出口、制造、购置、拥有、供应、贩运、运输或处置哥伦比亚批准的各 项国际条约或现有条文所界定的危险、放射性或核物质、废料或残渣, 应处以四十八(48)个月以上一百四十四(144)个月以下有期徒刑及当前法定最低月薪一百三十三.三三(133.33)至三万(30 000)倍的罚 款。
Anyone who unlawfully imports, introduces, exports, manufactures, acquires, has in their possession, supplies, traffics in, transports or disposes of a hazardous, radioactive or nuclear substance, waste or residue defined as such in international treaties ratified by Colombia or in existing provisions shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of between forty-eight (48) and one hundred and forty-four (144) months and a fine of between one hundred and thirty-three point three three (133.33) and thirty thousand (30,000) times the current minimum statutory monthly wage.
答复委员会在第 1090/2002
[...] 号来文(Rameka 诉新西兰)中的意见时,缔约国建议为 被判预防性拘留的囚犯提供机会,使其能够在其他适用有期徒刑后的任何 时间要求假释。
In its response to the Committee’s Views in Communication No.1090/2002 (Rameka v. New Zealand), the State party advised that it would make provision for prisoners sentenced to
preventive detention to request parole consideration at any
[...] point after the expiryof the otherwise applicable finite sentence.
Ma Khin Khin Nu 生于缅甸,是罗辛亚族人,于 2005 年根据《1982 年公民法》 被判处 17 有期徒刑名是谎报民族和骗取公民身份,在此之前,她的父亲 U Kyaw Min 和其他当选的议员一起呼吁允许议会开始运作。
Ma Khin Khin Nu, who was born in Myanmar and is
[...] Rohingya,was sentenced to17 years of imprisonment under the 1982 CitizenshipAct on charges of [...]
lying about her ethnicity
and falsely obtaining citizenship in 2005 after her father U Kyaw Min joined other elected members of Parliament in calling for the legislature to be allowed to sit.
另外,在巴拿马,非法堕胎将受到惩罚,无论孕妇本人还是实施堕胎手术的 人,都将视情节轻重被处以一年至十年有期徒刑果是因为孕妇配偶或与孕 妇共同生活者的责任造成堕胎的,将对责任人追加六分之一的刑期。
These penalties range from 1 to 10 years, depending on the circumstances, and are increased by one sixth if the person guilty of inducing the abortion is the woman’s husband or partner.




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