

单词 有效率

See also:


in effect

效率 n

efficiency n
effectiveness n
efficiencies pl
productivity n

External sources (not reviewed)

特别是,围网是捕鱼技术中燃料 有效率 的 技 术之一,尽管 与实际捕鱼相比,使用该网具的船舶往往消耗大量时间和燃料寻找 [...]
In particular, purse seining is one
[...] of the most fuel-efficient techniques for [...]
catching fish although vessels using this
gear often spend significantly more time and fuel searching for schools than actually catching fish.
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地
[...] 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够有效率地管 理机队,减少将直升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要, [...]
维修工作及事故维修和油漆采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务部分外包,以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours, as improvements in
maintenance and repairs to helipads have
[...] allowed for more efficient air fleet management [...]
that result in lower requirements
for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident repair and painting is outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace Agreement-related activities, and dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to accommodate the increase in demand, as fewer vehicles are available.
适当的营养极为有益:营养充足的人更有可能是健康的 有效率 的 和有学习能力的人。
Proper nutrition is a powerful good: people who are well nourished are more likely to be healthy, productive and able to learn.
拟设首席业务干事员额(P-3)的任职者将每天向警务专员报告整个任务区内 发生的所有事件,以便作出迅速 有效率 的 反 应;制定业务计划,通过培训、监 测、技术援助、执行警务改革方案以及特派团为东部稳定战略提供的警务支助的 业务协调,确保协调、合理有效率 地 执 行工作,特别是在国家警察体制发展和 能力建设领域;监督、协调和控制所有联合国警务部门和分部门的活动;协助警 务专员行使对建制警察部队的业务指挥权。
The incumbent of the proposed post of Chief Operations Officer (P-3) would report to the Police
Commissioner, on a
[...] daily basis, all incidents that occur across the Mission area for rapid and efficient responses; develop operational plans to ensure a coordinated, rational and efficient implementation of work, especially in the areas of institutional development [...]
and capacity-building
of PNC through training, monitoring, technical assistance, implementation of the police reform programme and operational coordination of the Mission’s police support to the stabilization strategy in the east; supervise, coordinate and control the activities of the entire United Nations police sectors and sub-sectors; and assist the Police Commissioner in exercising the operational command of the formed police units.
(f) 撤銷在指明路綫經營服務的權利或撤銷專營權:如行政 長官會同行政會議覺得,某專營公司無良好因由而沒有
[...] 或相當可能不按照第12條全面地或就任何指明路綫維持 適當有效率的公共巴士服務,行政長官會同行政會議 可指示運輸署署長向該專營公司送達書面通知,規定該 [...]
釋為何不應撤銷其在通知書所列指明路綫經營公共巴士 服務的權利,或為何不應撤銷其全部專營權(第 24(1)條 )。
(f) Revocation of right to operate a service on a specified route or of franchise: if it appears to CE in C that without good cause a grantee has failed, or
likely to fail, to
[...] maintain a proper and efficient public bus service, [...]
either generally or in respect of any specified route in accordance
with section 12, CE in C may direct the C for T to serve on the grantee a notice requiring the grantee to show cause in writing within 28 days after the service of the notice why its right to operate a public bus service on the specified routes as are set out in the notice should not be revoked, or why the franchise should not be revoked altogether (section 24(1)).
[...] 模的和日益强劲的城市化进程,需要找到新的方法和途径,努力使城市变得 更为安全、更为绿色、更为宜居、并使能源和水的供应和使用 有效率 和更 可持续。
Massive and stillrising levels of
urbanization would require new ways to make cities safer, greener, more
[...] liveable, energy- and water-efficient and sustainable.
[...] 国界破产案件的合作;(b)加强贸易和投资方面的法律确定性;(c)公平有 效率地实 施跨国界破产管理,保护所有债权人和其他有关当事人的利益, [...]
The purpose of this law is to provide effective mechanisms for dealing with cases of cross-border insolvency so as to promote the objectives: (a) cooperation between the courts and other competent authorities of this State and foreign States involved in cases of cross-border insolvency; (b) greater
legal certainty for trade and
[...] investment; (c) fair and efficient administration of [...]
cross-border insolvencies that protects
the interests of all creditors and other interested persons, including the debtor; (d) protection and maximization of the value of the debtor’s assets; and (e) facilitation of the rescue of financially troubled businesses, thereby protecting investment and preserving employment.
[...] 对措施的质量和内容作出分析将有助于充分了解是否以 有效率 的 方 式投入了 资源。
In this area, as with all the interventions described in the present report, an analysis of the quality and content of
actions would be helpful in gaining a full understanding of whether resources have
[...] been invested in the most efficient way.
6.2.19 上述主幹道車道規劃能夠有效率和 有效 地 利 用車道,減 少主幹道隧道結構寬度,從而減少建造主幹道所需的填海 [...]
6.2.19 This Trunk Road lane configuration
[...] provides a more efficient and effective use of traffic [...]
lanes, a reduced width of Trunk
Road tunnel structure and consequently a reduced extent of reclamation for construction of the Trunk Road.
(d) 妇女署是否得到有效果有效率的管 理,妇女署的资源、妇女署经管的 资金和妇女署经管的非妇女署资金是否得 有 效 果 、 有效率 和 节 约利用。
(d) The effective and efficient management of UN-Women and the effective, efficient and economic use of UN-Women resources, funds administered by UN-Women and non-UN-Women funds administered by UN-Women.
進行人力資源管理資料顧問研究的目的包括︰(a) 就一個為公務員事務局而設的人力 資源管理電子資訊系統訂定用戶需求,以 便 有效率 地 編製及在局內共用人力資源管理資 料;(b) 建議有效和便捷的方法,以收集各政府部門的人力資源管理資料;(c) [...]
訂定一 個供部門使用的基本人力資源管理資訊系統,協助它們推展人力資源管理措施及編製人
力資源管理資料;以及 (d) 建議如何將此基本人力資源管理資訊系統逐步推展至有需 要的部門使用。
The management information consultancy study seeks to: (a) define the user requirements of a CSB-based electronic human resource management (HRM)
information system to
[...] facilitate efficient compilation and sharing of HRM information within CSB; (b) recommend effective and efficient [...]
means to assist the
collection of HRM information from government departments; (c) define a core departmental HRM information system for use by departments participating in the implementation of HRM initiatives and compilation of HRM information; and (d) establish the viability of rolling out the core departmental HRM information system to other bureaux/departments which see the need for one.
其中包括建有效率的网 络、促进无害环境和制 定各部门的参与原则 (例如人才、费用和经费分 摊),集中力量共同解决问题,特别是实地项目方面 [...]
These include building effective networks, fostering [...]
an enabling environment and establishing principles of engagement for
Sectors (e.g. brain-, costand credit-sharing), as well as a strong focus on joint problem solving, especially in field projects, while incorporating traditional knowledge sources.
所提供援助正在加强这些国家的整个刑事司法 系统,帮助它做到公平有效率,并符合人权标准。
The assistance provided is strengthening the overall
criminal justice system in those countries and helping it
[...] to become fair, efficient and consistent [...]
with human rights standards.
在过去几年里,一些财政、管理、和人力资源管理责任通过执行办 公室 (EO) 与行政办公室 (AO) 的成立移交给了部门和总部外办事处以使其 有效率 和 改 进责 任制。
In the past few years, some financial, administrative and human resources management responsibilities have been devolved to sectors and field offices through the creation of
Executive Offices (EO) and Administrative Offices (AO)
[...] in order to improve costeffectiveness and managerial accountability.
在每个系统上逐一安装软件既费时又 有效率。
Installing software on every single system is both time consuming and unproductive.
为使粮食署国家业务更有效力和 有效率 及 为 支持国家工作队与各国政府 一起开展的工作而作出努力,这对于确保按照《巴黎宣言》原则、《阿克拉协议》、 [...]
在意大利拉奎拉举行的 8 国集团首脑会议和在罗马举行的 2009 年世界粮食首脑 会议的成果向国家优先事项和国家主导的战略提供尽可能最好的支持是至关重 要的。
Efforts to make WFP country
[...] operations more effective and efficient [...]
and to support the work of United Nations country teams
with Governments are essential to ensuring the best possible support to national priorities and country-led strategies, in line with the Paris Declaration principles, the Accra Accord, the summit of the G-8 at L’Aquila, Italy, and the 2009 World Food Summit in Rome.
联森论坛第二届会议通过的部长级宣言(E/2002/42E/CN.18/2002/14,第 2/1
[...] 号决议,附件)强调国际社会必须加强在资金领域的合 作,敦促兑现官方发展援助承诺 有效率 地 利用官方发展援助。
The ministerial declaration adopted by the Forum at its second session (E/2002/42-E/CN.18/2002/14, resolution 2/1, annex) underlined the importance for the international community to strengthen cooperation in the area of
finance, and urged the fulfilment of the official development assistance (ODA)
[...] commitment as well as its efficient use.
目前,区域和地区当局正在更有效率地提 供资金,以促进私营部门发展和创造就业,特别是为贫穷妇女和青年 创造就业;消除地方经济增长的制约因素,并制订投资简介和奖励措施,以吸引 [...]
Regional and district
[...] authorities are now more efficiently providing financing for [...]
private sector development and employment
creation especially for poor women and youth; addressing local constraints to economic growth and establishing investment profiles and incentives to attract both internal and external funding to stimulate economic growth.
家庭将负担高能 效汽车较高的初始成本,但可能也需要政策来诱导 生产商生产有效率的汽车。
Households will bear the higher initial cost
of efficient vehicles, but policies are likely to be needed to induce
[...] manufacturers to produce more efficiency vehicles.
(c) 有效果和效率地管理妇女署以有效 益 、 有效率 和 节约使用妇女署经管 的所有资源。
(c) The effective and efficient management of UN-Women and the effective, efficient and economic use of all resources administered by UN-Women.
该集团还高度重视拟议全球外地支助战略,该战 略将使维和行动更有效率和有成效
The Group also attached great importance to the proposed global field support strategy, which would make peacekeeping
[...] operations more efficient and effective.
政 府 當 局 一 直 有 監 察 聯 辦 處 的 工 作 , 並 會 就 其
[...] 長 遠 角 色 、 組 織 和 人 手 進 行 檢 討 , 以 確 保 聯 辦 處 能 有 效 地 執 法有 效 率 地 運 作 。
The Administration has been monitoring the work of the JO and will review its
long term role, organisation and
[...] staffing to ensure effective enforcement of the law and efficient operation [...]
of the JO.
主席先生,在開源節流方面,我們仍會繼續進行有系統的研究和探索,希望在未來發掘更多值得開拓的項目和節省更多資源,使房委會繼 有效率 地 如 常運作,為市民服務。
Mr Chairman, we will continue to look at and explore other possible means of increasing income and cutting down expenditure in a systematic manner in the hope of generating
additional income and achieving more savings so as to enable HA
[...] to continue its efficient operation in serving [...]
the community.
為確保研有效率地進 行,參與的學者可以集體決定任用研究助理協助收集和整理資料。
In order to
[...] conduct the study efficiently, the participating [...]
academics can decide together to employ research assistants
to collect and organize the information.
(g) 开展管理活动,做出管理决策,确保 有 效 力 、 有效率 和 力 行节约的方 式开展方案活动。
(g) Carries out management activities and makes managerial
[...] decisions to ensure the effective, efficient and economic [...]
operation of the programme.
虽然其代表团强调其致力于确保所有此种重要 的授权活动都得到有效发挥功能所需资源,但在支出
[...] 迅速上升的时期,尤其是在目前金融气候下,应尽一 切努力以确保资源得到有效、 有效率 和 透 明的使用。
While his delegation wished to underline its commitment to ensuring that all such important mandated activities had the resources they needed to function effectively, at a time of rapidly escalating
expenditure every effort should be made
[...] to ensure the effective, efficient and transparent [...]
use of resources, especially in
the current financial climate.
[...] 些举措的基础上继续努力,将有助于加强国家自主权,使提供援助更 有效率和 成效,并促成更好的结果。
Continued building on these initiatives, including through more inclusive and broad-based participation, will
contribute to enhancing national ownership and making aid
[...] delivery more effective and efficient and lead [...]
to improved outcomes.
它的目的是使各教会了解世界性问题,并协助各 教会促进有正义和自由的和平;发展国际法 有效率 的 国际机构;尊重和遵守人 权和基本自由,包括宗教自由;努力争取裁军;促进经济和社会正义;促进自决 [...]
Its aim is to inform churches on world issues and to assist them in promoting peace with
justice and freedom: the development of
[...] international law and effective international institutions; [...]
respect for and observance
of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including religious liberty; efforts for disarmament; the furthering of economic and social justice, the right of self-determination, and social, cultural, educational and humanitarian enterprises.
更根本的是,必须牢记,尽管特设赔偿机制非 有效率 , 但该机制仅涵盖过 渡时期司法进程的具体方面,因此必须将其视为旨在为武装冲突局势中遭受伤害 和损失的人伸张正义的一部分全球应对措施。
More fundamentally, it is crucial to keep in mind that, as efficient as they can be, [...]
ad hoc reparation mechanisms only cover
specific aspects of transitional justice processes, and must therefore be conceived as one part of a global response aiming at bringing justice to those who suffered harm and losses in situations of armed conflict.
(b) 2012-2013 两年期支助预算的编写工作应:㈠ 继续促进扩展战略计划 的执行工作,确保与成果框架全面保持一致;㈡ 支持与儿基会和人口基金保持 总体统一;㈢
[...] 确保组织可持续性,侧重加强人力资源的战略价值,改善对国家 办事处的支助,有效率地切实实现计划的发展成果。
(b) The preparation of the biennial support budget, 2012-2013 should: (i) continue to facilitate the implementation of the extended strategic plan and ensure full alignment with the results framework; (ii) support overall harmonization with UNICEF and UNFPA; and (iii) ensure organizational sustainability with emphasis on strengthening the strategic value of human resources and
improved support to country offices in
[...] line with the efficient and effective achievement of [...]
planned development results.




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