单词 | 有抱负 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 有抱负 adjective —ambitious adjSee also:抱负 n—aspiration n 抱负 pl—ambitions pl 抱有 v —have v 抱有—possess
(c) 制定“拘留工具包”,通过提供必要工具,增 强 有抱负 的 活动分子的能 力,推动在联合王国公正对待寻求庇护者。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Producing the “detention toolkit”, which will empower aspiring activists by providing the tools necessary to promote fair treatment of asylum-seekers in the United Kingdom. daccess-ods.un.org |
当前的经济危机给所有国家提出的挑战要求,要 采取一系列有抱负、有想像力的对策,提供持久而有 效的解决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The challenges posed to all nations by the current economic crisis require an ambitious and imaginative range of responses that provide effective and lasting solutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
我指示政府对这一方案进行修订,以反映若干额外的措施,旨在支 持 有抱负 的年轻商人为市场带来创新。 daccess-ods.un.org | I instruct the Government to make amendments to the programme that would reflect additional measures to support aspiring young businesspeople in introducing innovations into the market. daccess-ods.un.org |
有代表团认为,对 尤其是业绩良好和有抱负的专 业人员进行教育和培训,这对于作好准备应对诸如 气候变化等新的挑战很重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The view was expressed that education and training, particularly for established and aspiring professionals, was important to prepare for emerging challenges such as climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们敦 促发达国家在《京都议定书》后续承诺期中做 出 有抱负 且 加 强的承诺,并确保 第一承诺期与后续承诺期之间没有空白。 daccess-ods.un.org | They urged developed countries to undertake ambitious and enhanced commitments under the Kyoto Protocol in the subsequent commitment periods and to ensure that there is no gap between the first and the subsequent commitment periods. daccess-ods.un.org |
在印度之行中,他们都发现了一个共同的目标 — 充分利用这个有抱负的民族。 china.blackstone.com | In doing so, they have both identified a common cause - harnessing an Aspiration Nation. blackstone.com |
当有抱负的投资者问 如何投资 钱包 值是的第一步采取更负责任的态度,对金钱,不离开他不知道到底发生了什么,他仅在固定收益(最节省的时间)。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | When the aspiring investor asks how to invest purse values is the first step [...] to take more responsible attitudes about [...]money, not leaving him only in fixed income (most of the time savings) without knowing exactly what is happening to him. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
(b) 实施司法界竞争上岗和升迁评估标准初步培训方案,顺应国际潮流, [...] 一方面实行司法界竞争上岗的宪法机制,另一方面为 具 有抱负 的 法 官提供初步培 训机会 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Introduction of the Programme of Initial Training in Assessment Standards and Competition for Entry to and Promotion in Judicial Careers, which comply with the international tendency, which combines the constitutional [...] mechanism of entry to a career in the judiciary — by competition — and initial [...] training opportunities for aspiring judges daccess-ods.un.org |
有抱负的候选人和政党已开始筹备 2011 年的选举工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Aspiring candidates and political parties have started preparations [...] for the 2011 elections. daccess-ods.un.org |
有趣的是,越来越多的有抱负的发 展中国家银 行——比如巴西的 Banco Itau 银行——不仅遵守《赤 道原则》的要求,还严格要求对所有达到500万雷 阿尔(约 300 万美元)及其以上的项目进行审查。 banktrack.org | It is interesting to note that growing numbers of ambitious developing country banks – Banco Itau, for example, in Brazil – are not only adhering to the Equator Principles requirements, but go beyond them, in extending screening to all projects valued at 5 million Reales (about US$3 million) or more. banktrack.org |
此外,在促进新对冲基金的发展、推 动 有抱负 的 企 业家和增加投资者机会方面,我们也发挥了重要作用。 china.blackstone.com | We also play a major role in seeding the development of new hedge funds, helping to launch aspiring entrepreneurs and expanding opportunities for our investors. blackstone.com |
作为宣传计划的一部分,粮食署建立了一个 IPSAS 过渡专题特别网页,并 另外制作了关于该主题的从 2006 年到 2008 年的“进展报告”系列共 6 份,对所 有过去和即将到来的决定的相关资料做了解释或建议,提交委员会供参考、审议 或批准,从而使委员会充分知情、胸 有抱负 并 为 顺利推进过渡进程积极行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of its communication programme the WFP set up a special website page dedicated to the transition to IPSAS and produced an additional series of six “progress reports” on the subject, from 2006 to 2008, where all the relevant information on past and forthcoming decisions was explained or proposed, submitted to the Board for information, consideration or approval, thereby keeping it fully informed, motivated and active in the interests of the smooth progress of the transition process. daccess-ods.un.org |
有效的反兴奋剂方案有助于保护运动员的 健康,不仅是保护接受兴奋剂检测的精英运动员的健康,而且还保护敬佩并希望赶超优秀对手 的有抱负的运动员的健康。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Effective anti-doping programmes helps to protect health, both the health of the elite athlete subject to doping control and the health of aspiring athletes who may admire and want to emulate the elite competitor. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,同样重要的是,有抱负的成 员应表明它们致力 于解决所有会员国面临的最紧迫安全问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it is [...] equally important that aspiring members demonstrate [...]their commitment to addressing the most urgent security [...]issues facing all Member States. daccess-ods.un.org |
有抱负的投 资者股市犹豫了一下,想知道如何买股票,因为,毕竟是受害者的许多恐惧,偏见和毫无根据的恐惧。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The aspiring investor stock [...] market hesitates and wonders how to buy stocks because, after all, is the victim of many fears, [...]prejudices and unfounded fears. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
这 些改革应当是有抱负和及时的,应当大大增加发展中 国家的发言权和参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | These reforms should be ambitious and timely, and should significantly enhance the voice and participation of developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们衷心期待着与世纪营造漫长且富有成效的伙伴关系,帮助许 多 有抱负 的 年 轻会计师实现自己的目标,梦想和愿望。 systematic.edu.my | We are truly looking forward to a long and productive partnership with SEGi, assisting many aspiring young accountants to achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations. systematic.edu.my |
我认 为,我们大家都认定,我们需要一个比我们今天所拥 有的更相关、更灵活、更有权力和更为人所了解,更 重要的是,更有抱负的建 设和平委员会。 daccess-ods.un.org | I think all of us agree that we need a PBC that is more relevant, more flexible, empowered and better understood, but, most important, more ambitious than the one we have today. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过连接这些生态系统, 我们可以最终建立一个全球精英网络, 为 有抱负 的 企业家提供知名导师和创业支持,反过来,也为最能刺激经济增长的高成长型企业和行业提供支持。 china.blackstone.com | Through connecting these ecosystems, we can ultimately build an elite global network of master coaches and entrepreneurial support for aspiring entrepreneurs, and in turn, the high-growth businesses and industries that are most known to spark economic growth. blackstone.com |
迄今为止,Alfred Dunhill最富有抱负和最 令人振奋的项目,就是为男士打造一系列最顶级的商店。 parkviewgreen.com | Alfred Dunhill’s most ambitious and exciting project to date was to build a series of the greatest retail emporiums for men. parkviewgreen.com |
Photokore的目标之一是鼓励和帮助 有抱负 的 摄 影师进入图片行业。 cn.blog.photokore.com | One of Photokore’s goals is to encourage, and help, aspiring stock photographers to enter the stock photo industry. en.blog.photokore.com |
当然,不是每个人都有$ 100.000(通常是较常见的模拟器)开始在股市投资的价值,但允 许 有抱负 的 投资者,其投资具有更大的灵活性。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Of course not everyone has $ 100.000 (value that is usually more common in the simulators) to start investing in the stock market, but this allows the aspiring investor has more flexibility in their investments. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
该系列产品,从三月播出,将按照六个环球旅行的生活 , 有抱负 的 女子网球协会(WTA)明星,他们努力建设无论在场内场外他们的个人资料和增益WTA的赞助商和领先的娱乐品牌的支持协议,索尼爱立信。 technologeeko.com | The series, airing from March, will follow the lives of six globetrotting, aspiring stars of the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) as they strive to build their profile both on and off the court and gain a support deal with WTA sponsor and leading entertainment brand, Sony Ericsson. technologeeko.com |
要确保你同你有抱负的潜 在带领人共同施展具体的服事技巧,让他们获得第一手的经验,并帮助 他们在“有他们自己的导师—就是你—同他们在一起” 的安全环境下看到他们的失误,并从中 吸取教训。 sallee.info | Be sure you have performed the particular ministry skill with your aspiring leaders to give them hands-on experience and to help them to see and learn from their mistakes in a secure environment with their mentor (you). sallee.info |
(m) 在各国温室气体排减承诺分布方面并非是一种“自上而下”做法的出 发点(美国,MISC.1;俄罗斯联邦,MISC.5);被视为是一种无约束力 但有抱负的共同“愿景”,它将指明通往气候变化最终解决办法的道 路(日本,MISC.2 和 MISC.5/Add.2) daccess-ods.un.org | (m) Not be a starting point for a “top-down” approach in distribution of commitments on reduction of GHG emissions among the countries (United States, MISC.1; Russian Federation, MISC.5); be considered as a non-binding and aspirational shared “vision” which will show a pathway toward the ultimate solution to climate change (Japan, MISC.2 and MISC.5/Add.2) daccess-ods.un.org |
2002年,他实现了自己真正的理想 - 向所有心怀抱负、富有才能 并追求成功的人士提供世界一流的商业教育。 cn.lsbf.edu.sg | A talented entrepreneur, he progressed to investing in international real estate and by 2002 he was able to realise [...] his true vision of bringing a [...] world-class business education to all those with the ambition, [...]ability and drive to succeed. lsbf.edu.sg |
要保证年轻人拥有可持续的生活机会 、 抱负 和 未 来,可持续发展教育必不可 少。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Education for sustainable development is immediately necessary for securing sustainable life chances, aspirations and futures for young people. unesdoc.unesco.org |
美国研究生院委员会跟它的几个合作伙伴在 1993 年推出的一个 名为“培养未来教师”(PFF)的项目造成了全国性的影响从而 改变了很多有当大学老师抱负的个 人规划自己职业道路的方式。 fgereport.org | CGS with several partners launched a Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) project in 1993 that resulted in a national movement to transform the way aspiring faculty members are prepared for their careers. fgereport.org |
整个活动中穿插了来自不同讲演者所带来的分享,同学们都获益良多,知道应该如何在这个领域中寻求突破,并且深深的了解到“做自己”对一 个 有 理 想 抱负 艺 人 的重要性。 systematic.edu.my | Throughout the session with all the different speakers, the students were given insightful tales of how to make a breakthrough into the industry, and how it is also very important for aspiring entertainers to always “be themselves”. systematic.edu.my |