

单词 有把握的

See also:


grasp (also fig.)
sure (of the outcome)

握把 n

grip n


hold (power)
grasp and own

External sources (not reviewed)

到了1895年,丁二仲已成為有把握的 藝 術 家。
By 1895, Ding Erzhong was an artist in complete control of his medium, fully confident and producing a consistent range of masterpieces.
Overall, much uncertainty remains in identifying when and where the potential environmental and social costs of mining are too high.
然而,委员会于 1996 年重申了下述原则,即在有把握的情 况 下,秘书处应提交委员会主席审查, 由他决定是否将来函转交委员会的问题。
However, in 1996 the Committee reasserted the principle that, when in doubt, the Secretariat must inform the Chairperson of the Committee, who decides whether the communication should be transmitted to the Committee.
人力资源管理局同时制定并在 2008 年向教科文组织所的管理 人员和主管发放了有关有把握地管理人员的综合性 CD 自学工具。
HRM also developed and released in 2008 to all UNESCO managers and supervisors a comprehensive CD self-learning tool on “Managing people with confidence”.
依照私营部门司的会计政策,可以开列一笔备抵,抵充被认为 有把握 收回 的应收账款。
In accordance with PFP accounting policy, a provision may be established to cover accounts receivable that are considered doubtful for collection.
一些观察员有把握好所肩负的责任 ,没有理解阿拉伯利益须优先于个人利 益。
Some of the observers did not grasp the amount of responsibility [...]
that was being placed on them and the importance of giving
priority to Arab interests over personal interests.
有百分之百的把握股票 价格的运动系统, 有方法,可以预测的高,低 角色有足够的精度使您的投资更安全。
Although there is a system with a hundred percent [...]
sure about the movement of stock prices, There are methods that can predict
the high and low roles with enough precision to make your investment safer.
(5) 但是,能有把握地确定的是, 是否和何时保留的提出者成为一缔约国或 缔约组织,换句话说,如果它“不问条约已未生效,同意受条约拘束”(第 2 条 第 1 款(f)项)。
(5) However, what can be determined with certainty is whether and when the author becomes a contracting State or contracting organization, in other words, if it has “consented to be bound by the treaty, whether or not the treaty has entered into force” (article 2, paragraph 1 (f)).
各部 门应确保所选的签约者的出价最低,但圆满完成任务 有把握 , 而且在质量、所提 的 产品 等方的标准最有选择性。
The sectors must ensure that the contractors selected are those who, for the lowest possible price, provide the best guarantees of proper execution and the most selective criteria in terms of quality, products delivered, and so on.
Al-Harthy先生感谢天文台对阿曼提供的支援,令他们 有把握 应 付日 后 的 U S O AP 审查和为航空气象服务建立品质管理系统。
Mr. Al-Harthy thanked the Observatory for providing support which made them better equipped for their upcoming USOAP audit and the setting up of a quality management system for aviation meteorological services.
很多的非政府国际组织都承认,对自己与国家级机构成员的合作不 有 清 晰 的把握, 但这并不意味着这样的合作就不存在。
Many NGOs do recognize that it is difficult to have a clear
[...] image of their national members’ cooperation, which [...]
does not mean that it is non-existent.
9 发言者又提到同一份报告中的另一段话, 即“管理局及其成员国显然面临的一个困难是,在准确划定 200 海里以外大陆的所有地区之前,无有把握地确 定“区域 的 地 理 界线。
It was recalled that the Secretary-General of the Authority, in his report at the sixteenth session, had stated that it could be realistically anticipated that the first commercial production of resources from the outer continental shelf would occur by 2015.9 Another observation contained in the same report was recalled, namely that “[a]n obvious difficulty for the
Authority and its member
[...] States is that, until the precise delineation of all areas of continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles is known, the geographic limits of the Area cannot be [...]
established with any certainty”.10 87.
这些准则要求审 计委员会遵守道德操守规定,规划并开展审计,以便能够在判断这些财务报表是 否存在重大误报方有合理的把握。
Those standards require that the Board comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
這兩間公司將一起打造一個有吸引 力的集團,憑藉能力及規 模的優勢,把握在切 合全球商品需求增長中扮演領導角色,協助坐擁資源的國家從她們的自然財富創造價值。
Together these two companies will create a group with the capabilities and scale to play a leading role in meeting the growing global demand for commodities, whilst helping resource holding countries create value from their natural endowments.
恐怖主义是一个变化不定的概念, 难把握,部分是由于可参的只有 少 数几项国际条约和有限的判例法。
Terrorism is a protean notion difficult to address, in part because there are only a few international treaties and limited case law on which to draw.
仅举一例来说明这一点有 关青 少年培养与教育成功实践经验信息分享计划的开展就使得各国人民在这一领域里在国家 和地方不同层把握更多的机遇
Thus, to take one example, information sharing about good practice in early childhood care and education is empowering people to provide better opportunities in this domain at national and local levels.
[...] 其捐助方深刻认识到其核心预算并不是一个管理黑 洞,而是运行其教育方案的关键,因而应当被视为 是对巴勒斯坦难民的未的投资; 把握 所 有 供 资 机 会;扩大其核心预算捐助方的范围,目前对此提供 的捐款为数不多——他曾在阿拉伯联盟各国部长在 [...]
对具体项目和紧急呼吁但不包括核心预算给予了值 得欢迎的支助;扩大与各基金会和私营部门其他机 构之类的非国家行为者的伙伴关系;并继续通过更 好的规划、执行和监督活动,以经济合算的方式实 施方案。
Among the recommendations were that UNRWA must: impress upon donors that its core budget was not an administrative black hole but the key to running its educational programmes and thus
should be seen as an
[...] investment in the future of the Palestine refugees; exploit all funding opportunities; enlarge its [...]
donor base for the
core budget, to which only a small number currently contributed — a point to which he had drawn attention in Cairo at a meeting of Arab League ministers whose countries gave welcome support to specific projects and emergency appeals but not to the core budget; expand its partnerships with non-State actors such as foundations and other institutions in the private sector; and continue to be cost-effective in conducting its programmes through better planning, implementation and oversight.
實際 上 , 這 會議廳 內 在 數 碼 科技的運用上多少也有 差距,例如 我使用電腦 , 某 些 議員則不 使用 電 腦 , 或其他議員在 資訊科的把 握 方 面 有 差距, 但 這 差距並沒有造成 隔 膜 , 因 為 事 實上這只 是 一 個選擇的 問題。
For instance, I use the computer but some Members do not and there is disparity between us in respect of the mastery of information technology (IT).
一些建议涉及开展跨学科计划/行动的可能性:如开展一项有关图书馆(社区、大 学、学校、政府)与信息部门的跨学科计划,来传播信息,让尽可能多的人群受 益,为教育和终身学习做出贡献,并起到重要的文化作用;一项建议提到语言把它与 文化密切地联系在一起,作为传播和教育 有 利 于提高对第一语 的掌 握)的组成部分。
Several suggestions concern the development of possible interdisciplinary programmes/actions: e.g., the development of an interdisciplinary programme on the library (community, university, school, governmental) and information sectors, to disseminate information for the benefit of the broadest possible audience, contribute to education and lifelong learning and serve a major cultural role; one on languages, as inalienably linked to culture, integral to communication and to education (as beneficial to literacy in the first language).
亚太 经社会的宣传倡导工作将以注重实 的 分 析 工作为基础 把握 各 国内 部及各国之的不同 和差异及其在能力上的差别,其中包括男女之间 的差异和能力差别,并据此确定工作的优先顺序,从而确保那 有特 殊 需要的国家所关注的问题、特别是其中那些最不发达国家、内陆发 展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家所关注的问题,能够得到切实的解决。
Advocacy work of ESCAP will be underpinned by evidence-based analysis that captures differences and disparities among and within countries, including between men and women, according priority to ensuring that the concerns of countries with special needs are addressed, particularly those of the least developed, landlocked developing and small island developing States.
鉴于安全和发展与安理会 在维护国际和平与安全方面的首要作用之 的 相互 联系,我们可有把握地说,安理会已经为此投入大 量精力。
Given the correlation between security and development and the Council’s primary role in
maintaining international peace and security, it is safe to
[...] say that this body already invests significant efforts to that end.
跟進調查又顯示,雖然45%被訪市民認為施政報 的 主 題 「 把握 發 展 機遇、推動民本施政」切合社會需要,但 有 1 4 % 認 為施政報告建議的政策可以達到「在削減財赤和維護民生之間審慎取得平衡,讓社會可以休養生息」的目標。
Findings also revealed that, although 45% of the respondents perceived the
theme of this year's
[...] Policy Address "Seizing Opportunities for Development: Promoting People-based Governance" to be in line with the current needs of society, only 14% believed CE's proposed [...]
policies could "strike
a careful balance between reducing the fiscal deficit and safeguarding people's livelihood, and give the community adequate time to recover".
我认为,可有把握地说 ,上述三方面思想以及 伏都教观念和做法,对海地革的结 果 和形态都产生 了影响。
I think that that it is safe to say that all three streams, as well as the concepts and practices of voodoo, influenced the outcome and the shape of the Haitian revolution.
發展局常任秘書長(規劃及地政)表 示,就 落 實新界東北新發展區項目而言,私營機構參與發展 或許並非可取的模式,因為私人發展或許未能配合 政府當局的發展時間表及提供配套基建設施及公共 設的步伐 ,而根據傳統模式,政府當局可 有把 握,能 確保適時進行及帶領落實發展項目。
PS/DEV(P&L) advised that PSP might not be a desirable approach for implementing the NENT NDAs project because private developments might not synchronize with the Administration's development programme and provision of supporting infrastructure and public facilities, whereas under CNTA, the Administration could have greater certainty, ensure timeliness and take the lead in the implementation of a development project.
委员会认 为这一数据意味着:(a)
[...] 方案开支的速度没有跟上捐款流入的速度;(b) 当前现 金和投资都在增长,几乎是开发署两年的方案开支的数额;(c) 由于现金捐款业 已到位且在增加,开发署对未来活动的资金情 有 了 更 大 的把握。
The Board interpreted this data to mean that: (a) the rate of spending on programme had not kept pace with the rate of inflows of contributions; (b) cash and investments had now grown to the extent that they represented almost two years of UNDP programme expenditure levels; and (c) UNDP
had greater certainty
[...] about funding for future activities as cash contributions were already in hand, and were growing.
我們相信透把握有利的市場前景,南聯地產的優質資產組合將繼續於租戶 質素、租金收益及出租率方面提供可持續的回報。
We are confident that by capitalising on the positive market outlook, our quality asset portfolio will continue to provide sustainable returns in terms of quality tenant mix, rental yields and occupancy levels.
議員詢問:(a)申辦2019年亞運的時間 表和程 序;(b)香港是有把握成功申辦該屆亞運會;(c)政府有否總結申 辦 2006年亞運會失敗的經驗,以期作出改進;及(d)在決定是否申 辦 2019年亞運會前,政府會否考慮各項因素,包括香港市民支持 和投入的程度、體育設施是否足夠、本港運動員水平的提升、經 濟環境和相關的財務承擔、預計帶來的經濟效益及體育產業的長 遠發展等。
The Members enquired about: (a) the timetable and procedure for bidding to host the 2019 Asian Games; (b) whether Hong Kong stood a good chance to succeed in its bid; (c) whether the Government had summed up the experience of the failure in bidding of the hosting of the 2006 Asian Games and aim for improvement; and (d) whether the Government would take into account factors such as the level of support and enthusiasm of members of the public in Hong Kong, sufficiency of sports facilities, enhancement in the standard of Hong Kong athletes, economic condition and related financial commitment, estimated economic benefits to be generated and long-term development of the sports industry before the decision is made to make a bid to host the Asian Games.
通过报告的工作 ,安全理事会将在事件发生之前已经完成基础工作,并能够在局势引出赔 偿问题时更加迅速有把握地采 取行动。
The Council, through the work of the rapporteur, would therefore have already done its groundwork before the event and will be able to be more swift and sure in its actions when a situation gives rise to calls for reparations.
2007 年发表的《第四次评估报告》提出了明确的科学共 识,认为全 球变暖 是 “毫无疑问的” , 并有 90%以上的把握认为过去 50 年以来所观测到 的变暖大多是人为温室气体排放所致。
Its Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4), issued in 2007, presents a clear scientific consensus that global warming “is unequivocal” and that, with more than 90 per cent certainty, most of the warming observed over the past 50 years is caused by manmade greenhouse gas emissions.




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