单词 | 有志竟成 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 有志竟成—persevere and you will succeed (idiom); where there's a |
甘古利先生说,“所以,我总是告诉孩子们,有志者事竟成。 unicef.org | S]o I always tell [the children] that, if you have the will, there will be way. unicef.org |
不过地理标志有更广泛 的使用范围,构成了一些国家最重要的知识产权种类。 iprcommission.org | However, geographical indications have a much wider application and for some countries constitute one of the most important categories of intellectual property. iprcommission.org |
当问及如果23条通过後,市民应该如何面对,竟然有三成七的受访者主张以公民抗命的形式争取,足以显示他们反对23条的强烈程度。 hkupop.hku.hk | The strength of the opposition to Article 23 can be [...] seen from the fact that, when asked about what [...]citizens should do after the establishment [...]of Article 23, 37% of the respondents favored the strategy of civil disobedience over the idea of continually fighting within the boundary of legal acceptability. hkupop.hku.hk |
他们都是 ROHIS 和学校布教团的积极成员, [...] 前者是几乎每所公立学校都有的穆斯林学生俱乐 部,后者是为培养有志成为传教士的学生的组 织。 crisisgroup.org | All of the recruits were students or recent graduates of a Klaten vocational high school, where they had been active in ROHIS, a club for Muslim students that [...] is present in almost every state school in the country, and Corps Dakwah [...] Sekolah (CDS), for aspiringstudent preachers. crisisgroup.org |
另一个相关因素是,有关的集团成员究竟如何对待已进 入破产程序的成员的债权人。 daccess-ods.un.org | A further relevant factor may be the conduct of the related group member with respect to the creditors of the member subject to insolvency proceedings. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您知道具备上述性能的Bubber橡皮泥竟然有约95%的成分是硬质玻璃珠,您一定会惊讶不已。 wacker.com | These properties come as a surprise when you consider thatsome 95 percent of Bubber is hard glass beads. wacker.com |
我们强烈呼吁各民间组织、议会的议员们、各国政府、捐助机构和年轻人, 立即行动起来,把完成开罗人口与发展会议未竟目标的口号变成行动,到 2015 年实现人人享有生殖健康。 daccess-ods.un.org | We strongly urge a rapid response by civil society, parliamentarians, Governments, donors and young people to our [...] call to action on the [...] unfinished agendaof the International Conference on Population and Development to achieve universal access to reproductive health by2015. daccess-ods.un.org |
海通国际作为海通证券唯一的海外业务平台,矢志成为在大中华区具有领导地位的现代化全能型投资银行。 htisec.com | As the only overseas business platform of Haitong Securities, the Group is well prepared and strives to be a modern and comprehensive investment bank with leading position in the Greater China region. htisec.com |
儿童基金会有志于成为那些希望改变世界者工作的地方。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF aspires to becomethe place to workfor those who want to make a difference in the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
多年实践让我们认识到,实现和平与安全的理想 也许仍然路途遥远,但只要我们恪守《联合国宪章》 的宗旨和原则,铭记“发愤立志、同心协力、以竟厥功”的庄严承诺,坚定信念,加强合作,定能朝着共 同安全、持久和平的目标不断迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | Through our experience over the years, we have come to realize that, even as peace and security may seem a distant dream, if we all abide by the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, keep in mind our solemn resolve to combine our efforts to accomplish those aims and strengthen our conviction and cooperation, we will move ever closer to the objective of common security and enduring peace for all humankind. daccess-ods.un.org |
约旦在联合国志愿人员组织的支持下成立了国家指导委员会,由来自政府各机构、联合国各组织、非政府组织、私营部 门、媒体和有志愿人员参加的组织派出的 25 名成员组成,举办了一些得到广泛 参与的活动、论坛和讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Jordan, a national steering committee was established with UNV support, [...] consisting of 25 members from government [...] agencies, United Nations organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector, media, and volunteer-involving organizations, resulting in a number of well attended events, forums, and workshops. daccess-ods.un.org |
当父母使用这些武 器时,造成严重受伤的机会便会显着大增, 因为他更难以知道使用这些物件击打孩子时 所用的力度究竟有多少。 yorkcas.org | The risk of causing a serious injury increases significantly when these items are used, because it is harder forthe parents to know how hard the child is being hit. yorkcas.org |
工作组商定在今后一届会议上审议, [...] 在《示范法》目前仅适用于招标程序的条文中,究竟有哪些条文应当改拟,以成为适用于所有采购办法的普遍规则(A/CN.9/623,第 102 [...]段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As regards the question of simplification and standardization [...] of the Model Law, the [...] Working Group agreed that, atafuture session,it wouldconsider which provisions [...]currently applicable [...]only to tendering proceedings under the Model Law should be reformulated to become general rules applicable to all procurement methods (A/CN.9/623, para. 102). daccess-ods.un.org |
全球契约毕竟是一项志愿者的承 诺,但有一个风险,加入全球契约的公司主要想利用 联合国的名声来为自己的目的服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Global Compact was aboveall avolunteer undertaking, but there was [...] a risk that corporations would join it primarily [...]to take advantage of the United Nations brand for their own ends. daccess-ods.un.org |
并於2010年广邀国内有志一同於海外援助之组织,形成联盟形式的合作平台,藉由各组织的专业交流、资讯互通、建立合作默契,以创造有利的政策与环境,希望能提昇国内NGO在国际援助上的能量与能见度。 taiwanaid.org | In 2010, TOAIDinvited all organizationssharing the same vision in overseas [...] aid to form an alliance platform for cooperation, [...]building up a common understanding through professional exchange and information sharing among organizations to create enabling policies and environments, in hope of enhancing the power and visibility of domestic NGOs in the field of international aid. taiwanaid.org |
毕竟,只有该外国人在该国境内的居留可以被描述为非法或违法的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was,afterall,only thepresence [...] of the alien in question in the territory of the State that could be described as illegal or unlawful. daccess-ods.un.org |
泰达国际学校的学生立志成为善于沟通、有才干、对社会有用的人,从而实现自我价值、获得成就感。 tedais.org | Students achieve a sense of self-worth and fulfillment by becoming interconnected, capable and contributing members of society. tedais.org |
至于各非政府组织究竟应能在多大程度上直接向所涉国家提供援助以及对 此援助须实行多大程度的管控问题,人们持有不同见解。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is a variety of opinions concerning the extent to which non-governmental organizations should be able to deliver aid directly to the country in question and how much regulation of this process is required. daccess-ods.un.org |
设保人的姓名为相关身份识别 [...] 特征并且准确的姓名为登记处所用语文以外的另外一种语文的,规则应当澄清究竟如何对构成姓名的字母及字母上的任何重音加以调整或翻译以便与登记处 [...]的语文相符。 daccess-ods.un.org | Where the grantor’s name is the relevant identifier and the correct name is in a language other than that used by the [...] registry, the rules should clarify [...] how the characters and any accents on characters [...]that form the name are to be adjusted [...]or translated to conform to the language of the registry. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,具有讽刺意味的是,住房问题竟是界定本次危机的关键要素之一:对于人口持续增长的 发展中国家而言,必须通过建设体面的可负担住房来 [...] 减少贫民窟居民的人数,而对于一些发达国家来说却 恰恰相反:兴建住房过剩是引发危机的决定性因素之 一。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, it was ironic that theissue of housing should be one of the [...] key elements defining the crisis: for developing nations [...]with growing populations, there was a need to reduce the numbers of slum-dwellers by building decent and affordable housing units, but for some developed nations, the opposite was true: the excess building of residential units had been one of the determining factors creating the crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
若要建构全新城市,当然也可能探索另类策略,若能设计一座刻意兴建的新城市,对许多都市规划专家都像是美梦成真,毕竟能从无到有规划整座城市的机会并不多。 thisbigcity.net | It wouldnotbe unfathomable that an alternative approach [...] would be to explore the idea of an entirely new City. thisbigcity.net |
作为一家经验丰富的教育咨询公司,Elite College Link致力于帮助上海及周边地区的有志中国学生和外籍学生在取得优异成绩的同时,实现进入美国和加拿大名校的梦想。 tipschina.gov.cn | Headquartered in Shanghai and with resources also located in the United States, ECL is a highly-experienced education consultancy thathelps motivated Chinese students and expatriate students from Shanghai and surrounding areas attain exceptional results and achieve their dreams of gaining admission to the top-ranked universities throughout the United States and Canada. tipschina.gov.cn |
正如全球外勤支助战略执 行进展情况首次年度报告(A/65/643)所概述,采用了一个具体的项目方法,包括成本效益分析、预计的初期投入、经常费用、风险和缓解因素以及详细列出移交 进程各阶段和进度标志的执行计划,在此基础上确定了以下四个将职能和相关资 源移交恩德培区域服务中心的初期项目:外勤人员报到和离职;教育补助金办理; 区域培训和会议中心的运作;运输和调度综合控制中心的运作。 daccess-ods.un.org | As outlined in the first annual progress report on the implementation of the global field support strategy (A/65/643), following the application of a [...] specific project [...] methodology, including a cost-benefit analysis, projected initial investment, recurring costs, risk and mitigation factors and implementation plans detailing the phases and milestones of process to be transferred, the following four initial projects have beenidentified [...]for transfer of functions [...]and related resources to the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe: check-in and check-out of field personnel, processing of education grants, operation of a regional training and conference centre, and the operation of the Transportation and Movements Integrated Control Centre. daccess-ods.un.org |